Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Polonium-210 as a poison,2007,27,1,17-40,Phipps Radiation terrorism: what society needs from the radiobiology-radiation protection and radiation oncology communities,2009,29,2A,A159-A169,Coleman A proposed UK response plan for orphan source incidents,2006,26,4,440-442,Hum District surveys following the Windscale incident October 1957. 1958,2007,27,3,217-230,Dunster The Windscale reactor accident--50 years on,2007,27,3,211-215,Wakeford SRP meeting on radiological terrorism: prevention and response,2004,24,3,331-332,Barrett Dangerous goods safety advisers,1998,18,4,302-303,Guest Risk: a media perspective,1999,19,1,57-61,Edwards The limits of epidemiology,1999,19,1,1-2,Doll Caffeine protects mice against whole-body lethal dose of gamma-irradiation,1999,19,2,171-176,Kesavan A new perspective on severe nuclear accidents,2012,32,1,N107-N111,Lee Mental health consequences of the Chernobyl disaster,2012,32,1,N71-N75,Bromet Are current processes for nuclear emergency management in Europe adequate?,2006,26,4,405-414,Carter Remediation of TENORM residues: risk communication in practice,2014,34,3,575-593,Konig US Transuranium and Uranium Registries case study on accidental exposure to uranium hexafluoride,2015,35,1,129-151,Avtandilashvili Contaminant deposition building shielding factors for US residential structures,2015,35,2,317-341,Dickson A root cause analysis of the high occupational doses of industrial radiographers in Iran,2016,36,1,184-194,Mianji Looking for citizen-centered communication: dialogues between radiological protection or nuclear safety specialists and media professionals,2016,36,2,S143-S159,Mays Lay public mental models of ionizing radiation: representations and risk perception in four European countries,2016,36,2,S102-S121,Mays Improved communication understanding of risk perception and ethics related to ionising radiation,2016,36,2,E15-E22,Perko The high price of public fear of low-dose radiation,2016,36,2,387,Brooks Mortality among military participants at the 1957 PLUMBBOB nuclear weapons test series and from leukemia among participants at the SMOKY test,2016,36,3,474-489,Zack The polonium-210 poisoning of Mr Alexander Litvinenko,2017,37,1,266-278,Leggett Consequences of the radiation accident at the Mayak production association in 1957,2017,37,3,R19-R42,Akleyev Collateral contamination concomitant to the polonium-210 poisoning of Mr Alexander Litvinenko,2017,37,4,837-851,Harrison Report on the accident at Windscale No. 1 Pile on 10 October 1957,2017,37,3,780-796,Penney Experience and the results of emergency management of the 1957 accident at the Mayak Production Association,2018,38,1,R1-R12,Batorshin Report of the Japan Health Physics Society ad hoc working group for the Plutonium Intake Accident,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kai Cutaneous and local radiation injuries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iddins Medical management of heavily exposed victims: an experience at the Tokaimura criticality accident,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akashi JRODOS customization for Pakistan and assessment of the consequences of a hypothetical nuclear accident,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hussain Resilience after a nuclear accident: readiness in using mobile phone applications to measure radiation and health indicators in various groups (SHAMISEN SINGS project),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirard Awareness of disaster preparedness between administrative staff and residents in the vicinity of the Genkai and Ikata nuclear power plants following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yamamoto The difficulty of nuclear emergency prevention measures during natural disasters: ongoing challenges in Japan,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yamamoto Transfer functions for QA/QB international regulatory limits for the safe transport of radioactive materials,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frosio