Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Case-control study of recidivist drivers involved in fatal highway accidents in Alberta in 1970-72,1977,116,2,149-151,Bako Impaired driving,1977,116,2,121-122,Simpson Sudden death while driving,1984,131,4,312-314,Kerwin Snowblower injuries,1974,110,9,1019,Labow What may we expect of the automobile seat belt? Twenty-two more crashes with belts,1956,74,5,342-346,Campbell Motivation for sports participation in the community,1967,96,12,889-894,Stiles Psychological Sequelae of Accidental Injury: A Medico-Legal Quagmire,1967,96,8,487,Doney Blast injury,1967,96,4,207-214,De candole Fitness to fly? A case history and brief review of the literature,1970,103,7,745-746,Taylor The value of safety belts: a review,1970,102,4,391-393,Hodson-Walker Human behaviour in disaster,1969,101,10,120-121, Prediction and prevention of suicide,1969,100,18,867-868, Of suicide and folly,1967,96,16,1167-1168, Barbiturate mortality as an index barbiturate use Canada 1950-1963,1965,93,26,1336-1339,Richman The drinking driver,1965,92,,1276, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors,1971,105,12,1281,Masters Gun-shot wound of the face (case P36),1971,105,2,190-191, Cannabis and driving skills,1972,107,4,269-270, Suicide,1972,106,8,854,Hoaken Monoamine oxidase inhibitors,1972,106,6,638-639,Hussain Depression--the commonest disease. (2) Suicide,1972,106,2,175-179,Edgell Highway travel and angina pectoris,1973,108,9,1095, The battered child syndrome,1973,108,7,859-60 passim,McRae Suicide and depression in childhood and adolescence,1974,110,11,1278-1281,Garfinkel Editorial: Aspects of violence,1974,110,11,1230, Conferences view auto deaths: the 'neglected disease',1974,111,8,847-849,Korcok Letter: Suicide and depression in childhood and adolescence,1974,111,5,387-388,Green Some severe measures for the protection of abused children,1974,111,2,193, Effect on pacemakers of airport weapons detectors,1974,110,7,778-780,Johnson Tragedies with our young people: they're preventable--but how?,1974,110,2,206,Wallace Narcolepsy,1974,110,1,63-66,Murray Eye injuries in Canadian hockey,1975,113,7,663-6 674,Pashby Poisoning and poison control centres in Canada,1975,113,6,523-530,Martin Editorial: Social violence and medicine,1975,113,5,357, Mortality among patients treated for alcoholism: a 5-year follow-up,1975,113,5,385-387,De Lint Letter: Battered child and unwanted pregnancy,1975,112,9,1039,Brosseau Fatal self-poisoning with lithium carbonate,1975,112,7,868-870,Fernandez Death in amphetamine users: causes and rates,1975,112,3,299-304,Kalant Survey of impaired drivers fatally injured or surviving who caused fatal highway accidents in Alberta in 1970-72,1976,115,9,856-857,Bako Psychiatrists and terrorism,1976,115,8,797, Psychiatrists and children,1976,115,8,793-796, Alberta task force on suicide problem finds present attitudes inadequate,1976,115,6,580-582,Imlach Exercise London: a disaster exercise involving numerous casualties,1976,114,8,697-699,Theoret MacKenzie task force urges drive to cut Alberta highway deaths,1976,114,4,385-6 387,Imlach Suicide and attempted suicide among the aged,1977,117,11,1250,Blue Suicide and attempted suicide among the aged,1977,117,10,1136,Cahn Valid consent: determining the minor's ability to make decisions,1977,117,8,934 9 41,Sharpe Poisoning by drug overdose,1977,117,5,424-429, Suicide and attempted suicide among the aged,1977,117,5,418-419,Sendbuehler Retinal detachment following hockey injury,1977,117,3,245-246,Antaki Doctors torture and abuse of the doctor-patient relationship,1977,116,7,707 709-10,Cooperman Effects of seatbelt legislation and reduction of highway speed limits in Ontario,1978,119,10,1154-1158,MacKillop Prison suicides,1978,119,4,314,Hagen Eye injuries in squash: a preventable disease,1978,118,3,298 303-5,Easterbrook Registries of persons who may be overusing prescribed drugs and of patients who may be considered dangerous,1978,118,3,226-227,Clarke Child abuse by child abuse committees?,1979,121,11,1448,Emanuel Second international congress on child abuse,1979,121,5,522 527,Van Dorp Medical examination of torture victims applying for refugee status,1979,121,2,179-184,Berger "Guide for physicians in determining fitness to drive a motor vehicle",1979,120,6,644,Dygala International congress on child abuse generates a vast flow of new ideas,1979,120,1,86-8 92-3,Garner Eye injuries in racquet sports: a continuing problem,1980,123,4,268-269,Easterbrook Depression in the elderly,1980,122,5,525-32 540,Wasylenki Pseudobattered child syndrome in Vietnamese immigrant children,1980,122,4,394-395,Du Deliberate self-poisoning with Laetrile,1981,125,10,1126 1128,Gray How to prevent burns from an exploding battery,1981,125,3,243,Blattel Child abuse,1981,124,11,1423-1425,Jacobs Medicine and torture: the struggle for human rights,1981,124,7,839-840,Berger Child abuse with laxatives,1982,127,6,512-513,Zahavi Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two Canadian cities,1982,126,10,1163-1168,Verreault Psychiatrists look at violence,1983,129,10,1135-1138,Gilmore Suicide prevention,1983,129,10,1078,Batty Evidence of torture in Chile,1983,129,9,928,Kennedy The paradox of family violence,1983,129,3,221,Climie Self-harm: 2. Deliberate nonfatal self-harm,1983,129,2,121-125,Ennis Denmark's Rigshospitalet pioneers treatment for torture victims,1983,129,2,178 180,Kelly Self-harm: 1. Suicide,1983,129,1,21-3 27,Ennis The paradox of family violence,1983,128,12,1354,Finkel Perspective. The paradox of family violence,1983,128,4,400-401,Grantham Recognizing the victims of sexual abuse,1984,130,12,1605-1606,Swartz Battered wife syndrome,1984,130,12,1526,Ioannou The uncertain role of medicine in law enforcement,1984,130,11,1480-1485,Trent The Winnipeg Children's Hospital child protection centre: a provincial medical initiative,1984,130,8,981-984,McRae Battered wife syndrome,1984,130,6,709-712,Swanson Lap belt injuries,1984,130,4,349-350,Kuchtaruk Sexual abuse of children in Canada,1984,130,4,345-348,Finkel Review of traumatic injuries in regional federal penitentiaries,1985,133,3,204-205,O'Connor Physicians grapple with suicide,1985,133,2,143-145,Swartz Treatment for abusive men: do physicians have a role?,1985,133,1,58-60,Oglov Chilean medical college battling doctor participation in torture,1985,132,12,1414-1416,Goldman Family violence: guidelines for recognition and management,1985,132,5,541-553,Ghent Drunken driving: why so little progress?,1985,132,2,193-195,Katz Acute mercurial poisoning by inhalation of metallic vapour in an infant,1948,58,1,72-75,Campbell Control of T.N.T. sickness in industry,1948,58,1,19-22,Park If an atomic bomb should fall,1949,61,5,473-478,Park Findings in wartime physical examination of volunteers for air force service and some implications for the future,1949,61,5,462-467,Sellers Boric acid as a poison; report of six accidental deaths in infants,1949,61,5,447-450,Smith Visual manifestations of head injuries,1949,60,5,464-468,Hill Gunshot wounds of the genitals,1949,60,1,32-35,Campbell Accidental hypothermia,1970,103,13,1388-1389, Accidental hypothermia,1970,103,13,1357-1361,Cohen Snowmobile accidents,1970,102,4,421,Castor Of balloons and biological statistics,1970,102,2,214-215,Harrison Fractures of the facial skeleton: a review,1969,101,13,38-42,Chasmar Snowmobile accidents,1969,101,13,35-37,Martyn Of balloons and biological statistics,1969,101,5,302,Harrison Farm accidents in Saskatchewan,1969,100,16,764-769,Smith The electric shock hazard in hospitals,1968,98,21,1002-1007,Hopps Fractures occurring in a mental hospital: a two-year study to determine their cause and prevention,1967,97,23,1394-1396,Haden Neurosurgical aspects of traffic accidents: report of a sub-committee of the Canadian Neurosurgical Society,1967,97,22,1364-1368, Accidental deaths among British Columbia Indians,1966,94,5,228-234,Hole The Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada,1965,93,23,1223-1224, Side effect of phenothiazines,1965,92,,135-136,Norman The child and the snowmobile,1975,113,11-12,1061-1063,Cleary Guard against these four factors if you want to see another summer,1975,113,2,146,Wallace What's the obligation of the physician in making a safer world for children?,1975,112,8,991,Wallace Letter: Accidental hypothermia,1975,112,4,420,Hildes Effect and treatment of the diving reflex,1974,111,12,1330-1331,Hunt Letter: Asphyxiation due to choking,1974,111,10,1048-1049,Pointer Letter: Modern concepts about drowning,1974,111,2,122,Koch Letter: Hazards of bunk beds,1974,110,10,1135,Gelpke Modern concepts about drowning,1974,110,9,1057 passim,Segarra The use of mortality data in setting priorities for disease prevention,1974,110,6,679-681,Baker "Trauma Canada",1973,109,3,171-173,Grogono Bumper injuries,1973,108,11,1426-1428, Drowning and the diving reflex,1973,108,10,1209, Degloving injury of the thumb,1972,107,8,782 passim, Fractures occurring in a mental hospital. II. A further two-year study,1972,106,11,1213,Lawson Blunt abdominal trauma,1972,106,8,906-907, Fractured cervical spine,1972,106,7,792-794, Hospital electrocution,1972,106,6,628, Multiple trauma,1972,106,4,366-368, Blunt abdominal trauma,1971,105,10,1074-5 passim, Ruptured bladder,1971,105,8,862-864, Toxicological statistics for barbiturates other sedatives and tranquillizers in Ontario: a 10-year survey,1966,94,16,863-865,Gupta Psychological sequelae of accidental injury: a medico-legal quagmire,1966,95,26,1359-1363,Mann Phosphorus sesquisulphide poisoning,1951,65,6,567-568,Burgess Accidents in children,1951,65,6,531-535,Collins-Williams Some psychosomatic aspects of injuries,1951,65,4,321-325,Cappon Poison ivy,1951,64,6,513-515,Craig Poison ivy,1951,64,5,448,Clarkson Post-traumatic cerebral syndromes,1951,64,5,414-419,Richardson Poisonings common in children,1951,64,4,285-289,Brown Oesophageal foreign bodies,1951,64,2,102-107,Boyd Aspirin poisoning,1952,67,2,151-152,Ruttan Acute salicylate poisoning in children; a report of six cases,1952,67,2,117-120,Poirier Unfavourable reactions to LSD: a review and analysis of the available case reports,1967,97,20,1214-1221,Smart Tablet container children cannot open,1953,68,6,606-607,Cross A case of depression with attempted suicide treated at a general hospital,1953,68,4,381-383,Mann Fatal poisoning by sedormid (allyl-isopropyl-acetyl urea),1953,68,1,62-63,Joron Accidental mesantoin poisoning in an infant,1954,71,3,278-279,Taylor Naphthalene poisoning from the ingestion of moth balls,1954,70,3,313-314,Macgregor A family outbreak of lead poisoning from the burning of storage battery casings,1954,70,3,287-293,Wyllie Forearm fractures in childhood,1954,70,3,263-267,Melvin Two cases of ethylene glycol poisoning,1954,70,1,69-70,Cote Massive necrosis of the liver due to trichlorethylene,1955,73,11,890-891,Joron Leisure,1955,73,3,227-230,Claye Boxing injury: rupture of spleen in infectious mononucleosis,1955,73,3,213-214,Marien The mechanism of acute ferrous sulphate poisoning,1955,73,3,192-197,Brown Concussion: a misnomer,1955,72,11,816-820,Saucier Quackery in the treatment of the brain-injured child,1955,72,9,660-663,Robb Accidental poisoning with pagitane in a young child,1955,72,7,524-525,Taylor An outbreak of paralytic shellfish poisoning,1955,72,6,436-439,Naubert Some figures on lost time due to sickness and accident in industry,1956,75,5,418-420,Sellers A case of mersalyl (salyrgan) overdosage,1956,75,4,299-301,Shaw The incidence and management of common industrial eye injuries; a survey of 1107 cases,1956,75,4,284-287,Kaufmann Three cases of meprobamate poisoning,1956,74,11,908-909,Hirsch Medical research in traffic accidents; a plan for studying the problem through research units in casualty wards of teaching hospitals,1956,74,7,557-559,Elliott Mercury bichloride (corrosive sublimate) poisoning,1956,74,5,371-372,Augustine A system of vision testing for motor vehicle drivers,1956,74,5,346-352,Nicholls The social effects of attempted suicide,1956,74,2,116-120,Stengel The treatment of suicidal attempts,1956,74,2,112-115,Sisler Suicide; psychopathology,1956,74,2,104-112,Moll Acute methyl alcohol poisoning in 49 naval ratings,1956,74,1,20-27,Tonning An unusual automobile steering-wheel accident,1957,77,3,234-235,Alexandroff Injuries and deaths from accidents involving the nervous system,1957,76,10,861-866,Elliott Intoxication by aminopterin used as an abortifacient,1957,76,6,473-475,Joron Psychological and social aspects of civilian disaster,1957,76,5,385-393,Tyhurst Ocular disease and injury in the event of a national emergency,1957,76,5,381-385,Mcculloch Medical aspects of the newer insecticides,1957,76,4,310-315,Mastromatteo Carbon tetrachloride; an underrated hazard,1957,76,3,173-175,Joron Citrate intoxication,1957,76,2,141-144,Yendt The brain and the poison,1959,81,,501-503,Olszewski Medical evidence of rape,1959,81,,407-408,Sutherland Toxicity of imipramine: report on serious side effects and massive overdosage,1959,81,1,23-28,MacPherson Salicylate intoxication in the elderly,1959,80,12,983-985,Kavelman Hula-hoop syndrome,1959,80,9,715-716,Zaidi Pilot study on traffic accidents,1959,80,1,18-22,McDOUGALL Aminophylline poisoning in children,1959,80,1,6-9,Bacal The prevention of acetylsalicylic acid poisonings,1958,79,10,825-827,Breault Car driving and alcohol consumption: medical observations on an experiment,1958,79,10,793-800,Coldwell Clinical observations of suicide,1958,79,6,473-479,Straker Accidents in childhood; a survey of 150 cases in private pediatric practice,1958,79,4,241-246,Fowler Epidemic shellfish poisoning in New Brunswick 1957,1958,79,1,19-24,Bond Further figures on lost time due to sickness and accident in industry,1958,78,12,952-954,Sellers Health insurance maternity insurance and employment injury insurance in Sweden,1958,78,10,772-773,Lindencrona The problem of assessing human toxicity,1958,78,8,586-589,Conley Accidents in childhood,1958,78,8,575-579,Duncan A survey of burns at the Vancouver General Hospital from 1946 to 1955,1958,78,4,240-245,Cowan Carbon monoxide asphyxia a common clinical entity,1958,78,3,182-186,Katz Two years' experience in a poison control centre,1960,83,,418-420,Rathbun The sport of amateur boxing--good or evil?,1960,83,,432-435,Parker Automobile accidents and seat belts,1960,83,,124-125,Mcgillivray Myocardial rupture: a study in non-psychotic and psychotic patients,1960,82,,1105-1107,Kavelman Accidental poisoning by vinyl chloride: report of two cases,1960,82,,828-830,Danziger Medical problems of underwater depths,1961,85,,424-428,Macintosh Current views about seat belts,1961,85,,312-313, The interest of organized medicine in traffic accidents,1961,84,,785-788,Peart Halothane hepatotoxicity,1963,89,,944-946,Kerbel The significance of spermatozoa in victims of sexual offences,1963,89,,513-514,Sharpe Poisoning with organophosphorus insecticides,1965,93,18,966-970,Taylor Surfing injuries,1965,93,,651-652,Wiley Traumatic aneurysm of the axillary artery: a golf hazard,1965,93,,165-167,Simon Dizziness and head injury,1965,92,2,974-978,Barber Parathion poisoning from flannelette sheets,1965,92,,809-813,Parker Industrial pentachlorophenol poisoning in winnipeg,1965,92,,448-451,Bergner Accidents in childhood: a report on 17141 accidents,1964,91,,675-680,Keddy Infanticide,1964,91,,558-560,Deadman Fatal sulfur dioxide inhalation,1964,91,,345-347,Galea The neurological sequelae of electrical injury,1964,91,4971,195-204,Silversides Hematological disorders following exposure to insecticides,1964,90,3,1166-1168,Mastromatteo Accident proneness,1964,90,,646-647,Segall Medical aspects of chemical warfare,1962,87,,1187-1192,Decandole The city of Calgary plan for natural disaster,1962,87,,1168-1172,Allan Cold injury in civil disaster,1962,87,,1196-1200,Zingg Scorpionism: the first case reported in Canada,1962,87,,974-975,Wyshynski The potential radiation hazard associated with the operation of nuclear reactor in the future,1962,87,,740-744,Stewart Intrafamilial aggressive patterns: a pilot study to develop a classification of family relation-ships,1962,86,,977-980,Russell Unexpected hazards associated with drugs and chemicals,1962,86,,721-724,Sellers Hazards of hyperbaric chambers,1967,97,5,227-228,Trapp Human locomotion,1966,94,20,1047-1054,Inman Identification of potentially dangerous household products,1966,94,19,1014-1015,Gellman Problems related to the use of pesticides,1966,94,12,598-604,Fitzhugh Ammonia Inhalation Poisoning-Household Variety,1966,94,8,401,Dunn On the history of men and genocide,1966,94,6,276-291,Cormier The treatment of psychiatric patients by simultaneous use of electroconvulsive and pharmacoconvulsive therapy,1966,95,17,875-877,Roper Self-Poisoning,1967,97,10,548, Electrical burns,1967,97,9,453-458,Chasmar Peripheral neuropathy with sympathetic overactivity from industrial contact with acrylamide,1967,96,11,652-654,Auld Aminophylline poisoning in children--a reminder,1967,97,26,1612,Marion Digital Strangulation by Hair Wrapping,1967,97,25,1548,Chown Why Cross the Road?,1967,97,23,1417,Gilder Marihuana and the law,1967,97,22,1359-1361, Digital strangulation by hair wrapping,1967,97,21,1293,Hill Predictive drug toxicity. Assessment of drug safety before human use,1968,98,6,278-293,Boyd Rupture of the common bile duct by blunt trauma,1968,98,3,170-171,Plewes Digital strangulation by hair wrapping,1968,98,2,125,Chapman Electrical hazards in hospitals,1968,98,21,1007-1008,Fisher Carbon monoxide poisoning. Legal responsibility for failure to diagnose,1968,99,5,235-236,Fisher Poisonous mussels,1968,99,20,1014-1015,Gilder Severe brain injury and death following minor hockey accidents: the effectiveness of the "safety helmets" of amateur hockey players,1968,99,25,1234-1239,Fekete Mechanisms of death in shallow-water Scuba diving,1968,99,23,1128-1131,Cooperman Pesticide use by agriculture: some relevant economic problems,1969,100,4,141-144,Headley Head injuries and baby walkers,1985,132,2,96,Taylor Head injuries and baby walkers,1984,131,11,1327,Henderson Head injuries and baby walkers,1984,131,11,1327,Stewart Physicians and traffic safety,1964,90,,1422-1423,Kerwin One for the road?,1979,120,9,1048,Bennett Canadian ground ambulance services: provincial funding and standards for equipment and training,1980,123,5,373-377,Goldstein Your tax - last-minute reminders,1980,122,6,702-705,Powers Should we raise the legal drinking age?,1984,131,7,796-798,Gilmore Cerebral fat embolism,1984,131,7,755-757,Findlay Colour-blind drivers' perception of traffic signals,1983,128,10,1187-1189,Whillans Hangman's fracture in an infant,1982,127,10,1001-1002,Finnegan Should doctors promote auto occupant restraint?,1981,125,6,630 632 634,Kelly Crushed leg (Case P70),1970,103,11,1189-1190,Percy Crush injury of the leg. (Case P29),1970,102,10,1102-1104, Multiple rib fractures. (Case P58),1971,104,3,222-224, Vertebral fractures,1972,106,11,1226-1229, Transportation of sick neonates 1972: an unsatisfactory aspect of medical care,1973,109,9,847-851,O'Brien Brawls and fights legalized or otherwise,1969,100,23,1104-1105, Epidemiology of head injuries in adults: a pilot study,1969,100,5,235-241,Klonoff Cold trauma. (Case P19),1969,101,13,89-91,Percy Delirium from misuse of dimenhydrinate,1969,101,12,49-50,Brown Battered babies,1969,101,9,98, Management of the schizophrenic patient,1979,120,9,1097-1104,Seeman Emergency toxicology in a general hospital,1977,116,8,884-888,Qirbi The crisis of middle age,1973,109,10,1017-8 passim,Steiner Problems of the single-parent family unit,1972,107,9,867-8 passim,Krell The part-time prosector: a personal experience of medico-legal autopsies,1971,104,1,37-43,Emson Oral contraceptives and female mortality trends,1970,102,11,1156-1160,Anderson Suicidal attempts in children,1963,89,15,751-754,Lawler Preventing accidents in the home,1983,129,5,482 484-5,Lang-Runtz Sports injuries drowning and exposure to radiation concern Canada Safety Council meeting,1979,121,10,1404-1406,Oliver Near-drowning and hypothermia,1979,120,4,397-400,Conn Near-drowning in Canadian waters,1978,118,8,914-917,Munt Modern concepts about drowning,1974,111,2,122,Redding Trauma Rounds at the Montreal General Hospital: crushed fingers,1969,101,12,105-107,Percy The physician and the athlete,1970,102,2,137-139,Percy Mushroom poisoning in Canada: report of a fatal case,1970,102,8,858-860,Lough The nature and extent of speed use in North America,1970,102,7,724-729,Smart Levitation and burns,1971,104,3,243,Schulzer Psychosis induced by oral contraception,1971,104,11,984 passim,Hussain The probability of death following a fracture of the hip,1971,105,1,47-51 passim,Gordon The footballer's ankle and foot,1972,107,9,872-4 passim,Laurin Fractured femur,1972,107,6,555 passim,Percy Diagnosis of extradural hematoma by brain scan,1972,107,3,218-219,Jain Medicine and the drunk tank,1972,107,4,270-271, The battered buttock syndrome,1972,106,12,1280, Phenothiazine-induced toxic psychosis after LSD,1971,105,3,241,Schwarz Gynecological hazards of water-skiing,1973,108,1,20 passim,Tweedale Deliberate inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons: a review,1973,108,1,71-74,Wyse Psychological adverse effects of cannabis smoking: a tentative classification,1973,108,2,195-6 passim,Nigrete Letter: Acute drug poisoning,1974,110,1,19 21,Viets Letter: Hallucinations associated with dantrolene sodium therapy,1975,112,2,148,Andrews Letter: Insect-venom allergy,1976,114,1,24 26,Horan Myositis ossificans due to hockey injury,1977,116,1,65-66,Tredget New BC Family and Child Services Act emphasizes importance of family unit,1979,120,1,93-97,Zilm Massive variceal hemorrhage secondary to presinusoidal portal hypertension due to arsenic poisoning,1979,120,2,168-171,Szuler Injury analysis: skateboarding v. tobogganing,1980,122,2,159 163,Kirkpatrick Inhalation of foreign bodies by children,1980,122,1,8-9,Fearon Inhalation of foreign bodies by children: a continuing challege in management,1980,122,1,52 55-7,Lynn James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated Empress of Ireland,1982,126,3,318-319,Bensley Lightning injury,1983,128,2,148-150,Peters Methanol intoxication,1983,128,1,14-15,Handa Eye injuries caused by S-shaped hooks,1983,128,1,13,Laxdal Pedaller's penis,1983,128,4,366-367,Hershfield Head injuries in childhood: a 2-year survey,1983,128,3,281-284,Ivan Dermatitis caused by ingestion of a coin,1983,128,6,638,Donati Violence against self and others,1983,128,5,504-505,Kubacki Indirect trauma as a cause of acute infantile subdural hematomas,1973,108,12,1530,Amacher Acute drug poisoning in the adult,1973,109,7,603-5 passim,Ruedy Letter: "Why don't they take drugs"?,1973,109,9,831,Bennett Blunt renal trauma: another ploy in Münchausen's syndrome,1984,130,4,348-349,Nickel Drugs heat stroke and dantrolene,1984,130,4,341-343,Paasuke Letter: Contaminated chocolate balls,1974,110,9,1018-1019,Dickinson PMA deaths in Ontario,1974,110,11,1263-1267,Cimbura Letter: Psychotic symptoms due to meperidine intoxication,1974,110,11,1237,MacVicar Letter: Foreign body in unusual location,1974,111,1,23,Mowbray What we can do to reduce deaths from asphyxiation due to choking,1974,111,5,460,Cochrane Letter: Eye injuries in hockey,1974,111,6,501-502,Crawford Emergency treatment of petroleum distillate and turpentine ingestion,1974,111,6,537-538,Ng Asphyxiation due to choking,1974,111,10,1049,Cochrane Letter: Food asphyxiation,1974,111,11,1186 1189 1191,Lager Self-inoculation with milk as a cause of recurrent cellulitis,1975,112,5,605-606,Portnoy Letter: Food asphyxiation,1975,112,3,283,Lager Letter: The unwanted pregnancy,1975,112,3,279-280,Tompkins Emergency department use at two Hamilton hospitals,1975,112,8,961-965,Vayda Sensorimotor and physiological effects of various alcoholic beverages,1975,112,8,953-958,Kalant Three provinces now putting back some of their liquor board profits,1975,112,10,1235-1237,Korcok The investigation of obscure deaths,1964,91,,845-850,Simpson Military medical services in Canada. Part III: prevention and research,1975,113,1,41-50,Garner Methyl mercury poisoning in Canada,1976,114,5,463-472,Shephard Letter: Calamity averted,1976,114,7,601,Eibel Halothane hepatitis,1973,108,2,171-177,Qizilbash Infant fallout,1973,108,2,130-131, Physicians and society: confronted by rape,1976,115,3,278-280,Lalonde Psychiatric illness in the medical profession: incidence in relation to sex and field of practice,1976,115,4,311-317,Watterson Letter: Locked wards in Canadian mental hospitals,1976,115,5,386-389,Gatfield Management of the rape victim,1976,115,6,520-522,Robinson Designing doctor shows restraint,1976,115,8,718-725,Jackson Forensic medicine: an aid to criminal investigation,1965,92,,666-670,Deadman Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) intoxication and its treatment by hemodialysis,1966,95,19,954-956,Ogilvie Drug addiction psychotic illness and brain self-stimulation: effective treatment and explanatory hypothesis,1966,95,21,1080-1086,Roper A near-fatal case of hydrogen sulfide poisoning,1966,94,21,1130-1131,Kemper The combined effects of ethanol and amphetamine sulfate on performance of human subjects,1966,94,10,478-484,Wilson Naturally occurring toxic factors in plants and animals used as food,1966,94,12,568-573,Strong "Skid row" syndrome: a medical profile of the chronic drunkenness offender,1966,95,5,205-214,Olin Community psychiatry in the Canadian Air Division Europe,1966,95,7,307-312,MacVicar Psychosis in a child associated with amphetamine administration,1967,97,17,1026-1029,Ney Acetylsalicylic acid poisonings,1967,97,6,303-304, Parenteral poisoning with metallic mercury,1967,96,17,1225-1226, Discussion of alcohol becomes more rational when the issue moves from morality to health,1976,115,9,943-7 952,Korcok Alcohol and acetaldehyde metabolism in Caucasians Chinese and Amerinds,1976,115,9,851-855,Kalant The legal position of the transsexual: mostly unsatisfactory outside Sweden,1977,116,3,319-323,Hoenig Diet pill psychosis,1977,116,4,351-355,Hoffman Decompression disease and the sickle cell trait,1977,116,5,475-476,Kats The bleeding limit,1977,116,7,715,Rapp Lawnmower injuries in children,1977,116,10,1151-1153,Letts Hand-gliding injuries,1977,117,3,281-285,Reikie Acute poisoning: an update,1977,117,4,370-372,Raymond Carbon monoxide poisoning: neurologic and psychiatric sequelae,1977,117,6,654 657,Remick Major hockey injuries: a three-year study,1977,117,6,640-643,Bouchard Physiotherapeutic treatment of athletic injuries to the muscle--tendon complex of the leg,1977,117,6,635-639,Wise Epiphyseal injuries in the growing athlete,1977,117,6,626-630,Schwab Common injuries of the athlete's hand,1977,117,6,621-625,Brown Hydrogen sulfide poisoning: review of 5 years' experience,1977,117,11,1277-1280,Burnett Treatment of accidental hypothermia with peritoneal dialysis,1977,117,12,1415-1416,Pérez Traffic accidents--epidemiology and medical aspects of prevention,1964,90,,1099-1104,Williams Auger injuries in children,1978,118,5,519-522,Letts Carbon monoxide poisoning from Sterno,1978,118,7,800-802,Murray Isoniazid overdose,1978,118,11,1413-1415,Cameron Ciguatera poisoning--snowbirds beware,1979,120,6,637-638,Heimbecker Mississauga Hospital: largest evacuation in Canada's history,1980,122,5,582-586,Henry Blunt abdominal trauma in pregnancy,1980,122,8,901-905,Davies Exertional heat stroke: the runner's nemesis,1980,122,10,1144-1150,Sutton Accidents among children: the slaughter continues,1981,124,7,845-846,L'Archevêque Diving: a frequent and potentially preventable cause of spinal cord injury,1981,124,10,1323-1324,Edmonds Early identification of alcohol abuse: 2: Clinical and laboratory indicators,1981,124,10,1279-94 1299,Israel Bicycle injuries among children,1981,125,2,132,Ivan Toxic encephalopathy in a child after brief exposure to insect repellents,1985,132,2,155-156,Jan Role of medical teams in a community disaster plan,1979,120,8,923-928,Gerace Disaster,1979,120,8,914 918,Ghent Poisoning due to tricyclic antidepressants in children and adolescents,1979,120,8,951-956,Rollin Battered parent syndrome,1982,126,6,593-594,Lewin Medical services for outdoor rock music festivals,1982,126,8,935-938,Chapman Post-traumatic cataplexy,1982,126,10,1150-1152,Sadowski Carbon monoxide poisoning and nonoliguric acute renal failure,1978,119,1,41-44,Gray Vaginal injuries due to water-skiing,1978,119,4,310-311,Edington To live or not to live: the moral and practical case against active euthanasia,1979,121,4,483 485,Boorman Eye injuries in Canadian hockey. Phase III: Older players now most at risk,1979,121,5,643-644,Pashby Skateboard injuries,1979,121,5,510-512,Smith If accidental poisonings were a disease it would be called an epidemic say pharmacists,1979,121,7,997, Carbon monoxide in indoor skating arenas,1979,121,8,1053 1056,Luckhurst Physicians from two continents review management of brain-injured patients,1979,121,11,1535-1537,Henry Acute spinal cord trauma: is there more hope in the future?,1979,121,11,1433-1434,Barr Skateboard injuries,1979,121,12,1570,Marchessault Should the sport of boxing be banned in Canada?,1984,130,6,767-768,Cohen Cervical spine injuries in rugby players,1984,130,6,735-736,Schweigel The investigation of transport accidents: comments on the "Green Paper" and Bill C-40,1980,123,3,169-171,Emson Drug-induced heat stroke,1983,128,8,957-959,Stadnyk Lightning injury,1983,128,8,893-894, Prevention: a political choice,1981,125,8,918-922,Boileau Inhalation injury caused by the products of combustion,1981,125,3,249-252,Peters Cervical spine injuries in rugby players,1984,131,8,849,Polson Injuries in rugby,1980,123,5,348,Green The role of the faceguard in the production of flexion injuries to the cervical spine in football,1965,93,21,1110-1117,Melvin On the reform of football,1932,26,2,217,Blackadder Football injuries of the knee joint,1927,17,11,1324-1326,Campbell Drowning: its mechanism and treatment,1963,89,,402-405,Sharpe Cardiac arrest induced by drowning: attempted resuscitation by external and internal cardiac massage,1962,86,,374-375,Middleton Physiological studies in experimental asphyxia and drowning,1939,40,5,423-428,Janes PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES IN EXPERIMENTAL DROWNING (A ): Preliminary Report,1938,39,3,226-228,Janes The need for prolonged artificial respiration in drowning asphyxiation and electric shock,1938,39,2,120-123,Bates Involuntary commitment in Ontario: some barriers to the provision of proper care,1981,124,6,715-717,McCormick A national association for suicide prevention,1981,124,6,e681,Wyndowe Attempted Suicide,1962,87,12,676-677, Interesting case of attempted suicide in the canton hospital,1912,2,6,507-510,Thomson Suicide and depression in childhood and adolescence,1974,111,5,e388,Garfinkel Suicide and attempted suicide among the aged,1977,117,10,e1136,Sendbuehler Suicide and attempted suicide among the aged,1977,117,11,e1250,Sendbuehler Suicide: public health and the silence of the heart,1974,110,5,481-482,Brown The Pathogenesis and Prevention of Suicide,1937,37,2,139-143,Franks