Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Camus' Stranger: his act of violence,1969,26,3,281-290,Stamm K.R. Eissler's Discourse on Hamlet. A symposium. The victims and the victimizers,1972,29,4,338-352,Faber LeRoi Jones' Dutchman: inter-racial ritual of sexual violence,1972,29,3,215-232,Weisgram "Straw Dogs": aggression and violence in modern film,1973,30,3,221-249,Hagenauer Suicides in literature: their ego function,1975,32,04,389-416,Slochower The bullfighter: a study of sexual dialectic,1964,21,,95-102,Ingham Thanatos and cain,1964,21,,52-63,Szondi The schoolboy suicide in Andre Gide's novel The Counterfeiters,1951,8,3,307-320,Sterba The murder of Moses,1950,7,3,343-367,Desmonde Fire in the dragon,1950,7,2,163-172,Roheim The role of the mother in the fear of rape,1948,5,4s,317-334,Fodor The corpse in the car: a minor myth creation,1972,29,1,53-69,Veszy-Wagner David Copperfield dreams of drowning,1971,28,4,391-403,Pearlman Civil liability; a neglected area of psychoanalytical research,1953,10,1,15-38,Ehrenzweig Pushkin and Parricide: The Miserly Knight,1968,25,4,347-353,Proffer The personality of Belinda's Baron: Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock',1969,26,1,71-77,Meyers Childhood and the Fear of Death in Ambrose Bierce's "The Parenticide Club" and "Visions of the Night",2009,66,1,41-69,Talley Death incest and the triple bond in the later plays of Shakespeare,1974,31,2,109-158,Gajdusek Proust and parricide: literary biographical and forensic-psychiatric explorations,2003,60,2,179-210,Lacoursiere William Inge,1978,35,3,297-310,Mitchell Vaslav Nijinsky: genius and schizophrenic,1978,35,3,221-237,Wangh Anna Seghers's "The End" and fascist subjectivity,2017,74,3,423-428,Bivens Pursued by demons: Creativity and suicide,2016,73,1,129-130,Meyers Sigmund Freud and Suicide--In His Life and in His Writings,2023,80,2,247-277,Larsen