Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Seeing Red over Black and White: Popular and Media Representations of Inter-racial Relationships as Precursors to Racial Violence,2006,48,6,887-904,Perry Homicide and Medical Science: Is There a Relationship?,2007,49,2,185-204,Andersen A socio-judicial protocol for matters of conjugal violence,2007,49,3,403,Allard Constituting the Violence of Criminalized Women,2007,49,1,1-35,Comack How Not to Think about Crime in the Media,2006,48,6,467-486,Doyle Husband abuse: Equality with a vengeance?,2006,48,5,753-780,Miniker Hated Identities: Queers and Canadian Anti-hate Legislation,2006,48,5,823-834,Moore Violence and Threats against Lawyers Practising in Vancouver Canada,2006,48,4,543-572,Brown Tracking High-Risk Violent Offenders: An Examination of the National Flagging System,2006,48,4,573-608,Yessine Ten Uncertainties of Risk-Management Approaches to Security,2006,48,3,345-357,Ericson Gestion des risques lutte contre le terrorisme. (French),2006,48,3,359-381,Galland Long-term follow-up studies are difficult: Comment on Langevin et al. (2004),2006,48,1,103-105,Hanson Male and Female Youth Crime in Canadian Communities: Assessing the Applicability of Social Disorganization Theory,2006,48,1,31-60,Jacob Addendum to Dr Hanson's Remarks,2006,48,1,119-120,Langevin Risks Ethics and Airport Security,2006,48,3,413-421,O'Malley Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Discourses of Risk Social Control and a Neo-Liberal Context,2006,48,1,1-29,Parnaby L'Expert Le Profane Et Le Terrorisme,2006,48,3,383-395,Peretti-Watel What Population and What Question?,2006,48,1,95-101,Rice Results by Design: The Artefactual Construction of High Recidivism Rates for Sex Offenders,2006,48,1,79-93,Doob Neither Safe Nor Sound? The Perils and Possibilities of Risk,2006,48,3,423-434,Zedner Bad dates and street hassles: Violence in the Winnipeg street sex trade,2010,52,2,203-214,Comack Judges' attitudes about and experiences with sentencing circles in intimate-partner abuse cases,2010,52,4,369-395,Belknap The impact of media on fear of crime among university students: a cross-national comparison,2012,54,1,67-100,Weinrath "Gang" as empty signifier in contemporary Canadian newspapers,2012,54,4,443-479,Kennedy Exploring hotspots of drug offences in Toronto: a comparison of four local spatial cluster detection methods,2013,55,2,215-238,Law Neighbourhood variation in the link between alcohol use and violence among Canadian adolescents,2012,54,2,169-201,Erickson Responding to Calgary's "gang war": a political sociology of criminological ideas,2012,54,2,141-168,Rollwagen Effect of gun availability on homicide rates in Quebec 1974 to 2006: analysis of time series,2014,56,1,105-135,Blais Whither restorativeness? Restorative justice and the challenge of intimate violence in aboriginal communities,2014,56,4,417-446,Dickson-Gilmore Comment on Nazaretian and Merolla: "Questioning Canadian Criminal Incidence rates: a re-analysis of the 2004 Canadian Victimization Survey.",2014,56,1,137-138,Canada "Criminals are inside of our homes": intimate partner violence and fear of crime,2014,56,1,1-21,Broll A review of deaths in custody in three Canadian provinces,2014,56,1,85-103,Winterdyk Factors associated with high-frequency cannabis use and driving among a multi-site sample of university students in Ontario,2014,56,2,185-200,Patra Cannabis impaired driving: an evaluation of current modes of detection,2014,56,2,219-240,Owusu-Bempah Impact of Ontario's remedial program for drivers convicted of drinking and driving on substance use and problems,2014,56,2,201-217,Stoduto "Jockeys and joyriders" revisited: young offenders' involvement in motor vehicle thefts in the province of Quebec,2014,56,2,167-183,Tremblay Beyond criminal justice: a case study of responding to human trafficking in Canada,2014,56,1,23-48,Winterdyk The effect of the availability of firearms on homicide rates in Quebec from 1974 to 2006: a time series analysis,2014,56,1,105-135,Reeves-Latour Risk of dying by suicide inside or outside prison: the shortened lives of male offenders,2012,54,4,511-528,Daigle History Matters: Canada's Contribution to the First Worldwide Study of Human Trafficking,2013,55,1,33-54,Knepper Viewing Vehicular Violence through a Wide Angle Lens: Contributing Factors and a Proposed Framework,2014,56,2,149-166,Carroll Beyond criminal justice: a case study of responding to human trafficking in Canada,2014,56,1,22-48,Winterdyk Exploring differences between successful and unsuccessful mental disorder defences,2016,58,2,161-193,Gulayets What do meaningful consequences and fair and proportionate accountability mean to youth offered extrajudicial sanctions in Ontario?,2016,58,2,194-220,Hyde Violent tendencies of the radical right in Canada: time series analysis and influence factors,2016,58,2,221-250,Bérubé Is retail alcohol deregulation correlated with more crime and traffic injuries? Evidence from Canadian provinces,2016,58,2,251-286,Sen When is a "war" a "wave?" Two approaches for the detection of waves in gang homicides,2017,59,2,198-226,Bouchard Crime seasonality across multiple jurisdictions in British Columbia Canada,2017,59,2,251-280,Brantingham The art of telling a good story: analysis of media coverage of street gangs on television and on CBC's digital platforms,2017,59,2,227-250,Guay Not in my backyard: public sex offender registries and public notification laws,2019,61,1,105-116,Lussier Patterns of change in dynamic risk factors over time in youth offenders,2019,61,2,1-25,Peterson-Badali Deterring driving under the influence of cannabis: knowledge and beliefs of drivers in a remedial program,2019,61,3,1-20,Mann Visitor inflows and police use of force in a Canadian city,2017,59,3,373-396,Boivin Dealing with child sexual abuse complaints in Quebec's criminal justice system,2017,59,3,397-424,Cyr Take-home naloxone kit distribution: a pilot project involving people who use drugs and who are newly released from a correctional facility,2017,59,4,559-571,Pijl Re-examining the relationship between age and confidence in the police in Canada,2018,60,1,122-135,Madon Near repeat space-time patterns of Canadian crime,2018,60,2,141-166,Bennell The dynamic theory of homicide: adverse social conditions and formal social control as factors explaining the variations of the homicide rate in 145 countries,2018,60,2,241-265,Ouimet Police encounters and experiences among youths and adults who use drugs: qualitative and quantitative findings of a cross-sectional study in Victoria British Columbia,2018,60,4,478-504,Macdonald Qualitatively unpacking Canadian public safety personnel experiences of trauma and their well-being,2018,60,4,566-577,Carleton Driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol in a cohort of high-frequency cannabis users: prevalence and reflections on current interventions,2011,53,2,247-259,Fischer Exploring inconsistencies in the interpretation of Canada's Section 161 Order for Sexual Offending,2021,63,1,52-88,Blais "We're not where we should be": enhancing law enforcement responses to hate crime,2021,63,2,68-98,Perry Section 19 Conferencing in the Canadian Youth Criminal Justice System,2023,65,2,97-118,Ronis Canadian correctional officers' experiences of workplace safety and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,65,1,9-36,Lavoie Three years in: a consideration of the impacts of Canada's legalization of cannabis on law enforcement,2023,65,1,37-59,Boyd Sizing up crime and weather relationships in a small northern city,2023,65,1,60-79,Castle Stumbling from one disaster to another: the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health calls for police service across Canada,2022,64,4,1-20,Hodgkinson Effectiveness of 12 types of interventions in reducing juvenile offending and antisocial behaviour,2022,64,4,47-68,Farrington "Stop resisting or you're gonna get it again": police use of force in a Canadian crime reality television show,2022,64,3,92-115,Pohl Exploring the reciprocal relationship between serious victimization and criminogenic networks,2022,64,2,82-100,McCuish The need for a Canadian database of police use-of-force incidents,2022,64,1,6-29,Bennell Examining press conference and press release accounts of Canadian police shootings,2022,64,1,30-52,Walby Examining negative online social reaction to police use of force: the George Floyd and Jacob Blake events,2022,64,1,53-81,Paquette Body-worn camera footage in the news: an experimental study of the impact of perspective and framing on viewer perception,2022,64,1,82-98,Boivin Situational and ecological predictors of conducted energy weapon application severity,2022,64,1,99-126,Sytsma Modelling police officers' judgements of the veracity of suicide notes,2010,52,1,79-95,Snook