Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Black Women and Community Violence -- Trauma Grief and Coping,2002,25,3,29-44,Jenkins Feminist Perspectives on Trauma,2005,28,3,111-142,Webster Female Counselors and Male Perpetrators of Violence Against Women,2006,29,1,1-22,Tyagi Grounding Our Feet and Hearts -- Black Women's Coping Strategies in Psychologically Abusive Dating Relationships,2002,25,3,59-77,Few Domestic Violence Among Asian Indian Immigrant Women: Risk Factors Acculturation and Intervention,2006,29,1,23-39,Liao Knowledge About Heterosexual versus Lesbian Battering Among Lesbians,2001,23,3,39-58,Rozee Head and Brain Injuries Experienced by African American Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence,2002,25,3,133-143,Banksm Domestic Violence in Lesbian Relationships,2001,23,3,107-127,Miller Battered Black and Blue -- An Overview of Violence in the Lives of Black Women,2002,25,3,5-27,West Nowhere to Hide -- Lesbian Battering Homophobia and Minority Stress,2001,23,3,25-37,Balsam Prostitution and the Invisibility of Harm,2003,26,3-4,247-280,Farley Talking Back -- Research as an Act of Resistance and Healing for African American Women Survivors of Intimate Male Partner Violence,2002,25,3,145-160,Taylor The Power of Shame -- Lesbian Battering as a Manifestation of Homophobia,2001,23,3,73-85,Tigert There's a Stranger in This House -- African American Lesbians and Domestic Violence,2002,25,3,125-132,Robinson Striving for a More Excellent Way,2002,25,3,187-192,Nichols I Find Myself at Therapy's Doorstep -- Summary and Suggested Readings on Violence in the Lives of Black Women,2002,25,3,193-201,West Helping South Asian Immigrant Women Use Resilience Strategies in Healing from Sexual Abuse: A Call for a Culturally Relevant Model,2009,32,4,361-376,Singh Not Staying Home: The Experience of Uzbek Women Crisis Counselors and Therapists,2009,32,4,317-337,Horne Woman to Woman Sexual Violence,2009,32,4,423-435,Gilroy Integrating Multiple Intersecting Identities: A Multicultural Conceptualization of the Power and Control Wheel,2009,32,1,121-149,Chavis The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back -- African American Women's Strategies for Disengaging from Abusive Relationships,2002,25,3,79-94,Taylor Un-Domesticating Violence -- Criminalizing Survivors and U.S. Mass Incarceration,2007,29,3,75-96,Duley Group Work with a New Population -- Women in Domestic Relationships Responding to Violence with Violence,2007,30,1,35-60,Tower Feminist Therapy -- Its Use and Implications for South Asian Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence,2007,30,3,109-127,Kallivayalil An Ecological Approach to Understanding Incarcerated Women's Responses to Abuse,2007,29,3,97-115,Kaslow "The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members": Violence against older women,2012,35,3-4,248-260,DeFour All in the family: Violence in the Jewish home,1990,10,4,101-109,Giller Sibling incest: The myth of benign sibling incest,1982,1,3,79-89,Cole Nowhere to Hide: Lesbian Battering Homophobia and Minority Stress,2001,23,3,25-37,Balsam Battered Women Cultural Myths and Clinical Interventions: A Feminist Analysis,1982,1,3,69-77,Bograd The effectiveness of counseling services utilized by battered women,1986,5,4,65-82,Bowker Politics of Memory Politics of Incest: Doing Therapy and Politics That Really Matter,1996,19,1,5-18,Brown The Power of Shame: Lesbian Battering as a Manifestation of Homophobia,2001,23,3,73-85,Tigert Sexual abuse and chemical dependency: implications for women in recovery,1996,19,2,17-30,Simmons Decentering heterosexuality: responses of feminist counselors to abuse in lesbian relationships,2001,23,3,59-72,Ristock Childhood Trauma: Politics and Legislative Concerns for Therapists,1996,19,1,19-30,DePrince Scientific Research Recovered Memory and Context: Seven Surprising Findings,1996,19,1,123-140,Pope Lesbians who abuse their partners: using the FIRO-B to assess interpersonal characteristics,2001,23,3,87-105,Poorman Forging community links to address abuse in lesbian relationships,2001,23,3,7-24,Poorman Sex Differences in the Perception of Street Harassment,1986,5,2,331-338,Packer Psychological consequences of rape and variables influencing recovery: a review,1983,2,1,37-49,Lenox Enmeshed in pain: counseling the lesbian battering couple,1988,7,1,81-99,Leeder Supermom or Child Abuser: Treatment of the Munchausen Mother,1990,9,4,69-88,Leeder Repressed Memories and Clinical Practice,1996,19,1,61-77,Leary Recovered memories of child abuse: fact fantasy or fancy?,1996,19,1,47-59,Hovdestad Group treatment of sexual abuse among women with eating disorders,1988,7,1,5-21,Kearney-Cooke Mind meets body: on the nature of recovered memories of trauma,1996,19,1,31-45,Hovdestad Counseling adult women rape survivors: issues of race ethnicity and class,1996,19,2,47-62,Holzman Psychological Abuse of Women by Spouses and Live-In Lovers,1984,3,1,37-47,Hoffman Blame and Adjustment Among Women Sexually Abused as Children,1990,9,4,89-109,Hoagwood Lesbian victims of relationship violence,1988,8,1-2,89-105,Hammond The emotional consequences of gender-based abuse in the workplace: new counseling programs for sex discrimination,1987,6,1-2,155-182,Alagna Relationship of long term effects of childhood sexual abuse to identity of the offender: family friend or stranger,1988,7,4,89-107,Feinauer The Feminist Therapy Institute code of ethics: implications for working with survivors of child sexual abuse,1996,19,1,79-91,Enns Sexual assault survivors' experiences with mental health professionals: a qualitative study,2017,40,1-2,228-246,Starzynski The relationship between intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation among young Chinese Korean and Vietnamese American women,2018,41,3-4,339-355,Hahm Asian American women sexual assault survivors' choice of coping strategies: the role of post-assault cognitive responses,2018,41,3-4,298-315,Ullman Belonging and otherness: the violability and complicity of settler colonial sexual violence,2021,44,3/4,271-291,Jordan Invisible bruises: theoretical and practical considerations for Black/Afro-Latina survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2019,42,3-4,406-429,Hernandez-Martinez An analysis of the impact of prison on women survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1998,20,4,29-44,Heney Surpassing the quota: Multiple suicides in a psychotherapy practice,2004,28,1,9-24,James Suicide and the law: A practical overview for mental health professionals,2004,28,1,95-103,Feldman Don't forget about me: The experiences of therapists-in-training after a client has attempted or died by suicide,2005,28,1,35-57,Werth Jr. Suggestions for supervisors when a therapist experiences a client's suicide,2005,28,1,59-69,Schultz Who what when where how and mostly why? A therapist's grief over the suicide of a client,2005,28,1,25-34,Anderson Therapists as client suicide survivors,2005,28,1,71-81,Grad Touching the heart and soul of therapy: Surviving client suicide,2005,28,1,83-94,Rycroft Asian American women and suicide: Problems of responsibility and healing,2007,30,3-4,87-107,Noh Terror as Usual: The Role of the Model Minority Myth in Asian American Women's Suicidality,2018,41,3-4,316-338,Noh Strong Like My Mama: The Legacy of "Strength" Depression and Suicidality in African American Women,2019,42,3-4,265-288,Green Transnational Feminisms and Psychologies: Selves Suffering and Moral Personhood in Sri Lanka,2021,44,1-2,27-46,Marecek Teen females in Minnesota: A portrait of quiet disturbance,1991,11,3-4,119-135,Resnick The Power of Activism as Self-Care: An Autoethnography of the Arrest of Activists in the Wake of the George Floyd Protests,2023,46,4,391-406,Turner Healing the trauma of racism and sexism: decolonization and liberation,2023,46,3,246-260,Bryant-Davis "Even the officers are in on it:" Black transgender women's experiences of violence and victimization in Los Angeles,2023,46,2,103-129,Nakamura "Black women saved my life": a case study on healing intersectional racial trauma,2023,46,3,284-307,Malone Latina students' post-IPV healing: a bodymindspirit approach using the ELLA-SANA model,2024,47,1,89-108,Gloria Anti-racist pedagogy as activism: cultivating radical healing and liberation among Asian American counseling and psychology students,2023,46,4,376-390,Tsong Empowering TNBGE and QTBIPOC students through clinical group practice in university settings,2023,46,2,130-151,Scott "Looking back the programs kept me alive": women's impressions of counseling for intimate partner violence,2024,47,1,129-155,Tutty Feminist therapy with gender questioning adolescents: clinical case example,2023,46,1,58-75,E. Conlin Psychologists as anti-racist change agents on campus: "what we do is more important than what we say or what we say we believe",2023,46,4,363-375,Jantzer Negotiating contradictions: sexual abuse counseling with imprisoned women,2007,29,3-4,117-133,Pollack Treatment of women veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and serious mental illness in an inpatient mental health treatment setting: a case study,2015,38,1-2,128-140,AhnAllen Certainty revision and ambivalence: a qualitative investigation into women's journeys to stop self-injuring,2006,29,1-2,153-177,Shaw Suicide attempts in regected women,1988,7,1,49-71,Grumet Re-storying the trauma narrative: fostering posttraumatic growth in Cambodian refugee women,2018,41,3-4,219-236,Okubo Is rape-related self blame distinct from other post traumatic attributions of blame? A comparison of severity and implications for treatment,2011,34,4,447-460,Moor A study of mindfulness and self-care: a path to self-compassion for female therapists in training,2014,37,1-2,155-163,Dorian #WeToo: feminist therapist self-disclosure of sexual violence survivorship in a #MeToo era,2022,45,1,103-122,Koelsch Korean immigrant women's journey from abused wives to self-reliant women,2009,32,4,377-392,Bell-Scott "A belief in self far greater than anyone's disbelief": cultivating resistance among African American female adolescents,1991,11,3-4,87-103,Robinson Crossing the desert alone: an etiological model of female adolescent suicidality,1991,11,3-4,223-240,Zimmerman A study of issues in sexuality counseling for women with spinal cord injuries,1982,1,3,91-100,Zwerner Risk and protective factors in mothers with a history of incarceration: do relationships buffer the effects of trauma symptoms and substance abuse history?,2011,34,4,359-376,Walker Sexual assault resistance education's benefits for survivors of attempted and completed rape,2022,45,1,47-73,Thurston Prevention of sexual assault through the resocialization of women: unlearning victim behavior,1987,6,1-2,203-210,Nelson Recovery or recapitulation? An analysis of the impact of psychiatric hospitalization on the child sexual abuse survivor,1992,12,3,81-95,Fromuth A feminist liberation framework for responding to intimate partner violence in Thailand,2021,44,1-2,63-82,Khuankaew Women sexually victimized in psychotherapy speak out: the dynamics and outcome of therapist-client sex,2007,30,1-2,1-17,Somer Criminalized mothers: the value and devaluation of parenthood from behind bars,2007,29,3-4,135-164,Moe Feminist bibliotherapy: report on a survey of feminist therapists,2001,23,4,71-84,Chrisler When recounting the traumatic memories is not enough: treating persistent self-devaluation associated with rape and victim-blaming rape myths,2007,30,1-2,19-33,Moor Mother-daughter relationships in the recovery and rehabilitation of women with major depression,2015,38,1-2,89-113,Maru Feminist beliefs associated with young women's recovery from male-perpetrated abuse,2013,36,3-4,332-355,Pantalone Gender as a factor in the transgenerational transmission of trauma,1994,15,2,35-47,Vogel Liberating the Amazon: feminism and martial arts,1995,16,2-3,107-119,Guthrie Children without childhoods: a feminist intervention strategy utilizing systems theory and restorative justice in treating female adolescent offenders,1998,20,4,85-101,Pepi Legal prosecution of perpetrators of sexual assault: implications for counselors and clients,1992,12,1-2,113-122,Rindt-Wagner An analysis of domestic violence in Asian American communities: a multicultural approach to counseling,1990,9,1-2,129-150,Ho Blame and adjustment among women sexually abused as children,1990,9,4,89-110,Hoagwood Rape and domestic violence: the experience of refugee women,1992,13,1-2,65-78,Friedman "I was praying for my very salvation from my sexual abuse": experiences of sexual abuse survivors in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,2021,44,3-4,292-318,Morrow Trauma-informed psychological assessment of human trafficking survivors,2017,40,1-2,12-30,Hopper Living at the intersection: the effects of racism and sexism on Black rape survivors,2002,25,3-4,95-105,Donovan Can exercise contribute to the goals of feminist therapy?,2002,25,2,9-22,Chrisler Therapists and #MeToo: a qualitative survey of personal reactions and professional experiences,2022,45,1,74-102,Chopra Survivor: a narrative therapy approach for use with sex trafficked women and girls,2017,40,1-2,55-72,Countryman-Roswurm Where was God?: utilizing spirituality with christian survivors of sexual abuse,2002,24,3-4,133-147,Turell Breaking the silence surrounding female adolescent sexual desire,2005,28,2,31-45,Welles Chronic pain syndromes and violence against women,2003,26,1-2,45-56,Kendall-Tackett A group design for adult female survivors of childhood incest,1985,4,3,71-82,Cole Dating practices racial identity and psychotherapeutic needs of biracial women,2004,27,1-2,103-117,Roberts-Clarke Healing their wounds: Guatemalan refugee women as political activists,1992,13,3,297-308,Light A mujerista liberation psychology perspective on testimonio to cultivate decolonial healing,2022,45,2-3,131-156,Fernández Only she who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible: rethinking the dream,1992,12,1-2,87-96,McKeegan Levels of learned helplessness in abused women,1993,13,4,53-67,Brems An empirical evaluation of the diagnostic criteria for premenstrual dysphoric disorder: problems with sex specificity and validity,2008,32,1,1-21,Laraway Breaking through barriers: wilderness therapy for sexual assault survivors,1994,15,3-4,175-184,Levine Analyzed selfie: stereotype enactment projection and identification among digitally native black girls,2019,42,3-4,366-384,Williams Assisting older women in combatting ageist stereotypes and improving attitudes toward aging,2016,39,1-2,12-34,Dougherty Reconceptualizing rehabilitation of female survivors of violence: the case of sampoornata model of dance movement therapy (DMT) in India,2021,44,3-4,415-440,Kaikobad From helpless victim to empowered survivor: oral history as a treatment for survivors of torture,1992,13,1-2,141-154,Herbst Double bind messages: the effects of attitude towards disability on therapy,1994,14,3-4,29-41,Esten Treatment of women sexually abused in childhood: guidelines for the beginning therapist,1992,12,4,25-45,Mennen Treating the effects of military sexual trauma through a theater-based program for U.S. veterans,2022,45,1,31-46,Ali Women's socialization and the prevalence of depression: the feminine mistake,1982,1,3,5-14,Rothblum Racial and sexual objectification of asian american women: associations with trauma symptomatology body image concerns and disordered eating,2018,41,3-4,237-260,Cheng Biopsychiatric attacks on women: an aberration or a predictable outcome of biopolitics?,1995,16,1,143-161,Wade Cultivating feminist transnational practice with immigrant women: a collaborative autoethnography,2021,44,1-2,172-192,Shapiro A study of battered women in a psychiatric setting,1982,1,2,13-26,Malone Back War life crisis and trauma: assessing the impact of a woman-centered training program in Bosnia,1999,22,1,121-138,Scheffler Comparison study of women who have and have not murdered their abusive partners,1998,20,4,45-55,Hamilton Psychotherapy in the aftermath of human trafficking: working through the consequences of psychological coercion,2017,40,1-2,31-54,Kallivayalil Sexual victimization and revictimization of women by professionals: client experiences and implications for subsequent treatment,2006,29,1-2,41-61,Disch Sibling incest: the myth of benign sibling incest,1982,1,3,79-90,Cole A current perspective on short-term groups for incest survivors,1994,15,2,135-147,Sparks A holistic approach to postpartum depression,1983,2,1,5-17,Plumb From victim to survivor: a new look at the issues and recovery process for adult incest survivors,1986,5,2-3,119-141,Swink Intimacy for sale,1996,19,4,15-25,Russell The psychological effects of war trauma and abuse on older Cambodian refugee women,1990,8,4,23-50,Rozee Abortion and mental health: what therapists need to know,2004,27,3-4,69-90,Russo Traumatic therapy: how helping rape victims affects me as a therapist,1997,20,1,101-109,Astin Post-traumatic stress disorder among Salvadoran women: empirical evidence and description of treatment,1992,13,3,267-280,Bowen Border-crossing on a racist terrain,1997,20,1,83-90,Javed Fragmentation and integrity: the search for a moral compass while working as a therapist within the child welfare system,1999,22,2,53-68,Kibel Traumatized women working with traumatized women: reflections upon life and work in a war zone,1999,22,1,107-120,Krämer Sexual harassment racial harassment and well-being among asian american women: an intersectional approach,2018,41,3-4,261-280,Buchanan Still we rise: psychotherapy for African American girls and women exiting sex trafficking,2019,42,3-4,385-405,Bryant-Davis What's home? (re)integrating children born of trafficking,2017,40,1-2,73-100,Surtees Working with distressed adolescent females: countertransference issues,1987,6,1-2,73-87,Newman Childhood trauma: politics and legislative concerns for therapists,1996,19,1,19-30,DePrince Speculation as to why women "get" PTSD more often than men,2007,30,1-2,85-98,Simmons Counseling Women with Histories of Incest,1983,2,4,17-31,Westerlund Does depression affect clinical practicea? A survey of women psychotherapists,2001,23,4,13-30,Gilroy Legacies of war: Asian American women and war trauma,2018,41,3-4,203-218,Dinh A feminist model for ethical decision making,1998,21,3,101-121,Hill Comparing the experiences of women clients sexually exploited by female versus male psychotherapists,1994,15,1,69-83,Benowitz Therapists coping with sexual assault,1983,2,2-3,205-214,Hunt Mandatory reporting and professional dilemmas: a case study,1997,20,1,131-135,Tan Working through the trauma of sexual assault in an undergraduate class,2011,34,4,461-480,Misch Challenges in defining the therapy relationship with women who are commonly diagnosed as borderline: a relational reframing,2001,23,4,31-42,Laviola Fighting back against college campus sexual violence: teaching and supervising courses to empower students,2021,44,3-4,391-414,I. Zelin Pathways to help-seeking and mental health service provision for african female survivors of conflict-related sexualized gender-based violence,2018,41,3-4,380-405,Yohani Psychological abuse of women by spouses and live-in lovers,1984,3,1,37-49,Hoffman Dominance and submission: the psychosexual exploitation of women in cults,1996,19,4,37-52,Lalich Aging lesbians: bearing the burden of triple shame,1993,14,1-2,21-31,Schoonmaker Feminist nonsexist and tradional models of therapy: implications for working with incest,1984,3,1,49-68,Brickman Assessment treatment and rehabilitation for interpersonal violence victims: women sustaining head injuries,2003,26,3-4,343-363,Banks Looking beneath the surface: trauma invisibility and the negotiation of identity in the Minyan,2010,33,3-4,411-417,Tummala-Narra Sexual assault recovery in the aftermath of the Liberian civil war: forging a sisterhood between feminist psychology and feminist theology,2011,34,3,314-330,Bryant-Davis Building connections: relational group work with female adolescent offenders,2005,28,2,17-29,Calhoun Minding the body: psychotherapy in cases of chronic and life-threatening illness,2001,23,1,1-5,Kaschak Anti-colonial futures: indigenous latinx women healing from the wounds of racial-gendered colonialism,2022,45,2-3,191-206,Chavez-Dueñas Intimate partners: a context for the intensification and healing of emotional pain,1996,19,3,79-92,Snyder Running from the demon: culturally specific group therapy for depressed hmong women in a family medicine residency clinic,2007,30,1-2,151-176,Robinson Online disclosure of sexual victimization and social reactions: what do we know?,2021,44,3-4,358-373,W. Bogen Cultural competence justice and supervision: sexual assault against Native women,2009,33,1-2,55-72,Bubar The name game: psychiatry misogyny and taxonomy,1987,6,1-2,187-202,Caplan Sex trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children,2017,40,1-2,123-151,Wurtele Cultural oppression and human trafficking: exploring the role of racism and ethnic bias,2017,40,1-2,152-169,Tummala-Narra Victims survivors and veterans: a circle of courage,1997,20,1,77-81,Crowley Asians and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders Midlife Lesbians' Health: a pilot study,2007,30,3-4,129-143,Haller Commitment to connection in a culture of fear,2008,31,2-4,235-254,Jordan Intimate partner violence: the recovery experience,2015,38,3-4,377-394,Lewis Afro-Caribbean Mothers in the U.S.: An Exploratory Study From a Transnational Feminist Perspective,2016,39,3-4,413-431,Stinson Women depression and the global folie: a new framework for therapists,1987,6,1-2,41-58,Grinnell Bettered women cultural myths and clinical interventions: a FEMINIST ANALYSIS,1982,1,3,69-78,Bograd Litigation pitfalls for the psychotherapist whose client "first remembers" childhood sexual abuse during therapy,1996,19,1,109-122,Feldman-Summers A thunderbolt strikes psychology: the inspirational life of Laura Brown,2022,45,4,340-353,Pittman African-American Mothering: Implications for Feminist Psychotherapy from a Grandmother's Perspective,2002,25,1,19-36,Trotman Female adolescent sexuality: an argument for a developmental perspective on the new view of women's sexual problems,2002,24,1-2,195-209,Tolman A view from Rainbow Bridge: feminist therapist meets changing Woman,1990,8,4,65-78,Saks Berman Childhood sexual abuse in the lives of Black women: risk and resilience in a longitudinal study,2002,25,3-4,45-58,Banyard Death work: one psychotherapist's journey,1997,20,1,49-59,Perlstein Ambivalent white racial consciousness: examining intersectional reflection and complexity in practitioner graduate training,2020,43,3-4,365-388,Settles Mental health services seeking in sexual assault victims,2007,30,1-2,61-84,Ullman Hybridized indigenous healing in the Kyrgyz Republic: helping survivors of violence,2018,41,1-2,69-82,Horne Feminists spirituality and the twelve steps of Alchoholics Anonymous,1991,11,2,97-109,Clemmons Helping mothers in incestuous families: an empathic approach,2000,22,4,17-34,Miller A Psychodynamic Perspective on the Negotiation of Prejudice Among Immigrant Women,2011,34,4,429-446,Tummala-Narra Attribution of incest blame among rural attorneys and judges,1985,4,3,39-56,Jackson Adjusting to life in the United States: therapy with Haitian immigrant women,2013,36,3-4,150-162,Nicolas The best of times the worst of times: "best practices" for survivor support and gender violence prevention education on college campuses,2022,45,1,7-30,Eriksen Healing in the midst of chaos: Nah We Yone's African women's wellness group,2008,32,1,105-120,Akinsulure-Smith Safety trust and treatment: mental health service delivery for women who are homeless,2015,38,1-2,114-127,Ponce Confusing realities and lessons learned in wartime: supporting women's projects in the former Yugoslavia,1999,22,1,91-106,Foeken Displaced women in settings of continuing armed conflict,1992,13,1-2,89-104,Roe Female gang members negotiating privilege power and oppression within family and gang life,2020,43,3-4,287-308,Rios Cultural adaptation and sexual harassment in the lives of asian american women,2018,41,3-4,281-297,Ho Combating homophobia in the psychotherapy of lesbians,1984,3,1,13-30,Gartrell Antihypertensive pharmacotherapy side effects in women,1995,16,1,49-71,Turkkan Emotional response to abortion: a critical review of the literature,1990,9,4,49-68,Turell A geospatial analysis of disclosure of and social reactions to sexual victimization on twitter using #MeToo,2021,44,3-4,374-390,W. Bogen Supermom or child abuser? Treatment of the Munchhausen mother,1990,9,4,69-88,Leeder The lesbian victim of sexual assault: special considerations for the mental health professional,1989,8,1-2,107-117,Orzek LGBTQ and straight sexual assault survivors' interactions with counseling in a campus counseling center and women's center,2021,44,3-4,337-357,Holland A feminist critique of the sexual dysfunction nomenclature,1988,7,2-3,5-21,Tiefer Issues in sex therapy with survivors of intrafamily sexual abuse,1988,7,2-3,253-264,Weiner The battered woman,1986,5,2-3,167-176,Ieda Standing in between: the healing praxis of mayan women intermediaries in post-genocide Guatemala,2018,41,1-2,30-51,Crosby Accumulated inequalities: problems in long-term marriages,1983,2,2-3,171-178,Josefowitz Siegel A new perspective on women's anger: therapy through the lens of anger diversion,2005,28,2,77-90,Cox From alienation to connection: feminist therapy with post-traumatic stress disorder,1986,5,1,13-26,Brown A future direction for radical feminist therapy,1986,5,2-3,191-205,Rigby-Weinberg Challenging rape culture: awareness emotion and action through campus acquaintance rape education,2005,28,2,47-63,Lonsway Decolonization and "mental" health: a mestiza's journey in the borderlands,2011,34,3,293-306,Hernandez-Wolfe A legacy of weakness: unresolved issues in the mother-daughter arrangement in a patriarchal culture,1983,2,2-3,41-50,Hamerman Robbins Driving us crazy: how oppression damages women's mental health and what we can do about it,1992,12,3,5-28,Caplan Beyond war hierarchies: Belgrade feminists' experience working with female survivors of war,1999,22,1,83-89,Mladjenovic Intimate betrayal: domestic violence in lesbian relationships,2001,23,3,1-5,Kaschak Cosmetic surgery: feminist perspectives,2012,35,3-4,181-192,Dingman Diversifying feminist theory and practice: broadening the concept of victimization,1990,9,3,299-311,Rosewater A feminist examination of boot camp prison programs for 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