Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Ganging up on gangs: Why the gang intervention industry needs an intervention,2011,13,1,12-23,Densley Police interviews with terrorist suspects: Risks ethical interviewing and procedural justice,2011,13,2,124-134,Roberts Using the algebra of aggression in forensic practice,2011,13,1,4-11,Megargee Good Lives sexual offender treatment for mentally disordered offenders,2011,13,3,153-168,Gannon Pathways to episodes of deliberate self‐harm experienced by mentally ill men in a high‐secure hospital over the course of their lives: an exploratory study,2011,13,3,169-182,Braham What we know about men who download child abuse images,2011,13,4,221-234,Sheldon Dealing with individuals who have mental illness: the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) in law enforcement,2011,13,4,235-243,Van Hasselt Self-inflicted Deaths in Prisons in England and Wales from 1988 to 1996,1999,1,2,28-33,Towl Policy and Practice in Suicide Prevention,2000,2,1,3-11,Jenkins Reflections on risk assessment: Suicide in prisons,2000,2,1,23-30,Crighton Reflections upon suicide in prisons,2000,2,1,17-22,Towl Suicide prevention in prisons: Policy and practice,2000,2,1,12-16,McHugh Suicide Prevention within New York City Department of Corrections Facilities,2000,2,1,36-41,Snow Prisoners' motives for self-injury and attempted suicide,2002,4,4,18-29,Snow Life-sentenced prisoners: An exploratory study,2002,4,2,22-28,Brady Self-inflicted deaths of prisoners serving life sentences 1988-2001,2002,4,4,30-38,Borrill Self-inflicted deaths during 2001: An analysis of trends,2002,4,4,3-17,Snow Characteristics of need and risk among women prisoners referred to inreach mental health services,2005,7,3,12-21,Loughran Safer Custody Group,2005,7,4,14-20,Sedenu Reducing prisoner vulnerability and providing a means of empowerment: Evaluating the impact of a Listener scheme on the Listeners,2009,11,3,35-43,Dhaliwal