Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Stress and Well-Being in the Aftermath of the World Trade Center Attack: the Continuing Effects of a Communitywide Disaster,2005,33,2,175-190,Adams Promoting systems change in the health care response to domestic violence,2007,35,1,103-120,Russell Psychological reactions to crime in Italy: 2002-2004,2007,35,1,91-102,Amerio Contributors to assessments of risk in intimate partner violence: How victims and professionals differ,2007,35,1,57-75,Cartaneo Exposure to terrorism and violent behavior among adolescents in Israel,2007,35,1,43-55,Itzhaky Using community and family risk and protective factors for community-based prevention planning,2007,35,4,535-555,Hawkins Contextual factors impacting battered women's intentions to reuse the criminal legal system,2006,34,3,327-342,Bybee Family community and school influences on resilience among American Indian adolescents in the upper Midwest,2006,34,2,193-209,Oliver Current fear of crime sense of community and loneliness in Italian adolescents: The role of autonomous mobility and play during childhood,2007,35,2,151-170,Prezza Growing up in a dangerous developmental milieu: The effects of parenting processes on adjustment in inner-city African American adolescents,2006,34,1,47-73,Vazsonyi Rural suicide rates and availability of health care providers,2005,33,5,537-543,Gatz The interactive relationship among adolescent violence street violence and depression,2005,33,3,355-371,Latzman Exposure to violence parental monitoring and television viewing as contributors to children's psychological trauma,2004,32,5,489-504,Miller Impact of witnessing violence on growth curves for problem behaviors among early adolescents in urban and rural settings,2004,32,5,505-525,Farrell Violence exposure in home and community: Influence on posttraumatic stress symptoms in army recruits,2004,32,5,527-541,Chapin Impact of exposure to violence in school on child and adolescent mental health and behavior,2004,32,5,559-573,Singer Community-based prevention using simple low-cost evidence-based kernels and behavior vaccines,2004,32,5,575-591,Embry Working with police to help children exposed to violence,2004,32,5,593-606,Osofsky Life-course events social networks and the emergence of violence among female gang members,2004,32,5,607-622,Fleisher Preventing youth violence through the promotion of community engagement and membership,2004,32,5,623-641,Zeldin Community violence exposure and delinquent behaviors among youth: The moderating role of coping,2003,31,5,489-512,Salzinger Increasing use of seat belts among kindergarten children: Skills beyond awareness,2003,31,4,315-319,Gidron Community violence exposure in a young adult sample: iii. Psychophysiology and victimization interact to affect risk for aggression,2003,31,4,321-338,Ollendick Victim-reported risk factors for continued abusive behavior: Assessing the dangerousness of arrested batterers,2003,31,4,349-369,Goodman Strategies for enhancing the adoption of school-based prevention of programs: Lessons learned from the blueprints for violence of prevention replications of the life skills training program,2003,31,3,235-253,Fagan First-grade child risk behaviors for community violence exposure in middle school,2003,31,3,297-314,Ialongo Attitudes and reactions to media coverage of terrorist acts,2003,31,2,149-165,Keinan Qualitative analysis of social support and conflict among Mexican and Mexican-American disaster survivors,2003,31,1,1-23,Norris Prevention of dog bites: Evaluation of a brief educational intervention program for preschool children,2003,31,1,75-86,Wilson Community sector and gender differences in the perception of community-based prevention,2002,30,6,709-721,Feinberg Ethnic identity in urban African American youth: Exploring links with self-worth aggression and other psychosocial variables,2002,30,4,411-431,McMahon The social background and nature of "children" who perpetrate violent crimes: A UK perspective,2001,29,3,305-317,Smith Family and community characteristics: Risk factors for violence exposure in inner-city youth,2001,29,3,345-360,Tolan Reflections on implementing a community agency-school prevention program,2001,29,2,107-116,St Pierre Definitional and measurement issues in the study of community violence among children and youths,2000,28,6,571-587,Cameron Prevention of sexual and physical assault toward women: A program for male athletes,2000,28,6,589-605,Davis Crime-related fears and demographic diversity in Los Angeles County after the 1992 civil disturbances,2000,28,6,607-623,Kilpatrick Income race/ethnicity and exposure to violence in youth: Results from the national survey of adolescents,2000,28,6,625-641,Resnick Using community perspectives on youth firearm violence for prevention program planning,2000,28,6,643-654,Hausman A clinical perspective on inner-city youths' exposure to homicide: Community and policy implications,2000,28,6,655-667,Temple Child abuse prevention at report card time,2000,28,6,687-690,Mandell Challenges to Evaluation in Rural Coalitions,1994,,,188-200,Braithwaite Family context as a moderator of program effects in prenatal and early childhood home visitation,1998,26,1,37-48,Cole Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of Community-Based Substance-Abuse Prevention Coalitions - Lessons Learned from the National Evaluation of the Community Partnership Program,1994,,,155-169,Cook Adolescents exposure to community violence: Sleep and psychophysiological functioning,1999,27,4,367-375,Cooley-Quille First-time young mothers living in rural communities use corporal punishment with their toddlers,1999,27,4,503-509,McDonald African American adolescent males' perceptions of their community resources and constraints: A longitudinal analysis,1999,27,5,569-588,Cunningham Getting and Keeping Schools and Kids for Evaluation Studies,1994,,,102-116,Ellickson Interpersonal aggression in urban minority youth: Mediators of perceived neighborhood peer and parental influences,1999,27,3,281-298,Griffin Strategies for Comparing Multiple-Site Evaluations Under Nonequivalent Design Conditions,1994,,,170-187,Hansen Exposure to community violence and African American children: A multidimensional model of risks and resources,1996,24,1,26-43,Hill Sexual assault of men in the community,1997,25,2,159-166,Isely An Innovative and Unconventional Approach to Program Evaluation in the Field of Substance Abuse Prevention: A Threshold-Gating Approach Using Single System Evaluation Designs,1994,,,61-78,Williams Intervention processes as predictors of outcomes in a preventive home-visitation program,1998,26,1,49-64,Kitzman A behavioral approach to reducing fires in public housing,1996,24,3,201-212,McConnell Evaluation of a fire-safety training program for preschool children,1996,24,3,213-227,McConnell The reliability and validity of a questionnaire describing neighborhood characteristics relevant to families and young children living in urban areas,1997,25,6,551-566,McGuire Analysis Issues in the Evaluation of Community Trials - Progress Toward Solutions in Sas/Stat Mixed,1994,,,140-154,Murray Findings from a program of research on prenatal and early childhood home visitation: Special issue introduction,1998,26,1,1-3,Korfmacher The promise of home visitation: Results of two randomized trials,1998,26,1,5-21,Eckenrode Reducing risks for antisocial behavior with a program of prenatal and early childhood home visitation,1998,26,1,65-83,Powers Increasing the policy and program relevance of results from randomized trials of home visitation,1998,26,1,85-100,Kitzman Maternal psychological characteristics as influences on home visitation contact,1998,26,1,23-36,Olds Adaptive Evaluation Strategies for Estimating Effects of Community-Based Drug-Abuse Prevention Programs,1994,,Spec Iss,26-51,Pentz Emerging findings from high-risk youth prevention programs,1997,25,5,371-373,Sambrano After the Sa-I-Gu (April 29) Los-Angeles Riots - Correlates of Subjective Well-Being in the Korean-American Community,1994,22,2,136-152,Sasao Community-based interventions into street gang activity,1999,27,5,551-567,Venkatesh Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol - Design of A Randomized Community Trial,1994,,,79-101,Wagenaar Communities mobilizing for change on alcohol: Lessons and results from a 15-community randomized trial,1999,27,3,315-326,Wagenaar Child emotional and physical maltreatment and adolescent psychopathology: A community study in Japan,1999,27,4,377-391,Tanaka Mental health problems and natural disaster: tornado victims,1976,4,1,64-68,Penick Project Outreach: crisis intervention following natural disaster,1977,5,2,103-111,Heffron Lessons learned and forgotten: the need for prevention and mental health interventions in disaster preparedness,1985,13,3,239-257,Mangelsdorff A note on locus of control and stress in police officers,1985,13,1,77-79,Lester The influence of gun control laws on personal violence,1986,14,3,315-318,Lester Who is doing well? A typology of newly homeless adolescents,2009,37,2,135-147,Rotheram-Borus Neighborhood context and the development of aggression in boys and girls,2010,38,3,329-349,Kellam Scope and correlates of high school youths' exposure to dating and sexual violence prevention initiatives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Banyard Youth exposed to violence: the role of protective factors,2010,38,1,63-79,Howard Patterns of partners' abusive behaviors as reported by latina and non-latina survivors,2009,37,2,156-170,Campbell Family violence prevention programs in immigrant communities: Perspectives of immigrant men,2008,36,7,899-914,Simbandumwe Battered women know best,2009,37,3,418-421,Liang Adolescents' exposure to community violence: are neighborhood youth organizations protective?,2009,37,4,505-525,Gardner Brief report of community ownership of local coalitions: community members' perspectives,2009,37,6,789-794,Cox Community violence exposure and aggression among urban adolescents: testing a cognitive mediator model,2009,37,7,895-910,McMahon Damaged youth: prevalence of community violence exposure and implications for adolescent well‐being in post‐conflict Northern Ireland,2009,37,5,635-648,McAloney The mediating role of social support in the community environment—psychological distress link among low‐income African American women,2009,37,4,459-470,Kaslow HUI Mālama O Ke Kai: a positive prevention‐based youth development program based on native hawaiian values and activities,2009,37,8,987-1007,Nishimura Residential mobility and exposure to neighborhood crime: risks for young children's aggression,2009,37,5,559-578,Mahoney Beyond survival: tracing individual empowerment processes in a poor chilean settlement,2009,37,3,381-403,Turró Translational research in action: implementation of the communities that care prevention system in 12 communities,2009,37,7,809-829,Hawkins Social support and risk of sexual assault revictimization,2009,37,1,58-72,Ullman Correlates of anxiety sensitivity among African American adolescents living in urban public housing,2009,37,2,268-280,Lambert An examination of the role of perceptions in neighborhood research,2009,37,3,327-341,Roosa Community involvement and victimization at school: an analysis through family personal and social adjustment,2009,37,8,959-974,Murgui Individual‐level influences on perceptions of neighborhood disorder: a multilevel analysis,2009,37,1,122-133,Latkin Neighborhood‐specific and general social support: which buffers the effect of neighborhood disorder on depression?,2009,37,6,725-736,Kim The MTSOCS: A multidimensional sense of community scale for local communities,2009,37,3,305-326,Barbaranelli Social support provisions as differential predictors of adaptive outcomes in young adolescents,2009,37,1,106-121,Jackson The effect of neighborhood disadvantage on proactive and reactive aggression,2009,37,4,542-546,Wells Interpersonal mediators linking acculturation stressors to subsequent internalizing symptoms and self‐esteem in latino adolescents,2009,37,8,1024-1045,Smokowski Psychiatrist availability social disintegration and suicide deaths in U.S. counties 1990–1995,2009,37,1,73-87,Kposowa Aging neighborhood attachment and fear of crime: testing reciprocal effects,2009,37,1,21-40,Oh Individual measurement of exposure to everyday violence among elementary schoolchildren across various settings,2001,29,2,117-140,Greenbaum Family and community characteristics: Risk factors for violence exposure in inner‐city youth,2001,29,3,345-360,Henry Disciplinary history adult disciplinary attitudes and risk for abusive parenting,2001,29,3,219-240,Knutson Assessment of the effect of physical child abuse within an ecological framework: Measurement issues,2001,29,3,319-344,Salzinger An ecological perspective on the effects of violence on children,2001,29,3,361-378,Garbarino Abusive home environments as predictors of poor adjustment during adolescence and early adulthood,2001,29,3,195-217,Burraston The social background and nature of “children” who perpetrate violent crimes: A UK perspective,2001,29,3,305-317,Bailey The impact of violence on children: Home community and national levels,2001,29,3,189-193,Bank Political violence social integration and youth functioning: Palestinian youth from the Intifada,2001,29,3,259-280,Barber Observations of sibling interactions in violent families,2001,29,3,241-258,Pepler What factors predict women's disclosure of sexual assault to mental health professionals?,2007,35,5,619-638,Starzynski The informal social control of intimate partner violence against women: Exploring personal attitudes and perceived neighborhood social cohesion,2007,35,8,1001-1018,Frye The impact of violence and abuse on women's physical health: Can trauma‐informed treatment make a difference?,2007,35,7,909-923,Weissbecker Sexual violence prevention through bystander education: An experimental evaluation,2007,35,4,463-481,Banyard Sexual assault history PTSD and mental health service seeking in a national sample of women,2002,30,3,261-279,Brecklin Promoting resiliency in children of mothers with co‐occurring disorders and histories of trauma: Impact of a skills‐based intervention program on child outcomes,2007,35,7,823-843,Noether Homelessness violence exposure and school participation among urban adolescent mothers,2007,35,5,639-654,Kennedy Racial/ethnic differences in social vulnerability among women with co‐occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders: Implications for treatment services,2005,33,4,495-511,Amaro Feminism found: An examination of gender consciousness in community psychology,2003,31,3,189-209,Culley Exploring links between childhood maltreatment and empowerment,2002,30,6,687-707,Banyard Evolution of women's trauma‐integrated services at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,2005,33,4,379-393,Salasin Ethnic identity in urban African American youth: Exploring links with self‐worth aggression and other psychosocial variables,2002,30,4,411-431,McMahon Developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to serving women with co‐occurring disorders and histories of trauma,2005,33,4,395-410,Moses Can people's patriarchal ideology predict their beliefs about wife abuse? The case of Jordanian men,2005,33,5,545-567,Haj‐Yahia Bystander education: Bringing a broader community perspective to sexual violence prevention,2004,32,1,61-79,Banyard Broken trust: The dynamics of a world of violence,2003,31,2,107-111,Lorion A case report of a community‐based response to domestic violence in Chile,2003,31,6,561-579,Lorion Help-seeking among male victims of partner abuse: Men's hard times,2010,38,6,769-780,Cheung The impact of resource constraints on the psychological well-being of survivors of intimate partner violence over time,2010,38,8,943-959,Bybee Intimate partner violence relationship dissolution among couples with children: The counterintuitive role of 'law and order' neighborhoods,2010,38,4,456-468,Jolley A community-specific framework of risk factors for youth violence: a qualitative comparison of community stakeholder perspectives in a low-income urban community,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan Factors associated with successful mentor matching in an intervention study of youth violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Community violence exposure in a young adult sample: II. Psychophysiology and aggressive behavior,2000,28,4,417-425,Scarpa Income race/ethnicity and exposure to violence in youth: Results from the national survey of adolescents,2000,28,6,625-641,Resnick Definitional and measurement issues in the study of community violence among children and youths,2000,28,6,571-587,Guterman Crime‐Related fears and demographic diversity in los angeles county after the 1992 civil disturbances,2000,28,6,607-623,Kilpatrick Violence in our communities: Aiming one's focus,2000,28,6,567-569,Lorion Program description for the exposure to violence program,2000,28,6,683-686,Lantos Giving them shelter: National organizational survey of shelters for battered women and their children,2000,28,6,669-681,Roberts A clinical perspective on Inner‐City youths' exposure to homicide: Community and policy implications,2000,28,6,655-667,Temple Aggressive behavior in response to violence exposure: Is it adaptive for middle-school children?,2008,36,8,1008-1025,Salzinger “You have to adapt because you have no other choice”: The stories of strength and resilience of 208 homeless youth in New York City and Toronto,2007,35,2,219-238,Kidd A commentary on Newbrough's Third Position,2008,36,4,515-533,Lorion A preliminary examination of emotional and cognitive mediators in the relations between violence exposure and violent behaviors in youth,2008,36,8,989-1007,Allwood Applying organizational theories to action research in community settings: A case study in urban schools,2007,35,3,383-398,Elias Assault injury rates social capital and fear of neighborhood crime,2007,35,4,483-498,Reischl Assessing community effects on adolescent substance use and delinquency,2007,35,8,925-946,Hawkins Best practices in community‐based prevention for youth substance reduction: towards strengths‐based positive development policy,2008,36,6,761-779,Cheon Biosocial bases of reactive and proactive aggression: the roles of community violence exposure and heart rate,2008,36,8,969-988,Scarpa Civic participation and the development of adolescent behavior problems,2007,35,6,761-777,Nation Community and political involvement in adolescence: What distinguishes the activists from the uninvolved?,2007,35,6,741-759,Pratt Community involvement and adolescent mental health: moderating effects of race/ethnicity and neighborhood disadvantage,2008,36,4,534-551,Hull Concentrated disadvantage in urban neighborhoods: psychopolitical validity as a framework for developing psychology‐related solutions,2008,36,2,187-198,Nation Creating a culture of healing in multiethnic communities: an integrative approach to prevention and amelioration of violence‐induced conditions,2008,36,6,814-832,Danesh Diversity within: subgroup differences of youth problem behaviors among asian pacific islander American adolescents,2008,36,3,352-370,Choi Does integrated trauma‐informed substance abuse treatment increase treatment retention?,2007,35,7,845-862,Amaro Effectiveness of an integrated trauma‐informed approach to treating women with co‐occurring disorders and histories of trauma: The Los Angeles site experience,2007,35,7,863-878,Gatz Effects of trauma intervention on HIV sexual risk behaviors among women with co‐occurring disorders in substance abuse treatment,2007,35,7,895-908,Amaro Exposure to terrorism and violent behavior among adolescents in Israel,2007,35,1,43-55,Itzhaky Exposure to violence and aggression: protective roles of social support among urban African American youth,2008,36,6,723-743,McMahon Findings from a national evaluation of services to improve outcomes for women with co‐occurring disorders and a history of trauma,2007,35,7,819-822,Gatz From the outside looking in: the praxis dilemma of linking psychopolitical validity with community policing,2008,36,2,137-147,Williams Help‐seeking behavior of west African Migrants,2008,36,7,915-928,Kleber Heterogeneity in patterns of sexual risk behaviors among african‐american youth: Associations with general and race‐specific factors,2007,35,4,447-462,Gil Homogeneity in community‐based rape prevention programs: Empirical evidence of institutional isomorphism,2007,35,3,367-382,Townsend How do implementation efforts relate to program adherence? examining the role of organizational implementer and program factors,2008,36,6,744-760,Greenberg Inclusion of community in self scale: A single‐item pictorial measure of community connectedness,2007,35,2,257-275,Tangney Installing the communities that care prevention system: implementation progress and fidelity in a randomized controlled trial,2008,36,3,313-332,Hawkins Mapping nondominant voices into understanding stress‐coping mechanisms,2008,36,6,702-722,Ristock Measuring perceived community support: Factorial structure longitudinal invariance and predictive validity of the PCSQ (perceived community support questionnaire),2007,35,2,197-217,Gracia Modifications to the Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM) for substance‐abusing women with histories of violence: Outcomes and lessons learned at a Colorado substance abuse treatment center,2007,35,7,879-894,Vandemark Neighborhood research from a spatially oriented strengths perspective,2007,35,5,667-680,Woolley Neighborhood social processes and academic achievement in elementary school,2008,36,7,885-898,Franzini Network financial support and conflict as predictors of depressive symptoms among a highly disadvantaged population,2007,35,1,13-28,Latkin On power psychopolitical validity and play,2008,36,2,246-253,Angelique Praxis and power,2008,36,2,161-172,Partridge Prosocial involvement and antisocial peer affiliations as predictors of behavior problems in urban adolescents: Main effects and moderating effects,2007,35,4,417-434,Forbes-Jones Prosper study of evidence‐based intervention implementation quality by community–university partnerships,2007,35,8,981-999,Spoth Pushing the envelope on youth civic engagement: A developmental and liberation psychology perspective,2007,35,6,779-792,Watts Refining the measurement of exposure to violence (ETV) in urban youth,2007,35,5,603-618,Brennan Reflections on “Real‐World” community psychology,2008,36,5,609-625,Swift Relationships with adults as predictors of substance use gang involvement and threats to safety among disadvantaged urban high‐school adolescents,2007,35,8,1053-1071,Nieri Social power and forms of change: implications for psychopolitical validity,2008,36,2,199-213,Speer Support for military families and communities,2007,35,2,171-180,Hoshmand Television and attitudes toward mental health issues: Cultivation analysis and the third‐person effect,2007,35,2,181-195,Diefenbach The depiction of mental illnesses in children's television programs,2007,35,1,121-133,Wahl The impact of news use and social capital on youth wellbeing: An aggregate‐level analysis,2007,35,8,947-965,Beaudoin The meaning of home for runaway girls,2008,36,4,434-451,Peled The role of adults public space and power in adolescent community connectedness,2007,35,4,499-518,Whitlock The role of power in wellness oppression and liberation: the promise of psychopolitical validity,2008,36,2,116-136,Prilleltensky Using community and family risk and protective factors for community‐based prevention planning,2007,35,4,535-555,Hawkins Violence breeds violence: Childhood exposure and adolescent conduct problems,2008,36,1,96-112,Borkowski Violent youths' responses to high levels of exposure to community violence: what violent events reveal about youth violence,2008,36,8,1026-1051,Wilkinson What is an empowerment approach to working with sexual assault survivors?,2008,36,3,299-312,Townsend Women in community psychology: the trailblazer story,2008,36,5,587-608,Ayala‐Alcantar Youth violence as adaptation? Introduction to the special issue,2008,36,8,959-968,Latzman "If they could make us disappear they would!" youth and violence in Cité Soleil Haiti,2010,38,4,515-531,Willman Violence exposure and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults disconnected from school and work,2010,38,5,607-621,Tandon Why rape survivors participate in the criminal justice system,2010,38,2,191-205,Campbell Effects of a rape awareness program on college women: increasing bystander efficacy and willingness to intervene,2010,38,7,813-827,Foubert Swimming against the tide: characteristics of Muslim‐Arab women in Israel who initiated divorce,2010,38,7,918-931,Kulik Predictors of family participation in a multiple family group intervention for aggressive middle school students,2010,38,2,227-244,Rabiner Race neighborhood disadvantage and antisocial behavior among female juvenile offenders,2010,38,4,532-540,Chauhan Influence of perceived neighborhood safety on proactive and reactive aggression,2010,38,6,757-768,Fite Associations between mothers' experience with the troubles in Northern Ireland and mothers' and children's psychological functioning: The moderating role of social identity,2011,39,1,60-75,Cairns Youth's Strategies for Staying Safe and Coping with the Stress of Living in Violent Communities,2010,38,7,874-885,Wiebe Provision of mental health services during a disaster: the Cuban immigration of 1980,1982,10,1,40-47,Perez Community perceptions of natural disasters and post-disaster mental health services,1982,10,1,23-28,Bradford Community assistance for rape victims,1976,4,4,378-381,Evans Exploring the core service delivery processes of an evidence-based community advocacy program for women with abusive partners,2013,41,1,1-18,Sullivan Outreach workers' perceptions of positive and negative critical incidents: Characteristics associated with successful and unsuccessful violence interruption,2013,41,2,200-217,Dymnicki A systematic review process to evaluate suicide prevention programs: A sample case of community-based programs,2013,41,1,35-51,McIntosh Pathways from school suspension to adolescent nonviolent antisocial behavior in students in Victoria Australia and Washington State United States,2012,40,3,301-318,Herrenkohl Programs for change: A realistic look at the nation's potential for preventing substance involvement among high-risk youth,1992,24,35,3-9,Lorion Measuring behavior change in young children receiving intensive school-based mental health services,2003,31,6,629-639,Guo A case report of a community-based response to domestic violence in Chile,2003,31,6,561-579,Lorion Who Benefits Most from a Broadly Targeted Prevention Program? Differential Efficacy Across Populations in the Teen Outreach Program,2001,29,6,637-655,Allen Participation in Boys and Girls Clubs and Relationships to Youth Outcomes,2003,31,1,39-55,Anderson-Butcher A Case Report of a Community-Based Response to Domestic Violence in Chile,2004,32,1,561-579,Lorion Disciplinary History Adult Disciplinary Attitudes and Risk for Abusive Parenting,2001,29,3,219-240,Knutson Using a Specialized Foster Care Community Treatment Model for Children and Adolescents Leaving the State Mental Hospital,1991,19,3,266-276,Chamberlain Relative Impact of Violence Exposure and Immigrant Stressors on Latino Youth Psychopathology,2011,39,3,316-335,Kataoka Assessment of psychological reactions in disaster victims,1982,10,2,157-167,Hoffmann Social reactions to sexual assault disclosure coping perceived control and PTSD symptoms in sexual assault victims,2014,42,4,495-508,Ullman Characteristics and life experiences associated with receiving a rape disclosure within a national telephone household probability sample of women,2014,42,5,583-592,Resnick Involving parents in a community-based culturally-grounded mental health intervention for american indian youth: parent perspectives challenges and results,2012,40,4,468-478,Goodkind Feasibility acceptability and initial findings from a community-based cultural mental health intervention for American Indian youth and their families,2012,40,4,381-405,Goodkind Geospatial ecology of adolescent problem behavior: contributions of community factors and parental monitoring,2015,42,3,299-315,Dishion Perceived best friend delinquency moderates the link between contextual risk factors and juvenile delinquency: moderating effects of best friend delinquency,2012,40,6,747-761,Fite Evaluation of All Babies Cry a second generation universal abusive head trauma prevention program,2015,43,3,296-314,Morrill What can we learn? Examining intimate partner violence service provision in the deaf community,2015,43,2,142-155,Cerulli A first look at natural mentoring among preadolescent foster children,2016,44,5,586-601,Taussig Does neighborhood collective efficacy for families change over time? The Boston Neighborhood Survey,2014,42,1,61-79,Azrael Investigating community perspectives on falls prevention information seeking and delivery: older person perceptions regarding preferences for falls prevention education using a world cafe approach,2016,44,7,937-944,Hill The Communities That Care Brief Depression Scale: psychometric properties and criterion validity,2016,44,3,391-398,Hawkins Improving community readiness for change through coalition capacity building: evidence from a multi-site intervention,2017,45,4,486-499,Watson-Thompson Promoting informal and professional help-seeking for adolescent dating violence,2017,45,4,500-512,McDonell Developing a sustainable child and family service system after a community tragedy: lessons from Sandy Hook,2017,45,6,748-764,Horwitz Offsetting the effects of neighborhood disadvantage on problem drinking,2017,45,5,678-684,Mericle Place‐based loss and resilience among disaster‐affected youth,2017,45,7,859-876,Cox Determinants of the use of community‐based mental health services after mobile crisis team services: an empirical approach using the Cox proportional hazard model,2017,45,7,877-887,Kim Impact of trauma exposure and acculturative stress on internalizing symptoms for recently arrived migrant‐origin youth: results from a community‐based partnership,2017,45,8,984-998,Mendez Children's experiences and perceptions of street culture parental supervision and parental mediation in an urban neighborhood,2017,45,8,999-1010,Dijken A longitudinal investigation of the psychological health of United States Air Force base communities,2017,45,8,1033-1049,Smith Slep Discursive context and language as action: a demonstration using critical discourse analysis to examine discussions about human trafficking in Hawai'i,2018,46,3,293-310,Baker Influence of social participation on life satisfaction and depression among Chinese elderly: social support as a mediator,2018,46,3,345-355,Jiang How many factors does the sense of community index assess?,2018,46,3,383-396,Wright Altruism as a buffer for antisocial behavior for African American adolescents exposed to community violence,2018,46,2,224-237,Cunningham Mental health therapists' perceptions of their readiness to address the intersection of intimate partner violence and suicide,2018,46,2,238-250,Cerulli Neighborhood sexual violence moderates women's perceived safety in urban neighborhoods,2018,46,1,79-94,Tebes Neighborhood and cultural stressors associated with delinquency in Latino adolescents,2018,46,1,95-106,Fite Resilience and adjustment to widowhood in the Israeli Arab Muslim society: a new perspective,2018,46,2,158-170,Eshel A longitudinal examination of perceived racial/ethnic discrimination public ethnic regard and depressive symptoms in Latino youth,2017,45,8,971-983,Taylor An exploration of posttraumatic growth loneliness depression resilience and social capital among survivors of Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,2019,47,2,356-370,Lee Posttraumatic stress disorder in the short and medium term following the World Trade Center attack among Asian Americans,2018,46,8,1075-1091,Goldmann Violence as a health disparity: adolescents' perceptions of violence depicted through photovoice,2018,46,8,1026-1044,Daniel Psychological capital and life satisfaction of refugees in Canada: evidence from a community-based educational support program,2019,47,3,504-516,McKenzie Protecting youth from gang membership: individual and school-level emotional competence,2019,47,3,563-578,Furlong The sleep environment and its association with externalizing behaviors in a sample of low-income adolescents,2019,47,3,628-640,Rubens Suicide risk and social support in Australian resource sector employees: a cross-sectional study,2019,47,3,652-662,Morrison The university campus environment as a protective factor for intimate partner violence against women: an exploratory study,2018,46,7,903-916,Gracia Bully victimization depression and the role of protective factors among college LGBTQ students,2018,46,7,871-884,Moran LET's CONNECT community mentorship program for youths with peer social problems: preliminary findings from a randomized effectiveness trial,2018,46,7,885-902,King The impact of volunteer experience at sport mega-events on intention to continue volunteering: multigroup path analysis,2019,47,4,727-742,Bravo Informal caregiving experiences in posttraumatic stress disorder: a content analysis of an online community,2019,47,4,757-771,Ferrell Engagement in linkage to mental health care program in the Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy,2019,47,4,743-756,Taioli Child delinquency in communal conflict areas in southwestern Nigeria,2019,47,4,790-804,Adeleke Understanding the ecological context of mental emotional and behavioral health problems: a person-centered approach,2019,47,4,833-855,Nochajski Personal networks social media and community cohesion in the strategies of peace-building agents in Colombia to counteract the segregation of displaced populations,2019,47,6,1300-1312,Maya-Jariego The influences of neighborhood disorder on early childhood externalizing problems: the roles of parental stress and child physical maltreatment,2019,47,5,1105-1117,Yoon A study of psychological sense of community as a mediator between supportive social systems school belongingness and outcome behaviors among urban high school students of color,2019,47,5,1131-1150,Reid The role of academic mentors for Latino/a adolescents exposed to community violence,2019,47,6,1329-1346,Ceballo "I've had to bury a lot of kids over the years…": Violence prevention streetworkers' exposure to trauma,2019,47,5,1197-1209,Macdonald The relationship among social support self-esteem affect balance and loneliness in individuals with substance use disorders in China,2019,47,5,1269-1281,Yang The two sides of Islamophobia and the perception of threat from Islamic terrorists,2019,47,7,1772-1786,Tartaglia The Promise Initiative: promoting a trauma-informed police response to sexual assault in a mid-size Southern community,2019,47,7,1733-1749,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Neighborhood predictors of bullying perpetration and victimization trajectories among South Korean adolescents,2019,47,7,1714-1732,Song South African adult caregivers as "protective shields": serving as a buffer between stressful neighborhood conditions and youth risk behaviors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhana Examining the community consequences of arrests for low-level criminal activity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schuck Proximal and distal determinants of community resilience under threats of terror,2019,47,8,1952-1960,Kimhi Understanding the role of service providers land use and resident characteristics on the occurrence of mental health crisis calls to the police,2019,47,8,1961-1982,Weisburd "What would the neighbors do?" Measuring sexual and domestic violence prevention social norms among youth and adults,2019,47,8,1817-1833,Banyard Justice and rule of law failure in Haiti: a view from the Shanties,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marcelin Influence of the history of abuse and suicidal attempts behavior among women victims of violence in Nicaragua,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rivas Psychometric properties of the Community Violence-Prevention Activation Measure (CV-PAM): evaluating provider activation toward community violence prevention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Suárez The role of relationship proximity to witnessed community violence and youth outcomes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kennedy Healing is not linear: using photography to describe the day-to-day healing journeys of undergraduate women survivors of sexual violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Munro-Kramer Coping strategies of women survivors of domestic violence residing with an abusive partner after registered complaint with the family counseling center at Alwar India,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mahapatro Sociodemographic characteristics of youth in a trauma focused-cognitive behavioral therapy effectiveness trial in the city of Philadelphia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beidas #4645Boricuas: Twitter reactions to the estimates of deaths by Hurricane María in Puerto Rico,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nugent Twitter as a tool for social movement: an analysis of feminist activism on social media communities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Rural-urban disparities in adolescent risky behaviors: a family social capital perspective,2016,44,8,1027-1039,Sun "Did I see what I really saw?" 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