Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Description and analysis of paternal responsibilities and attitudes favorable to corporal punishment,2009,41,1,11-21,Clement Description and analysis of attitudes and attributions among fathers concerning corporal punishment,2009,41,1,11-21,Clement Entrapment and Perceived Status in Graduate Students Experiencing a Recurrence of Major Depression,2008,40,3,185-188,Sturman The parenting style of stepfathers in families,2009,41,1,22-30,Saint-Jacques Validation of a rating scale of antisocial traits,2009,41,1,45-50,Toupin Variations of Emotional Display Rules Within and Across Cultures: A Comparison Between Canada USA and Japan,2009,41,1,1-10,Safdar The impact of gun control on suicide and homicide across the life span,1997,29,1,1-6,Lester When is a request for assisted suicide legitimate? Factors influencing public attitudes toward euthanasia,1997,29,1,19-27,Ogloff Violence marital relationship quality and parent-child mediator or moderator effect of maternal health?,2010,42,4,212-221,Fortin The relationship between witnessing parental conflict during childhood and later psychological adjustment among university students: disentangling confounding risk factors,2004,36,4,295-309,Muller Élaboration de l'Inventaire des conduites parentales psychologiquement violentes (ICPPV),2003,35,4,268-280,Gagne A review of programs to promote family wellness and prevent the maltreatment of children,2001,33,1,1-13,Chamberland Referral intervention and outcome in Canadian child abuse cases,1985,17,2,150-161,Caplan A comparison of child abuse and child neglect,1986,18,4,449-459,White Promoting Changes in Attitudes and Understanding of Conflict Resolution Among Child Witnesses of Family Violence,1986,18,4,356-366,Wolfe Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Basic Personality Inventory with Juvenile Offenders,1986,18,3,238-247,Jaffe Intergenerational transmission of violence and psychological aggression against wives,1998,30,3,193-202,Avakame Erectile Responses Among Heterosexual Child Molesters Father-Daughter Incest Offenders and Matched Non-Offenders: Five Distinct Age-Preference Profiles,1989,21,1,70-82,Marshall Maternal and Adolescent Ratings of Psychopathology in Young Offender and Non-Clinical Males,1995,27,3,333-342,Butler The Likelihood of Violent Behaviour: Predictions Postdictions and Hindsight Bias,1995,27,1,92-106,Quinsey Wife Assaulters' Explanations for Assault: The Neutralization of Self-Punishment,1986,18,4,381-90,Dutton Effectiveness of a Child-Care Training Program for Parents At-Risk for Child Neglect,1992,24,1,14-28,Feldman Theories of Intoxicated Aggression,1980,12,2,141-158,Graham Neuropsychological Impairment in Pedophiles,1986,18,4,440-448,Hucker What do the Montreal murders mean? Attitudinal and demographic predictors of attribution,1993,25,4,541-558,Kafer The Incidence of Wife Assault in Alberta,1989,21,1,40-54,Dutton Gender differences in patterns of relationship violence in Alberta,1999,31,3,150-160,Dutton Sexual fantasies of child molesters,1995,27,3,321-332,Looman Prevalence and Correlates of Dating Violence in a Canadian University Sample,1992,24,4,490-501,Pedersen The Role of Helplessness in the Recovery Process for Sexual Trauma Survivors,1992,24,2,220-232,Newman A Further Attempt to Differentiate Violent From Nonviolent Offenders by Means of a Battery of Psychological Tests,1985,17,1,87-92,Syverson Links between sexual abuse in childhood and behavioural disorders in adolescent girls: a multivariate approach,1994,26,3,339-352,Van Gijseghem The Carlson Psychological Survey with Adolescents: Norms and Scales Reliabilities,1985,17,4,389-399,Wright Rape completion and victim injury as a function of female resistance strategy,1984,17,1,40-50,Quinsey Self-regulation risky sporty practices and psychotropic consumption in adolescents adept at boardsports,2012,44,4,308-318,Bergeron Adverse childhood experiences poverty and parenting stress,2016,48,1,32-38,Steele Do Canadian and U.S. American handgun owners differ?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stroebe The scope nature and impact of sexual violence among students from a Canadian university: a random sample study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Senn Differentiating suicidal motivations and manifestations in a nonclinical population,1997,29,4,266-274,Johns La conception de la santé chez des garçons de 14 à 16 ans de milieu défavorisé,1999,31,3,188-197,Morin Development and preliminary validation of a scale of psychache,2001,33,4,224-232,Mehta Suicide notes of adolescents: A life-span comparison,2001,33,1,47-57,Leenaars Differentiating suicidal motivations and manifestations in a forensic sample,2003,35,1,35-44,Holden Psychological distress perfectionism body image dissatisfaction: Validation of an explanatory model for suicide,2007,39,2,119-134,Dupuis Attempted suicide among adolescents: a stepwise discriminant analysis,1992,24,3,410-413,Violato Do the psychological characteristics of the suicidal individual make a difference in the method chosen for suicide?,1990,22,4,385-392,Leenaars Goal disengagement and goal reengagement: associations with depression anxiety and satisfaction with life,2024,56,2,93-101,Verschuren Exploratory study of the role of outgroup emotional display on anger and emergency intentional helping behaviour in an immersive virtual environment,2024,56,2,113-121,Bernache-Assollant Brief Sexual Power Dynamics Questionnaire: Francophone validation with two Quebec samples of adult sex therapy consultants and couples from the community,2024,56,2,144-150,Hébert Evolution of depressive symptom categories during the course of adolescence and the emergence of adulthood and the study of differences between post-secondary and non-students,2024,56,1,20-30,Lapierre Associations between young adults' social media addiction relationship quality with parents and internalizing problems: a path analysis model,2024,56,1,61-69,Poulin Interactional anxiety and the evaluation of driving skills: An empirical examination of a composite predictor for state anxiety,1990,22,1,13-19,Endler Gender differences in belief in scientifically unsubstantiated phenomena,1990,22,2,181-190,Gray Étude psychométrique de l'Inventaire de dépression pour enfants de Kovacs auprès d'un échantillon francophone. [Psychometric study of Kovacs's Children's Depression Inventory with a French-speaking sample.],1990,22,4,377-384,Saint-Laurent Blame and the development of depressed mood,1991,23,1,1-11,Wollert What if it happens in my family? Parental reactions to a hypothetical disclosure of sexual abuse,1991,23,2,228-240,McGee Child abuse and family violence as determinants of child psychopathology,1991,23,3,282-299,Wolfe Conceptualizing developmental pathways to internalizing disorders in childhood,1991,23,3,300-317,Rubin Childhood aggression and withdrawal as predictors of adolescent pregnancy early parenthood and environmental risk for the next generation,1991,23,3,318-331,Schwartzman An investigation of the temporal relationship between anxiety and depression as a consequence of cognitive vulnerability to interpersonal evaluation,1991,23,4,391-398,Dobson Contrasting perspectives on the nature of sexual assault provided by a service for sexual assault victims and by the law courts,1992,24,1,71-85,Renner Intimacy power and control: A brief report on the interpretation of Dutton and Browning's videotape studies of wife assault,1992,24,1,129-133,Hilton Depression and the illusion of control: The role of esteem maintenance and impression management,1992,24,2,233-252,Alloy General and specific measures of attitudes toward early release of criminal offenders,1992,24,4,442-455,Zamble L'Échelle de solitude de l'Université Laval (ÉSUL): validation canadienne-française du UCLA Loneliness Scale. [The Laval University loneliness scale: A Canadian-French validation of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale.],1993,25,1,12-27,de Grâce A French-Canadian scale for suicide ideation for use with adolescents,1993,25,1,126-134,de Man A comparison of community attitudes towards suicide in Windsor and Los Angeles,1993,25,2,253-266,Leenaars Stress-related problem drinking and alcohol problems: A longitudinal study and extension of Marlatt's model,1993,25,3,446-464,Sadava Gender and reporting differences in measures of depression,1993,25,4,579-589,Page Sexual robbery: The missing concept in the search for an appropriate legal metaphor for sexual aggression,1994,26,1,41-51,Renner Factors predicting the blaming of victims of physical child abuse or rape,1994,26,2,259-279,Muller Gender differences in anger/anxiety reactions to witnessing dyadic family conflict,1994,26,3,353-364,Dutton Social support and stress factors in child maltreatment among alcoholic families,1994,26,3,438-461,Fitzgerald Reactions to child custody decisions involving homosexual and heterosexual parents,1995,27,1,52-63,Fraser Agressivité et statut auprès des pairs chez les garçons du primaire: un examen de la règle de dissimilarité. [Aggression and peer status in school-age boys: A test of the similarity principle.],1995,27,3,286-300,Boivin The interaction of parent and child gender in physical child maltreatment,1995,27,4,450-465,Muller Effects of early abuse on adult affective reactions to exposure to dyadic conflict,1995,27,4,484-500,Dutton Capital punishment: Arguments for life and death,1996,28,1,27-35,Ogloff Prévalence de la dépression chez les personnes séropositives au VIH: Une recension des écrits. [Prevalence of depression in persons seropositive for HIV: A review of writings.],1996,28,1,52-60,Savard Children learning to use the telephone: Emergency and non-emergency calling,1996,28,1,61-69,Moore Illustration de la capacité discriminante du Questionnaire sur la ŕesolution des conflits dans la mesure de la violence parentale. [Illustration of the discriminatory capacity of the Conflict Resolution Questionnaire to measure parental violence.],1996,28,1,70-73,Bouchard Measuring fear of rape: A new scale,1996,28,2,141-144,Senn Does talk of race foster prejudice or tolerance in children?,1996,28,3,161-170,Aboud Personality negative social interactions and depressive symptoms,1997,29,1,28-37,Flett The varying effect of individualism-collectivism on preference for methods of conflict resolution,1997,29,1,38-43,Gire Supportive vs. defensive communications in depression: An assessment of Coyne's interactional model,1997,29,1,44-53,Endler Predictors of pre-adolescent depression and suicidal ideation,1997,29,2,76-82,Crocker The contributions of attributional style expectancies depression and self-esteem in a cognition-based depression model,1997,29,2,101-111,Sullivan Are behavioural and psychological control both differentially associated with childhood aggression and social withdrawal?,1998,30,2,132-136,Rubin Canadian perspectives on research in depression,1998,30,4,207-212,Clark A prospective study of adolescents' self-reported depressive symptoms: Are risk behaviours a stronger predictor than anxiety symptoms?,1998,30,4,225-233,Sears Perfectionism in chronic and state symptoms of depression,1998,30,4,234-242,Flett The relationships between sociotropic and autonomous personality styles and depressive realism in dysphoric and nondysphoric university students,1998,30,4,253-265,Dobson An examination of variables from a social-developmental model to explain physical and psychological dating violence,1999,31,3,165-175,Sharpe Father and mother physical abuse and child aggressive behaviour in two generations,1999,31,4,221-228,Muller The social supports of high-risk formerly maltreated adults,2000,32,1,1-5,Muller Beck's cognitive triad: One versus three factors,2000,32,3,153-157,McIntosh The effects of initial trauma exposure on the symptomatic response to a subsequent trauma,2001,33,2,97-102,Boyer Responses of female undergraduates to scenarios of sexual harassment by male professors and teaching assistants,2001,33,3,148-163,Lalonde A multisample item response theory analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory-1A,2001,33,3,176-187,Bedi Student acceptance and expectation of sexual assault,2001,33,3,188-192,Morry Peur du mouvement chez des accidentés du travail: L'Échelle de Kinésiophobie de Tampa (EKT). [Fear of movement in injured workers: The Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia.],2002,34,1,28-33,Mayes Validation of the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS) against primary flying training results,2002,34,2,84-91,Woychesin Pinpointing reality: How well can people judge true and mistaken emotional childhood memories?,2002,34,4,217-229,Campbell The relationship between level of self-esteem and suicidal ideation with stability of self-esteem as moderator,2002,34,4,235-238,de Man Validation de la version française du questionnaire: Coping with Children's Negative Emotions Scale--CCNES. [Validation of French version of questionaire: Coping with Children's Negative Emotions Scale-R--CCNES.],2002,34,4,230-234,Lavigueur Visual filtering and focusing among persons with schizophrenia major depressive disorder and no psychiatry history,2002,34,4,239-249,Burack Relative stability of dimensions of perfectionism in depression,2003,35,2,124-132,Cox "Street kids": towards an understanding of their motivational context,2004,36,1,1-16,Lydon Judicial Constructions of the Seriousness of Child Sexual Abuse,2004,36,1,66-80,MacMartin Evaluating community sex offender treatment programs: A 12-Year follow-up of 724 offenders,2004,36,2,87-96,Hanson Rethinking battered woman syndrome evidence: The impact of alternative forms of expert testimony on mock jurors' decisions,2004,36,2,127-136,Schuller Psychopathy and unlawful confinement: An examination of perpetrator and event characteristics,2004,36,2,137-145,Hare Interviewing young children: Effects of probe structures and focus of rapport-building talk on the qualities of young children's eyewitness statements,2004,36,2,155-165,Hardy Mock jurors' perceptions of child witnesses: the impact of judicial warning,2005,37,1,1-19,Ogloff Efficacité d'une intervention de groupe auprès d'hommes agressés sexuellement dans leur enfance. [Effectiveness of a group intervention for men sexually molested during childhood.],2005,37,2,97-109,Tourigny L'école telle qu'ils la voient: Validation d'une mesure des perceptions du contexte scolaire par les élèves du secondaire. [School as they see it: Validation of a measure of secondary students' perceptions of the school context.],2005,37,2,138-154,Galand Investigating hospital administrators' experience of workplace mistreatment,2005,37,4,262-272,Harlos Testing a model of employee willingness to raise safety issues,2005,37,4,273-282,Mullen Évolution des comportements agressifs entre 17 29 et 41 mois dans la population québécoise. [The evolution of aggressive behaviors in the population of Québéc between 17 29 and 41 months.],2006,38,1,12-23,Baillargeon Right-wing authoritarianism as a moderator of the similarity-attraction effect,2006,38,1,63-71,Smith Vulnérabilité à la dépression chez les femmes victimes de violence conjugale: Contribution de la dépendance et l'autocritique. [Vulnerability to depression among female victims of domestic violence: Contribution of dependency and self-criticism.],2006,38,4,337-347,Cyr Pain and depression in injured workers and their return to work: A longitudinal study,2007,39,1,23-31,Corbière La relation entre l'abus sexuel subi durant l'enfance et la satisfaction conjugale chez l'homme. [The relation between sexual abuse undergone during childhood and male marital satisfaction.],2007,39,1,46-59,Lussier You protest too much methinks: Investigating the features of truthful and fabricated reports of traumatic experiences,2007,39,2,79-91,Peace A more accurate approach to measuring the prevalence of sexual harassment among high school students,2007,39,2,110-118,Gallagher-Duffy Facteurs associés aux problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés chez des adolescentes agressées sexuellement. [The associated factors of internalising and externalising behaviour problems among sexually abused adolescents.],2008,40,1,31-41,Tourigny Childhood physical abuse attachment and adult social support: Test of a mediational model,2008,40,2,80-89,Muller Les conversations mère-enfant et l'attachement des enfants à la période préscolaire. [Mother-child conversations and attachment of children in the pre-school period.],2008,40,3,140-152,Moss Retrospective analysis of social factors and nonsuicidal self-injury among young adults,2009,41,3,180-186,Ross Personality child maltreatment and substance use: examining correlates of deliberate self-harm among university students,2009,41,4,241-251,Flett Attachment motivations and alcohol: Testing a dual-path model of high-risk drinking and adverse consequences in transitional clinical and student samples,2010,42,1,1-13,Molnar La consommation de substances psychoactives chez les délinquants juvéniles à haut risque de récidive: Enjeux psychométriques. [The consumption of psychoactive substances in repeat high-risk juvenile delinquents: Psychometric issues.],2010,42,1,34-43,Cournoyer La perception de la relation père-enfant et l'adaptation des enfants suite au dévoilement d'une agression sexuelle. [The perception of father-child relations and the adaptation of the children following the revealing of a sexual aggression.],2010,42,3,168-176,Hébert L'impact de l'information saillante et du niveau de gravité du crime sur la décision du jury. [The impact of projecting information and the level of the crime on the decision of the jury.],2010,42,4,247-253,Earls An integrated model of self-harm: Identifying predictors of intent,2011,43,1,20-29,Santor Depression symptoms in Canadian psychology graduate students: Do research productivity funding and the academic advisory relationship play a role?,2011,43,2,119-127,Carleton Reflections on the costs and benefits of exacting revenge in romantic relationships,2011,43,2,128-137,Boon Sentiment d'injustice subie comportements transgressifs et légitimation chez des footballeurs. [Feelings of undergone injustice transgressive and legitimation behaviors in soccer players.],2011,43,4,245-253,Pantaléon The composition and structure of depressive symptomatology in renal disease,2011,43,4,318-327,O'Rourke Construct validity and confirmatory factor analysis of the Self-Control and Self-Management Scale,2012,44,1,1-8,Short A French adaptation of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale,2012,44,1,16-28,Ceschi Peer group deviancy in organized activities and youths' problem behaviours,2012,44,2,83-92,Poulin Reciprocal relations between self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Evidence from a short-term four-wave longitudinal study,2012,44,3,169-181,Stewart Expression of direct anger and hostility predict depression symptoms in formerly depressed women,2012,44,3,200-209,Maestas Relations entre les symptômes dépressifs la perception du soutien social et les distorsions cognitives des adolescents dans le contexte de la transition primaire-secondaire. [Relationship between depressive symptoms perceived social support and cognitive distortions of adolescents in the context of primary-secondary transition.],2012,44,3,231-243,Marcotte Self-generated outcome expectancies concerning violence in intimate relationships: A comparison of aggressive and nonaggressive adolescents in a sample of child protective services users,2012,44,4,300-307,Trocme Education on resistance to acquaintance sexual assault: Preliminary promise of a new program for young women in high school and university,2013,45,1,24-33,Senn Religiosity childhood abuse and other risk factors correlated with voluntary genital ablation,2013,45,3,230-237,Johnson Sexual offenders' views of Canadian sex offender registries: A survey of a clinical sample,2013,45,3,238-249,Fedoroff Discordant patterns among emotional experience arousal and expression in adolescence: relations with emotion regulation and internalizing problems,2014,46,1,29-39,Hollenstein Responsiveness to a mindfulness manipulation predicts affect regarding an anger-provoking situation,2014,46,2,117-124,Zelazo Examen des profils d'adaptation chez les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale. [Review of patterns of adaptation in children exposed to spousal violence.],2014,46,2,162-174,Fortin Conduites parentales psychologiquement violentes et problèmes de comportement des jeunes: Une étude bidirectionnelle. [Psychologically violent parenting and youth behavior problems: A bidirectional study.],2014,46,2,193-204,Gagne Victimisations antérieures et violence subie lors des fréquentations: Effet médiateur de la détresse psychologique et de l'hostilité. [Previous victimizations and violence suffered during courtship: Mediator effect of psychological distress and hostility.],2014,46,3,427-435,Gagne A re-examination of behaviour in depression: Have we grossly underestimated the extent and impact of the behavioural suffering?,2014,46,3,456-463,Hopkins From home to shelter home: Victimization of young women in Pakistan,2014,46,4,475-484,Jibeen Self-reported psychopathy and its association with criminal cognition and antisocial behavior in a sample of university undergraduates,2015,47,3,216-225,Olver Educating Canadian jurors about the not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder defence,2015,47,3,226-235,Maeder The influence of emphasizing psychological causes of depression on public stigma,2015,47,4,313-320,Dozois Hypersexualité chez les étudiants universitaires hétérosexuels. [Hypersexuality in heterosexual college students.],2016,48,3,182-192,Lalumière La demande d'explication dans le contexte d'un incident: Effets du degré de puissance de la force illocutoire et du sexe sur le cours et l'issue d'un échange. [The application of explanation in the context of an incident: Effects of the degree of power of illocutionary force and sex on the course and the outcome of an exchange.],2016,48,3,193-203,Agnoletti Facteurs maternels associés au cycle intergénérationnel de la victimisation sexuelle dans l'enfance parmi des femmes de la population générale,2016,48,4,266-277,Tourigny Symptômes de stress post-traumatique chez les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale : Le rôle des conflits de loyauté. [Symptoms of post-traumatic stress in children exposed to spousal violence: The role of conflict of loyalty.],2017,49,1,32-40,Paul A case of the "heeby jeebies": An examination of intuitive judgements of "creepiness",2017,49,1,58-69,Watt Trauma types as differential predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) major depressive disorder (MDD) and their comorbidity,2016,48,4,296-305,Monson Développement et validation d'une tâche pour dépister le risque de présenter des comportements inappropriés socialement suite à un traumatisme cranio-cérébral : La tâche de décision sociale. [Development and validation of a task to track the risk of socially inappropriate behaviors following traumatic brain injury: The Social Responding Task.],2017,49,2,100-111,Rochat A first steps guide to the transition from null hypothesis significance testing to more accurate and informative Bayesian analyses,2017,49,3,166-182,O'Connor Judicial discussion of eyewitness identification evidence,2017,49,4,209-220,Price Anger and anger regulation among adolescents: A consideration of sex and age differences,2018,50,1,1-8,Konishi Marijuana trajectories in Canadian youth: Associations with substance use and mental health,2018,50,1,17-28,Ames Young workers' motivation to adopt safe behaviour: French validation of the Self-Determined Safety Motivation Scale,2018,50,2,65-70,Therriault Déterminants neuropsychologiques de l'infraction à caractère sexuel : Un dysfonctionnement frontal ?,2018,50,3,156-171,Allain Agression indirecte à l'âge scolaire primaire et comportements de prise de risque durant le secondaire chez les filles. [Indirect aggression at the primary school age and behaviors of risk in high school for girls.],2018,50,4,226-237,Déry Fallacious beliefs: Gambling specific and belief in the paranormal,2019,51,1,1-11,Williams Legislation awareness cyberbullying behaviours and cyber-roles in emerging adults,2019,51,1,12-26,Closson Physical activity and child depressive symptoms: Findings from the QLSCD,2019,51,2,114-121,Piché A prospective assessment of PTSD symptoms using analogue trauma training with nursing students,2019,51,3,181-191,Carleton Sex trafficking of women and girls in a southern Ontario region: Police file review exploring victim characteristics trafficking experiences and the intersection with child welfare,2020,52,1,8-17,Connolly Sequential order of the binding communication paradigm: A road safety case study,2020,52,1,48-56,Ragot-Court Self-reported depressive symptoms in active and retired professional hockey players,2020,52,2,97-106,Rodriguez Self-reported risk-taking and sensation-seeking behavior predict helmet wear amongst Canadian ski and snowboard instructors,2020,52,2,121-130,Lamoureux Differential mental health consequences of strikes and lockouts,2020,52,2,149-153,Barling Is self-compassion contagious? An examination of whether hearing a display of self-compassion impacts self-compassion in the listener,2020,52,2,159-170,Miller Relations longitudinales et réciproques entre l'intimidation la victimisation et les symptômes dépressifs chez les adolescents. [Longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between bullying and victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescents.],2020,52,3,198-209,Marcotte When do self-conscious emotions distress teenagers? Interrelations between dispositional shame and guilt depressive and anxious symptoms and life satisfaction,2020,52,3,210-219,Sullivan Postsecondary student perceptions and preferences for the treatment of depression and anxiety: comparison of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy to face-to-face cognitive behaviour therapy and medication,2020,52,3,220-230,Mehta Workplace violence and psychopathology in paramedics and firefighters: Mediated by posttraumatic cognitions,2021,53,3,211-220,Johnson Stakeholder perspectives on internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for public safety personnel: A qualitative analysis,2021,53,3,232-242,Carleton Psychosocial factors associated with Canadian police officers' susceptibility to posttraumatic stress and growth,2021,53,3,285-295,Carleton Unnecessary ping-pong: Illustrations of why previous findings should be taken into account when evaluating new data sets,2021,53,3,328-341,O'Connor Beyond educational attainment: The role of achievement and school absence in the development of criminal justice involvement,2021,53,4,412-422,Schwartzman Incidence and interpretation of statistical suppression in psychological research,2021,53,4,480-488,Cribbie Development and initial validation of the Dating Violence Evaluation Questionnaire (DVEQ),2021,53,4,500-506,Byers Double-pronged bias against black women: Sexism and racism (but not right-wing ideology) as unique predictors,2021,53,4,507-513,Hodson Mock juror decision-making in a self-defence trial involving police use of force,2022,54,1,19-27,Maeder A multilevel investigation of individual and residence risk factors on student drinking,2022,54,1,62-72,Stewart Exceptional Canadian contributions to research on cognitive vulnerability to depression,2022,54,2,96-106,Hayden Symptômes dépressifs vécus par les parents dans la population générale: État des travaux québécois et canadiens. [Depressive symptoms experienced by parents in the general population: Status of work in Quebec and Canada.],2022,54,2,107-120,Piché What is creepiness? The underlying role of ambiguity,2022,54,3,173-181,Watt The role of harassment and group cohesion for depressive and anxiety symptoms,2022,54,3,194-205,Wittchen Exploring associations between intergroup contact ideology and support for new restrictive cannabis policies and penalties in Canada,2022,54,3,213-224,Macinnis Perceived relevance of neighborhood features for encouraging preschoolers' active play parents' active recreation and parent-child coactivity,2022,54,3,249-255,Leatherdale It follows! The relationship between perceived prior experienced coworker interpersonal mistreatment and newcomer employee social integration,2022,54,4,268-279,Oyet Canadian adolescents' mental health and substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with COVID-19 stressors,2023,55,1,46-55,Pepler No man is an island: Associations between adherence to traditional masculine norms and young men's psychosocial adjustment,2023,55,1,56-67,Costigan Is parental mediation negatively associated with problematic media use among children and adolescents? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,55,2,89-99,Männikkö Racial bias and lethal force errors among Canadian police officers,2023,55,2,130-141,Collins Reducing racial bias and lethal force among Canadian police officers: Concrete recommendations for change,2023,55,2,153-160,Collins Production envoi et retransmission de sextos chez les adolescents : Prévalence et facteurs associés. [Production sending and retransmission of sexting in adolescents: Prevalence and associated factors.],2023,55,3,228-239,Bourassa La polyvictimisation et la détresse psychologique comme médiateurs de la fugue chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles. [Polyvictimization and psychological distress as mediators among sexual minority youth runaways.],2023,55,4,273-284,Hébert On the outside looking in: Social media intensity social connection and user well-being: The moderating role of passive social media use,2023,55,3,240-252,David Comportements suicidaires chez les hommes en demande d'aide: rôles des traumatismes en enfance de l'attachement et des impacts perçus de la pandémie,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brassard