Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Chronic disaster syndrome: Displacement disaster capitalism and the eviction of the poor from New Orleans,2009,36,4,615,English Militarization and Violence against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East: A Palestinian Case Study,2011,38,1,207-208,Abu-Lughod Warriors hunters and Bruce Lee: Gendered agency and the transformation of Amazonian masculinity,2010,37,4,753-770,High "Dear Dr. Kothari ... ": Sexuality violence against women and the parallel public sphere in India,2009,36,1,124-139,Dewey Humanitarian aid beyond “bare survival”: Social movement responses to xenophobic violence in South Africa,2009,36,4,637-650,Robins Forbidden intimacies: Christian–Muslim intermarriage in East Kalimantan Indonesia,2009,36,3,492-506,Connolly Histories in red: Ways of seeing lynching in Ecuador,2009,36,1,20-39,Krupa The limits of solidarity: Labor and transnational organizing against Coca‐Cola,2009,36,4,667-680,Gill The optimal sacrifice: A study of voluntary death among the Siberian Chukchi,2009,36,4,693-704,Willerslev Between love and property: Voice sentiment and subjectivity in the reform of daughter's inheritance in Nepal,2009,36,3,545-562,Kunreuther Divination media and the networked body of modernity,2009,36,2,337-350,Seremetakis Martyr bodies in the media: Human rights aesthetics and the politics of immediation in the Palestinian intifada,2009,36,1,161-180,Allen Privatizing the private in rural Paraguay: Precarious lots and the materiality of rights,2009,36,2,224-241,Hetherington Law and the Pragmatics of Inclusion: Governing Domestic Violence in Trinidad and Tobago,2001,28,2,388-416,Lazarus‐Black Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror,2001,28,2,452-453,Nagengast “Buy Me a Bride”: Death and Exchange in Northern Japanese Bride‐Doll Marriage,2001,28,4,854-880,Schattschneider The Virtual Nuclear Weapons Laboratory in the New World Order,2001,28,2,417-437,Gusterson Talking Heads: Capturing Dayak Deathways on Film,2001,28,1,32-55,Schiller Sacrifice as terror; the Rwandan genocide of 1994,2001,28,2,467-469,Besteman Meanings of Violence: A Cross‐Cultural Perspective,2001,28,4,945-946,Linger Manhood and Morality: Sex Violence and Ritual in Gisu Society,2001,28,1,230-231,Curley The intimacy of state power: Marriage liberation and socialist subjects in southeastern China,2005,32,2,312-327,Friedman The intimacies of power: rethinking violence and affinity in the Bolivian Andes,2002,29,3,567-601,Van Vleet The celebration of violence: A live‐fire demonstration carried out by Japan's contemporary military,2003,30,4,540-555,Ben‐Ari The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory Violence and Place in Southwest China,2002,29,2,465-467,Scoggin "In our own hands": Lynching justice and the law in Bolivia,2003,30,1,22-43,Goldstein Gender power and the performance of justice: Muslim women's responses to domestic violence in Kazakhstan,2005,32,2,294-311,Snajdr Predatory Voyeurs: Tourists and "Tribal Violence" in Remote Indonesia,2002,29,4,797-828,Hoskins Domestic violence and difference,2004,31,1,131-141,Adelman Darker than midnight: Fear vulnerability and terror making in urban Burma (Myanmar),2003,30,1,5-21,Skidmore Concealment confession and innovation in Kwaio women's taboos,2003,30,3,381-400,Akin Collective violence in our time,2000,27,1,169-178,Peabody “We have to think like capitalists but continue being socialists”: Medicalized subjectivities emergent capital and socialist entrepreneurs in post‐Soviet Cuba,2008,35,2,259-274,Brotherton A house of one's own: Gender migration and residence in rural Mexico,2008,35,1,171-187,Pauli Accounting for MeXicana feminisms,2008,35,2,308-320,RodrÍguez All‐male sonic gatherings Islamic reform and masculinity in northern Pakistan,2007,34,3,473-490,Marsden An anthropologist underwater: Immersive soundscapes submarine cyborgs and transductive ethnography,2007,34,4,621-641,Helmreich Conjuring the past: Slavery and the historical imagination in Cuba,2008,35,4,632-649,Routon Counting the Dead: The Culture and Politics of Human Rights Activism in Colombia Winifred Tate,2008,35,2,2101-2104,Stemper Dealing with uncertainty: Shamans marginal capitalism and the remaking of history in postsocialist Mongolia,2007,34,1,127-147,Buyandelgeriyn Enter microcredit: A new culture of women's empowerment in Rajasthan?,2008,35,3,454-465,Moodie Filipina migrants in rural Japan and their professions of love,2007,34,1,148-162,Faier Fixing national subjects in the 1920s southern Balkans: Also an international practice,2008,35,2,338-356,Cowan Grounding displacement: Uncivil urban spaces in postreform South China,2007,34,2,329-350,Siu How dogs dream: Amazonian natures and the politics of transspecies engagement,2007,34,1,3-24,Kohn Induction deduction abduction and the logics of race and kinship,2007,34,2,230-232,Helmreich Life as art and seeing the promise of big bodies,2007,34,3,451-472,Linder Living it on the skin: Italian states working illness,2008,35,2,189-210,Molé Memory in our body: Thick participation and the translation of kinesthetic experience,2008,35,4,665-681,Samudra Neoliberal associations: Property company and family in the Argentine oil fields,2008,35,4,701-716,Shever Of hungry ghosts and other matters of consumption in the Republic of Korea: The commodity becomes a ritual prop,2008,35,1,154-170,Kendall On moving children: The social implications of Andean child circulation,2007,34,1,163-180,Leinaweaver Postsocialist spores: Disease bodies and the state in the Republic of Georgia,2008,35,2,243-258,Dunn Practices of translation and the making of migrant subjectivities in contemporary Italy,2008,35,4,588-606,Giordano Prelude to violence: Show trials and state power in 1930s Mongolia,2008,35,2,321-337,Kaplonski Prophecy and the near future: Thoughts on macroeconomic evangelical and punctuated time,2007,34,3,409-421,Guyer Publicity privacy and “happy deaths” in Fiji,2007,34,4,706-720,Tomlinson Review essay: “The truest belief is compulsion”: Othering the unconscious and ethnographic inquiry,2007,34,4,746-755,Willford Review essay: Grunt lit: The participant‐observers of empire,2007,34,2,322-328,Brown Review essay: Violence language and everyday life,2007,34,4,741-745,Martin Revolution and reaction in the Himalayas: Cultural resistance and the Maoist “new regime” in western Nepal,2008,35,3,481-499,Shah Rhythms of the secular: The politics of modernizing Arab poetic forms,2008,35,2,290-307,Furani Ruled by records: The expropriation of land and the misappropriation of lists in Islamabad,2008,35,4,501-518,Hull SARS a shipwreck a NATO attack and September 11 2001: Global information flows and Chinese responses to tragic news events,2007,34,3,521-539,Fong Slogans and graffiti: Postmemory among youth in the Italo–Slovenian borderland,2008,35,3,440-453,Miklavcic Sovereigns and citizens in close encounter: Airport anthropology and customs regimes in neoliberal Ghana,2008,35,4,519-538,Chalfin Standing in the shadows: Of matrilocality and the role of women in a village election in northern Thailand,2008,35,1,136-153,Bowie Take it from the top (down)? Rethinking neoliberalism and political hierarchy in Mexico,2008,35,4,682-700,Schwegler The “reputation” of neoliberalism,2007,34,2,252-267,Freeman The birth of nanke (men's medicine) in China: The making of the subject of desire,2007,34,3,491-508,Zhang The Body of War Media Ethnicity and Gender in the Break‐Up of Yugoslavia by Dubravka žarkov,2008,35,2,2001-2004,Sideri The gift in the animal: The ontology of hunting and human–animal sociality,2007,34,1,25-43,Nadasdy The lessons of slavery: Discourses of slavery mestizaje and blanqueamiento in an elementary school in Puerto Rico,2008,35,1,115-135,Godreau The Quaker way: Ethical labor and humanitarian relief,2007,34,4,689-705,Feldman Toward vernacular democracy: Moral society and post‐postcolonial transformation in rural Orissa India,2007,34,3,558-574,Tanabe Tradition in fragments: Inherited forms and fractures in the ethics of south India,2008,35,3,466-480,Pandian Transnational Yoruba revivalism and the diasporic politics of heritage,2007,34,4,721-734,Clarke When the state and your kidneys fail: Political etiologies in an Egyptian dialysis ward,2008,35,4,553-569,Hamdy Women on the market: Marriage consumption and the Internet in urban Cameroon,2007,34,4,642-658,Johnson‐Hanks A Tale of Goddesses Money and Other Terribly Wonderful Things: Spirit Possession Commodity Fetishism and the Narrative of Capitalism in Rajasthan India,2002,29,3,602-636,Snodgrass Microbus Crashes and Coca-Cola Cash: The Value of Death in "Free-Market" El Salvador,2006,33,1,63-80,Moodie Occult economies and the violence of abstraction: notes from the South African postcolony,1999,26,2,279-303,Comaroff "here our culture is hard": stories of domestic violence from a mayan community in belize,2003,30,3,470-471,Hautzinger The rites of domination: practice process and structure in lower courts,1997,24,3,628-651,Lazarus-Black Leaky humanitarianism: the anthropology of small arms control in the Gambia,2015,42,1,68-80,Hultin The psychic life of biopolitics: Survival cooperation and Inuit community,2012,39,3,592-613,Stevenson