Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adolescence violence and society,2006,9,1,119-131,Marty Ethics and politics: Psychoanalysis in face of contemporary reality ideals and violence,2006,9,1,35-48,Rosa Crime and ideology: From the third reich to the murder of Moses,2005,8,2,175-192,Martinelli Sexual aggressors. Is a psychoanalytic treatment possible under judicial prescription?,2005,8,1,47-62,Hachet Law and violence,2004,7,1,129-141,Vanier The damage of discourse: Notes on violence in the Basque country,2000,3,2,137-156,Echevarria O caso Marylin Monroe: evidências da forclusão do sujeito e de seu ato,2012,15,1,117-131,Pinto Trauma dor e ato: o olhar da psicanálise sobre uma tentativa de suicídio,2007,10,1,86-106,Werlang