Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A theoretical field-analysis of automobile-driving,1938,51,3,453-471,Gibson The Effect of Automobile Driving on the Reactions of the Driver,1936,48,,403-421,Warner Terrorism after 9/11: reactions to simulated news reports,2009,122,2,153-165,Healy On some mental effects of earthquakes,1969,24,6,605-606,Arvidson Dynamics and morality of violence and aggression: some psychological considerations,1971,26,3,281-292,Feshbach Human aggression and the extra Y chromosome. Fact or fantasy?,1973,28,8,674-682,Jarvik Television and violence. Implications of the Surgeon General's research program,1973,28,6,472-478,Murray Reversed effects of spatial compatibility in natural scenes,2009,122,3,325-336,Proctor A device for the measuring of tracking performances,1964,77,,123-126,Mortimer Expectation and resistance to extinction under partial reinforcement and risk-taking,1962,75,,77-84,Lewis The effect of danger upon the experience of time,1961,74,,94-97,Werner Chronological age vs. proficiency in physical skills,1951,64,2,161-187,Lehman The motor areas of the brain were not discovered by chance,1951,64,1,139,Pattie Studies in vicariousness: degree of motor activity and the autokinetic phenomenon,1953,66,4,613-617,Goldman Studies in vicariousness: motor activity and perceived movement,1953,66,4,603-608,Werner Speed of acquiring a simple motor response as a function of the systematic transformation of knowledge of results,1953,66,3,409-420,Bilodeau A motor hypothesis of perceptual development,1953,66,2,301-304,Siegel Kinesthetic after-effects following cerebral lesions,1954,67,4,668-676,Jaffe Tests of motor functions in investigations of fitness,1954,67,4,590-611,Taylor Psychomotor performance as a function of initial level of ability,1954,67,2,268-277,Reynolds Performance on complex tactual tasks after brain injury in man: analyses by locus of lesion,1954,67,2,220-240,Weinstein Whole and part methods in learning a perceptual motor skill,1955,68,4,658-661,Mcguigan Rhythmic disturbances in a simple visual-motor task,1957,70,1,56-63,Klemmer Effect of flicker-periodicity upon performance and arousal during a rotary-pursuit task,1965,78,,75-82,Zimny An automatic range-selector for the continuous registration of skin-resistance,1958,71,2,437-441,Lester Walking down memory lane: where walkers look as they descend stairs provides hints about how they control their walking behavior,2009,122,4,425-430,Rosenbaum Developmental analysis of the effects of reward on selected Wechsler subscales,1984,97,2,205-214,Fabes Relaxation and the Perky effect: the influence of body position on judgments of imagery,1967,80,2,257-262,Segal Effect of speed of movement on tactualkinesthetic perception of extent,1967,80,4,608-613,Weinberg Real-life motor training modifies spatial performance: the advantage of being drummers,2010,123,2,169-179,Borghi Scoring procedure performance factors and magnitude of sex differences in spatial performance,1997,110,2,259-276,Voyer Group assimilation and increase in visibility association without a difference in features,1997,110,2,203-223,King Development of syllogistic reasoning,1995,108,2,157-193,Bara Electromyographic activity during observational learning,1970,83,1,86-94,Berger On the enhancement of creativity by alcohol: pharmacology or expectation?,1994,107,2,173-206,Lapp Betrayal trauma theory of dissociative experiences: stroop and directed forgetting findings,2009,122,3,337-348,Merckelbach Effect of context and personality on the forgiveness schema,2008,121,4,607-616,Mullet Modality difficulty and "coupling" in vigilance behavior,1971,84,4,529-541,Loeb Impaired stimulus-driven orienting of attention and preserved goal-directed orienting of attention in unilateral visual neglect,1998,111,4,487-507,Anderson The structure of common fears: Comparing three different models,2011,124,2,141-149,de Jongh Development of hand-eye dominance in relation to verbal self-regulation of motor behavior,1983,96,4,539-552,Nagae The psychological refractory period and the effect of stimulus discriminability,1973,86,1,103-113,Tolkmitt Retrograde amnesia: delayed forgetting after concussion,1973,86,3,643-645,Yarnell Age of acquisition in sport: Starting early matters,2011,124,3,253-260,Beilock A disruptive effect of bizarreness on memory for relational and contextual details of self-performed and other-performed acts,2001,114,4,535-546,Worthen Transfer of value from S+ to S- in simultaneous discriminations in humans,1999,112,1,21-39,Lonon 125 years of perceptual-motor skill research,2012,125,1,9-23,Bennett Consolidation-like effects in flashbulb memories: evidence from September 11 2001,2004,117,4,517-530,Weaver Visual fatigue; a critical comment,1948,61,3,420-424,Brozek Blinking as a measure of effort in visual work,1950,63,4,584-588,Wood Bullets versus burgers: Is it threat or relevance that captures attention?,2013,126,3,287-300,de Oca A study of anger,1899,10,4,516-591,Hall Application of part-whole training methods to evaluate when to introduce NextGen air traffic management tools to students,2013,126,4,433-447,Vu Specificity of transfer in basic and applied perceptual-motor tasks,2013,126,4,401-415,Yamaguchi Does sex make a difference? Gender age and stimulus realism in perception and evaluation of aggression,1980,93,1,53-78,Jackson Impulsivity and physical aggression: examining the moderating role of anxiety,2014,127,2,233-243,Dula Modern application of evolutionary theory to psychology: key concepts and clarifications,2006,119,4,567-584,Shackelford Cognitive advantage in sport: the nature of perceptual structures,1991,104,2,211-228,Barry Socioeconomic status and adolescent aggression: the role of executive functioning as a mediator,2014,127,4,419-430,Shameem On the psychomotor mechanisms of typewriting,1916,27,1,47-70,Wells Salience perceptual dimensions and the diversion of attention,2015,128,2,253-265,Kumar Effects of memory load and test position on short-duration sustained attention tasks,2015,128,4,445-458,Laurie-Rose Threatening men's mate value influences aggression toward an intrasexual rival: the moderating role of narcissism,2016,129,2,169-183,Carré How many bullets do you need? Contrasting and comparing behavioral outcomes and cognitive abilities when using a semiautomatic versus automatic firearm,2017,130,4,439-453,Biggs Visual search load effects on age-related cognitive decline: evidence from the Yakumo Longitudinal Study,2017,130,1,73-82,Hamajima The effect of sleep loss on dual time-based prospective memory tasks,2017,130,1,93-103,Occhionero Failures due to interruptions or distractions: a review and a new framework,2017,130,2,163-181,Michael To punish first and reward second: values determine how reward and punishment affect risk-taking behavior,2017,130,3,303-313,Roberts Phenomenology of misophonia: initial physical and emotional responses,2017,130,4,431-438,Dozier Effects of tropical climate on mental rotation: the role of imagery ability,2017,130,4,455-465,Hue The misinformation effect and the type of misinformation: objects and the temporal structure of an episode,2017,130,4,467-476,Han Exploring the relationship between narcissism and extreme altruism,2018,131,1,65-80,Tiliopoulos Is perception of stand-on-able-ness equivalent across degrees of dynamic touch?,2018,131,2,141-149,Wagman Measuring deception: a look at antecedents to deceptive intent,2018,131,3,347-367,Boyle Relationships of alpha beta and theta EEG spectra properties with aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior in children and adolescents,2018,131,4,429-437,Raine Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and criminal behavior in U.S. Army populations: the mediating role of psychopathy and suicidal ideation,2019,132,1,85-95,Britt Can cognitive training improve shoot/don't-shoot performance? Evidence from live fire exercises,2019,132,2,179-194,Biggs Anger compassion and happiness as antidotes for sadness,2019,132,2,227-236,Demorest The path of seen movement as a function of the vector-field,1937,49,4,543-563,Voth The dependence upon chance factors in equating groups,1933,45,4,749-752,Corey