Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Debate: Gold standard or go for gold? The pros and cons of waiting for gold standard evidence of effectiveness for adolescent depression and self-harm interventions versus acting with the precautionary principle in current political times,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hetrick Suicidal Behaviour Among Youth in Five Public Sectors of Care,2010,15,1,44-51,Garland Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT- A): Extending the Reach from Academic to Community Settings,2010,15,2,66-72,Mufson Multisystemic Therapy (MST) for Youth Offending Psychiatric Disorder and Substance Abuse: Case Examples from a UK MST Team,2010,15,3,142-149,Wells Screening Efficiency of the Child Behavior Checklist and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Systematic Review,2008,13,3,140-147,Kasl Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder in Turkish Child and Adolescent Survivors Three Years after the Marmara Earthquake,2008,13,3,134-139,Bal A Preliminary Community Study of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) with Adolescent Females Demonstrating Persistent Deliberate Self‐Harm (DSH),2008,13,3,148-152,James Adolescents Who Self Harm: A Comparison of Those Who Go to Hospital and Those Who Do Not,2009,14,1,24-30,Rodham Stimulant Induced Psychosis,2009,14,1,20-23,Shibib Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescence: A Review of the Literature,2009,14,2,62-68,Manners The Efficacy of a Relational Treatment for Maltreated Children and their Families,2009,14,2,81-88,Sprang Double Jeopardy: Adolescent Offenders with Mental Disorders,2008,13,3,156,Bailey Traumatic Experiences and Post‐traumatic Stress Symptoms in Kurdish Children in their Native Country and in Exile,2008,13,4,193-197,von Knorring Trauma‐Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Parents,2008,13,4,158-162,Mannarino Managing Multiple Risks: Use of a Concise Risk Assessment Format,2009,14,1,48-52,Firth Systematic Review of Evidence and Treatment Approaches: Psychosocial and Mental Health Care for Children in War,2009,14,1,2-14,Tol Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression: A Five Areas Approach,2009,14,1,54,Dubicka Gender as a Moderator of the Relationship between Child Exposure to the World Trade Centre Disaster and Behavioural Outcomes,2009,14,3,121-126,Devoe Working with Children Affected by Hurricane Katrina: Two Case Studies in Play Therapy,2010,15,1,52-55,Dugan NICE Guidelines on Parenting Programmes for Children with Conduct Disorder,2009,14,2,58-61,Puckering Mental Health of Children in Palestinian Kindergartens: Resilience and Vulnerability,2009,14,2,89-96,Massad Children and Bullying: How Parents and Educators can Reduce Bullying at School,2009,14,2,110,Robinson Safeguarding Children and Schools,2009,14,4,208,Sim Teachers’ Recognition of Children’s Mental Health Problems,2010,15,3,150-156,Loades History of Family Involvement with Child Protective Services as a Risk Factor for Bullying in Ontario Schools,2010,15,3,157-163,Rehm Adversity Emotional Arousal and Problem Behaviour in Adolescence: The Role of Non‐Verbal Cognitive Ability as a Resilience Promoting Factor,2011,16,1,22-29,Hurry Are Suicidal Phenomena in Children Different to Suicidal Phenomena in Adolescents? A Six‐Year Review,2010,15,4,197-203,Morgan Assessing the Effects of Maternal Symptoms and Homelessness on the Mental Health Problems in their Children,2009,14,4,168-174,Rosenheck Relationships Between Physical and Non-Physical Forms of Intimate Partner Violence and Depression among Urban Minority Adolescent Females,2011,16,2,92-100,Sullivan Adolescent Satisfaction with Computer‐Assisted Behavioural Risk Screening in Primary Care,2008,13,4,163-168,Gardner Aggression Antisocial Behaviour and Violence Among Girls: A Developmental Perspective,2007,12,4,199,Bailey Children's and Young People's Involvement and Participation in Mental Health Care,2008,13,1,2-8,Day Developing Pilot Befriending Schemes for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Region of Greece: Lessons from Practice,2007,12,3,138-142,Mavropoulou Developing Services with Limited Resources: Establishing a CAMHS in Pakistan,2007,12,3,121-124,Syed Evidence for Interventions for Young Offenders,2007,12,4,154-159,Karnik Kids and Violence: The Invisible School Experience,2007,12,2,100,Sluckin Managing Psychotic Illness in Young People: A Practical Overview,2007,12,4,173-186,Tiffin Psychological Symptomatology Among Palestinian Adolescents Living with Political Violence,2007,12,1,27-31,Al‐Krenawi The Assessment of Juvenile Psychopathy: Strengths and Weaknesses of Currently Used Questionnaire Measures,2008,13,2,85-95,Sharp The Effect of an Education Program on Attitudes and Beliefs about Bullying and Bullying Behaviour in Junior Secondary School Students,2007,12,1,21-26,Hunt The Relationship Between Contact and Child Adjustment in High Conflict Cases after Divorce or Separation,2008,13,4,181-187,Trinder Treatment for Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy,2008,13,1,52,Becker‐Weidman Adapting Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Children: Towards a New Research Agenda for Paediatric Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviours,2011,16,2,116-121,Kaufman Relationships Between Physical and Non‐Physical Forms of Intimate Partner Violence and Depression among Urban Minority Adolescent Females,2011,16,2,92-100,Sullivan Adapting Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Children: Towards a New Research Agenda for Paediatric Suicidal and Non‐Suicidal Self‐Injurious Behaviours,2011,16,2,116-121,Kaufman Preventing Adolescent Depression in Mauritius: A Universal School‐Based Program,2011,16,2,86-91,Heriot Measures for assessing parenting in research and practice,2011,16,3,158-166,Smith Depression in Parents Parenting and Children: Opportunities to Improve Identification Treatment and Prevention,2011,16,3,172,Searle Marital Conflict and Children: An Emotional Security Perspective,2011,16,3,173,Barratt Family‐Focused Trauma Intervention: Using Metaphor and Play with Victims of Abuse and Neglect,2011,16,3,174,O'Malley The effect of adolescents' image of parents on children's self‐image and mental health,2011,16,4,186-192,Onuoha Association between mental health disorders and juveniles' detention for a personal crime,2011,16,4,208-213,Mallett Elusive Alliance: Treatment Engagement Strategies with High‐Risk Adolescents,2011,16,4,223,Kaplan Working with Children to Heal Interpersonal Trauma: The Power of Play,2011,16,4,224,O'Malley Brief Interventions for School Problems: Outcome‐Informed Strategies,2011,16,4,224,Galloway Setting up a domestic violence service,2003,8,2,61-67,Vetere Review: Bridging research and practice: relational interventions for maltreated children,2012,17,3,131-138,Toth Multisystemic Therapy: An Overview of Clinical Procedures Outcomes and Policy Implications,1999,4,1,2-10,Henggeler Multisystemic Treatment of Antisocial Adolescents in Norway: Replication of Clinical Outcomes Outside of the US,2004,9,2,77-83,Halliday-Boykins Adapting Multisystemic Therapy to Serve Youth Presenting Psychiatric Emergencies: Two Case Studies,2000,5,1,30-43,Henggeler Moderators of intensive CBT for adolescent panic disorder: the of fear and avoidance,2016,21,1,30-36,Comer Association between bullying behavior perceived school safety and self-cutting: a Japanese population-based school survey,2018,23,3,141-147,Sourander Narrative Matters: self-harm in Britain post-1945: the evolution of new diagnostic category,2017,22,3,175-176,Ougrin Editorial: The future of crisis mental health services for children and young people,2018,23,1,1-3,Cotgrove Review: How should child mental health services respond to the refugee crisis?,2018,23,4,303-312,Vostanis Cluster-randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for children aged 11-13 years designed to increase participation to prevent symptoms of mental illness,2018,23,4,313-327,Kersten Bullying mental health and friendship in Australian primary school children,2018,23,4,334-340,Patton A longitudinal examination of social connectedness and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among adolescents,2018,23,4,341-350,Goldstein Editorial Perspective: Based on current evidence should mental health clinicians assess children for substance use initiation and substance use disorders?,2018,23,4,384-386,Lange Children's concepts of childhood and adolescent depression,2019,24,1,19-28,Williams School-based assessment of mental health risk in children: the preliminary development of the Child RADAR,2019,24,1,66-75,Rapee Trajectories and predictors of risk for mental health problems throughout childhood,2019,24,2,142-148,Allen Commentary: Sports participation at 4 years old? Thoughts on mental health-risk trajectories in the longitudinal study of Australian children - a commentary on Vella et al. (2018),2019,24,2,149-151,Crowell Response: Sports participation and interventions to reduce risk of mental health problems during childhood: a response to Crowell (2018),2019,24,2,152-153,Allen Narrative Matters: Suicide - Thirteen Reasons Why,2019,24,2,192-193,Bates Review: The association between anxiety and poor attendance at school - a systematic review,2019,24,3,205-216,Ford Review: The views and experiences of suicidal children and young people of mental health support services: a meta-ethnography,2019,24,3,217-229,Maxwell Adolescent self-harm prevention and intervention in secondary schools: a survey of staff in England and Wales,2019,24,3,230-238,Scourfield Commentary: Adolescent self-harm prevention and intervention in secondary schools: a survey of staff in England and Wales - a reflection on Evans et al. (2019),2019,24,3,239-241,Robinson Family functioning moderates the impact of depression treatment on adolescents' suicidal ideations,2019,24,3,251-258,Dardas Review: the effectiveness of interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents with depression - a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,24,4,307-317,Schwannauer Examining parent and child agreement in the diagnosis of adolescent depression,2019,24,4,338-344,Reynolds Loneliness and friendlessness among adolescents in 25 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean,2020,25,1,21-27,Jacobsen Racial/ethnic differences in treatment quality among youth with primary care provider-initiated versus mental health specialist-initiated care for major depressive disorders,2020,25,1,28-35,Chen Narrative matters: two decades of support: a brief history of online self-harm content,2020,25,2,117-119,Lavis The role of psychopathology in the relationship between history of maltreatment and suicide attempts among children and adolescent inpatients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barbot Self-harm and self-regulation in urban ethnic minority youth: a pilot application of dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Germán Technology matters: BlueIce - using a smartphone app to beat adolescent self-harm,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stallard Coalescing investments in school mental health in South Carolina,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weist What do young people who self-harm find helpful? A comparative study of young people with and without experience of being looked after in care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vostanis Risk factors for suicide attempt in children adolescents and young adults hospitalized for mental health disorders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Innovations in Practice: Intensive crisis intervention for adolescent suicidal ideation and behavior - an open trial,2019,24,4,345-349,Bridge Dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents: a comparison of 16-week and 24-week programmes delivered in a public community setting,2019,24,3,266-273,Corcoran Review: Yoga and mindfulness for youth with autism spectrum disorder: review of the current evidence,2019,24,1,12-18,Semple Child-Adolescent Teasing Scale: psychometric properties of the Turkish version,2018,23,3,283-290,Yılmaz Editorial perspective: Treatment of complex maltreatment - beyond the NICE guideline? Manuals muddles or modules,2018,23,3,297-300,Vizard Navigating an unfamiliar world: how parents of young people who self-harm experience support and treatment,2018,23,2,78-84,Simkin National time trend changes in psychotropic medication of child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients across Finland,2018,23,2,63-70,Sourander The intersection of adolescent depression and peer violence: baseline results from a randomized controlled trial of 1752 youth in Pakistan,2017,22,4,232-241,Jewkes International child abuse prevention: insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids,2017,22,4,194-200,Howe Displaced Syrian children's reported physical and mental wellbeing,2017,22,4,186-193,Hamdan-Mansour Victimisation in urban primary schools of high-poverty areas: associations with health-related quality of life depression and social support,2017,22,3,131-137,Comiskey Is emotional lability a marker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder anxiety and aggression symptoms in preschoolers?,2017,22,2,77-83,Galéra Self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between parental closeness and suicidal ideation among Malaysian adolescents,2017,22,2,84-90,Yaacob Post-traumatic stress symptoms and post-traumatic growth among children and adolescents following an earthquake: a latent profile analysis,2017,22,1,23-29,Jieling Dialectical behavior therapy for nonsuicidal self-injury and depression among adolescents: preliminary meta-analytic evidence,2016,21,2,81-89,Cook Prevalence of traumatic events and risk for psychological symptoms among community and at-risk children and adolescents from Bangladesh,2015,20,4,218-224,Rapee Childhood maltreatment and executive functions in adolescents,2015,20,1,56-62,Grassi-Oliveira Narrative matters: understanding the Virgin Suicides - myth memory and the medical gaze,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barrett Bullying: recent developments,2004,9,3,98-103,Smith Dangerous children: assessment and management of risk,2004,9,2,56-64,Tiffin Fear recognition and the neural basis of social cognition,2003,8,2,50-60,Skuse Evaluation of a mental health service for young children: development outcome and satisfaction,2003,8,2,68-77,Coll Auditory hallucinations in nonpsychotic children: diagnostic considerations,2004,9,1,9-14,Mertin Childhood fears and phobias: assessment and treatment,2005,10,2,50-56,Muris Causes of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency,2005,10,1,47-48,Dimond Bullying peer harassment and victimization in the schools: the next generation of prevention,2005,10,3,e155,Pearson A preliminary study of an extension of a community dialectic behaviour therapy (DBT) programme to adolescents in the looked after care system,2011,16,1,9-13,James The Helping Families Programme: a new parenting intervention for children with severe and persistent conduct problems,2011,16,3,167-171,Harnett Understanding the effectiveness of school-based interventions to prevent suicide: a realist review,2013,18,3,131-139,Waheed Social rejection by peers: a risk factor for psychological distress,2012,17,4,216-221,Lev-Wiesel Effects of attentional/ hyperactive and oppositional/ aggressive problem behaviour at 14 months and 21 months on parenting stress,2012,17,2,113-120,Buitelaar Dialectical behaviour therapy with adolescents,2012,17,2,65-75,Miller Adolescents' experiences of psychosocial support after traumatisation in a school shooting,2012,17,1,23-30,Marttunen Review: A systematic review of the impact of physical activity programmes on social and emotional well-being in at-risk youth,2012,17,1,2-13,Lubans Internet addiction in the island of Hippocrates: the associations between internet abuse and adolescent off-line behaviours,2012,17,1,37-44,Fisoun The impact of political violence on psychosocial functioning of individuals and families: the case of Palestinian adolescents,2012,17,1,14-22,Al-Krenawi Innovations in Practice: Preliminary evidence for effective family engagement in treatment for child traumatic stress-trauma systems therapy approach to preventing dropout,2012,17,1,58-61,Navalta Nonsuicidal self-injury as an affect-regulation strategy and the moderating role of impulsivity,2014,19,4,259-264,Gallucci Psychopathology among youths who were victims of documented childhood maltreatment,2014,19,2,122-130,Pinto Innovations in Practice: the efficacy of nonviolent resistance groups in treating aggressive and controlling children and young people: a preliminary analysis of pilot NVR groups in Kent,2014,19,2,138-141,Webb Narrative matters: adult anxieties and prejudice against children - childism in The Twilight Zone,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Review: Social networking sites and associations with depressive and anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents - a systematic review,2020,25,4,201-216,Ward Review: Education and training interventions and support tools for school staff to adequately respond to young people who disclose self-harm - a systematic literature review of effectiveness feasibility and acceptability,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burn Characteristics of interpersonal conflicts preceding youth suicide: analysis of data from the 2017 National Violent Death Reporting System,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chatfield Targeting self-criticism in the treatment of nonsuicidal self-injury in dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents: a randomized clinical trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berlin Debate: Child and adolescent mental health services in Pakistan; do we need in-patient mental health facilities for children and young people?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamdani Sleep duration depressive symptoms and digital self-harm among adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meldrum Characterizing children hospitalized for suicide-related thoughts and behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stein Deliberate self-harm as the first presentation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curran Parental death by external causes during childhood and risk of psychiatric disorders in bereaved offspring,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mehlum How are parenting practices associated with bullying in adolescents? A cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hickey Editorial: Mental health needs of children and young people of Black ethnicity.(1) Is it time to reconceptualise racism as a traumatic experience?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dubicka Commentary: Defining self-harm: how inconsistencies in language persist - a commentary/reflection on Ward and Curran (2021),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ougrin Association between suicidal behaviors and auditory and visual hallucinations in Japanese adolescent psychiatric outpatients at first visit: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Suda Review: Mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and youth - a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Long Building Resilience and Attachment in Vulnerable Adolescents (BRAVA): a brief group intervention for adolescents with mild-to-moderate suicidal ideation and their caregivers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cloutier Editorial: New insights into self-harm among children and young people - renewed links with inequality new opportunities for recognition and new treatment option,2021,26,4,301-302,Ani A scoping review of youth and young adults' roles in natural disaster mitigation and response: considerations for youth wellbeing during a global ecological crisis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bessaha Life problems in children and adolescents who self-harm: findings from the multicentre study of self-harm in England,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kapur COVID-related distress mental health and substance use in adolescents and young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peasley-Miklus Debate: "The-diagnosis-that-must-not-be-named" - professionals' fear of BPD is failing their patients,2022,27,2,201-202,Gould Review: Impact of urgent youth outpatient mental health care on patient and health system outcomes - a scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Battaglia Digital self-harm and suicidality among adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patchin Editorial: Going through the slippery landscape of conduct disorder oppositional defiant disorder and help for children in humanitarian crises,2022,27,3,213-214,Ola Editorial: Suicide prevention in youth,2022,27,4,325-327,Berk Learning outcomes in primary school children with emotional problems: a prospective cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Review: Patient engagement in child adolescent and youth mental health care research - a scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students' online interactions and content creation: an analysis of dominant media discourses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kikerpill Adolescents' problematic internet and smartphone use in (cyber)bullying experiences: a network analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ševčíková The rapid stabilization pathway: impact of a brief inpatient intervention on the length of stay and readmissions among psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garrison Review: Interventions to prevent or manage self-harm among students in educational settings - a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson A qualitative study of young people's lived experiences of suicide and self-harm: intentionality rationality and authenticity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDaid Review: Systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative literature on young people's experiences of going to A&E/emergency departments for mental health support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Understanding the impact of children's and young people's self-harm on parental well-being: a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative findings,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oliver Breaking the silence: an epidemiological report on Asian American and Pacific Islander youth mental health and suicide (1999-2021),2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhatt Short Research Article: Do demographic socioeconomic and clinical characteristics influence the number of psychological intervention sessions attended by young people in need of mental health care?,2023,28,3,461-465,Harries Debate: More not less social media content moderation? How to better protect youth mental health online,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Stalking in adolescence: A case report,2005,10,1,23-25,Chalhoub Pain in adolescent psychiatric patients,2006,11,4,185-191,Wichstrøm The establishment of a triage system in a child and adolescent psychiatry clinic in Hong Kong,2006,11,4,204-207,Lai Drug treatment in juvenile depression - Is St. John's wort a safe and effective alternative?,2007,12,3,143-149,Seelinger Correlates of schizophrenia spectrum disorders in children and adolescents cared for in community settings,2012,17,2,101-108,Nugent Negative automatic thoughts as a mediator of the relationship between depression and suicidal behaviour in an at-risk sample of Malaysian adolescents,2015,20,2,89-93,Hassan Debate: Fomenting controversy regarding pediatric bipolar disorder,2019,24,1,95-96,Birmaher Innovations in Practice: Feasibility and provision of dialectical behavior therapy skills training for adolescents and their families,2023,28,3,458-460,White Trends in the utilization of a peer-supported youth hotline,2021,26,1,65-72,Tseng Innovations in Practice: Dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents: multisite implementation and evaluation of a 16-week programme in a public community mental health setting,2019,24,1,76-83,Corcoran Debate: The toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2021,26,3,274-275,Brent Editorial: Are our kids getting a fair deal?,2021,26,3,193-194,Merry