Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Dowry-murder: An example of violence against women,2001,24,5,513-522,Rudd How is gender-based violence covered in the sporting news? An account of the Australian Football League sex scandal,2007,30,5,427-438,Toffoletti I am because we are: Combined race and gender political consciousness among African American women and men anti-rape activists,2001,24,1,11-24,White "Me mother's bank and me nanan's you know support!": Women who left domestic violence in England and issues of informal support,2000,23,1,35-47,Wilcox She Said He Said: Credibility and sexual harassment cases in Australia,2008,31,5,336-344,Easteal Exploring interaction between two distinct spheres of activism: Gender disability and abuse,2009,32,2,142-149,Nixon Movement of women: Trafficking in the interwar era,2007,30,6,523-533,Leppänen The honour/shame complex revisited: Violence against women in the migration context,2003,26,5,425-442,Akpinar The lived body experience of domestic violence survivors: An interrogation of female identity,2000,23,2,211-222,Wesely "Take back what doesn't belong to me": sexual violence resistance and the "transmission of affect",2003,26,1,1-14,Caputi The value of narrative in understanding Mongolian and Australian women's journeys of survival recovery and remaking of self through and beyond domestic violence,2008,31,6,415-423,Oke Women as arm-bearers: Gendered caste-violence and the Indian state,2006,29,5,474-488,Thapar Björkert "Why doesn't she just leave?": Belonging disruption and domestic violence,2008,31,1,65-72,Murray Laughing when it hurts: Humor and violence in the lives of Costa Rican prostitutes,1999,22,1,63-78,Downe Masculinity studies and male violence: Critique or collusion?,2007,30,5,404-415,McCarry Incest and other harms to daughters across cultures: Maternal complicity and patriarchal power,1999,22,2,185-201,Candib Framing gendered identities: Local conflicts/global violence,2006,29,5,433-440,Morgan From taboo to transnational political issue: Violence against women in Algeria,2006,29,5,453-462,Lloyd Exploring how Chinese define violence against women: A focus group study in Hong Kong,2000,23,2,197-209,Tang "There is nothing 'honourable' about honour killings": Gender violence and the limits of multiculturalism,2007,30,3,187-200,Meetoo Towards a cultural definition of rape: Dilemmas in dealing with rape victims in Palestinian society,1999,22,2,157-173,Shalhoub-Kevorkian Double jeopardy: Women the US military and the war in Iraq,2007,30,1,16-25,Jeffreys A world in which women move freely without fear of men: An anthropological perspective on rape,2002,25,6,599-606,Watson-Franke Disability and the male sex right,2008,31,5,327-335,Jeffreys On the battlefield of women's bodies: An overview of the harm of war to women,2004,27,5-6,431-445,Hynes Femina sacra: Gendered memory and political violence,2006,29,5,463-473,Lentin Feminist social movements and policy change: Devolution childcare and domestic violence policies in Wales,2006,29,2,172-183,Charles Finding the man in the soldier-rapist: Some reflections on comprehension and accountability,2001,24,2,211-227,Price Discourses of single women accused of murder: Mid twentieth-century constructions of 'lesbians' and 'spinsters',2009,32,3,209-218,Seal Domestic violence and the politics of trauma,2004,27,5-6,559-570,Joseph Domestic violence in the United States and Sweden: A welfare state typology comparison within a power resources framework,2006,29,1,96-107,Peter Violence control romance and gender equality: Young women and heterosexual relationships,2005,28,6,445-455,Chung "Violent" femininity: Women rugby players and gender negotiation,2007,30,5,416-426,Gill Violence against women in Bangladesh: Issues and responses,1999,22,1,37-48,Zaman Unpicking the threads: Emotion as central to the theory and practice of researching violence,2007,30,2,147-157,Hume Sisterhood at the front: Friendship comradeship and the feminine appropriation of military heroism among World War I First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY),2008,31,1,16-29,Lee Policies and services addressing domestic violence in Japan: From non-interference to incremental changes,2002,25,5,541-553,Yoshihama Sexual harassment: Laws in Thailand,2008,31,5,345-354,Soonthornpasuch Incorporation rather than recovery: Living with the legacy of domestic violence,2008,31,5,355-362,Lindsay Globalization and violence against women--inequalities in risks responsibilities and blame in the Uk and Japan,2004,27,1,1-12,Tsutsumi Factors contributing to a mother's ability to recognise incestuous abuse of her child,2002,25,3,347-357,Bell Engendering genocide: Gender conflict and violence,2006,29,5,534-538,Gangoli Empowerment approaches to gender-based violence: Women's courts in Delhi slums,2003,26,6,509-523,Magar Unprotected by the Swedish welfare state revisited: Assessing a decade of reforms for battered women,2001,24,1,39-52,Elman Women drivers!: The emergence of folklore and stereotypic opinions concerning feminine automotive behavior,1986,9,3,257-263,Berger Passage to citizenship and the nuances of agency: Latina Battered immigrants,2010,33,6 Sp. Iss.,552-560,Villalon The ideology of choice. Overstating progress and hiding injustice in the lives of young women: Findings from a study in North Queensland Australia,2008,31,1,53-64,Baker Domestic violence network in China: Translating the transnational concept of violence against women into local action,2009,32,3,227-239,Zhang Shades of violence: The media role,2009,32,4,296-304,Oxman-Martinez Hirsi Ali and van Gogh's Submission: Reinforcing the Islam vs. women binary,2008,31,2,148-155,Jusova Boundary battles: Muslim women and community identity in the aftermath of violence,2010,33,4,365-373,Robinson Resisting patriarchy within the State: Advocacy and family violence in Mexico,2010,33,6,542-551,Frias Judicial discourses on women's agency in violent relationships: Cases from California,2010,33,6,570-578,Hamilton Mores and gains: The EU's influence on domestic violence policies among its new post-communist member states,2010,33,1,54-67,Fábián Shame and honour: The violence of gendered norms under conditions of global crisis,2010,33,4,305-315,Feldman The right to health: Overcoming inequalities and barriers to women's health in Papua New Guinea,2010,33,3,180-187,Earnest Women's movement and the politics of framing: The construction of anti-domestic violence legislation in South Korea,2010,33,3,225-233,Heo Children's needs compromised in the construction of their ‘best interests’,2010,33,3,196-205,Hart Jekyll and Hyde or “who is this guy?”: Battered women's interpretations of their abusive partners as a mirror of opposite discourses,2010,33,2,81-90,Enander Money-earning activities and empowerment experiences of rural migrant women in the city: The case of turkey,2002,25,4,395-410,Kalaycioğlu Talking with/in pain: Reflections on bodies under torture,2001,24,6,653-668,Rivera-Fuentes The pornography debates: Beyond cause and effect,2000,23,2,187-195,Boyle Gendered cultures of conflict and discontent: Living 'the crisis' in a Newfoundland community,2000,23,3,343-353,Davis Producing abuse: Selling the harms of pornography,2011,34,6,593-602,Boyle Selling sex sells: Representations of prostitution and the sex industry in sexualised popular culture as symbolic violence,2011,34,5,441-448,Coy Mothers-in-law against daughters-in-law: Domestic violence and legal discourses around mother-in-law violence against daughters-in-law in India,2011,34,5,420-429,Gangoli Bride-price and its links to domestic violence and poverty in Uganda: A participatory action research study,2011,34,6,550-561,Hague Prostitution and the 1960s' origins of corporate entertaining in Japan,2011,34,6,509-519,Norma From victims of domestic violence to determined independent women: How Vietnamese immigrant spouses negotiate Taiwan's patriarchy family system,2011,34,5,430-440,Tang Sweden's prohibition of purchase of sex: The law's reasons impact and potential,2011,34,5,449-474,Waltman A gendered analysis of violence justice and citizenship: Kurdish women facing war and displacement in Turkey,2010,33,6,561-569,Gokalp The Algerian feminist movement between nationalism patriarchy and Islamism,2010,33,2,113-124,Salhi Race gender and sexuality: The oppression of multiculturalism,2001,24,3-4,309-319,Beckett Gendering the agenda: the impact of the transnational women's rights movement at the UN conferences of the 1990s,2003,26,4,313-331,Friedman Interagency work and domestic violence in the UK,1998,21,4,441-449,Hague Women's and their children's experiences of sexual violence: Rethinking the links,1995,18,3,349-360,Hooper Women housing homelessness and domestic violence,1997,20,3,397-409,Hague Making good on commitments to grassroots women: Ngos and empowerment for women in contemporary zimbabwe,2001,24,2,167-180,Osirim For the sake of the children: The law domestic violence and child contact in England,1997,20,4,471-482,Hester Raising children in a violent context: An intersectionality approach to understanding parents' experiences in Ciudad Juárez,2013,40,,10-22,Grineski Unprotected by the Swedish Welfare State: A Survey of Battered Women and the Assistance They Received,1991,14,5,413-421,Elman A child at any price? An overview of issues in the use of the new reproductive technologies and the threat to women,1985,8,6,539-546,Rowland Rethinking 'sexual exploitation' in UN peacekeeping operations,2009,32,4,288-295,Simić Order at the border: the repatriation of victims of trafficking,2009,32,4,251-260,Segrave What's in a name? 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