Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author On the Prevalence of Rape in the United States,1980,6,1,136-146,Johnson Toward a New Feminist Theory of Rape,2002,27,3,743-775,Mardorossian Toward a New Feminist Theory of Rape: The Seductions of Theory,2002,27,3,781-787,Haaken Militarized humanitarianism meets carceral feminism: the politics of sex rights and freedom in contemporary antitrafficking campaigns,2010,36,1,45-72,Bernstein A Deafening Silence: Hidden Violence against Women and Children,2010,35,4,1031-1035,Hanna The Right to Fashion in the Age of Terrorism,2011,36,2,385-410,Pham The Biopower of Beauty: Humanitarian Imperialisms and Global Feminisms in an Age of Terror,2011,36,2,359-384,Nguyen From Mathura to Manorama: Resisting violence against women in India,2008,34,1,213-218,Sen A Black Feminist Reflection on the Antiviolence Movement,2000,25,4,1133-1137,Richie Disappearing Acts: The State and Violence against Women in the Twentieth Century,2000,25,4,1139-1146,Fine International Feminism of the Future,2000,25,4,1099-1105,Barlow Rethinking Difference: Comparative Perspectives from Africa,2000,25,3,649-675,Tripp The U.S. Women's Health Research Agenda for the Twenty-First Century,2000,25,4,1269-1274,Woods U.S. Latina and Latin American Feminisms: Hemispheric Encounters,2000,25,4,1113-1119,Bose Production and Reproduction of Gender and Sexuality in Legal Discourses of Asylum in the United States,2009,34,3,659-685,Berger Sexual Violence as the Language of Border Control: Where French Feminist and Anti‐immigrant Rhetoric Meet,2008,33,4,863-889,Ticktin Global Civil Society and the Local Costs of Belonging: Defining Violence against Women in Russia,2004,29,3,815-840,Hemment The Victim‐Agent Dilemma: How Migrant Women’s Organizations in the Netherlands Deal with a Contradictory Policy Frame,2010,35,4,943-967,Roggeband Necropolitics narcopolitics and femicide: Gendered violence on the Mexico-U.S. border,2011,36,3,707-731,Wright Altering the strands of the fabric: a preliminary look at domestic violence in Ghana,1994,19,4,924-938,Ofei-Aboagye Race gender and critique: African-American women white women and domestic violence in the 1980s and 1990s,2001,27,1,139-169,Weis Pre-modern and modern power: Foucault and the case of domestic violence,1999,24,4,1045-1066,Westlund A conversation with Cynthia Enloe: Feminists look at masculinity and men who wage war,2003,28,4,1187-1207,Cohn Sex and death in the rational world of defense intellectuals,1987,12,4,687-718,Cohn Psychological Studies of Rape,1977,3,2,423-435,Albin The New Scholarship on Family Violence,1983,8,3,490-531,Breines Reply to Gollin: Comments concerning "On the prevalence of rape in the United States,1980,6,2,349,Johnson Comment on Johnson's "On the prevalence of rape in the United States",1980,6,2,346-349,Gollin A rape prevention program in an urban area,1980,5,3,S238-S241, Crime women and the quality of urban life,1980,5,3,S144-S160,Riger Free indentured enslaved: Chinese prostitutes in nineteenth-century America,1979,5,1,3-29,Hirata Reply to the comments of Honegger and Moia on "Women and witches",1979,4,4,802-804,Garrett Comment on Garrett's "Women and witches",1979,4,4,798-802,Moia Comment on Garrett's "Women and witches",1979,4,4,792-798,Honegger Comment on suttee,1978,4,2,269-273,Mazumdar Women to burn: Suttee as a normative institution,1978,4,2,253-268,Stein Comment on Clarke Garrett's "Women and witches",1978,4,1,201-202,Balfe Comment on "On writing the history of rape",1978,3,4,931-935,Ross Women and witches: Patterns of analysis,1977,3,2,461-470,Garrett On writing the history of rape,1977,3,2,471-482,Shorter Reply to Russ's "Comment" on my paper on prostitution in medieval cannon law,1977,2,4,923-924,Brundage Comment on "Prostitution in Medieval Canon Law" by James Brundage,1977,2,4,922-923,Russ Prostitution in the medieval canon law,1976,1,4,825-845,Brundage On masochism: A contribution to the history of a phantasy and its theory,1975,1,2,277-324,Lenzer Feminist discourse and its discontents: language power and meaning,1982,7,3,603-621,Elshtain What Is Human Trafficking? A Review Essay,2012,37,4,1015-1029,Parrenas Visual currencies: documenting India's red-light districts,2011,37,1,109-132,Lynes Rescue and rehabilitation: a critical analysis of sex workers' antitrafficking response in India,2012,37,3,619-644,Magar Personal encounters and parallel paths toward Romani feminism,2012,38,1,44-46,Biţu Rules matter: how can professional associations remap intracommunity norms around sexual violence?,2021,47,1,209-234,Torres Feminist rage: countering sexual violence and sexual humiliation,2021,47,1,81-104,Taylor "What real empowerment looks like": white rage and the necropolitics of armed womanhood,2021,46,4,911-937,Light Women suicide and the jury in later medieval England,2006,32,1,143-166,Butler Brides of Palestine/angels of death: Media gender and performance in the case of the Palestinian female suicide bombers,2007,32,4,933-956,Naaman