Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Is it posible to establish a typological classification of the intimate partner batterers?,2009,9,3,519-539,Amor Effectiviness of a cognitive-behavioral programme in the treatment of male batterers in a community setting: A review of ten yars (1997-2007),2009,9,2,199-217,Echeburúa Are there any differences between severe violence and non-severe violence in the intimate partner violence? A comparative analysis,2008,8,2,355-382,Fernandez-Montalvo Prevalence of intimate partner violence and its relationship to physical and psychological health indicators,2009,9,3,411-427,Ulla-Díez Development and validation of the Spanish version of the Spouse-Specific Dependency Scale (SSDS),2009,9,3,479-500,Valor-Segura Psichometrics properties of Psychological Dating Violence Questionnaire: a study with young couples,2015,15,1,52-60,Ortega-Ruiz Evaluation of the users violence in primary health care: adaptation of an instrument,2016,16,3,295-305,Ruiz-Hernández Conflict resolution styles and teen dating violence,2016,16,3,276-286,Gonzalez-Mendez Predictors of depression severity in a treatment-seeking sample,2016,16,3,221-229,Sharry Child maltreatment revictimization and post-traumatic stress disorder among adults in a community sample,2017,17,2,97-106,Kleber Risk factors related to intimate partner violence police recidivism in Spain,2017,17,2,107-119,Buela-Casal A meta-analytic review of the MMPI validity scales and indexes to detect defensiveness in custody evaluations,2017,17,2,128-138,Arce Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity-Revised (LEIDS-R): Spanish validation proposal,2017,17,2,139-150,Ruiz-Veguilla Peer sexual cybervictimization in adolescents: development and validation of a scale,2017,17,2,171-179,Sanchez Development and validation of a Quality of Life Scale for elementary school students,2017,17,2,180-191,Chen Validation of Dating Violence Questionnarie-R (DVQ-R),2017,17,1,77-84,Herrero Prevalence of teen dating victimization among a representative sample of high school students in Quebec,2017,17,3,225-233,Hébert Cognitive factors associated with depression and anxiety in adolescents: A two-year longitudinal study,2018,18,3,227-234,Ho Validation of the Working Alliance Inventory-Observer Short Version with male intimate partner violence offenders,2018,18,2,152-161,Gracia A case-controlled field study evaluating ICD-11 proposals for relational problems and intimate partner violence,2018,18,2,113-123,Heyman Depression and quality of life in older adults: mediation effect of sleep quality,2018,18,1,8-17,Brandolim Becker Positive mental health moderates the association between depression and suicide ideation: a longitudinal study,2018,18,1,1-7,Glaesmer Suicide ideation as a predictor of treatment outcomes in cognitive-behavioral therapy for unipolar mood disorders,2019,19,1,80-84,Teismann Child-to-parent Violence Questionnaire (CPV-Q): validation among Spanish adolescents,2019,19,1,67-74,Contreras ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic mood anxiety and stress-related disorders in Mexico: clinical utility and reliability,2019,19,1,1-11,Medina-Mora Association between bullying victimization and physical fitness among children and adolescents,2019,19,2,134-140,García-Hermoso Positive mental health positive affect and suicide ideation,2019,19,2,165-169,Teismann Empathy in informal dementia caregivers and its relationship with depression anxiety and burden,2019,19,1,12-21,Jütten Can a before-school physical activity program decrease bullying victimization in disadvantaged children? The Active-Start Study,2019,19,3,237-242,Del Pozo-Cruz Posttraumatic stress disorder and executive dysfunction among children and adolescents: a latent profile analysis,2019,19,3,228-236,Elhai Predictive factors of quality of life in acquired brain injury,2019,19,3,189-197,Fernández Treatment impact on recidivism of family only vs. generally violent partner violence perpetrators,2019,19,3,171-180,Goldstein Implicit processing of emotional words by children with post-traumatic stress disorder: an fMRI investigation,2020,20,1,46-53,Trejos-Castillo Humor as a protective factor against anxiety and depression,2020,20,1,38-45,Menéndez-Aller A comparison between American and Chinese college students on suicide-related behavior parameters,2020,20,2,108-117,Osman Active school travel is associated with fewer suicide attempts among adolescents from low-and middle-income countries,2021,21,1,e100202,Griffiths Longitudinal study of quality of life in acquired brain injury: a self- and proxy-report evaluation,2021,21,2,e100219,Fernández Was that (cyber)bullying? Investigating the operational definitions of bullying and cyberbullying from adolescents' perspective,2021,21,2,e100221,Skrzypiec Effects of cognitive bias modification for interpretation on hostile interpretation bias and self-reported aggression in juvenile delinquents,2021,21,2,e100226,Zhang Dating Violence Questionnaire for Victimization and Perpetration (DVQ-VP): an interdependence analysis of self-reports,2022,22,1,100276,Herrero Association between attitudes toward violence and violent behavior in the school context: a systematic review and correlational meta-analysis,2022,22,1,e100278,Ruiz-Hernández Association between attitudes toward violence and violent behavior in the school context: a systematic review and correlational meta-analysis,2022,22,1,51-60,Pina Profile of the victimized aggressors in child-to-parent violence: differences according to the type of victimization,2022,22,2,100302,Cano-Lozano The roles of exercise tolerance and resilience in the effect of physical activity on emotional states among college students,2022,22,3,e100312,Kramer Differences between risk perception and risk-taking are related to impulsivity levels,2022,22,3,e100318,Catena Neuroticism rumination depression and suicidal ideation: a moderated serial mediation model across four countries,2022,22,3,e100325,Mezquita The relationship between personality and bullying among primary school children: the mediation role of trait emotion intelligence and empathy,2023,23,2,e100359,Nasti Perceived parental depression intrusive rumination and internalizing problems: a three-wave longitudinal study in adolescents,2023,23,3,e100366,Wang The effect of HD-tDCS on brain oscillations and frontal synchronicity during resting-state EEG in violent offenders with a substance dependence,2023,23,3,e100374,Franken Anticipated fear and anxiety of automated driving systems: estimating the prevalence in a national representative survey,2023,23,3,e100371,Meinlschmidt Neuroanatomical and functional substrates of the hypomanic personality trait and its prediction on aggression,2023,23,4,e100397,Zhang Prevalence and risk factors for nonconsensual distribution of intimate images among Italian young adults: implications for prevention and intervention,2023,23,4,e100414,Brighi Relations between childhood psychological maltreatment and mental health dimensions within a higher-order model,2024,24,1,e100416,Obsuth Risky decision-making in major depressive disorder: a three-level meta-analysis,2024,24,1,e100417,Zhao Effects of victimization and perpetration in observing bullying scenes: an eye-tracker study{es),2024,24,2,e100451,Slee Sensitivity to reward and punishment in adolescents with repetitive non-suicidal self-injury: the role of inhibitory control,2024,24,2,e100456,Wang Gender difference of school anger dimensions and its prediction for suicidal behavior in adolescents,2008,8,2,525-535,Ghanizadeh Online sexual violence prevention on a female college campus in India: evaluation of the RISE-ON program,2024,24,2,e100470,Kärtner Adult attachment style perceived social support and post-traumatic stress among female victims of sexual assault,2024,24,3,e100481,Zvi