Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Problems and Prospects with Policing the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Community in Wales,2004,14,3,213-232,Robinson Is policing domestic violence institutionally racist? A case study of south Asian Women,2008,18,4,426-444,Belur ‘When it comes to violence in my place I am the police!’ Exploring the policing functions of service providers in Edinburgh's Cowgate and Grassmarket,2008,18,3,207-224,Huey What the Police are Supposed to Do: Contrasting Expectations of Community Policing in Serbia,2007,17,1,1-20,Ryan Rendering Visible the Invisible: Police Discretion Professionalism and Decision-making,2007,17,3,279-294,Rowe “Doing” Police Leadership: Enter the “New Smart Macho”,2007,17,1,38-58,Silvestri Where concerned citizens perceive police as more responsive to troublesome teen groups: theoretical implications for political economy incivilities and policing,2010,20,2,143,Taylor The favelados in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2000,10,1,121,da Silva Violence in the night-time economy; bouncers: The reporting recording and prosecution of assaults,2000,10,4,383,Hobbs The policing of domestic violence ‐ an empirical study,1995,5,3,185-199,Cromack Innovations in the policing of domestic violence in London England,1991,2,2,117-137,Sheptycki The policing of domestic violence in rural and urban areas: The voices of battered women in Kentucky,1997,6,4,297-317,Websdale Policing the roads: traffic cops 'Boy Racers' and anti-social behaviour,2013,23,2,204-221,Lumsden Urban violence in France and England: comparing Paris (2005) and London (2011),2013,23,1,6-25,Body-Gendrot Dealing with the exceptional: pre-crime anti-terrorism policy and practice,2012,22,4,519-537,Palmer Patterns of graffiti offending: towards recognition that graffiti offending is more than 'kids messing around',2012,22,2,152-168,Taylor Police intervention in domestic violence incidents where children are present: police and children's perspectives,2012,22,2,220-234,Stanley The policing of internet sex offences: Pluralised governance versus hierarchies of standing,2013,23,4,482-497,Yar Australian police officers' perceptions of sex offender registries,2014,24,1,120-133,Day Institutional racism and police reform: an empirical critique,2014,24,1,1-21,Souhami Police organisation and deadly force: an examination of variation across large and small cities,2014,24,1,63-80,Willits Police-led partnership responses to high risk youths and their families: challenges associated with forming successful and sustainable partnerships,2014,24,2,242-260,Mazerolle Prosecutors' recommendations for improving child witness statements about sexual abuse,2014,24,2,189-207,Powell The space between: negotiating the contours of nodal security governance through 'Safer Communities' in Bosnia-Herzegovina,2014,24,1,44-62,Blaustein Shooting to kill? Policing firearms and armed response,2012,22,4,538-545,Waddington Shoot to kill: police accountability firearms and fatal force,2012,22,4,538-545,Waddington Caught between soldiers and police officers: police violence in contemporary Argentina,2014,24,4,479-496,Glanc Police and citizens in conflict: exploring post-confrontation interaction from a relational perspective,2014,24,4,459-478,Adang Evaluating police interviewing practices with suspects in child-sexual abuse cases,2013,24,5,523-544,Kebbell Myths militarism and the police patrol rifle,2016,26,2,185-196,Phillips A small constellation: risk factors informing police perceptions of domestic abuse,2018,28,2,189-204,Robinson Neighbourhood context and unsolved murders: the social ecology of homicide investigations,2017,27,4,372-392,Petersen Predicting perceived police effectiveness in public housing: police contact police trust and police responsiveness,2017,27,4,439-459,Torres Investigating death: the emotional and cultural challenges for police,2016,26,6,698-712,Tait The police intelligence division-of-labour,2017,27,6,620-635,Sheptycki Funnelling through foundations and crime stoppers: how public police create and span inter-organisational boundaries,2017,27,6,602-619,Walby Boundary crossing: networked policing and emergent 'communities of practice' in safeguarding children,2017,27,6,636-654,Crawford Encouraging coercive control: militarisation and classical crowd theory in Turkish protest policing,2017,27,7,693-711,Atak How perceptions and personal contact matter: the individual-level determinants of trust in police in Hungary,2017,27,7,732-749,Boda Community engagement to tackle terrorism and violent extremism: challenges tensions and pitfalls,2017,27,7,750-763,Cherney An application of procedural justice to stakeholder perspectives: examining police legitimacy and public trust in police complaints systems,2017,27,7,779-796,Schulenberg Shoot/do not shoot - what are the influences? The police recruit perspective,2017,27,5,494-507,Davies 'Sometimes I give up on the report and ring the scientist': bridging the gap between what forensic scientists write and what police investigators read,2017,27,5,541-559,Howes Policing and the logics of violence: a comparative analysis of public security reform in Brazil,2017,27,5,560-574,Wolff Shoring up the 'home guard'? Reflections on the development and deployment of police support volunteer programmes in England and Wales,2017,27,4,341-357,Bullock Global assemblages and counter-piracy: public and private in maritime policing,2017,27,4,408-418,Gould Researching law enforcement and public health,2017,27,3,251-260,James Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field,2017,27,3,261-275,Crofts Conceptual divides and practice synergies in law enforcement and public health: some lessons from policing vulnerability in Australia,2017,27,3,276-288,Asquith Improving police interventions during mental health-related encounters: past present and future,2017,27,3,289-299,Watson Policing and public health: not quite the right analogy,2017,27,3,300-313,Burris What drives compliance? The effect of deterrence and shame emotions on young drivers' compliance with road laws,2017,27,8,884-898,Murphy Police culture: adapting to the strains of the job,2017,27,3,314-317,Atkinson The malleable character of brokerage and crime control: a study of policing security and network entrepreneurialism on Melbourne's waterfront,2017,27,7,712-731,Brewer Beyond the thin blue line? A critical analysis of Scotland's Community Warden Scheme,2017,27,1,6-20,Brown Officer perceptions of the impact of mobile broadband technology on police operations,2017,27,8,847-864,Grommon Policing the internal Schengen borders - managing the double bind between free movement and migration control,2017,27,5,480-493,Casella Colombeau Stop and search and police legitimacy,2017,27,7,813-815,Clayton Police intelligence: connecting-the-dots in a network society,2017,27,2,173-187,Cotter 'Drowning in here in his bloody sea': exploring TV cop drama's representations of the impact of stress in modern policing,2017,27,8,832-846,Cummins Plural policing in Paris: variations and pitfalls of cooperation between national and municipal police forces,2017,27,1,54-67,de Maillard Bringing politics back into the study of policing? A case study on the policing of social disorder in Belgium,2017,27,1,82-103,Devroe The 'Bravo Mike Syndrome': private security culture and racial profiling in South Africa,2017,27,5,525-540,Diphoorn Historical perspectives on democratic police reform: institutional memory narratives and ritual in the post-war Italian police 1948-1963,2017,27,7,797-812,Dunnage Stop and search: the anatomy of a police power,2017,27,3,320-324,Green Police leaders make poor change agents: leadership practice in the face of a major organisational reform,2017,27,7,764-778,Rantatalo Crime: the mystery of the common-sense concept,2017,27,3,317-320,Hall Assessing the impact of public safety leader development in Australasia,2017,27,8,817-831,Herrington A signalling theory of law enforcement hiring,2017,27,5,508-524,Densley Taking care of business: police detectives drug law enforcement and proactive investigation,2017,27,8,944-946,Hobbs Citizens' perceptions of police in rural US communities: a multilevel analysis of contextual organisational and individual predictors,2017,27,2,136-156,Smith Bangladeshi immigrants' willingness to report crime in New York City,2017,27,2,188-204,Khondaker The anti-social behaviour crime and policing act 2014: implications for sex workers and their clients,2017,27,5,465-479,Thomas Transnational crime,2017,27,3,324-340,Laverick Police satisfaction and disorder: results from a survey of a semi-rural community,2017,27,8,913-926,Lytle Race riots and the police,2017,27,5,580-582,McGregor The effect of police use of force on mental health problems of prisoners,2017,27,2,229-244,Steiner The police on Twitter: image management community building and implications for policing in Canada,2017,27,8,899-912,O'Connor Police community support officers in England: a dramaturgical analysis,2017,27,1,21-39,O'Neill Plural policing in Europe: relationships and governance in contemporary security systems,2017,27,1,1-5,Fyfe Citizens community and crime control,2017,27,1,104-107,O'Reilly Police officer gender and excessive force complaints: an Australian study,2017,27,8,865-883,Porter Good cop bad war: my undercover life inside Britain's biggest drug gangs,2017,27,8,941-944,Rolles Policing and collective efficacy: the relative importance of police effectiveness procedural justice and the obligation to obey police,2017,27,8,927-940,Sargeant Corporate security in the 21st century: theory and practice in international perspective,2017,27,2,248-250,Stenning Public disorder and globalisation,2017,27,5,575-580,Stott 'Not just one node among many' - plural policing in a state-dominated context: the case of Austria,2017,27,1,68-81,Terpstra Windows into the soul: surveillance and society in an age of high technology,2017,27,2,245-247,Tetrault The impact of police contact on trust and police legitimacy in Belgium,2017,27,2,205-228,Van Damme Municipal law enforcement officers: towards a new system of local policing in the Netherlands?,2017,27,1,40-53,van Steden Prosecutors' perceptions of how to improve the quality of evidence in domestic violence cases,2017,27,2,157-172,Powell Security networks and occupational culture: understanding culture within and between organisations,2017,27,2,113-135,Whelan Opening the Black Box: the work of watching,2016,26,2,238-240,Annison Police leadership: rising to the top,2016,26,5,599-603,Bartkowiak-Théron Community policing from the 'bottom-up' in Sarajevo Canton,2016,26,3,249-269,Blaustein Rethinking debates on media and police reform in Argentina,2016,26,8,925-943,Bonner Collaborative responses to cyberbullying: preventing and responding to cyberbullying through nodes and clusters,2016,26,7,735-752,Broll Revisiting the Classics: women in control? The role of women in law enforcement: Frances Heidensohn,2016,26,2,230-237,Brown On matters of balance: an examination of the deployment motivation and management of the Special Constabulary,2016,26,5,483-502,Bullock From 'shallow' to 'deep' policing: 'crash-for-cash' insurance fraud investigation in England and Wales and the need for greater regulation,2016,26,2,210-229,Brooks The hole in the doughnut: a study of police discretion in a nightlife setting,2016,26,7,771-788,Buvik Police/military convergence in the USA as organisational mimicry,2016,26,3,332-353,Campbell From authoritarian policing to democratic policing: a case study of Taiwan,2016,26,6,642-658,Cao Examining political violence: studies of terrorism counterterrorism and internal war?,2016,26,8,963-964,Cherney Citizen participation in community safety: a comparative study of community policing in South Korea and the UK,2016,26,2,165-184,Choi Evaluating the effects of resources and solvability on burglary detection,2016,26,5,563-587,Coupe Gangnam Style versus Eye of the Tiger: people police and procedural justice in Indonesia,2016,26,4,453-474,Davies Predictability of gun crimes: a comparison of hot spot and risk terrain modelling techniques,2016,26,3,312-331,Moak Football hooliganism fan behaviour and crime: contemporary issues,2016,26,4,481-482,Ellis The end of symbiosis? Australia police-media relations in the digital age,2016,26,8,944-962,Ellis Social persuasion to develop rapport in high-stakes interviews: qualitative analyses of Asian-Pacific practices,2016,26,3,270-290,Goodman-Delahunty 'Crime or not?' - police officers' perceptions of disciplinary violence its criminalisation and its investigation,2016,26,5,503-521,Ellonen Does police work need a police institution? The evidence from Mogadishu,2016,26,4,393-410,Hills Masking over ambiguity: Suburban Johannesburg police reservists and the uniform fetish,2016,26,6,659-679,Hirtenfelder Revisiting the classics: Society and the policeman's role: Maureen Cain,2016,26,5,588-596,Holdaway Police officer discipline and appeal system in South Korea: focusing on police officer discipline under the Myung-bak Lee (MB) administration from 2008 to 2012,2016,26,4,428-452,Kim Police use of nonlethal force in New York City: situational and community factors,2016,26,8,875-888,Lee Revisiting the classics: S. Holdaway (1983) Inside the British police: a force at work. Oxford: Basil Blackwell,2016,26,6,713-720,Loftus Police awareness and involvement in cases of domestic and partner abuse,2016,26,1,55-76,Norris Place managers in entertainment districts: the role of third party policing in shaping place manager actions,2016,26,8,889-906,Mazerolle Policing hate crime: markers for negotiating common ground in policy implementation,2016,26,6,680-697,McCulloch Dimensionality of local police chiefs' institutional sovereigns,2016,26,7,753-770,Matusiak Adolescent to parent violence: the police response to parents reporting violence from their children,2016,26,7,804-823,Condry Perceptions of group value: how Australian transgender people view policing,2016,26,6,605-626,Miles-Johnson Forgoing primacy: damaging democratic policing in the West Bank,2016,26,1,18-37,Milton-Edwards 'Scum Cuddlers': police offender managers and the sex offenders' register in England and Wales,2016,26,4,411-427,Nash Revisiting the classics: Robert Reiner the politics of the police,2016,26,7,841-849,Newburn Revisiting the classics: Janet Chan and the legacy of 'changing police culture',2016,26,4,475-480,O'Neill Police reform in Kenya: a process of 'meddling through',2016,26,8,907-924,Osse The poetics of crime: understanding and researching crime and deviance through creative sources,2016,26,1,124-127,Penfold-Mounce Revisiting the classics: Police work - the social organisation of policing: Peter Manning,2016,26,3,354-359,Ponsaers Improving child investigative interviewer performance through computer-based learning activities,2016,26,4,365-374,Powell A history of police and masculinities 1700-2010,2016,26,2,245-247,Navarro Media representations and police officers' identity work in a specialised police tactical unit,2016,26,1,97-113,Rantatalo Central American police perception of street gang characteristics,2016,26,3,291-311,Ratcliffe Municipal policing in the European Union: comparative perspectives,2016,26,3,360-364,Rice Police officers' trust beliefs in the police and their psychological adjustment,2016,26,6,627-641,Rotenberg Encounters between security guards and young people: the extent and biases of formal social control,2016,26,7,824-840,Kivivuori Policing and the politics of order-making,2016,26,6,725-728,Saitta The street casino: survival in violent street gangs,2016,26,7,850-852,Sanders Social identity and procedural justice in police encounters with the public: results from a randomised controlled trial,2016,26,7,789-803,Mazerolle Police presentational strategies on Twitter in Canada,2016,26,2,129-147,Schneider Citizen complaints and gender diversity in police organisations,2016,26,8,859-874,Schuck Policing and contemporary governance: the anthropology of police in practice,2016,26,2,240-245,Sheptycki Accountability of policing,2016,26,7,852-855,Silvestri Just Authority? Trust in the police in England and Wales,2016,26,1,120-124,Skinns What matters to the public when they call the police? Insights from a call centre,2016,26,4,375-392,Stafford Revisiting the Classics: policing coercion and liberty: a review of P.A.J. Waddington's Liberty and Order (1994) and Policing Citizens (1999),2016,26,1,114-119,Stott Policing in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: understanding the role of sectarian history and politics,2016,26,5,544-562,Strobl Occupational culture of private security officers in the Netherlands - comparison with police officers' culture,2016,26,1,77-96,Terpstra Shadow policing: the boundaries of community-based 'policing' in Northern Ireland,2016,26,5,522-543,Byrne Criminal careers in transition: the social context of desistance from crime,2016,26,6,721-725,Van Roeyen Riot unrest and protest on the global stage,2016,26,7,855-857,Waddington Legitimacy professionalisation and expertise in public sector corporate security,2016,26,1,38-54,Wilkinson Police encounters: security and surveillance in Gaza under Egyptian rule,2016,26,6,729-733,Watkins The prospective detective: developing the effective detective of the future,2016,26,2,197-209,Kebbell Towards a more effective detective,2016,26,1,1-17,Kebbell Policing non-citizens. routledge studies in criminal justice borders and citizenship,2016,26,5,597-599,Wilson The importance of liberal values within policing: police and crime commissioners police independence and the spectre of illiberal democracy,2016,26,2,148-164,Wood Police legitimacy and resident cooperation in crime hotspots: effects of victimisation risk and collective efficacy,2018,28,3,251-270,Kochel Assessing police-community relationships: is there a gap in perceptions between police officers and residents?,2018,28,3,271-290,Meško Policing technology-facilitated sexual violence against adult victims: police and service sector perspectives,2018,28,3,291-307,Powell Intra-police communication in public order police management,2018,28,3,328-344,Harrison Perceptions of me conceptions of you: refining ideas of access to and 'acceptance' within the police organisational field,2018,28,3,360-374,Cram (Re)presenting 'order' online: the construction of police presentational strategies on social media,2018,28,3,345-359,Bullock Reconceptualising the police complaints process as a site of contested legitimacy claims,2018,28,4,464-479,Torrible Understanding perceptions of citizen demeanour: using an experimental design to understand the impact of encounter and observer characteristics,2018,28,4,480-496,Tillyer Racial stratification and multiple outcomes in police stops and searches,2018,28,5,507-525,Tankebe Attitudes among Occupy DC participants about the use of violence against police,2018,28,5,526-540,Maguire Misconduct by police leaders in England and Wales: an exploratory study,2018,28,5,541-552,Belur Too much or too little? Individual and situational predictors of police force relative to suspect resistance,2018,28,5,587-604,Alpert Are all police officers equally triggered? A test of the interaction between moral support for the use of force and exposure to provocation,2018,28,5,605-618,Noppe Written-response interview protocols: an innovative approach to confidential reporting and victim interviewing in sexual assault investigations,2018,28,6,631-646,Powell When is policing fair? Groups identity and judgements of the procedural justice of coercive crowd policing,2018,28,6,647-664,Stott The understated ugly side of police-citizen encounters: situation suspect officer decision-making and force predictors of officer injuries,2018,28,6,665-683,Alpert Scumbags! An ethnography of the interactions between street-based youth and police officers,2018,28,6,684-696,Ilan Police perceptions of prejudice: how police awareness training influences the capacity of police to assess prejudiced motivated crime,2018,28,6,730-745,Mazerolle Relational dynamics of protest and protest policing: strategic interaction and the coevolution of targeting strategies,2018,28,7,751-767,Ellefsen Violent victimisation professional self-esteem and punitivity of German police officers,2018,28,7,787-805,Ellrich Adoption of body cameras by United States police agencies: an organisational analysis,2018,28,7,841-853,Willits Police ethics and integrity: can a new code overturn the blue code?,2018,28,7,854-870,Westmarland Exploring the neighbourhood context of serious assaults on police,2018,28,8,898-914,Gibbs It's not all about guns and gangs: role overload as a source of stress for male and female police officers,2018,28,8,930-946,Duxbury Private security as moral drama: a tale of two scandals,2018,28,8,968-984,Loader Patterns of injury on duty and perceptions of support amongst serving police personnel in England and Wales,2018,28,9,1005-1024,Fielding Police shootings and body cameras one year post-Ferguson,2018,28,9,1038-1049,Culhane Policing hate crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2018,28,9,1065-1083,Lalić Police legitimacy in Africa: a multilevel multinational analysis,2018,28,9,1105-1120,Boateng Symbolic policing: situating targeted police operations/'crackdowns' on street-level drug markets,2019,29,1,1-17,Moyle Renegotiating domestic violence: police attitudes and decisions concerning arrest,2019,29,1,52-68,Myhill Policing political mega-events through 'hard' and 'soft' tactics: reflections on local and organisational tensions in public order policing,2019,29,1,85-99,Whelan The importance of gender in the spatial distribution of police interactions involving emotionally disturbed persons: an examination of call types,2019,29,2,137-154,Brantingham The virtues of strangers? Policing gender violence in Pacific Island countries,2019,29,2,155-170,Bull 'I'm glad that was on camera': a case study of police officers' perceptions of cameras,2019,29,2,223-235,Sandhu Policing the culture of silence: strategies to increase the reporting of sexual abuse in British South Asian communities,2019,29,3,302-317,Harrison Scrutinising the appeal of volunteer Community Speedwatch to policing leaders in England and Wales: resources responsivity and responsibilisation,2019,29,4,376-391,Wells Exploring the police support volunteer experience: findings from a national survey,2019,29,4,392-406,Callender Lest we forget: a historical analysis of police line of duty deaths in Indianapolis,2019,29,4,434-454,Gruenewald An exploration of the progress of open crime data: how do ongoing limitations with the website restrict a comprehensive understanding of recorded crime?,2019,29,4,455-470,Monaghan Determinants of satisfaction with police in a developing country: a randomised vignette study,2019,29,4,471-487,Nivette The effects of community policing on fear of crime and perceived safety: findings from a pilot project in Trinidad and Tobago,2019,29,5,491-510,Kuhns A historical perspective on crime control and private security: a Belgian case study,2019,29,5,551-565,Leloup New public management and the extension of police control: community safety and security networks in Canada,2019,29,5,566-578,Langan Fear of retaliation and citizen willingness to cooperate with police,2019,29,6,623-639,Wareham The experience of interactional justice for victims of 'honour'-based violence and abuse reporting to the police in England and Wales,2019,29,6,640-656,Hester Examining the racial-ethnic continuum and perceptions of police misconduct,2019,29,6,657-672,Graziano What were they thinking? Factors influencing police recruits' decisions about force,2019,29,6,673-691,Alpert What came first: the police or the incident? Bidirectional relationships between police actions and police incidents,2019,29,7,783-801,Hipp Understanding arrest in rural police-juvenile interactions: a factorial designed survey approach,2019,29,7,802-819,Skaggs Single crewing in English and Welsh policing: frequency and associations with violence towards and injuries in officers,2019,29,7,820-833,Houdmont The effects of body-worn cameras on police organisation and practice: a theory-based analysis,2019,29,8,968-984,Mastrofski Despondent officer narratives and the 'post-Ferguson' effect: exploring law enforcement perspectives and strategies in a southern American state,2019,29,9,1042-1057,Deuchar Affect and trust as predictors of public support for armed police: evidence from London,2019,29,9,1058-1076,Yesberg Influence of community characteristics on serious police use of force events in an Australian policing jurisdiction: a test of minority threat social disorganisation and ecological contamination theories,2019,29,9,1091-1108,Townsley Precautionary policing and dispositives of risk in a police force control room in domestic abuse incidents: an ethnography of call handlers dispatchers and response officers,2020,30,1,65-80,Lumsden Making sense of policing identities: the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' in policing accounts of victimisation,2020,30,1,81-97,Charman Researching the policed: critical ethnography and the study of protest policing,2020,30,2,169-185,Jackson When sex is more than just sex: evaluating police perspectives regarding the challenges in interviewing victims of sexual offences in Jamaica,2020,30,3,255-275,Ioannou Reporting victimisation to the police: the role of racial dyad and bias motivation,2020,30,3,310-326,Socia Reporting threats of terrorism: stigmatisation procedural justice and policing Muslims in Australia,2020,30,4,361-377,Cherney 'Taser Taser'! Exploring factors associated with police use of Taser in England and Wales,2020,30,4,396-411,Dymond The unheard victims: gender policing and sexual violence,2020,30,4,412-428,Javaid Dealing with the authority to use force: reflections of Belgian police officers,2020,30,5,502-518,Noppe A police specialist rape investigation unit: a comparative analysis of performance and victim care,2020,30,5,548-568,Rumney When no one is watching: evaluating the impact of body-worn cameras on use of force incidents,2020,30,5,569-582,Makin Counter-terrorism policing innovations in Turkey: a case study of Turkish National Police CVE experiment,2020,30,5,583-598,San 'If You call 911 they are going to kill me': families' experiences of mental health and deaths after police contact in the United States,2020,30,6,674-687,Baker Baptist policing in Burma: swarming vigilantism or community self-help?,2020,30,6,688-703,Braithwaite Special weapons and tactics teams in Canadian policing: legal institutional and economic dimensions,2020,30,6,704-719,Walby Traffic stops race and perceptions of fairness,2020,30,6,720-737,Gibson Policing hate and bridging communities: a qualitative evaluation of relations between LGBT+ people and the police within the North East of England,2020,30,7,741-759,Pickles Doing death work: a typology of how homicide detectives orient to their work,2020,30,7,777-794,Dabney 'The organisation doesn't particularly consider itself responsible for you': organisational support for officers injured in the line of duty and organisational (in)justice,2020,30,7,818-834,Garland Encouraging public reporting of suspicious behaviour on rail networks,2020,30,7,835-853,Rogers Using officers' perspectives to guide the implementation of hot spots foot patrols,2020,30,8,920-932,Haberman Towards a socio-technical understanding of discretion: a case study of Taser and police use of force,2020,30,9,998-1012,Dymond Traffic violations and cooperative intentions among drivers: the role of corruption and fairness,2020,30,9,1081-1096,Boakye Soldiers in police roles,2020,30,9,1097-1114,Harig Missing children: risks repeats and responses,2020,30,10,1157-1170,Sidebottom How law shapes policing: the regulation of alcohol in the U.S. 1750-1860,2020,30,10,1171-1190,Thacher Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi,2021,31,1,1-19,Edwards 3D printing policing and crime,2021,31,1,37-51,Walters Technology cyberstalking and domestic homicide: informing prevention and response strategies,2021,31,1,82-99,Todd Making the material routine: a sociomaterial study of the relationship between police body worn cameras (BWCs) and organisational routines,2021,31,1,100-115,Tong Lights camera provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football,2021,31,2,179-194,Hamilton-Smith Justice-restoring responses: a theoretical framework for understanding citizen complaints against the police,2021,31,2,209-228,McLean Trading sex for shampoo: exploring machismo in police officers and female offenders' experiences and perceptions of police sexual misconduct,2021,31,2,229-243,Pérez Violence abuse and the implications for mental health and wellbeing of security operatives in the United Kingdom: the invisible problem,2021,31,3,321-336,Talas Seeking invention: creating an informed citizenry in the governance of security at sporting mega-events,2021,31,3,354-368,Aitken Implementing evidence-based practice in policing family violence: the reliability validity and feasibility of a risk assessment instrument for prioritising police response,2021,31,4,483-502,Luebbers Lying about sexual assault: a qualitative study of detective perspectives on false reporting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lorenz Women-led police stations: reimagining the policing of gender violence in the twenty-first century,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carrington Policing victims of partner violence during COVID-19: a qualitative content study on Australian grey literature,2021,31,5,544-564,Dune Policing the lockdown: accounts of police officers' aggression and extortion of frontline health workers in Nigeria,2021,31,5,565-582,Aborisade 'Safer communities … together'? Plural policing and COVID-19 public health interventions in Aotearoa New Zealand,2021,31,5,621-637,Trnka Effectiveness and efficiency: Oslo police officers' perspectives of the necessity and utility of temporarily routinely arming in response to a terrorist threat,2021,31,6,672-686,Hendy Understanding the status of evidence in policing research: reflections from a study of policing domestic abuse,2021,31,6,687-701,Davies Amsterdam coffeeshops victimisation and police mobilization,2021,31,7,822-833,Jacques 'No black and white answer about how far we can go': police decision making under the domestic violence disclosure scheme,2021,31,7,834-847,Grace Chinese police officers' attitudes toward domestic violence interventions: do training and knowledge of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law matter?,2021,31,7,878-894,Sun The Blurred 'Blue line': a cross-national comparison of the sources of public support for extralegal policing,2021,31,8,919-935,Lehmann The relationship between organisational justice and police officer attitudes toward misconduct,2021,31,9,1081-1099,Fridell Policing a new domestic abuse crime: effects of force-wide training on arrests for coercive control,2021,31,10,1153-1167,Myhill Policies procedures and risk aversity: police decision-making in domestic violence matters in an Australian jurisdiction,2021,31,10,1168-1182,Meyer Police basic firearms training: a decontextualised preparation for real-life armed confrontations,2021,31,10,1183-1198,Kruke Dynamic assessment of registered sexual offenders: the national practitioner perspective on the use of the 'Active risk management System',2021,31,10,1199-1216,Lundrigan Recognition and response: policing 'forced marriage' in England,2021,31,10,1248-1264,Miles-Johnson Dots versus density: the impact of crime mapping techniques on perception of safety police performance and neighbourhood quality,2022,32,1,1-17,Henning Capturing killers: the construction of CCTV evidence during homicide investigations,2022,32,2,125-144,Brookman Changes and continuities in police responses to domestic abuse in England and Wales during the Covid-19 'lockdown',2022,32,2,221-233,Walklate Do patron bans act as a deterrent to future anti-social offending? An analysis of banning and offending data from Victoria Australia,2022,32,2,234-247,Coomber Trust in the police and the militarisation of law enforcement in Latin America,2022,32,3,311-340,Sung 'Football fans are not thugs': communication and the future of fan engagement in the policing of Scottish football,2022,32,4,472-488,Atkinson To protect and serve while protecting privileges and serving male interests: hegemonic masculinity and the sense of entitlement within the Icelandic police force,2022,32,4,489-503,Steinþórsdóttir From detection to sentencing: a homicide case flow analysis of the Dutch criminal justice system,2022,32,4,560-576,Liem Policing in a relational state: the case of sorcery accusation-related violence in Papua New Guinea,2022,32,5,611-628,Forsyth 'They call us for everything': cynicism rural policing and youth justice,2022,32,6,699-714,Spencer The dynamic nature of police legitimacy on social media,2022,32,7,817-831,Ralph From the street corner to call centre: changes in the characteristics of mental health-related calls for service received by police,2022,32,7,862-877,Walton Race and support for police use of force: findings from the UK,2022,32,7,878-895,Bradford Criminal justice responses to domestic violence and abuse in England: an analysis of case attrition and inequalities using police data,2022,32,8,963-980,McPhee 'FREEZE?' An analysis of police officers accounts of self-enclosing experiences,2022,32,8,981-996,Keesman The impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on missing person reports,2022,32,8,997-1011,Giles Too right-wing for police integrity? General socio-political attitudes connect work experiences to police integrity,2022,32,8,1012-1030,Spruyt Investigating honour-based abuse and other crimes in South Asian communities: the benefits limitations and impacts of 'ethnic matching' and ethnic 'difference' of police officers,2022,32,9,1049-1070,Aplin Increasing compliance with domestic violence protection orders: investing in perpetrator education and support as an investment in victim and family safety,2022,32,9,1071-1086,Meyer Problem-oriented policing in England and Wales: barriers and facilitators,2022,32,9,1087-1102,Laycock Crime registration and distress calls during COVID-19: two sides of the coin,2022,32,9,1124-1145,Paramasivan Shootings by the police: What predicts when a firearms officer in england and wales will pull the trigger?,2003,13,4,349-364,Best A study of the characteristics of outstanding missing persons: Implications for the development of police risk assessment,2005,15,2,212-225,Newiss Law enforcement officers' perceptions of and responses to traumatic events: a survey of officers completing Crisis Intervention Team training,2018,28,2,149-156,Fleischmann Policing suicide: investigative officers' views on criminalisation and enforcement of anti-suicide laws,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aborisade Detectives and technological frames: integrating technology and social media into everyday work,2023,33,1,111-128,Dewald