Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Occasion setting by drug states: Functional equivalence following similar training history,2008,195,2,260-270,Palmatier Sex differences in skilled movement in response to restraint stress and recovery from stress,2008,195,2,251-259,Jadavji Functional characteristics of auditory cortex in the blind,2008,196,1,134-138,Stevens Glutamate-mediated neuroplasticity in an animal model of self-injurious behaviour,2008,189,1,32-40,Muehlmann Time pressure leads to inhibitory control deficits in impulsive violent offenders,2008,187,2,483-488,Chen Disulfiram impairs the development of behavioural sensitization to the stimulant effect of ethanol,2010,207,2,441-446,Kim Sensorimotor Modulation of Mood and Depression: An Integrative Review,2010,207,2,249-264,Canbeyli Performance degradation and altered cerebral activation during dual performance: evidence for a bottom-up attentional system,2010,210,2,229-239,Stern Progesterone and maternal aggressive 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