Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Emergency department dispositions among 4100 youth injured by violence: a population-based study,2007,9,3,164-169,Lee Adequacy of antidote stocking in British Columbia hospitals: the 2005 Antidote Stocking Study,2006,8,6,409-416,Abu-Laban Disaster medicine education in Canadian medical schools before and after September 11 2001,2005,7,6,399-405,Cummings Population-based study of medically treated self-inflicted injuries,2004,6,5,313-320,Rowe Penetrating trauma in Ontario emergency departments: a population-based study,2007,9,1,16-20,Macpherson Poisoning due to raw Gyromitra esculenta (false morels) west of the Rockies,2007,9,2,127-130,Leathem Proportion of injured alcohol-impaired drivers subsequently convicted of an impaired driving criminal code offence in British Columbia,2004,6,2,80-88,Fang Intimate partner violence against women: To screen or not to screen in the emergency department?,2004,6,1,38-39,Worster Major injury associated with all-terrain vehicle use in Nova Scotia: a 5-year review,2002,4,4,263-267,Sibley All-terrain vehicle major injury patterns in children: a five-year review in Southwestern Ontario,2006,8,4,277-280,Lynch Tornado at Pine Lake Alberta - Assessment of the emergency medicine response to a disaster,2001,3,1,34-37,Powell Pilot intervention to improve the documentation of pediatric injuries in the emergency department Critical care medicine as a subspecialty of emergency medicine,2000,2,4,252-257,Vincenten Impact of a prison triage system on injuries seen in emergency departments,2001,3,3,199-204,O'Brien Canadian emergency department preparedness for a nuclear biological or chemical event,2003,5,1,18-26,Kollek Patients presenting to the emergency department: the use of other health care services and reasons for presentation,2007,9,6,428-434,Rowe Factors associated with delay to emergency department presentation antibiotic usage and admission for human bite injuries,2007,9,6,441-448,Merchant Experiences of substance-using suicidal males who present frequently to the emergency department,2008,10,4,339-346,Eynan To screen or not to screen: identification of domestic violence in Canadian emergency departments,2008,10,4,329-330,Mackay Caring for victims of intimate partner violence: a survey of Canadian emergency departments,2008,10,4,325-328,MacMillan CAEP Position Statement on Gun Control,2009,11,1,64-72,Drummond Association of injury mechanism with the risk of cervical spine fractures,2009,11,1,14-22,Brison Reaction in Ontario to Bill 110: Canada's first mandatory gunshot wound reporting law,2009,11,1,3-13,Park Youth violence secondary prevention initiatives in emergency departments: a systematic review,2009,11,2,161-168,Lee Emergency department visits for acetaminophen overdose: a Canadian population-based epidemiologic study (1997-2002),2007,9,4,267-274,Myers An overview of injuries to adolescents and young adults related to substance use: data from Canadian emergency departments,2009,11,4,330-336,Asbridge The effectiveness of training with an emergency department simulator on medical student performance in a simulated disaster,2010,12,1,27-32,Corte Evaluation of the Prehospital Index presence of high-velocity impact and judgment of emergency medical technicians as criteria for trauma triage,2010,12,2,111-118,Liberman CAEP position statement on cellphone use while driving,2010,12,4,365-376,Francescutti Airbag pneumonitis: a report and discussion of a new clinical entity,2007,9,6,470-473,Brison Teenagers with Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) poisoning,2007,9,6,467-468,Spina Ophthalmic injuries from a TASER,2009,11,1,90-93,Carr A motor vehicle collision and dark corners. Diagnosis: Horner syndrome due to carotid artery dissection,2008,10,5,478 483,Winterbottom Nalidixic acid overdose and metabolic acidosis,2006,8,2,78,Eizadi-Mood Penetrating craniofacial trauma from a vice clamp: case report and discussion,2011,13,1,57-61,Kjelland Penetrating spinal cord injuries with retained canal fragments,2009,11,2,172-173,Williams Antidote stocking in British Columbia hospitals,2003,5,1,12-17,Zed Confined-space accidents on the farm: the manure pit and the silo,1999,1,2,108-111,Shepherd Dextromethorphan abuse in teens: Beware acetaminophen poisoning!,2011,13,5,298,Cunningham Public risk from tasers: unacceptably high or low enough to accept?,2009,11,1,84-6 87-9,Hall Carbon monoxide poisoning in narghile (water pipe) tobacco smokers,2012,14,1,57-59,Steiner Penetrating chest trauma secondary to a composite hockey stick injury,2006,8,6,437-440,Kennedy Impaired driving charges in injured impaired drivers requiring treatment in an emergency department,2012,14,5,290-294,Fieldus Screening urine for drugs of abuse in the emergency department: do test results affect physicians' patient care decisions?,2004,6,2,104-111,Sivilotti Unfavourable outcome for children leaving the emergency department without being seen by a physician,2013,15,0,1-11,Bailey A lucky car accident,2013,15,4,237-238,Nguyen An inventory of Canadian trauma systems: Opportunities for improving access to trauma care,2013,15,0,1-7,Nathens Derivation of a risk scale and quantification of risk factors for serious adverse events in adult emergency department syncope patients,2013,15,0,1-11,Stiell Unfavourable outcome for children leaving the emergency department without being seen by a physician,2013,15,5,289-299,Bailey Drowning: an overlooked cause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Canada,2014,16,4,314-321,Kierzek Emergency health care use among sociodemographic groups of children presenting to emergency departments for self-harm in Alberta,2015,17,5,497-506,Rosychuk E-cigarette liquid nicotine ingestion in a child: case report and discussion,2015,17,6,699-703,Lim Hammer time: penetrating trauma from sledgehammer use,2015,18,1,70-71,Ting Unusual airway injury following a motor vehicle collision,2015,17,5,569-570,Sampson Helmet-wearing practices and barriers in Toronto bike-share users: a case-control study,2015,18,1,28-36,Arenovich Advance directives and suicide attempts-ethical considerations in light of Carter v. Canada SCC 5,2015,17,5,562-564,Larkin Accuracy of physician-estimated probability of brain injury in children with minor head trauma,2015,17,4,387-394,Osmond Troponin elevation after black widow spider envenomation,2015,17,5,571-575,Bush A retrospective evaluation of pediatric major trauma related to sport and recreational activities in Nova Scotia,2015,18,2,106-111,Green Does mode of transport confer a mortality benefit in trauma patients? Characteristics and outcomes at an Ontario lead trauma hospital,2016,18,5,363-369,Coates Self-inflicted nailgun-induced penetrating penile injury: case report and discussion,2016,19,3,238-241,Hamilton Infant strangulation from an amber teething necklace,2016,19,5,400-403,Cox Did amendments to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act in 2009-2010 affect the proportion of alcohol-related motor vehicle collisions seen at a Level I trauma centre over a 10-year period?,2016,19,02,106-111,Lim Ondansetron for pediatric concussion; a pilot study for a randomized controlled trial,2016,19,5,338-346,Gravel Comparison of functional outcomes in elderly who have sustained a minor trauma with or without head injury: a prospective multicenter cohort study,2016,19,5,329-337,Le Sage Emergency physicians as human billboards for injury prevention: a randomized controlled trial,2016,19,4,277-284,Fuller A pilot study examining the speed and accuracy of triage for simulated disaster patients in an emergency department setting: comparison of a computerized version of Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS) and Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) methods,2016,19,5,364-371,Franc Dog bites in Canadian children: a five-year review of severity and emergency department management,2005,7,5,309-314,Klassen Unusual diagnosis in a patient with minor ankle trauma,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Piggott Text messaging research participants as a follow-up strategy to decrease emergency department study attrition,2018,20,1,148-153,Borgundvaag Bilateral nail gun traumatic brain injury presents as intentional overdose: a case report,2018,20,5,788-791,Côté Development of a model to quantify the accessibility of a Canadian trauma system,2017,19,4,285-292,Asbridge Burns associated with e-cigarette batteries: a case series and literature review,2018,20,S2,S20-S28,Harshman Improving bicycle safety in Canada,2015,17,3,323-327,Rowe Do emergency department staff use a current domestic violence documentation tool or other forms of intimate partner violence documentation in patient records?,2017,19,Suppl 1,S66,Fraser Willingness of ED staff to implement a brief intimate partner violence case-finding tool,2017,19,Suppl 1,S120-S120,Fraser Determining ED staff awareness and knowledge of intimate partner violence and available tools,2017,19,Suppl 1,S120,Fraser The impact of opioid medications on subsequent fractures in discharged emergency department patients with peripheral vertigo,2018,20,1,28-35,Austin Epidemiology of electrical and lightning-related injuries among Canadian children and youth 1997-2010: A Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP) study,2018,20,4,586-591,Hurley Cut and rip and cut alone techniques versus usual practice in the removal of trauma patient clothing,2018,20,4,600-605,Sibley All-terrain vehicle-related injuries and deaths in Newfoundland and Labrador between 2003 and 2013: a retrospective trauma registry review,2018,20,2,207-215,Rogers A traumatic tale of two cities: a comparison of outcomes for adults with major trauma who present to differing trauma centres in neighbouring Canadian provinces,2018,20,2,191-199,Sealy Dental injuries in younger emergency department patients,2018,20,3,425-431,Scolnik Injury prevention in the emergency department: an ongoing challenge reference to: emergency physicians as human billboards for injury prevention: a randomized controlled trial by Emily Sullivan et al,2017,19,4,321-323,Snider Nationwide survey on current management strategies of toddler's fractures,2018,20,5,739-745,Seguin Risk factors for adverse outcomes in older adults with blunt chest trauma: a systematic review,2018,20,4,614-622,Green Factors associated with delay in trauma team activation and impact on patient outcomes,2018,20,4,606-613,Perry A system-wide solution to antidote stocking in emergency departments: the Nova Scotia antidote program,2019,21,1,37-46,Murphy Evaluating mental health service use during and after emergency department visits in a multisite cohort of Canadian children and youth,2019,21,1,75-86,Rosychuk Dog bites in the emergency department: a descriptive analysis,2019,21,1,63-70,Williams One size does not fit all for Canadian trauma systems,2018,20,2,160-161,Green Firearm-related injuries among Canadian children and youth from 2006 to 2013: a CHIRPP study,2019,21,2,190-194,Hurley Poisoning from the Kambô ritual,2018,20,6,962-964,Zipursky The effect of Alberta's new impaired driving legislation on motor vehicle-related trauma (LO66),2018,20,S1,S30-S30,Frey Emergency toxicology: timely antidotes and giving poisoned organs a second life,2019,21,1,3-4,Gosselin Trauma recidivism in a Canadian province: a 14-year registry review,2019,21,4,473-476,Asbridge Feasibility and efficacy of a hospital-based violence intervention program on reducing repeat violent injury in youth: a randomized control trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klassen Fatigue and safety in paramedicine,2019,21,6,762-765,Davis CJEM Debate Series: #DomesticViolence - We should routinely screen for domestic violence (intimate partner violence) in the emergency department,2019,21,6,701-705,Boyle Outcome of pediatric emergency mental health visits: incidence and timing of suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doan Naloxone dosing in the era of ultra-potent opioid overdoses: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brasher Screening for suicide risk - the need the possibilities and a call for resources,2020,22,3,269-270,Newton Characteristics of vomiting as a predictor of intracranial injury in pediatric minor head injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osmond Clearing the air: a study of cannabis-related presentations to urban Alberta emergency departments following legalization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lang Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults presenting to the emergency department for minor injuries: impact on return to the ED and future falls,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Worster Post-concussion symptoms in sports-related mild traumatic brain injury compared to non-sports-related mild traumatic brain injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Le Sage Predictors of persistent concussion symptoms in adults with acute mild traumatic brain injury presenting to the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borgundvaag IFEM White Paper on the care of older people with acute illness and injury in the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lowthian Evaluating the paramedic application of the prehospital Canadian C-Spine Rule in sport-related injuries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shrier What are Canadian emergency physicians' attitudes and self-perceived competence toward patients who present with suicidal ideation?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barbic CAEP position statement on violence in the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Surviving strangulation: evaluation of non-fatal strangulation in patients presenting to a tertiary care sexual assault and partner abuse care program,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sampsel Just the facts: diagnosis and management of intimate partner violence in the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sampsel Wide alternating QRS complexes from herbal poisoning,2019,21,5,676-679,Salehian Violence in emergency care: can we do better?,2022,24,2,107-108,Boyle Just the facts: drowning,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jerome Multifaceted quality improvement initiatives improve rate of pediatric hand injury reduction,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhatt Mandatory gunshot wound reporting in Nova Scotia: a pre-post-evaluation of firearm-related injury rates,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Delayed intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among elderly patients on anticoagulation seen in the emergency department,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Austin CAEP position statement executive summary: Where is the love? Intimate partner violence (IPV) in the emergency department (ED),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sampsel Injuries associated with e-scooter use in the City of Calgary: Canada joins an international conversation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caird Electric scooter related injuries in Calgary emergency departments,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lang Prolonged observation or routine reimaging in older patients following a head injury is not justified,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perry Violence in the emergency department. Is it a curse?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mason Examining the disaster medicine curriculum in Canadian emergency medicine enhanced skills programs,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jain Drowning: an overlooked cause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Canada,2014,16,04,314-321,Kierzek Universal screening in the emergency department for intimate partner violence would consume scarce resources without improving patient well-being,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Worster An assessment of mass casualty triage systems using the Alberta trauma registry,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Savage Health care impact of implementing a clinical pathway for acute care of pediatric concussion: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Intersectional characterization of emergency department (ED) staff experiences of racism: a survey of ED healthcare workers for the Disrupting Racism in Emergency Medicine (DRiEM) Investigators,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leeies Cold-related injuries among patients experiencing homelessness in Toronto: a descriptive analysis of emergency department visits,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hwang Just the facts: seizure prophylaxis post-traumatic brain injury (TBI),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Predictors of mortality among older major trauma patients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emond Prevalence and predictors of elder abuse among older adults attending emergency departments: a prospective cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emond A disaster medicine course for Canadian medical students: first implementation of a large-scale mass-casualty simulation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eastwood Pre-hospital mortality among pediatric trauma patients in Nova Scotia,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Violence against healthcare and public safety professionals: is Bill C-321 a solution?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mausz Off-road vehicle crashes: dangers of alcohol and drug impairment,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clarke Trauma and violence informed perspectives on the transabdominal pelvic point-of-care ultrasound,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Non-suicidal self-injury at a Canadian paediatric emergency department,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzpatrick Alcohol and drug impairment in off-road vehicle crashes,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Use of quality improvement methods to enhance implementation of a mental health care bundle in a pediatric emergency department,2023,25,4,326-334,Newton Field trauma triage criteria associated with need for dedicated trauma center care: a single-center retrospective cohort study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nisenbaum Just the facts: Organ donation in the emergency department: When you can't save one save eight,2020,22,2,155-158,Huang Emergency medicine physician burnout and wellness in Canada before COVID19: A national survey,2020,22,5,603-607,Lim Demographics of mental healthcare presentations in a northwest Ontario emergency department,2022,24,2,161-166,Kelly Octreotide for the treatment of intentional insulin aspart overdose in a non-diabetic patient,2018,20,4,643-647,McGillis Road hazard: a systematic review of traffic injuries following recreational cannabis legalization,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boet