Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Promoting Intrapersonal Qualities in Adolescents,2008,23,2,206-222,Hindes Investigating the Comparability of a Self-Report Measure of Childhood Bullying Across Countries,2009,24,1,82-93,Pepler Understanding How Resiliency Development Influences Adolescent Bullying and Victimization,2010,25,1,101-113,Donnon The Role of Arts-Based Curricula in Bullying Prevention: Elijah's Kite -- A Children's Opera,2010,25,1,55-69,Pepler Male and Female University Students’ Experiences of Indirect Aggression,2010,25,1,131-148,Leenaars Attachment Quality and Bullying Behavior in School-Aged Youth,2010,25,1,5-18,Beran Attributions and Coping Styles in Reducing Victimization,2010,25,1,84-100,Shelley "My Best Friend Always Did and Still Does Betray Me Constantly": Examining Relational and Physical Victimization Within a Dyadic Friendship Context,2010,25,1,70-83,Daniels Do School Bullying and Student-Teacher Relationships Matter for Academic Achievement? A Multilevel Analysis,2010,25,1,19-39,Konishi Bystander Responses to School Bullying: A Cross-Sectional Investigation of Grade and Sex Differences,2010,25,1,114-130,Hymel Places to Avoid: Population-Based Study of Student Reports of Unsafe and High Bullying Areas at School,2010,25,1,40-54,Vaillancourt Adolescents’ Willingness to Access School-Based Support for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury,2010,25,3,260-276,Heath The Prevention of Depression and Anxiety in a Sample of High-Risk Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2010,25,4,291-310,Dobson Responding to Community Needs Utilizing a Consultative Approach,2009,24,3,222-236,Gutow Self-worth and Social Support of Children Exposed to Marital Violence,2004,19,1-2,75-97,Riesen Cyberbullying: The New Era of Bullying,2011,26,1,44-61,Beran The Study of Factor Structure and Reliability of an Abbreviated School Climate Survey,2011,26,3,241-256,Liu Promoting Happiness and Life Satisfaction in School Children,2011,26,3,177-192,McCabe Perfectionism Rumination Worry and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescents,2011,26,3,159-176,Flett Bully and victim problems in elementary schools and students' beliefs about aggression,1996,11,2,153-165,Bentley Rural Canadian youth exposed to physical violence,2014,29,1,21-39,Laye Effects of Implementing School-Wide Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports on Problem Behaviour and Academic Achievement in a Canadian Elementary School,2014,29,3,195-212,Kelm Promoting Mental Health Literacy among Educators: Critical in School-Based Prevention and Intervention,2013,28,1,56-70,Vaillancourt A Snapshot of School-Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Canada: Where We Are and Where It Leads Us,2013,28,1,119-135,Manion Relations between Student Perceptions of Their School Environment and Academic Achievement,2014,29,3,161-176,McIntosh Toward the mastery of resiliency,2008,23,1,127-137,Weiss The resiliency scales for children and adolescents psychological symptoms and clinical status in adolescents,2008,23,1,41-56,Prince-Embury Measurement invariance of the resiliency scales for children and adolescents with respect to sex and age cohorts,2008,23,1,26-40,Prince-Embury Comparison of one- two- and three-factor models of personal resiliency using the resiliency scales for children and adolescents,2008,23,1,11-25,Prince-Embury Resilience applied in school strengthening classroom environments for learning,2008,23,1,94-113,Nickolite A resiliency profile of Hurricane Katrina adolescents a psychosocial study of disaster,2008,23,1,57-69,Nelson Emotional intelligence and resiliency in young adults with Asperger's disorder challenges and opportunities,2008,23,1,70-93,Thorne The mindset of teachers capable of fostering resilience in students,2008,23,1,114-126,Brooks Development of a change-sensitive outcome measure for children receiving counseling,2008,23,2,148-160,McDougal Children's gendered sense of self and play as represented through drawings and written descriptions,2008,23,2,190-205,Bosacki Perfectionism performance and state positive affect and negative affect after a classroom test,2009,24,1,4-18,Flett Consequences of part-time work on the academic and psychosocial adaptation of adolescents,2009,24,1,58-75,Leclerc The resiliency scales for children and adolescents as related to parent education level and race/ethnicity in children,2009,24,2,167-182,Prince-Embury Examination of the effects of self-modeling on autobiographical memory,2009,24,3,203-221,Nastasi School psychology in Canada a survey of roles and functions challenges and aspirations,2009,24,3,245-264,Hindes Perfectionism achievement and affect in children: a comparison of students from gifted arts and regular programs,2009,24,4,267-283,Flett Adjustment scales for children and adolescents: factorial validity in a Canadian sample,2009,24,4,284-302,Beran Response to intervention in Canada: definitions the evidence base and future directions,2011,26,1,18-43,McIntosh International classification of functioning disability and health: implications for school psychologists,2011,26,1,3-17,Benson Measures of emotional intelligence and social acceptability in children: a concurrent validity study,2011,26,2,107-126,Windingstad Social correlates of bullying in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2011,26,4,301-318,Wiener A mixed-method evaluation of a strength-based bullying prevention program,2011,26,4,283-300,Rawana Beautiful from the inside out a school-based programme designed to increase self-esteem and positive body image among preadolescents,2011,26,4,263-282,Norwood Neuropsychological effects of posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents,2012,27,2,166-182,Turley The dual-factor model of mental health further study of the determinants of group differences,2012,27,2,183-196,Huebner Children's perceptions of their ADHD symptoms positive illusions attributions and stigma,2012,27,3,217-242,Wiener A modified content analysis of existing school psychology reports,2012,27,3,243-257,Mallin Teacher ratings of three school psychology report recommendation styles,2012,27,3,258-273,Mallin Individual motivations and characteristics associated with bystander intervention during bullying episodes among children and youth,2012,27,3,201-216,Cummings The longitudinal stability and dynamics of group membership in the dual-factor model of mental health psychosocial predictors of mental health,2012,27,4,337-355,Huebner Assisting students with a traumatic brain injury in school interventions,2012,27,4,291-301,Obrzut Teachers--the vital resource the contribution of emotional intelligence to teacher efficacy and well-being,2013,28,1,71-89,Saklofske Mental health in schools lessons learned from exclusion,2013,28,1,43-55,Specht Children first it's time to change! Mental health promotion prevention and treatment informed by public health and resiliency approaches,2013,28,1,136-166,Rodger The psychology school mental health initiative an innovative approach to the delivery of school-based intervention services,2013,28,1,103-118,Millar Challenges and solutions in the implementation of the school-based pathway to care model the lessons from nova scotia and beyond,2013,28,1,90-102,Kutcher Self-stigma of mental illness in high school youth,2013,28,1,28-42,Flett Disguised distress in children and adolescents "flying under the radar" why psychological problems are underestimated and how schools must respond,2013,28,1,12-27,Flett Youth perceptions of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and barriers to treatment,2013,28,2,193-218,Corkum Cyberbullying prevalence stability and risk factors during adolescence,2013,28,2,171-192,Craig Moms and dads count in a prevention program for kindergarten children with behavior problems,2013,28,2,219-238,Vitaro Higher reported levels of depression stress and anxiety are associated with increased endorsement of ADHD symptoms by postsecondary students,2013,28,3,243-260,Harrison Documenting disabilities in postsecondary settings diagnosticians' understanding of legal regulations and diagnostic standards,2013,28,4,303-322,Lovett Standardized procedures for measuring the correlates of ADHD in children: a research program,1985,9,1,28-36,Saklofske Childrearing discussions in families of nonproblem children and ADHD children with higher and lower levels of aggresive-defiant behavior,1985,9,1,53-65,Johnston A prevalence study: ADHD in elementary school children,1985,9,1,16-27,Francis Stress and coping in adolescents: the effects of family configuration and environment on suicidality,1994,9,2,204-216,Derevensky Ethics and social justice in program evaluation: are evaluators value-free?,1995,10,2,138-146,Pettifor Self-concept of young children with special needs: perspectives for school and clinic,1995,10,2,123-130,Algozzine Shyness and anxiety in elementary school children,1995,10,2,162-166,Irvirig Child and adolescent interpersonal relations with parents peers and teachers: a factor analytic investigation,1995,10,2,108-122,Bracken A response to Janzen Paterson and Paterson: "School psychology and violence prevention in schools",1995,10,2,105-107,Li Are withdrawn children at risk?,1996,11,2,166-177,Vargo Using multiple reporters of problem behavior to predict clinical referral of adolescents with learning disabilities,1996,11,2,178-190,Symons Adolescent depression and suicide: a review and analysis of the current literature,1996,11,2,191-201,Pagliaro Multidisciplinary school teams: a five-year follow-up study,1997,12,2,155-168,Cole The effects of hostile attribution on adolescents' aggressive responses to social situations,1997,13,1,48-59,VanOostrum Social behavior ratings of at-risk preschool children: comparisons with typical preschool children by parents and teachers,1997,13,1,68-84,Elliott Treatment effect of a school based cognitive-behavioral program for aggressive children,1997,13,1,60-67,Schwean Observations of bullying and victimization in the school yard,1998,13,2,41-59,Craig Enhancing home-school partnerships: how school psychologists can help,1999,14,2,31-44,Graham-Clay Correlates of mother-and teacher-ratings of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention in children with AD/HD,1999,15,1,43-62,Saklofske Development and refinement of a measure for assessing the acceptability of assessment methods: the Assessment Rating Profile-Revised,1999,15,1,21-42,Eckert Influence of family structure on children's self-concept development,2000,16,1,39-52,Bracken Position statement,2000,16,1,1-14,Simner Cross-sectional and longitudinal psychosocial correlates of adolescent life satisfaction reports,2000,16,1,53-64,Huebner The effect of school culture on adolescent behavioural problems: self esteem attachment to learning and peer approval of deviance as mediating mechanisms,2000,16,1,15-38,Dewit Multimodal school-based intervention for at-risk aggressive latency-age youth,2002,17,1,27-46,Stirtzinger Self-esteem gender-role perception gender-role orientation and attributional style as a function of academic competence: smart girls are different but a boy is a boy is a boy,2002,17,1,47-64,Jenson The potential buffering effects of group interaction on emotional responses to differential outcomes,2002,17,2,45-60,Benenson Children's reports of bullying and safety at school,2002,17,2,1-14,Tutty Social exile: the cycle of peer victmization for boys with ADHD,2003,18,1-2,55-90,Wiener Search for new meaning: adolescent bereavement after the sudden death of a sibling,2003,18,1-2,23-53,Forward School psychology: how universal are ethical principles approved by international associations?,2004,19,1-2,137-148,Pettifor An evaluation of a bullying prevention program for elementary schools,2004,19,1-2,99-116,Tutty Community resilience impact on child and youth health outcomes a neighbourhood case study,2005,20,1-2,5-20,Muhajarine An initial investigation of the impact of self-regulation and emotionality on behavior problems in children with ADHD,2005,20,1-2,62-74,Crundwell Possible relationships between depressive symptoms and reading,2006,21,1-2,93-105,Stringer Moderator factors in First Nation students at risk for psychosocial problems,2006,21,1-2,4-17,Mykota Effects of school-based interventions on secondary school students with high and low risks for antisocial behaviour,2007,22,1,32-49,Duku Bullying risk in children with learning difficulties in inclusive educational settings,2007,22,1,14-31,Luciano Using the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment to identify behavioral risk and protective factors within a Head Start population,2007,22,2,136-151,Carlson The relationship of parental practices and knowledge to school adaptation for immigrant and nonimmigrant high school students,2007,22,2,152-166,Birman "I am not well-equipped": high school teachers' perceptions of self-injury,2006,21,1-2,73-92,Heath Non-suicidal self-injury in our schools: a review and research-informed guidelines for school mental health professionals,2016,32,2,122-143,Heath Perfectionism in language learners review conceptualization and recommendations for teachers and school psychologists,2016,31,2,75-101,Flett Origins of early adolescents' hope personality parental attachment and stressful life events,2016,31,2,102-121,Huebner Examination of the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale-Version 2 and the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale-Straightforward items factor structure in a sample of U.S. college students,2016,31,2,122-138,Liu Psychometric properties of the student subjective wellbeing questionnaire with Turkish adolescents: a generalizability study,2016,31,2,139-151,Renshaw When push comes to shove: how are students with autism spectrum disorder coping with bullying?,2017,32,3-4,209-227,Beran Temperamental differences and classroom incivility: exploring the role of individual differences,2018,33,1,44-62,Volk The association between peer victimization and attachment security: a meta-analysis,2018,33,3,193-211,Ward Changes in bullying in relation to friends competitiveness and self-worth,2019,34,3,234-248,Hymel Gender and geographic predictors of cyberbullying victimization perpetration and coping modalities among youth,2019,34,1,3-21,Ronis The who what and where of school kindness: exploring students' perspectives,2019,34,1,22-37,Binfet Prior individual risk behavior predicts subsequent individual and peer risk behavior: a longitudinal examination from fifth to ninth grade,2019,34,4,283-299,Reynolds Changes in depression and positive mental health among youth in a healthy relationships program,2019,34,4,300-316,Crooks Impact of adverse childhood experiences on language skills and promising school interventions,2019,34,4,317-322,Collin-Vézina A preliminary randomized controlled evaluation of a universal healthy relationships promotion program for youth,2020,35,1,3-22,Crooks Should I defend or should I go? An adaptive qualitative examination of the personal costs and benefits associated with bullying intervention,2020,35,1,23-40,Volk Associations between elementary students' victimization peer belonging affect physical activity and enjoyment by gender during recess,2020,35,2,154-170,McNamara Kinder than we might think: how adolescents are kind,2019,35,2,87-99,Binfet Teachers' unpreparedness to accommodate student needs,2020,35,3,210-224,Chu Friendships of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2020,35,4,266-279,Wiener Peer victimization and anxiety in youth: a moderated mediation of peer perceptions and social self-efficacy,2021,36,1,9-22,Andrews Validation of the moral disengagement for adolescent dating violence prevention scale with teacher trainees,2022,37,3,271-288,Exner-Cortens School-based mentoring in secondary education: its effect on school climate and aggression among peers,2022,37,4,328-343,Fernández-Fuertes A snapshot of gay-straight alliance clubs and student well-being in western Canadian high schools,2023,38,2,144-158,Di Stasio Supporting Indigenous Child Suicide Prevention Within Classrooms in Canada: Implications for School Psychologists and Educators,2023,38,1,105-122,McVittie