Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Rebuilding post-suicide interventions from a caring ethics perspective,2006,53,6,14-19,Tzeng The strategy and prospects of suicide prevention in Taiwan,2006,53,6,5-13,Lee Self-harm vs. harming others: The lived experiences of a dysfunctional family,2007,54,5,56-63,Wu The ethics of the other,2008,55,1,9-13,Wang Enhancing the capability of medical team to manage aggressive events in acute psychiatric wards,2008,55,2,59-67,Chi An experience of providing emergency care on the basis of Watson's theory to a toddler suffering from minor burns,2008,55,3,104-109,Kuo Children's accidents: emergency care intervention and preventive strategies,2008,55,3,26-30,Wen Legal perspectives on the role function of emergency room nurses in child abuse,2008,55,3,16-20,Chiu Factors related to falls among the community-dwelling elderly,2008,55,3,39-48,Wu Ethical dilemma for nurses who manage marital violence in clinical setting,2008,55,3,92-96,Hou A concept analysis of frailty in the elderly,2008,55,6,80-85,Tseng Nursing discourse on domestic violence in Taiwan,2009,56,3,36-45,Chen Nursing experience using cognitive behavior therapy on a multiple suicide adolescent patient,2009,56,4,100-104,Hsu Concept analysis of child abuse,2009,56,4,71-76,Chen A survey of childhood emergencies among military dependents living in metropolitan Taipei,1976,23,3,1-10,Tsai A study of suicidal problems,1977,24,4,91-100,Ku Spotting and stopping the suicide patient,1979,26,4,83-87,Mao Suicide and the university student - a population at risk,1980,27,2,37-39,Chen Suicide and the university student - a population at risk,1980,27,2,31-36,Baldwin Prevention of accidents in children,1971,18,2,18-26,Liu Preventive medicine--prevention of occupational diseases and industrial accidents,1978,25,1,80-86,Wu Preventive medicine--prevention of occupational diseases and industrial accidents,1977,24,3,15-23,Wu Nurse violence in the workplace: a study of experiences and related factors in Taiwan,2010,57,2,61-69,Lee [An investigation of post-traumatic responses and related factors following the "88 flood" disaster.],2010,57,3,32-42,Ku Hospital response and medical management in toxic chemical substance disasters,2010,57,3,17-25,Lin [Disaster and disaster nursing: from an education and research perspective.],2010,57,3,11-16,Chen Disaster response: essential competence for nurses,2010,57,3,5-10,Lee Assessment and preventive interventions in abuse of the elderly,2004,51,6,64-69,Wang Calamitous Moments: Rethinking the Ethics of Post Disaster Psychological Reconstruction Programs,2010,57,6,24-30,Lin Health issues and preventive health strategies for adolescent girls,2009,56,6,21-26,Chang A nursing experience with a child with rape trauma by using therapeutic play in an emergency room,2005,52,1,88-93,Kao Improving procedures for treating domestic violence victims in a local hospital,2005,52,3,39-46,Huang Concept analysis of workplace bullying,2011,58,4,81-86,Wang Ethics and laws related to human subject research,2011,58,5,89-94,Chiu A time study of attending the child health conference in Taipei Public Health Teaching and Demonstration Center,1973,20,4,38-48,Bai The nursing experience of caring for a sexual assault victim,2008,55,1,99-104,Chen Factors influencing the quality of life of elderly living in a pre-fabricated housing complex in the sichuan earthquake area,2012,59,1,61-71,Li Snake bites,1976,23,3,28-29,Wong Violent schizophrenia patients: caregiver burden and related factors,2012,59,2,29-39,Chen Traumatic response experiences: one year after typhoon morakot,2012,59,3,29-39,Sun Disaster nursing and primary school teachers' disaster-related healthcare knowledge and skills,2012,59,3,16-22,Lai Family-centered care and post-traumatic stress disorder,2012,59,3,5-10,Tzeng Clinical ethic dilemmas and difficulties in reporting child abuse,2012,59,4,105-110,Feng Family function and depression in relatives of earthquake victims: a survey conducted one year after China's Wenchuan Earthquake,2012,59,5,57-67,Hu Considering the current state of fire safety in Taiwan's care environment from the perspective of the nation's worst recent hospital fire,2013,60,2,5-12,Chien Conceptual model of teasing and bullying in adolescents,2013,60,4,86-92,Lee Psychosocial and Caring Issues With a Bipolar Disorder Senior Inpatient During a Manic Episode,2013,60,5,97-103,Chen A Project to Reduce Accidental Falls Among Mentally Ill Residents in a Long-term Care Facility,2013,60,5,82-89,Shih The development of forensic nursing from the perspective of domestic violence and sexual assault preventive policies,2013,60,6,96-102,Wang Caring for families of charcoal-burning suicide patients,2013,60,6,84-89,Tzeng Accidents and their control,1979,26,2,87-94,Yin Nursing workplace bullying and turnover intention: an exploration of associated factors at a medical center in southern taiwan,2014,61,3,58-68,Chou The long road home: a discussion of the autonomy of schizophrenia patients after their discharge from the hospital,2014,61,5,85-90,Huang A nursing experience using the props-integrated communicative approach to ameliorate aggression in a frontotemporal dementia patient,2014,61,6,98-103,Wang Hospital-based psychological first aid provided to patients injured in the Lushan earthquake,2015,62,2,89-95,Li The discursive analysis of mental health promotion efforts targeting community-dwelling young adults at high risk of mental illness,2015,62,4,12-17,Ma The legal duties of long-term care providers in long-term care institutions using the example of fall accidents among elderly patients,2015,62,5,18-22,Chiu The mental rehabilitation of burn patients after a major disaster,2016,63,1,36-41,Chou Discussion of the roles of medical social workers in the response to the explosion incident at Formosa Fun Coast,2016,63,1,30-35,Yueh Entering the dawn of a new life: a discussion of life for survivors of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park Explosion,2016,63,1,17-21,Wen Protecting safety during dust fires and dust explosions - the example of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park accident,2016,63,1,5-11,Hsieh Ethical debates related to the allocation of medical resources during the response to the mass casualty incident at Formosa Fun Coast Water Park,2017,64,1,105-111,Tang Exploration of the association between workplace bullying and attitudes toward patient safety in female nurses,2018,65,1,51-60,Chung The process of healing child physical abuse: sprouting and twining,2018,65,3,47-57,Feng Exploring suicide ideation and suicide attempts among hiv-positive patients during the first six months to one year after their diagnosis,2018,65,4,60-72,Liao Legal viewpoints on violence in the emergency department,2018,65,4,30-35,Wang Health without borders: creating healthy cities,2018,65,5,27-33,Kuo Workplace violence against nurses in northern Taiwan: a cross-sectional study,2018,65,6,44-54,Kao A study of the self-assessed emergency management competencies of emergency medical technicians,2019,66,2,48-56,Yiang Clinical simulation teaching program to promote the effectiveness of nurses in coping with workplace violence,2019,66,3,59-71,Chang Comparison of clinical diagnostic effectiveness between psychiatric inpatient and Wilson-Sims fall risk assessment tools,2019,66,3,35-45,Hung Facing children suffering from physical abuse: the decision-making process of non-abusing caregivers,2019,66,4,40-48,Feng The ethical issues in research on child abuse,2019,66,5,72-79,Feng The development of early warning systems for home/community elderly care,2020,67,1,25-32,Pan Driving cessation and mental health in persons with dementia: a preliminary study,2021,68,4,43-52,Traynor Improving the rate of eating safety guidance implementation among the elderly,2021,68,4,72-80,Chen Sexual violence against women and their help-seeking in Taiwan,2022,69,4,43-51,Pan [Nursing Experience Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase Medication Adherence in a Patient With Schizoaffective Disorder],2022,69,2,97-103,Lin [Reviewing and Reflecting on Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic],2020,67,6,4-5,Chen [Community care for a foreign bride who had attempted suicide],2004,51,5,88-94,Lin [A nursing experience of cognitive therapy with a major depression patient],2005,52,1,74-80,Wang [Nursing care for an organophosphate poisoning suicidal woman],2007,54,5,104-110,Chou [Nursing care experiences of a borderline personality patient with spiritual distress],2011,58,6,112-118,Fang [Nursing Experience Using Watson's Caring Theory to Mitigate Suicidal Behaviors in a Homosexual Male],2019,66,2,107-114,Wang [Nursing Experience Applying a Bereavement Counseling Model on an Elderly Patient With Depression],2017,64,4,104-110,Huang