Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The local and the global: local power and globalisation,2010,61,202,437-444,Rey The meaning of work among Jews and Arabs in Israel: the influence of ethnicity ethnic conflict and socio‐economic variables,2010,61,202,501-510,Sharabi Violence in Rio de Janeiro: styles of leisure drug use and trafficking,2001,53,3,369-378,Zaluar Decision‐making intermodal transportation and sustainable mobility: towards a new paradigm,2003,55,176,185-197,Szyliowicz Making concepts matter: sustainable mobility and indicator systems in transport policy,2003,55,176,199-217,Gudmundsson The development design and evaluation of sustainable local transport networks,2003,55,176,219-233,Henson A comparative analysis of the performance of urban public transport systems in Europe,2003,55,176,235-247,Van Egmond Coordination of land‐use planning and transportation: how much room to manoeuvre?,2003,55,176,295-305,Kaufmann Transport and land‐use planning policy: really joined up?,2003,55,176,333-347,Stead Transport and sustainable democracy: assent and system dynamics,2003,55,176,349-360,Salini Human security and human rights interaction,2008,59,,7-17,Benedek Conceptualising the environmental dimension of human security in the UN,2008,59,,19-48,Brauch Gender aspects of human security,2008,59,,81-100,Moussa Basic elements of a policy framework for human security,2008,59,,101-112,Oquist Building the agenda of human security: policy and practice within the Human Security Network,2008,59,,65-79,Krause Rethinking human security,2008,59,,5-6,Sané Feminism legal reform and women's empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa,2008,59,191,9-16,Moghadam Reflections on women and the law in the USA,2008,59,191,17-26,Fuchs Epstein The social impact of research at the University for Peace,2008,59,191,35-41,Rodríguez Who cares about neighbourhoods?,2008,59,191,129-141,Forrest Gender‐based violence: a study of Iraqi women,2008,59,192,309-316,Lafta The devil's excrement as social cement: natural resources and political terror 1980–2002,2005,57,,21-32,De Soysa Neighbourhood movements gender and social justice: the cultural reinvention of politics by women,2008,59,193‐194,409-420,Verschuur The city the environment and gender relationships seen through Latin American eyes,2008,59,193‐194,421-433,Rauber Evolution of urban policy and slum clearance in Morocco: successes and transformations of "social contracting",2008,59,193‐194,359-380,Navez‐Bouchanine On violence as the negativity of the Durkheimian: between anomie sacrifice and effervescence,2006,58,,5-39,Mukherjee Durkheim's theory of violence,2006,58,,41-50,Gane Durkheimism: a model for external constraint without a theory of violence,2006,58,,51-62,Plouin Durkheim the question of violence and the Paris Commune of 1871,2006,58,,63-81,Stedman Jones Durkheimian sociology biology and the theory of social conflict,2006,58,,83-100,Marcel "Change only for the benefit of society as a whole": pragmatism knowledge and regimes of violence,2006,58,,101-118,Strenski Festival vacation war: Roger Caillois and the politics of paroxysm,2006,58,,119-138,Mukherjee Durkheim's concept of dérèglement retranslated Parsons's reading of Durkheim re‐parsed: an examination of post‐emotional displacement scapegoating and responsibility at Abu Ghraib,2006,58,,139-157,Mestrovic "A new kind of fear": Jean Baudrillard's neo‐Durkheimian theory of mass‐mediated suicide,2006,58,,159-168,Riley From political emergencies and states of exception to exceptional states and emergent politics: a neo‐Durkheimian alternative to Agamben,2006,58,,169-182,Datta The drug trade the black economy and society in western Amazonia,2001,53,3,451-457,Araujo An approach to interdisciplinarity,2009,60,196,183-193,Apter Violence Easy Money and Justice in Brazil: 1980–1995,2001,53,169,435-441,Zaluar Violence in Rio de Janeiro: Styles of Leisure Drug Use and Trafficking,2001,53,169,369-378,Zaluar The International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights as a tool for combating discrimination against women: general observations and a case study on Algeria,2005,57,184,351-369,Bennoune The “right distance” when dealing with violence,2002,54,174,453-461,Lefranc Sexual violence and women's vulnerability to HIV transmission in Malawi: a rights issue,2005,57,186,649-660,Kathewera‐Banda Measuring women's empowerment: participation and rights in civil political social economic and cultural domains,2005,57,184,389-412,Moghadam From massacre to the genocidal process,2002,54,174,433-442,Semelin Extreme violence: can we understand it?,2002,54,174,429-431,Semelin Extreme violence in combat and wilful blindness,2002,54,174,491-497,Audoin‐Rouzeau Civilian populations and wartime violence: towards an historical analysis,2002,54,174,483-490,Horne A Foucauldian non‐intentionalist analysis of modern Javanese ethics,2008,59,191,75-93,Bertrand Ethical reasoning and justification in international relations,2008,59,191,115-127,Colonomos Globalisation and the politics of negative pluralism,2008,59,192,255-268,Apter Nation‐building in post‐colonial nation‐states: the cases of Tanzania and Fiji,2008,59,192,169-182,Larson Past issues,2008,59,192,317-319, Resistance to globalisation: the view from the periphery of the world economy,2008,59,192,235-246,Drainville Social cohesion in a post‐conflict context: case study of South Africa 12 years on,2008,59,192,183-195,Bradshaw Social justice and gender rights,2008,59,191,43-55,Di Marco The changing landscape of European liberty and security: the mid‐term report of the CHALLENGE project,2008,59,192,283-308,Bigo The ethical challenges of human security in the age of globalisation,2008,59,,49-63,Burgess The uncertain future of human security in the UN,2008,59,,113-127,Owen Women's economic empowerment: realities and challenges for the future,2008,59,191,27-34,Taborga Introduction: the brain and aggression: a bioethical dimension of aggression and violence,2010,61,200‐201,219-220,Ramirez Violence and compassion: A bioethical insight into their cognitive bases and social manifestations,2010,61,200‐201,221-232,Mercadillo The psychobiology of aggression and violence: Bioethical implications,2010,61,200‐201,233-245,Díaz Young people multiculturalism and educational interventions for the development of empathy,2010,61,200‐201,247-261,Pagani The usefulness of distinguishing types of aggression by function,2010,61,200‐201,263-272,Ramirez Value dilemmas in the professional conduct of social science,1975,27,4,563-612,Reynolds Drug trafficking and consumption in China: two case studies,2001,53,3,415-420,Deng Governance and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: Rethinking best practices in migration management,2006,58,190,697-714,Truong Suicidal behaviour and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: insights from Durkheim's sociology of suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arendse Manifesting hope in despair: exploring prosocial behavioural outcomes of COVID-19,2021,71,Suppl 1,51-67,Mehta Modeling the U.S. firearms market: the effects of civilian stocks legislation and crime,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brauer Between paradise and prison: external secrecy and visibility in terrorist organisations,2023,73,247,89-101,Marone Geographical epidemiology of road safety in Nigeria: the importance of weighted accident severity risk index in spatiotemporal analysis and injury epidemiology,2022,72,246,1105-1124,Iyanda Dark side of skin-lightening products: social responsibility of advertisers,2022,72,245,525-541,Singh Behavioural response to abusive supervision among hotel employees: the intervening roles of forgiveness climate and helping behaviour,2022,72,245,543-560,Saydam Health and social consequences of human rights violations in Rural Nigeria,2022,72,245,829-852,Sandra Natural disaster management in Korea: is it the "best" or is it just "satisfactory"?,2022,72,245,853-867,Ha Democracy and terrorism in Africa,2022,72,244,273-285,Asongu Applying lean thinking for disaster responses: The case of philanthropic organisations,2022,72,244,287-319,Mogotsi Durkheim's types of suicide and social capital: a cross-national comparison of 53 countries,2016,66,219-220,151-161,Moore Social disorganisation theory and suicide,2019,69,231,5-14,Moore From individual motivations to social determinants: towards a sociology of migrants' remittances,2020,70,237-238,175-188,Mahmud