Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Police discrimination misconduct and stigmatization of female sex workers in Kenya: associations with delayed and avoided health care utilization and lower consistent condom use,2020,22,2,199-212,Kraemer HIV and domestic violence: intersections in the lives of married women in India,2005,8,2,140-168,Desai Identifying the links between violence against women and HIV/AIDS: ecosocial and human rights frameworks offer insight into U.S. prevention policies,2006,9,2,40-61,Lloyd A card before you leave: participation and mental health in Northern Ireland,2009,11,1,61-72,Green Underreporting of violence to police among women sex workers in Canada: amplified inequities for im/migrant and in-call workers prior to and following end-demand legislation,2020,22,2,257-270,Shannon Models of resistance: "victims" lead,2006,9,2,234-255,McGovern Evaluating asylum seekers/torture survivors in urban primary care: a collaborative approach at the Bronx Human Rights Clinic,2006,9,2,164-179,Smith The Peruvian Truth Commission's mental health reparations: empowering survivors of political violence to impact public health policy,2006,9,2,136-163,Laplante Human rights abuses and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS: the experiences of Burmese women in Thailand,2006,9,2,88-111,Iacopino Inequity as Violence: Race Health and Human Rights in the United States,1997,2,3,7-13,Geiger Correlates of violence in Guinea's Maison Centrale Prison: A statistical approach to documenting human rights abuses,2010,12,2,73-87,Osborn Human rights assessment in Parc Jean Marie Vincent Port-au-Prince Haiti,2010,12,2,61-72,Cullen Health human rights and lesbian existence,1995,1,4,442-448,Miller Human rights education for Cambodian health professionals,1995,1,3,256-271,Keller Health and human rights,1994,1,1,6-23,Gruskin Juveniles and psychiatric institutionalization: toward better due process and treatment review in the United States,1997,2,2,99-116,Molnar Social participation within a context of political violence: implications for the promotion and exercise of the right to health in Guatemala,2009,11,1,37-48,Flores Protecting the rights of sex workers: the Indian experience,2000,5,1,88-115,Shah Publications on health and human rights themes: 1982-1998,1999,4,1,215-264, Abortion in the United States: Barriers to Access,2000,4,2,174-194,Fried Evaluating the Role of Gender Inequalities and Rights Violations in Women's Mental Health,2000,5,1,46-66,Gülçür Protecting and Promoting the Right to Health in Latin America: Selected Experiences from the Field,2000,5,1,116-148,Yamin Rights and Needs: Rethinking the Connections in Debates over Reproductive and Sexual Rights,2000,4,2,17-29,Petchesky Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health: The ICPD and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,2000,4,2,38-66,Shalev Sexual but Not Reproductive: Exploring the Junction and Disjunction of Sexual and Reproductive Rights,2000,4,2,68-109,Miller Sexual Rights in Southern Africa: A Beijing Discourse or a Strategic Necessity?,2000,4,2,144-173,Klugman The "Double Discourse" on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Latin America: The Chasm between Public Policy and Private Actions,2000,4,2,110-143,Shepard No shelter from the storm: reclaiming the right to housing and protecting the health of vulnerable communities in post-katrina new orleans,2009,11,2,101-114,Gardner Suffering and Powerlessness: The Significance of Promoting Participation in Rights-Based Approaches to Health,2009,11,1,5-22,Yamin Empowerment and Human Rights in Addressing Violence and Improving Health in Australian Indigenous Communities,2004,8,1,94-113,Tsey Gender-Based Violence Human Rights and the Health Sector: Lessons from Latin America,2002,6,1,177-193,Bott Integrating Human Rights and Public Health to Prevent Interpersonal Violence,2003,6,2,64-87,Alison Phinney Law Violence and the Girl Child,2001,5,2,8-29,Singh Responding to violence against women: WHO's Multicountry Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence,2003,6,2,112-127,Watts Sexuality Violence against Women and Human Rights: Women Make Demands and Ladies Get Protection,2004,7,2,16-47,Miller Violence Prevention: Bringing Health and Human Rights Together,2003,6,2,1-10, Violence Health and Human Rights: Toward a Shared Agenda for Prevention,2003,6,2,11-13,Brundtland Intimate partner violence human rights violations and HIV among women in Nairobi Kenya,2020,22,2,155-166,Jolly Disclosing the truth: informed participation in the Antemortem Database Project for Survivors of Srebrenica,2000,5,1,68-87,Kahn Brazilian policy responses to violence against women: Government strategy and the help-seeking behaviors of women who experience violence,2012,14,1,E64-77,Watts The health and human rights of survivors of gun violence: Charting a research and policy agenda,2011,13,2,E50-E63,Buchanan Wrong Side of the Tracks: The Neglected Human Costs of Transporting Oil and Gas,2014,16,1,E82-E92,Burton Prioritizing Health: A Human Rights Analysis of Disaster Vulnerability and Urbanization in New Orleans and Port-au-Prince,2014,16,1,E41-E53,Carmalt Collective violence caused by climate change and how it threatens health and human rights,2014,16,1,E32-E40,Levy Sex Workers Unite! (Litigating for Sex Workers' Freedom of Association in Russia),2014,16,2,E24-E34,Arps Health rights in the balance: the case against perinatal shackling of women behind bars,2014,16,2,E13-E23,Adashi Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh Cambodia,2015,17,1,E102-E113,Page Focusing on prevention: the social and economic rights of children vulnerable to sex trafficking,2015,17,1,E114-E123,Duger How do social determinants affect human trafficking in Southeast Asia and what can we do about it? A systematic review,2013,15,2,138-159,Perry Identification of human trafficking victims in health care settings,2011,13,1,E36-49,Eisenman International law national policymaking and the health of trafficked people in the UK,2011,13,2,E3-16,Zimmerman Sex trafficking and health care in Metro Manila: identifying social determinants to inform an effective health system response,2010,12,2,135-147,Alpert Human rights and health disparities for migrant workers in the UAE,2011,13,2,E17-35,Apostolopoulos Identification of Human Trafficking Victims in Health Care Settings,2011,13,1,36-49,Eisenman Focusing on prevention: the social and economic rights of children vulnerable to sex trafficking,2015,17,1,114-123,Duger Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh Cambodia,2015,17,1,102-113,Page Conflicting rights: how the prohibition of human trafficking and sexual exploitation infringes the right to health of female sex workers in Phnom Penh Cambodia,2015,17,1,E102,Page Human trafficking identification and service provision in the medical and social service sectors,2016,18,1,181-192,Ramaswamy Drug policy and indigenous peoples,2017,19,1,269-278,Burger Medical students' attitudes toward torture revisited,2017,19,2,265-277,Shin Justice delayed: the right to effective remedy for victims of coercive sterilization in the Czech Republic,2017,19,2,9-22,Cahn Eradicating female genital mutilation/cutting: human rights-based approaches of legislation education and community empowerment,2018,20,2,223-233,Williams-Breault Intersex variations human rights and the International Classification of Diseases,2018,20,2,205-214,Carpenter Domestic and family violence in post-conflict communities: international human rights law and the state's obligation to protect women and children,2018,20,2,123-136,Bradley Where there is no hashtag: considering gender-based violence in global health fieldwork in the time of #MeToo,2019,21,1,129-132,Hall-Clifford Witnessing obstetric violence during fieldwork: notes from Latin America,2019,21,1,103-111,Castro Documenting the impact of conflict on women living in internally displaced persons camps in Sri Lanka: some ethical considerations,2019,21,1,93-101,Heise Ethical considerations for disseminating research findings on gender-based violence armed conflict and mental health: a case study from rural Uganda,2019,21,1,81-92,Khoshnood Evaluating the impact of student-run asylum clinics in the US from 2016-2018,2019,21,2,309-323,Milewski "Hay que tener suerte": gender-based violence service provision in Quito Ecuador,2019,21,2,295-307,Sabina Denial of safe abortion to survivors of rape in india,2019,21,2,189-198,Rege They are girls not mothers: the violence of forcing motherhood on young girls in Latin America,2019,21,2,157-167,Casas The neglect of persons with severe brain injury in the United States: an international human rights analysis,2020,22,1,265-278,Ezer Operationalizing a human rights-based approach to address mistreatment against women during childbirth,2020,22,1,251-264,Amin Arctic suicide social medicine and the purview of care in global mental health,2020,22,1,77-89,Wexler Safeguarding the lives of children affected by Boko Haram: application of the SAFE model of child protection to a rights-based situation analysis,2021,23,1,27-41,Betancourt The right to mental health in Yemen: a distressed and ignored foundation for peace,2021,23,1,43-53,Knuckey Quantifying the ripple effects of civil war: how armed conflict is associated with more severe violence in the home,2021,23,1,75-89,Decker Monitoring attacks on health care as a basis to facilitate accountability for human rights violations,2021,23,1,55-70,Meier Human rights perspective on pesticide exposure and poisoning in children: a case study of India,2021,23,2,49-61,Utyasheva Emergency care in the occupied Palestinian Territory: a scoping review,2022,24,2,255-263,Leff Gender-based violence is a human rights violation: are donors responding adequately? What a decade of donor interventions in Colombia Kenya and Uganda reveals,2022,24,2,29-45,McGovern Amputating the body fragmenting the nation: Palestinian amputees in Gaza,2022,24,2,281-292,Ziv Suicide and human rights: A suicidologist's perspective,2003,6,2,128-149,Leenaars