Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide risk among homeless population,2016,27,2,89-96,Calvo-García Child-to-parent violence and parent-to-child violence: a meta-analytic review,2019,11,2,51-59,Arce Considering the effect of sexism on psychological intimate partner violence: a study with imprisoned men,2019,11,2,61-69,Herrero Persistent traffic offenders: alcohol consumption and personality as predictors of driving disqualification,2019,11,2,81-92,Roca Exploring typology categorizations of male perpetrators: a methodology study,2019,11,2,93-97,O'Leary Parenting styles and aggressive adolescents: relationships with self-esteem and personal maladjustment,2019,12,1,1-10,Garcia Multivariate models of child-to-mother violence and child-to-father violence among adolescents,2019,12,1,11-21,Calvete Assessing risk and protective factors in clinical and judicial child-to-parent violence cases,2019,12,1,43-51,Loinaz Which tactics of sexual violence predict leaving the relationship? The role of dependence towards partner,2020,12,2,53-60,Valor-Segura Attitudes towards School Violence Questionnaire Revised version: CAHV-28,2020,12,2,61-68,Llor-Esteban Motivational strategies working alliance and protherapeutic behaviors in batterer intervention programs: a randomized controlled trial,2020,12,2,77-84,Gracia Longitudinal patterns of antisocial behaviors in early adolescence: a latent class and latent transition analysis,2020,12,2,85-92,Farrington Suicide among young people in Spain: Facts and possible causes. An analysis of latest data available,2017,28,1,25-31,Navarro-Gómez Comparison between mild and serious suicide attempts and suicide deaths in Navarre Region,2019,30,2,109-113,Goñi-Sarriés The role of affective temperament and character traits in predicting suicidality in depressed patients,2021,32,1,1-6,Jovicić