Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A different description of trauma: a wider systemic perspective—a personal insight,2004,10,2,167-184,Healey Teenage Kicks: Young Women and their Involvement in Violence and Disorderly Behaviour,2005,11,3,341-356,Jarman Out of the frying pan into the fire? A critical analysis of the Integrated Children's System,2004,10,3,225-240,Calder Working with a child exposed to community and domestic violence in Northern Ireland: an illustrated case example,2004,10,2,193-203,Coulter What Families Want in Family Support: An Irish Case Study,2002,8,4,239-250,Dolan Children at Risk from Domestic Violence and their Educational Attainment: Perspectives of Education Welfare Officers Social Workers and Teachers,2007,13,3,185-201,Byrne Attachment Style of Foster Carers and Caregiving Role Performance,2007,13,2,137-148,Caltabiano Emotionally Harmful Parenting,2007,13,3,203-220,McSherry Lightening can Strike Twice: The Case for the Management and Control of Violent Offenders against Children in Northern Ireland,2007,13,1,57-65,Glasgow Letting the family speak about violence: Research findings on family group conference use in domestic violence,1999,5,4,350-360,Burford "Caught in the middle" exploring children and young people's experience of domestic violence,1999,5,1,11-22,Corrigan Avoidance symptom presentation of preschoolers exposed to intimate partner violence in a group therapy setting,2014,20,4,399-414,Graham-Bermann Psychosocial risk-mothers and their babies: opinions about interaction treatment,2013,19,1,49-60,Wadsby Preventing abuse and trauma to internally displaced children living in camps due to disasters in Pakistan,2013,19,3,267-274,Karmaliani Birth family contact for children in care: How much? How often? Who with?,2013,19,2,181-198,Atwool Working with street boys: importance of creating a socially safe environment through social partnership and collaboration through peer-based interaction,2013,19,2,162-180,Bademci Children in distress: functioning of youngsters of abused women and implications for child maltreatment prevention,2013,19,3,237-252,Nava Refocusing child protection supervision: an innovative approach to supporting practitioners,2013,19,3,253-266,Bradbury-Jones Swaddling: maternal option and sleep behaviour in two-month-old infants,2013,19,1,36-48,Kelmanson Child physical abuse--experiences of combined treatment for children and their parents: a pilot study,2013,19,3,275-290,Nilsson Fabricated or induced illness in children: a narrative review of the literature,2013,19,1,61-77,Lazenbatt Impact evaluation of a school-based counselling intervention in Northern Ireland: is it effective for pupils who have been bullied?,2013,19,1,4-22,Shevlin Recovering from domestic abuse strengthening the mother-child relationship: mothers' and children's perspectives of a new intervention,2013,19,3,291-310,Taylor "Why did you call for them?" child and youth care professionals' practice of flooding the zone during encounters with suicidal adolescents,2013,19,2,138-161,Ranahan Do maternal and paternal mental illness and substance abuse predict treatment outcomes for children exposed to violence?,2013,19,3,221-236,Davidson Enhancing sensitivity in adolescent mothers: does a standardised popular parenting intervention work with teens?,2014,20,3,286-300,Bohr The "good enough" parent: implications for child protection,2014,20,4,368-382,Choate The applicability of two strengths-based systemic psychotherapy models for young people following Type 1 trauma,2014,20,1,48-63,Coulter Narrative practice and the Signs of Safety approach: engaging adolescents in building rigorous safety plans,2014,20,1,64-80,Gibson The use of mapping in child welfare investigations: a strength-based hybrid intervention,2014,20,1,81-97,Goodman Stealing the smile from my child's face: a preliminary evaluation of the "Being a Dad" programme in a Northern Ireland prison,2014,20,3,301-312,Braiden The impact of solution-focused training on professionals' beliefs practices and burnout of child protection workers in Tenerife Island,2014,20,1,7-36,Medina Assessing home environment for early child development in Pakistan,2014,20,2,194-206,Rafique Care orders as successful interventions: the social workers' point of view,2014,20,2,207-219,Pösö Moving from pathology to possibility: integrating strengths-based interventions in child welfare provision,2014,20,1,120-134,Sabalauskas A strengths-based approach to supervised visitation in child welfare,2014,20,1,98-119,Shapiro Does type of harm matter? A factorial survey examining the influence of child neglect on child protection decision-making,2014,20,4,383-398,Taylor What can we do to bring the sparkle back into this child's eyes? Child rights/community development principles: key elements for a strengths-based child protection practice,2014,20,1,135-152,Young Child-to-parent violence: challenging perspectives on family violence,2011,17,4,347-358,Coogan Suicide and young people: the case of Northern Ireland,2007,13,4,435-443,Tomlinson The circumstances and needs of separated children seeking asylum in Ireland,2010,16,2,129-146,Abunimah The sexual exploitation of children and young people in Northern Ireland: Overview from the Barnardo's Beyond the Shadows Service,2008,14,4,381-400,Montgomery-Devlin Posttraumatic stress disorder in children exposed to intimate partner violence: the clinical picture of physiological arousal symptoms,2016,23,1,90-103,Graham-Bermann Suicidal ideation and behaviour among young people leaving care: case-file survey,2015,21,2,160-176,Killick Good relations between foster parents and birth parents: a Swedish study of practices promoting successful cooperation in everyday life,2015,21,2,177-191,Hedin The value of family welfare conferencing within the child protection and welfare system,2016,21,4,340-356,Devaney Expression of re-experiencing symptoms in the therapeutic context: a mixed-method analysis of young children exposed to intimate partner violence,2016,22,1,64-77,Graham-Bermann Applying the recovery approach to the interface between mental health and child protection services,2016,22,1,35-49,Davidson Maintaining the mother-child relationship within the Irish prison system: the practitioner perspective,2016,22,1,20-34,Devaney Regulators' views of quality in early childhood care and education settings in Ireland,2016,22,2,183-196,Hanafin A review of Children First and Keeping Safe Training in Ireland: implications for the future,2016,22,2,166-182,Devaney Parental attachment for at-risk children's antisocial behaviour: a case of Malaysia,2016,22,2,148-165,Bakar Reviewing the literature on the breakdown of foster care placements for young people: complexity and the social work task,2016,22,2,98-112,Harkin Assessing suitability for a couple-based intervention for domestic abuse: learning from a feasibility study,2020,26,2,163-181,Barlow Perceptions of risk and decisions of referring children at risk,2020,26,2,130-145,Søbjerg An ecological framework for understanding and improving decision making in child protection and welfare intake (Duty) practices in the Republic of Ireland,2020,26,2,146-162,McGregor "The heartbreak of social rejection": young children's expressions about how they experience rejection from peers in ECEC,2020,26,3,226-242,Nergaard Children's disclosure of physical abuse - the process of disclosing and the responses from social welfare workers,2020,26,3,285-299,Kjellgren The role of social network composition in the phenomenon of bullying: insights into how cohesive school communities can be fostered,2020,26,4,373-389,Scherman Stress and coping: considering the influence of psychological strengths on the mental health of at-risk South African adolescents,2021,27,1,72-86,Loxton Parental perceptions of the nature of child labour in rural and urban Ghana: cultural versus economic necessity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adonteng-Kissi Risk factors for self-harm: narratives from a sample of young people in Northern Ireland,2021,27,2,139-154,Killick Breaking the cycle: young people's stories of protection and support while growing up with parental substance use disorder,2021,27,2,155-168,Wangensteen Invisible differentness in Sámi child protection services,2021,27,3,251-265,Douglas A comprehensive review of research on child abuse in Jordan,2022,28,2,125-136,Khatib Trauma and post traumatic growth in young survivors of a terrorist attack: an experiential account of supportive interventions in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan,2022,28,2,210-218,Asad Postvention: A community-based family support initiative and model of responding to tragic events including suicide,2006,12,1,53-61,Forde Piloting a therapeutic residential for children young people and families bereaved through suicide in Northern Ireland,2009,15,2,81-93,McCann Child Protection and Welfare During the COVID 19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Value of Resilience-Building Systems Theory Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma-Informed Approaches,2023,29,4,371-388,Flynn