Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Children's participation in home school and community life after acquired brain injury,2010,57,2,118-126,Galvin Occupational therapists as expert witnesses on work capacity,2010,57,2,88-94,Carlson The physical environment as a fall risk factor in older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and cohort studies,2010,57,1,51-64,Richardson LiFE Pilot Study: A randomised trial of balance and strength training embedded in daily life activity to reduce falls in older adults,2010,57,1,42-50,Munro Reliability of the Perceive Recall Plan and Perform System of Task Analysis: A criterion-referenced assessment,2009,56,5,307-314,Heard Belonging to a community-based football team: An ethnographic study,2009,56,4,266-274,Mynard The DriveABLE Competence Screen as a predictor of on-road driving in a clinical sample,2009,56,3,200-205,Korner-Bitensky A nurse-led program of functional activities did not reduce falls improve quality of life nor improve function for people living in residential care,2009,56,2,145-146,Logan Focussed comprehensive home visits prevent falling when targeted to specific groups of older people at high risk of falls,2009,56,2,144-145,Robertson Using the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills to measure functional change in adults with severe traumatic brain injury: A pilot study,2009,56,2,89-96,Fowler Mental health needs post-disaster: Supporting recovery of children and families,2009,56,2,79-80,MacDonald The lived experience of occupational adaptation following acquired brain injury for people living in a rural area,2008,55,4,231-238,Stanley Leisure and ageing: The leisure experiences of older Italians in an Australian community,2008,55,3,218,Pereira Measuring information processing in a client with extreme agitation following traumatic brain injury using the Perceive Recall Plan and Perform System of Task Analysis,2008,55,3,188-198,Nott Physical activity leisure‐time participation of boys with developmental coordination disorder,2008,55,4,298,Poulsen Validation of the Visual Recognition Slide Test with stroke: A component of the New South Wales occupational therapy off‐road driver rehabilitation program,2008,55,3,172-179,Crotty Factors affecting the number and type of impairments of visual perception and praxis following stroke,2009,56,5,350-360,McKenna Comprehensive vision assessment and treatment did not reduce falls or fractures in older people aged 70 plus and new spectacles may increase fall risk,2008,55,3,215-216,Ballinger Occupational therapy focussed on personal activities of daily living improves independence and reduces deterioration in community‐dwelling people with stroke,2008,55,4,295-296,McCluskey Organisational changes leading to use of Assertive Community Treatment and supported employment improve outcomes for people with severe mental illness,2009,56,5,362-364,McCluskey Examination of the change in Assessment of Motor and Process Skills performance in patients with acquired brain injury between the hospital and home environment,2010,57,4,246-252,Lange A qualitative study of service user experiences of occupation in forensic mental health,2010,57,5,339-344,Ryan Refugee settlement workers’ perspectives on home safety issues for people from refugee backgrounds,2010,57,6,425-430,Campbell A home‐based intervention resulted in lower mortality rates for up to two years in community‐dwelling older people,2010,57,5,349-350,Egan Falls prevention education delivered via digital video disc results in greater confidence and motivation to engage in falls prevention strategies by hospitalised older people when compared with education delivered in written format,2010,57,5,351-352,Lovarini Regaining childhood: A case study,2005,52,1,82-89,Scaletti Application of the occupational adaptation framework in child and adolescent occupational therapy practice. A case study,2007,54,3,228-238,Bouteloup Mental health needs post‐disaster: Supporting recovery of children and families,2009,56,2,79-80,MacDonald A nurse‐led program of functional activities did not reduce falls improve quality of life nor improve function for people living in residential care,2009,56,2,145-146,Logan The Model of Children's Active Travel (M‐CAT): A conceptual framework for examining factors influencing children's active travel,2011,58,3,138-144,Abbott Lawn Mower Injuries,2011,58,,141-141, Accessing alcohol & other drug services in a rural community: client experiences of changing factors that impact on their health and wellbeing,2011,58,,143-143, Awareness of deficit after traumatic brain injury: a literature review,1992,39,1,15-21,Crisp Isometric Joystick: A Study of Control by Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy,1992,39,1,33-39,Stewart A Fold Up Walker Tray,1992,39,1,41-43,Yuen Emerging evidence that older driver retraining can improve knowledge and on-road driving skills,2012,59,1,103-104,George Contribution of off-road tests to predicting on-road performance: A critical review of tests,2012,59,1,89-97,Clemson Adjustment to loss of the driving role following traumatic brain injury: A qualitative exploration with key stakeholders,2012,59,1,79-88,Allen Exploring the relationship between self-awareness of driving efficacy and that of a proxy when determining fitness to drive after stroke,2012,59,1,63-70,O'neill Retrospective cohort study of accident outcomes for individuals who have successfully undergone driver assessment following stroke,2012,59,1,56-62,Cameron Survey on Victorian driver assessors' experience of critical incidents,2012,59,1,47-55,Ng Design of occupational therapy on-road test routes and related validity issues,2012,59,1,37-46,Di Stefano Development of a standardised Occupational Therapy - Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery to assess older and/or functionally impaired drivers,2012,59,1,23-36,Odell Restraint of children with additional needs in motor vehicles: Knowledge and challenges of paediatric occupational therapists in Victoria Australia,2012,59,1,17-22,Galvin Feedback interventions for improving self-awareness after brain injury: A protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial,2012,59,2,138-146,Fleming Framework for describing community integration for people with acquired brain injury,2012,59,2,131-137,Parvaneh The inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the Home Falls and Accidents Screening Tool,2012,59,3,235-242,Mackenzie Occupational therapists partnering with general practitioners to prevent falls: Seizing opportunities in primary health care,2013,60,1,66-70,Mackenzie Exploring the mobility preferences and perceived difficulties in using transport and driving with a sample of healthy and outpatient older adults in Singapore,2013,60,2,129-137,Unsworth Competent use of a motorised mobility scooter - assessment training and ongoing monitoring: A vital role for occupational therapy practice,2013,60,6,454-457,Townsend Gender disaster and occupational health,2014,61,1,32,Carra Managing driving issues after an acquired brain injury: Strategies used by health professionals,2014,61,4,215-223,Fleming Predicting driving ability using DriveSafe and DriveAware in people with cognitive impairments: A replication study,2014,61,4,224-229,Bundy Implementing person-environment approaches to prevent falls: A qualitative inquiry in applying the Westmead approach to occupational therapy home visits,2014,61,5,325-334,Hill An online psycho-educational intervention for parents did not impact parent or child post-traumatic stress symptoms more than usual care for children following injury,2014,61,5,372-374,Galvin The impact of poor sleep on cognition and activities of daily living after traumatic brain injury: A review,2014,62,1,2-12,Bottari What information is provided in Australian emergency departments about fitness-to-drive after mild traumatic brain injury: a national survey,2014,62,1,50-55,Unsworth Children walking to school: parent perceptions of environmental and psychosocial influences,2006,53,1,27-34,Ziviani Custom-designed stroller inserts for young children with cerebral palsy,1991,38,3,147-153,Inglis Facilitators and barriers to social and community participation following spinal cord injury,2015,63,1,19-28,McDonald Towards a new standard for powered wheelchairs and scooters,2015,62,5,E120-E121,Barling Injury prevention in the meat industry: limited evidence of effectiveness for ergonomic programs in reducing the severity of musculoskeletal injuries,2016,63,1,59-60,Adam The Community Integration Questionnaire - Revised: Australian normative data and measurement of electronic social networking,2016,63,3,143-153,Willer Use of a driving simulator to improve on-road driving performance and cognition in persons with Parkinson's disease: a pilot study,2016,63,6,408-414,Devos The development and initial validation of a new tool to measure self-awareness of driving ability after brain injury,2016,64,1,33-40,Charlton An occupation-based metacognitive approach to assessing error performance and online awareness,2016,64,2,137-148,Ownsworth Exploring factors influencing occupational therapists' perception of patients' rehabilitation potential after acquired brain injury,2016,64,2,149-158,Swaine Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) as group therapy for children living with motor coordination difficulties: An integrated literature review,2016,64,2,170-184,Williams Older peoples' perspectives on time spent alone,2016,64,3,235-242,Stanley Community integration outcomes of people with spinal cord injury and multiple matched controls: a pilot study,2016,64,3,226-234,Willer Shifting gears: an inpatient medical record audit and post-discharge survey of return-to-driving following stroke/transient ischaemic attack,2017,64,3,264-272,James Student perspectives of a student-led groups program model of professional practice education in a brain injury rehabilitation unit,2017,64,5,391-399,Fleming Characteristics and consequences of falls among older adult trauma patients: considerations for injury prevention programs,2017,64,5,350-357,Chippendale Revision of the Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors: an overview of the evidence for the inclusion of cognitive and perceptual assessments within fitness-to-drive evaluations,2017,64,4,328-339,Unsworth Occupational therapists' role in facilitating pain management in children with burn injuries,2017,64,Suppl 1,35-38,Kipping A pilot study: can the UFOV assessment be used as a repeated measure to determine timing of on-road assessment in stroke?,2019,66,1,5-12,George Persistent symptoms and activity changes three months after mild traumatic brain injury,2018,65,3,168-175,Mitra The contribution of occupation to children's experience of resilience: a qualitative descriptive study,2018,65,4,268-275,Reed Scoring the home falls and accidents screening tool for health professionals (HOME FAST-HP): Evidence from one epidemiological study,2018,65,5,346-353,Byles Barriers and enablers to aligning rehabilitation goals to patient life roles following acquired brain injury,2018,65,6,512-522,Unsworth New graduate occupational therapists' narratives of ethical tensions encountered in practice,2019,66,3,283-291,Baker Converting the DriveSafe subtest of DriveSafe DriveAware for touchscreen administration,2019,66,3,326-336,Bundy Occupational therapist led environmental assessment and modification to prevent falls: review of current practice in an Australian rural health service,2019,66,3,347-361,Pighills Perceived needs and difficulties in meal preparation of people living with traumatic brain injury in a chronic phase: supporting long-term services and interventions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bottari Effectiveness of occupational therapy intervention for people with Parkinson's disease: Systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Welsby Occupational therapist use of the 'Timed Up and Go' test in a memory clinic to compare performance between cognitive diagnoses and screen for falls risk,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper Fall prevention in primary care using chronic disease management plans: a process evaluation of provider and consumer perspectives,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clemson An exploratory study of verbal feedback on occupational performance for improving self-awareness in people with traumatic brain injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fleming Structural validity and internal consistency of an ecological observation-based assessment the Activities of Daily Living Profile,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lamoureux Coordination difficulties and self-esteem: the views of children adolescents and their parents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frampton A scoping review of fall hazards in the homes of older adults and development of a framework for assessment and intervention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clemson Evaluating the effectiveness of on-road driving remediation following acquired brain injury: a wait-list feasibility study with follow-up,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fleming The revision of competency standards for occupational therapy driver assessors in Australia: a mixed methods approach,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Unsworth Fitness to drive practices among non-driver trained occupational therapists in an Australian community-based rehabilitation setting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Unsworth Importance of collaboration and contextual factors in the development and implementation of social participation initiatives for older adults living in rural areas,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levasseur Work transitions after serious hand injury: current occupational therapy practice in a middle-income country,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Niekerk Clinical reasoning underlying acute care occupational therapists' assessment of rehabilitation potential after stroke or brain injury: a constructivist grounded theory study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swaine Professional reasoning of occupational therapy driver rehabilitation interventions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berndt Implementing best practice occupational therapist-led environmental assessment and modification to prevent falls: a qualitative study of two regional and rural public health services in Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pighills Neuro-behavioural changes after acquired brain injury: the role of the occupational therapist; the interventions they use and why,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Understanding return-to-employment experiences after burns: qualitative scoping review findings,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyack Timepoint for return to occupations post-burn injury using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM),2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Calculating the social impact of home automation for people with disability: a social return on investment study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutchinson The experiences of occupational therapists supporting children with self-regulation needs: a qualitative descriptive study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wales