Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Resilience and depression: perspectives from primary care,2008,12,4,439-452,Hegarty Health scares: Professional priorities,2010,14,1,3-21,Hooker Intimate relationships and women involved in the sex trade: perceptions and experiences of inclusion and exclusion,2009,13,1,25-46,Karabanow Diagnosing the male steroid user: drug use body image and disordered masculinity,2005,9,2,189-208,Keane Evidence-Based Medicine: Ambivalent Reading and the Clinical Recontextualization of Science,2003,7,3,331-352,Mykhalovskiy Breast Cancer: Feminism Representations and Resistance – a Commentary on Dorothy Broom’s ‘Reading Breast Cancer’,2001,5,2,269-277,Wilkinson Precarious beginnings: Gendered risk discourses in psychiatric research literature about postpartum depression,2010,14,5,451-466,Godderis How the Internet is changing the experience of bereavement by suicide: A qualitative study in the UK,2011,15,2,173-187,Chapple Heal thyself: Dealing with trauma work - Gaza 2008/2009,2011,15,1,22-37,Chaufan The centrality of personal relationships in the creation and amelioration of mental health problems: the current interdisciplinary case,2009,13,2,235-254,Bentall Beyond the caveman: Rethinking masculinity in relation to men's help-seeking,2012,16,2,208-225,Farrimond 'Oh dear should I really be saying that on here?': Issues of identity and authority in an online diabetes community,2012,16,4,347-365,Armstrong Negotiating identity transition when leaving forensic hospitals,2012,16,5,489-506,Coffey The resilient subject: Exploring subjectivity identity and the body in narratives of resilience,2012,16,5,548-563,Aranda Faux masculinities among college men who experience depression,2013,17,1,75-92,Oliffe Problematizing the neurochemical subject of anti-depressant treatment: The limits of biomedical responses to women's emotional distress,2013,17,1,57-74,Fullagar Working around a contested diagnosis: Borderline personality disorder in adolescence,2013,17,1,37-56,Sands 'I was so done in that I just recognized it very plainly "You need to do something"': Men's narratives of struggle distress and turning to meditation,2013,17,2,191-208,Lomas Surviving men's depression: Women partners' perspectives,2014,18,1,60-78,Bottorff Becoming men: Gender disability and transitioning to adulthood,2014,18,1,95-114,Yoshida Time and the psychiatric interview: The negotiation of temporal criteria of the depressive disorder,2014,18,2,163-178,Ziólkowska Transformations of self and sexuality: Psychologically modified experiences in the context of forensic mental health,2014,18,3,240-260,Reavey Exploring the relationship between multi-morbidity resilience and social connectedness across the lifecourse,2014,18,3,302-318,Ong "Mauled by a Bear": narrative analysis of self-injury among adolescents in US news 2007-2012,2014,18,3,279-246,Bareiss 'There's a lot of tasks that can be done by any': Findings from an ethnographic study into work and organisation in UK community crisis resolution and home treatment services,2013,18,4,406-421,Hannigan The merit of sociological accounts of disorder: The Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder case,2013,18,4,422-438,Bowden The social negotiation of fitness for work: Tensions in doctor-patient relationships over medical certification of chronic pain,2014,19,1,17-33,Eccleston The effect of strategies of personal resilience on depression recovery in an australian cohort: a mixed methods study,2014,19,1,86-106,Hegarty Resilient moves: Tinkering with practice theory to generate new ways of thinking about using resilience,2014,19,4,355-371,Aranda Medications youth therapeutic cultures and performance consumptions: A sociological approach,2014,19,4,430-448,Rodrigues Postpartum depression in refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada: a critical health psychology perspective,2014,19,3,318-335,Wilson-Mitchell Prising open the 'black box': an epistemological critique of discursive constructions of scaling up the provision of mental health care in Africa,2014,19,5,523-541,Cooper Editorial introduction: The sociology of hope in contexts of health medicine and healthcare,2014,19,2,113-118,Petersen Adolescents' sense-making of alcohol-related risks: the role of drinking situations and social settings,2014,19,5,542-558,Maunu World Health Organization and disease surveillance: jeopardizing global public health?,2014,19,6,595-614,Blouin Genest Photovoice in mental illness research: a review and recommendations,2015,20,2,110-126,Oliffe Reconceptualising public acceptability: a study of the ways people respond to policies aimed to reduce alcohol consumption,2015,20,3,203-219,Cohn Online self-expression and experimentation as 'reflectivism': using text analytics to examine the participatory forum Hello Sunday Morning,2015,21,2,119-135,Carah Temporary sobriety initiatives as public pedagogy: windows of opportunity for embodied learning,2015,20,4,413-429,Robert Health sociology from post-structuralism to the new materialisms,2015,20,1,62-74,Fox Science and scepticism: drug information young men and counterpublic health,2016,21,6,595-615,Fraser "Things i did not know": retrospectives on a canadian rural male youth suicide using an instrumental photovoice case study,2016,21,6,616-632,Ogrodniczuk Understanding the health of lorry drivers in context: a critical discourse analysis,2016,21,1,38-56,Varela-Mato Practices of partnership: negotiated safety among couples who inject drugs,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rhodes Delaying and seeking care for obstructive sleep apnea: the role of gender family and morality,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zarhin 'Naloxone works': the politics of knowledge in 'evidence-based' drug policy,2017,21,3,278-294,Ritter 'You feel like your whole world is caving in': a qualitative study of primary care patients' conceptualisations of emotional distress,2016,21,3,295-315,Muñoz Social ecology of resilience and Sumud of Palestinians,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hannigan Public discourse on mental health and psychiatry: representations in Swedish newspapers,2018,22,3,298-314,Ohlsson "It's not my business": exploring heteronormativity in young people's discourses about lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer issues and their implications for youth health and wellbeing,2019,23,1,39-57,Johnson In one's own time: contesting the temporality and linearity of bereavement,2019,23,1,58-75,Ridge Depression at work authenticity in question: experiencing concealing and revealing,2019,23,3,344-361,Ziebland "I tend to forget bad things": immigrant and refugee young men's narratives of distress,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318763865,Johnson Contending with the minimum data set: subjectivity linearity and dividualising experiences in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318785718,Bendall Informal use of restraint in nursing homes: a threat to human rights or necessary care to preserve residents' dignity?,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318800175,Øye Exploring young people's emotional well-being and resilience in educational contexts: A resilient space?,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318800162,Cocking 'Everything I enjoy doing I just couldn't do': biographical disruption for sport-related injury,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318800142,Malcolm Between medicalisation and normalisation: antithetical representations of depression in the Greek-Cypriot press in times of financial crisis,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318804579,Orphanidou Motherhood and highly sensitive children in an online discussion forum,2018,ePub,ePub,1363459318812003,Edenroth-Cato Online risk numbers - helpful meaningless or simply wrong? 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