Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Are suicides disguised as accidental and undetermined deaths,1994,8,2,89-92,Lester Are the societal correlates of suicide and homicide rates the same for each lethal weapon? A study of European nations,1991,5,1,5-8,Lester Estimates of Prescription Rates and the Use of Medications for Suicide,1994,8,2,81-83,Lester Gun deaths in children and guns in the home,1999,13,3,157-159,Lester Gun ownership and rates of homicide and suicide,1996,10,2,83-85,Lester Social Correlates of Deviant Behavior in Hungary,1992,6,4,236-238,Lester The ecological variation of suicide in Russia and the United States,2000,14,2,79-84,Lester The Effects of the Detoxification of Domestic Gas on the Suicide Rate in Scotland,1992,6,3,171-174,Lester The regional variation of suicide rates in Switzerland,1998,12,1,45-49,Lester The use of substitute subjects in the study of suicide,2001,15,3,133-136,Lester Suicide unemployment and other socioeconomic factors: evidence from the economic crisis in Greece,2014,28,1,39-49,Madianos Profile of male adolescents with conduct disorder on intellectual efficacy cognitive flexibility cognitive coping impulsivity and alexithymia: A comparison with high-risk controls,2012,26,4,215-226,Halfon Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in traumatised asylum seekers: a pilot study,2014,28,3,137-144,Upthegrove Academic performance in childhood and the risk of attempting suicide as an adult,2017,31,2,73-79,Nguyen Suicide survivors. a population at risk [letter],2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gonzalez-Pinto Validity of the Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised in patients with short-term suicide risk,2017,31,4,145-150,Rueda-Jaimes Does dexamethason suppression test predict completed suicide?,1999,13,4,243-246,Modestin Suicide and attempted in the province of Turin from 1988 to 1994: Epidemiological analysis,1999,13,2,77-86,Torre Community care arrangements in the Netherlands,2000,14,3,143-152,Dekker Borderline personality disorder in Bulgaria: Period prevalence syndrome validity and comorbidity,2000,14,1,26-31,Onchev Overdosing: A common form of suicide attempt,2000,14,3,137-142,Kontaxakis Spanish adaptation of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI),2001,15,2,101-112,Baca-Garcia Suicide among young people: An epidemiological analysis in three Italian Provinces,2001,15,3,180-188,Torre Can the interaction of poverty and literacy explain some variability of suicide rates in Europe?,2002,16,2,103-107,Farmer Deliberate self-harm in adolescents. A case note study among two ethnic groups,2002,16,3,145-151,Singh Deliberate self-harm in adolescents in West London: Socio-cultural factors,2004,18,2,91-98,Singh A cross-national investigation of firearm availability and lethal violence,2003,17,1,34-37,Smith Database use in psychiatric research: An international review,2005,19,1,19-30,Howard The epidemiology of parasuicide in Canary Islands,2006,20,4,203-209,Rodríguez Pulido Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and co-morbid disorders among students of Cumhuriyet University,2012,26,2,107-117,Kugu Advances in the study of demoralization: An overview,2013,27,1,5-6,de Figueiredo Suicide risk in a portuguese non-clinical sample of adults,2014,28,4,230-241,Holden Coprophagia in a patient with borderline personality disorder,2015,29,3,211-214,Blasco-Fontecilla Linguistic analysis of suicide notes in Spain,2015,29,2,145-155,García-Caballero Suicide notes: Clinical and linguistic analysis from the perspective of the interpersonal theory of suicide,2015,29,4,293-308,Fernández-Cabana An ecological study of hungarian suicide data using complex statistical methods,2016,30,4,293-303,Zonda Stability in the choice of method during the period preceding a suicide attempt and in attempt repeaters,2016,30,3,205-217,Kemmler Characteristics of patients with mental disorders in a Slovene prison: A retrospective observational naturalistic study,2018,32,4,187-191,Švab Volitional determinants of self-harm behaviour and suicidal risk in persons with borderline personality disorder,2018,32,2,77-86,Kuhl Efficacy of light therapy on non-seasonal depression and inflammatory markers,2019,33,3,104-111,Tamam Performance in inhibitory control during euthymia is not related to past suicide attempts in individuals with bipolar disorder,2020,34,3,153-159,Rosa Safety and effectiveness of long-acting injectable Aripiprazole in daily practice: A naturalistic retrospective study,2020,34,2,82-89,Dawood Can lifetime exposure to intimate partner violence predict suicidality in a sample of Egyptian pregnant women: a cross-sectional study?,2021,35,2,83-91,Abdelghani Differentiated health problems according to gender among adolescents reporting sexual or physical assault,2021,35,1,19-23,Ledoux Relationship between complete blood count parameters and suicide: The role of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio,2021,35,4,276-277,Örüm Theoretical models of suicidal behaviour: A systematic review and narrative synthesis,2021,35,3,181-192,Baca-Garcia Psychological well-being and depressive symptoms in individuals who have lost a family member by suicide,2022,36,1,60-63,Campos Social correlates of deviant behaviour in Hungary,1992,6,4,236-238,Rihmer The effects of detoxification of domestic gas on the suicide rate in Scotland,1992,6,3,171-174,Lester Social correlates of suicide and homicide in England: A comparison with the U.S.A,1993,7,2,122-126,Lester Suicide in urban and rural southern Greece,1993,7,2,103-111,Beratis Key symptoms in patients with a psychotic syndrome in need for compulsory care,1994,8,1,5-14,von Knorring Aggression and depression - A reciprocal relationship?,1994,8,2,69-80,Hubschmid Are suicides disguised as accidental and undetermined deaths?,1994,8,2,89-92,Lester Deliberate Self-harm referrals,1994,8,1,25-28,Bouras Attempted suicide in a catchment area of Ireland; a comparison of an urban and rural population,1995,9,1,22-27,Youssef Medical resources and the prevention of suicide and homicide: A study of the Soviet Union and the United States of America,1995,9,2,97-99,Lester Depression and suicide. Is there a difference between suicidal and non-suicidal depressed in-patients?,1990,4,4,235-252,Hole Methods of suicide employed in the Federal Republic of Germany (1979-1987),1990,4,3,159-172,Kalb Sociodemographic aspects and length of stay in hospital in suicide: A comparison of attempters and completed suicide in a rural area of Ireland,1991,5,3,147-151,Hanafy Characteristics of violent attempt suicides and implications for after-care,1991,5,3,152-160,Jannes Methodological problems in the recording of completed suicides: A study of the situation in the Canary Islands,1991,5,3,133-140,Sierra Factors affecting choice of method for suicide,1991,5,3,161-165,Heim Depression and suicide: Is there a difference between suicidal and non-suicidal depressed inpatients?,1990,4,4,235-252,Keller Characteristics of violent attempted suicides and implications for after-care,1991,5,3,152-160,Jannes A systematic review of the factors associated with suicide attempts among sexual-minority youth,2023,37,2,72-83,Corruble Prevalence and risk factors of anxiety symptoms in first-episode and drug-naïve major depressive disorder patients with metabolic syndrome,2023,37,4,,Zhang Psychotic-like experiences in obsessive compulsive disorder,2023,37,4,,Böke