Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Distinctions in Behavioral Impulsivity: Implications for Substance Abuse Research,2009,8,2,61-73,Dougherty Treatment initiation and alcohol use violations among adults with DWI arrests who received a tailored brief intervention,2020,19,1,7-15,Dougherty Changes in Affect and Drinking Outcomes in a Pharmacobehavioral Trial for Alcohol Dependence,2012,11,1,14-25,Hook Can preoccupation with alcohol override the protective properties of mindful awareness on problematic drinking?,2013,12,1,19-27,Hagman Testing the conjoint influence of impulsivity and drinking restraint on alcohol use consequences in college student drinkers,2013,12,3,148-157,Hagman Alcohol use disorders: translational utility of DSM-IV liabilities to the DSM-5 system,2015,14,1,53-59,Hagman The potential clinical utility of transdermal alcohol monitoring data to estimate the number of alcoholic drinks consumed,2015,14,3,124-130,Dougherty Aggression as a predictor of early substance use initiation among youth with family histories of substance use disorders,2015,14,4,230-240,Dougherty Behavioral impulsivity does not predict naturalistic alcohol consumption or treatment outcomes,2016,15,3,120-128,Dougherty Dual depression: a sex perspective,2017,16,4,180-186,Torrens Sex and age differences in risk factors of marijuana involvement during adolescence,2018,17,1,e29,Storr Childhood trauma and dissociative experiences in female borderline disorder with and without substance dependence,2018,17,1,49,Abolmaged Feasibility of using short message service (SMS) to collect outcome data in an Australian residential alcohol and drug treatment service,2018,17,2,65-75,Deane Vulnerability to alcohol and drug addiction in adolescents: an experience in Bolivia,2018,17,3,107-113,Saavedra Addressing prevalence and correlates among a sample of Egyptian university students who suffer from substance use disorders,2018,17,3,114-123,Abdelghani Drug-related mortality in Camden: demographics and substance misuse trends during the 2013 to 2015 period,2018,17,3,134-142,Pumariega The pathology of drug abuse in elderly women: a qualitative study,2018,17,4,173-185,Shamsalinia The effect of matrix model on depression anxiety and quality of life in methamphetamine users and their caregivers,2018,17,4,186-190,Masaeli Intensive motivational interviewing for heavy drinking among women,2019,18,2,70-80,Nayak Identifying the challenges of prehospital and hospital emergency services during the management of alcohol poisoning disaster in the city of Rafsanjan,2019,18,3,149-156,Amiresmaili Gender differences in methamphetamine use initiation and trajectory of use among people who use methamphetamine in a Mexico-U.S. border city,2021,20,4,288-302,Loza Depressive and anxiety symptoms predict obsessive and compulsive cravings among depressed alcoholics,2020,19,4,228-233,Cornelius A case of cocaine-induced toxic leukoencephalopathy with severe radiologic but mild clinical disease,2017,16,2,59-63,Han Dual disorders: a clinical perspective,2017,16,4,175-179,Roncero Do motivational incentives facilitate drug addiction therapy?,2017,16,1,13-19,Mobasher Quetiapine and gabapentin dramatically improve treatment-resistant schizoaffective disorder in a patient with a long history of cocaine abuse,2004,3,2,83-86,Wayne Substance abuse in immigrant Latino youth in Appalachia: Preliminary findings,2007,6,4,157-165,Moser Factors that affect treatment initiation among individuals with serious mental illness and substance abuse disorder,2014,13,1,16-24,McClean Gambling in young people,2014,13,2,87-92,Jayan Psychic structure of opioid addiction: Impact of lifetime psychiatric problems on scl-90-based psychopathologic dimensions in heroin-dependent patients,2016,15,1,6-16,Davoli Comparison of Demographic Characteristics and High-risk Behaviors among 7342 Patients Treated with Maintenance Treatments in Iran,2018,17,1,13-20,Rezaei Cognitive impairment in patients with dual pathology,2019,18,1,53-57,Lopera Depression Substance Abuse and Suicide Risk: A Rising Problem,2019,18,2,99-104,Madrigal De León Epidemiologic Investigation of the Elderly Deaths Caused by Narcotic and Psychedelic Drug Abuse Complications Referred to the Legal Medicine Organization of Tehran Iran during 2013 and 2014,2019,18,2,113-120,Ghadirzadeh Familial Opioid Misuse and Family Cohesion: Impact on Family Communication and Well-being,2019,18,4,194-204,Shah A Systematic Review: Adolescent Cannabis Use and Suicide,2020,19,3,146-151,Phan Suicide Probability Among Tramadol Addicts,2021,20,4,217-225,Ibrahim