Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Feeling controlled and drinking motives among college students: contingent self-esteem as a mediator,2004,3,3,207-224,Neighbors Investigating the link between narcissism and problem behaviors in adolescence,2021,20,2,268-281,Robins The mask of Zeal: Low implicit self-esteem threat and defensive extremism,2007,6,3-4,223-237,Jordan Measuring the automatic negative self-schema: New evidence for the construct and criterion validity of the Depression Implicit Association,2016,15,5,599-613,Pompili Self-concept clarity mediates the effects of adverse childhood experiences on adult suicide behavior depression loneliness perceived stress and life distress,2019,18,3,247-266,Hart Self-compassion and suicidal behavior: Indirect effects of depression anxiety and hopelessness across increasingly vulnerable samples,2022,21,2,223-243,Hirsch