Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Maximum effort breath-hold times for males and females of similar pulmonary capacities during sudden face-only immersion at water temperatures from 0 to 33 degrees C,2006,31,5,549-556,White Alcohol consumption: the good the bad and the indifferent,2008,33,1,12-20,Ferreira Cardiovascular consequences of high-performance aircraft maneuvers: implications for effective countermeasures and laboratory-based simulations,2007,32,2,332-339,Goodman The use of instability to train the core musculature,2010,35,1,91-108,Behm What I always wanted to know about instability training,2010,35,1,89-90,Fowles Self-rescue swimming in cold water: the latest advice,2007,32,4,799-807,Ducharme Exertional fatigue and cold exposure: mechanisms of hiker's hypothermia,2007,32,4,793-798,Young Physical activity in Ontario preschoolers: Prevalence and measurement issues,2011,36,2,291-297,Obeid Effects of high-dose large neutral amino acid supplementation on exercise motor skill and mental performance in Australian Rules Football players,2011,36,5,671-681,Stepto The effect of branched chain amino acids on psychomotor performance during treadmill exercise of changing intensity simulating a soccer game,2011,36,6,856-862,Ziemba Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in the early years (aged 0-4 years),2012,37,4,753-772,Janssen Explosive sport training and torque kinetics in children,2013,38,7,740-745,Falk Assessing the health-related outcomes and correlates of active transportation in children and youth,2014,39,3,403,Larouche Hydration status of rugby league players during home match play throughout the 2008 Super League season,2010,35,6,790-796,O'Hara Effect of in-season creatine supplementation on body composition and performance in rugby union football players,2007,32,6,1052-1057,Chilibeck Four minutes of in-class high-intensity interval activity improves selective attention in 9- to 11-year olds,2014,40,3,238-244,Ma Cold-water immersion and iced-slush ingestion are effective at cooling firefighters following a simulated search and rescue task in a hot environment,2014,39,10,1159-1166,Brearley Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: benefit and risk for promoting childhood physical activity,2014,39,11,1271-1279,Tremblay Acute effects of muscle stretching on physical performance range of motion and injury incidence in healthy active individuals: a systematic review,2015,41,1,1-11,Behm Age human performance and physical employment standards,2016,41,6 Suppl 2,S92-S107,Kenny Human rights at work: physical standards for employment and human rights law,2016,41,6 Suppl 2,S63-S73,Adams Current considerations related to physiological differences between the sexes and physical employment standards,2016,41,6 Suppl 2,S108-20,Roy Systematic review of the relationships between sleep duration and health indicators in school-aged children and youth,2016,41,6 Suppl 3,S266-82,Gruber Exercise prescription to reverse frailty,2016,41,10,1112-1116,Bray Effects of caffeine on endurance capacity and psychological state in young females and males exercising in the heat,2016,42,1,68-76,Tamm Salivary cortisol and testosterone responses to resistance and plyometric exercise in 12- to 14-year-old boys,2016,41,7,714-718,Falk Regular- and postseason comparisons of playing time and measures of running performance in NCAA Division I women soccer players,2015,40,9,907-917,Hoffman Do elite breath-hold divers suffer from mild short-term memory impairments?,2018,43,3,247-251,Lemaître Sports-related concussions & sub-concussive impacts in athletes: incidence diagnosis and the emerging role of EPA & DHA,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mountjoy Influence of weather conditions on children's school travel mode and physical activity in three diverse regions of Canada,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trudeau The effects of pilates on health-related outcomes in individuals with increased risk of fracture: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thabane Brave spaces: indigenous children in Canada plan for a different tomorrow,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cooper Exploring the relationship between resting state intra-network connectivity and accelerometer-measured physical activity in pediatric concussion: a cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obeid Discussion of "Efficacy of aerobic exercise following concussion: a narrative review",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yu Reply to the discussion by Wang et al. of "Efficacy of aerobic exercise following concussion: a narrative review",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cordingley Sex disparities in self-reported musculoskeletal injuries in the Canadian Armed Forces,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adamo Does a history of childbirth impact injury prevalence and mental health in female military members?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adamo Markers of enterocyte damage microbial translocation and systemic inflammation following 9 hours of heat exposure in young and older adults,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny Acute caffeine supplementation promotes small to moderate improvements in performance tests indicative of in-game success in professional female basketball players,2019,44,8,849-856,Milanović Trace lithium in Texas tap water is negatively associated with all-cause mortality and premature death,2018,43,4,412-414,Fajardo "But will they do it?" Challenging assumptions and incivility in the academic discourse on high intensity interval training,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jung