Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol use among older adults,2006,133,4,453-467,Sorocco Heavy drinking in college students: who is at risk and what is being done about it?,2006,133,4,401-420,Mallett Tobacco use alcohol dependence and cognitive performance,2006,133,4,375-388,Ceballos Possible contributors to the gender differences in alcohol use and problems,2006,133,4,357-374,Nolen-Hoeksema Perceptions of one's attacker's intentions following an aggressive interaction involving alcohol,2006,133,4,389-400,Parrott Some Comparisons Between Genuine and Simulated Suicide Notes in Terms of Mowrers Concepts of Discomfort and Relief,1957,56,2,251-256,Farberow A test of the overconfidence phenomenon using audio signals,2001,128,1,76-80,Bar-Tal Effects of foreknowledge of manner of death in the assessment from genuine and simulated suicide notes of intent to die,1970,82,2d Half,215-221,Hood Resentment and dependency in the suicidal individual,1969,81,1st Half,137-145,Lester Suicide as an aggressive act: a replication with a control for neuroticism,1968,79,1st Half,83-86,Lester The cognitive organization of meaning in suicidal individuals,1967,76,1st Half,91-100,Neuringer Suicide and physical illness,1966,75,2d Half,291-295,Tuckman The identification of suicidal behavior in females by the use of the Rorschach,1965,72,,127-133,Neuringer The effect of past experience on motion sickness produced by visual stimuli,1972,87,1st Half,65-68,Cohen Body image of murderers,1974,90,2d Half,187-189,Lester Physiological responses to child abuse stimuli as criteria for selection of hotline counselors,1981,104,1st Half,103-110,Stone The association between psychosis and violent crime: A study of offenders evaluated at a court psychiatric clinic,1984,110,2,263-266,Lester Childhood cruelty to animals firesetting and enuresis as correlates of competence to stand trial,1984,110,2,151-153,Lester Suicidal history of defendants and offenders,1985,112,2,221-223,Lester Depression suicidal preoccupation and rational thinking,1989,116,2,221-223,Lester Alterations in pattern vision following trauma of occipital lobes in man,1949,40,,37-57,Teuber Quasi-transfer as a predictor of transfer from simulator to airplane,1993,120,3,257-276,Lintern Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity and depression and suicidal ideation in a subclinical population,1993,120,2,187-188,Lester Some comparisons between genuine and simulated suicide notes in terms of Mowrer's concepts of discomfort and relief,1957,56,2,251-256,Farberow The development of a test of criminal cant,1957,56,1,21-25,Russell Delay and risk: influence of a delay in performance on maximum risk-taking levels,1958,59,2,177-183,Dearnaley Normative data for the clinical and additional MMPI scales for a population of deliquent girls,1963,69,,143-146,Jurjevich Estimates of endurance under risky conditions,1963,68,,243-250,Dearnaley The need to know and the fear of knowing,1963,68,,111-125,Maslow Apparent speed of walking under conditions of danger,1965,73,2d Half,291-298,Werner The effect of general anxiety as an index of lability on the performance of various psychomotor tasks,1964,71,,351-357,Wassenaar Decrement and recovery effects in a perceptural-motor learning task as a function of effort distribution of practice and sex of subject,1964,71,,217-231,Patel Reactions to interpersonal crises in suicidal individuals,1964,71,,47-55,Neuringer The effects of red and green surroundings on behavior,1964,70,,143-161,Nakshian The perception of different methods of suicide,1988,115,2,215-217,Lester The influence of subjectively assessed "games ability" on gain in motor performance after mental practice,1962,67,,169-173,Start Inward and outward irritability in the suicidally inclined,1988,115,1,37-39,Lester Perceived stress in police officers and belief in locus of control,1982,107,1st Half,157-158,Lester The subject as a source of bias in psychological research,1969,81,2d Half,237-248,Lester The effect of fear and anxiety on exploration and curiosity: toward a theory of exploration,1968,79,1st Half,105-120,Lester Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and psychological health,1983,109,1,83-85,Lester Resentment and Dependency in Suicidal Individual,1969,81,1,137-,Lester The Body Image of Murderers,1974,90,2,187-189,Lester Electrodermal responses to implied versus actual violence on television,1998,125,1,31-37,Kalamas The effects of covert rehearsal on the development of a complex motor skill,1967,76,2d Half,143-150,Corbin Some personality correlates of risk taking,1966,74,1st Half,51-60,Cameron Alcohol consumption and anxiety in college students,1968,78,1st Half,35-39,Smart The effects of noise and speech on cognitive task performance,1993,120,3,339-355,Holding Demand transitions and sustained attention,1993,120,3,323-337,Warm Sex differences in vigilance performance and perceived workload,1993,120,3,309-322,Warm Sharing verbal and visuospatial resources in working memory,1993,120,3,245-256,Holding Effect of alcohol and risk of physical harm on human physical aggression,1994,121,1,67-75,Taylor The effect of music amplitude on the reaction to unexpected visual events,1996,123,1,51-62,Fernandez Type of trauma severity of posttraumatic stress disorder core symptoms and associated features,1996,123,4,341-351,Kaplan Depression: characteristic syndromes and a prefatory conceptualization,1969,81,2d Half,217-229,Mahrer Visual field tunneling in aviators induced by memory demands,1995,122,2,225-235,Williams Consequences of error production in a perceptual-motor task,1997,124,2,133-142,Rees Alcohol-induced stimulation and sedation: relation to physical aggression,1998,125,4,297-304,Giancola The cognitive emotional and social impacts of the September 11 attacks: group differences in memory for the reception context and the determinants of flashbulb memory,2004,131,3,197-224,Wessel Violence: incidence and frequency of physical and psychological assaults affecting mental health providers in Georgia,2003,130,1,22-45,Arthur 100 midlife women with eating disorders: a phenomenological analysis of etiology,2008,135,4,359-377,Kally Perceptual effect on motor learning in the serial reaction-time task,2011,138,2,110-126,Kemény Perceptual closure and cloze performance: a replication with older subjects,1972,87,2d half,225-229,Ohnmacht Acoustical confusion short-term memory and latency of recall,1972,87,1st Half,77-83,Wolk Arousal of sexual and aggressive contact by exposure to stressors in albino rats,1981,104,1st Half,145-151,Posner Alertness and clear thinking as characteristics of high naturally occurring autonomic nervous system arousal,1977,97,1st Half,179-184,Schubert Self-concept and need for achievement of men with physical disabilities,1992,119,1,73-80,Super Danger at the waterhole,1990,117,1,107-113,Purdy The effect of alcohol and placebo on reaction time and distance judgment,1974,91,2d Half,265-268,Heacock Sociodemographic characteristics and drinking status as 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II. 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