Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An examination of cutting and other methods of DSH among children and adolescents presenting to an outpatient psychiatric clinic in New Zealand,2006,11,3,407-416,Fortune 'Watching from the stairs': towards an evidence-based practice in work with child witnesses of domestic violence,2006,11,1,103-125,Rivett The Bee Kind Garden: a qualitative description of work with maltreated children,2007,12,2,261-279,Worsham Death understanding and fear of death in young children,2007,12,4,525-535,Griffiths Internet suicide in Japan: implications for child and adolescent mental health,2007,12,4,583-597,Naito Deliberate Self-harm in Children and Adolescents: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Needs of Parents and Carers,2008,13,4,493-504,Morgan An Exploration of the Experience of Mothers Whose Children Sustain Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Their Families,2008,13,4,565-583,Clark Guilt and posttraumatic stress symptoms in child victims of interpersonal violence,2009,14,1,71-83,Weems Adolescents' Ability to Read Different Emotional Faces Relates to their History of Maltreatment and Type of Psychopathology,2009,14,2,237-250,Dadds Active multimodal psychotherapy in children and adolescents with suicidality: description evaluation and clinical profile,2008,13,3,435-448,Högberg E-mail: a new technique for forming a therapeutic alliance with high-risk young people failing to engage with mental health services? A case study,2008,13,1,95-103,Gillett Early identification of mental health needs for children in care: a therapeutic assessment programme for statutory clients of child protection,2008,13,1,31-47,Lynch Animal-assisted therapy with children suffering from insecure attachment due to abuse and neglect: a method to lower the risk of intergenerational transmission of abuse?,2008,13,1,7-30,Parish-Plass Children's and parents' posttraumatic stress reactions after the 2004 tsunami,2011,16,4,621-634,Jensen Cognitive-behavioural group intervention for PTSD symptoms in children following the Athens 1999 earthquake: a pilot study,2006,11,4,543-553,Yule Power and parenting assessments: the intersecting levels of culture race class and gender,2006,11,1,9-25,Singh Treatment manual for trauma-exposed youth: Case studies,2010,15,1,27-38,Carrion A wait-list controlled pilot study of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for children with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms from motor vehicle accidents,2010,15,1,5-25,Kemp The personal meaning of romantic relationships for young people with psychosis,2010,15,2,151-170,Redmond Self-protective strategies are adaptive and increasingly complex: A beginner's look at the DMM and ABCD models of attachment,2010,15,2,209-214,Stacks Anger management groups for adolescents: A mixed-methods study of efficacy and treatment preferences,2011,16,1,33-52,Griffiths Young offenders' experiences of traumatic life events: a qualitative investigation,2009,14,1,43-62,Paton Outpatient psychotherapy practice with adolescents following psychiatric hospitalization for suicide ideation or a suicide attempt,2011,16,1,53-64,Stein Predicting intention to attend and actual attendance at a universal parent-training programme: A comparison of social cognition models,2011,16,3,365-383,Thornton The developmental origins of conversion disorders,2007,12,4,487-510,Kozlowska Rebuilding relationships: A pilot study of the effectiveness of the Mellow Parenting Programme for children with Reactive Attachment Disorder,2011,16,1,73-87,Thompson The "Spirit of New Orleans": Translating a model of intervention with maltreated children and their families for the Glasgow context,2010,15,4,497-509,Wilson Complex trauma impact on development and possible solutions on an adolescent intensive care unit,2009,14,3,437-454,Jónsson Contact and truth: the unfolding predicament in adoption and fostering,2009,14,3,423-435,Loxterkamp Parenting training in the community: linking process to outcome,2011,16,3,459-473,Guerin Does family therapy reduce health care costs for more than the identified patient?,2011,16,1,3-4,Crane Understanding the experiences and emotional needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents in the UK,2011,16,3,421-442,Groark Music therapy with sexually abused children,2006,11,2,249-269,Robarts Drawings vs. narratives: drawing as a tool to encourage verbalization in children whose fathers are drug abusers,2007,12,1,65-75,Lev-Wiesel A qualitative exploration of children's understanding of indiscriminate friendliness,2009,14,4,595-618,Minnis Research findings and case studies elaborate the experiences of clients and professionals in very different areas of work,2009,14,1,5-6,Brazier On learning from the patience,2007,12,3,341-347,Hanks Learning from experience,2007,12,3,369-373,Bacon Identifying and responding to the mental health service needs of children who have experienced violence: A community-based approach,2003,8,2,187-203,Drotar Surviving and Coping with Emotional Abuse in Childhood,2001,6,3,387-402,Doyle South Asian Parents' Constructions of Praising Their Children,2008,13,2,191-207,Paiva Children’s Experiences of Traumatic Events: The Negotiation of Normalcy and Difference,2001,6,3,403-424,Urman An unusual clinical phenomenon: A case of bedtime ritual with apparent sexual overtones,2010,15,1,55-64,Blunden The making and breaking of relationships: organizational and clinical questions in providing services for looked after children?,2010,15,4,601-612,Simmonds Some reflections on the use of psychiatric diagnosis in the looked after or "in care" child population,2010,15,4,589-599,Dejong Mental health services for children in public care and other vulnerable groups: implications for international collaboration,2010,15,4,555-571,Vostanis Comparing models of borderline personality disorder: Mothers' experience self-protective strategies and dispositional representations,2010,15,3,433-451,Crittenden Another day older and deeper in therapy: Can the Dynamic-Maturational Model offer a way out?,2010,15,3,423-432,Wilkinson Childhood sexual abuse and attachment: An intergenerational perspective,2010,15,3,407-422,Noll Assessing parent--child interaction in the preschool years: A pilot study on the psychometric properties of the toddler CARE-Index,2010,15,3,379-389,Fegert Is attachment transmitted across generations? The plot thickens,2010,15,3,329-345,Fonagy Cognitive correlates of psychosocial outcome following traumatic brain injury in early childhood: Comparisons between groups of children aged under and over 10 years of age,2011,16,2,185-194,Tonks The influence of family environment on dissociation in pediatric injury patients,2011,16,4,485-497,Christopher Test of time: Anna Freud's Normality and Pathology in Childhood (1965),2011,16,3,475-482,Midgley The development of a new measure of social-emotional functioning for young adolescents,2011,16,3,301-315,Huw Williams Mind-mindedness in parents of pre-schoolers: A comparison between clinical and community samples,2012,17,3,318-335,Walker Nigerian secondary school children's knowledge of and attitudes to mental health and illness,2012,17,3,336-353,Dogra Parents of adolescents who have committed sexual offenses: Characteristics challenges and interventions,2012,17,3,433-448,Clemmons Seeking professional help for mental health problems among New Zealand secondary school students,2011,17,2,284-297,Watson Relationship Focused Parent Training Within a Dialectical Framework: A Case Study,2012,17,3,400-414,Evans Do we miss depressive disorders and suicidal behaviours in clinical practice?,2012,17,3,449-458,Guerin Psychological evaluation of refugee children: Contrasting results from play diagnosis and parental interviews,2011,16,4,517-534,Björn Personality subtypes in adolescents with panic disorder,2011,16,4,551-565,Westen Psychodynamic Parenthood Therapy: A model for therapeutic work with parents and parenthood,2012,17,4,553-570,Oren A reliability generalization meta-analysis of coefficient alpha for the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale,2012,17,4,519-527,Vassar The Incredible Years Parenting program in Ireland: A qualitative analysis of the experience of disadvantaged parents,2012,17,4,616-630,McGilloway Young people's stories of self-harm: A narrative study,2012,17,3,459-475,Dallos Supervision and consultation practice with domestic violence,2012,17,2,181-185,Vetere A systems relations model for Tier 2 early intervention child mental health services with schools: An exploratory study,2013,18,1,25-43,Day A qualitative exploration into young children's perspectives and understandings of emotional difficulties in other children,2013,18,1,72-90,Dixon Recognising and responding to adolescent depression in general practice: Developing and implementing the Therapeutic Identification of Depression in Young people (TIDY) programme,2012,17,4,482-494,Garralda Intercepting the intergenerational cycle of maternal trauma and loss through mother-infant psychotherapy: A case study using attachment-derived methods,2013,18,1,100-120,Tamminen Addressing trauma in collaborative mental health care for refugee children,2013,18,1,121-136,Measham Contact refusal by children following acrimonious separation: Therapeutic approaches with children and parents,2013,18,2,185-198,Dejong An investigation into adolescents' experience of cognitive behavioural therapy within a child and adolescent mental health service,2013,18,2,199-213,Harrison Children and domestic violence: a review,1996,1,1,79-88,Black The test of time: Strupp and Hadley's tripartite model of mental health (1977),2012,17,4,631-637,Stricker 'Benign invigilation' : Using appreciative inquiry to reposition clinical risk in multi-disciplinary CAMH teams,2013,18,2,260-269,Aggett Self-perception in a clinical sample of gender variant children,2013,18,3,464-474,Cohen-Kettenis Structured parallel therapy with parents in time-limited psychotherapy with children experiencing difficult family situations,2013,18,4,504-518,Haugvik Interventions in foster and kinship care: A systematic review,2013,18,3,429-463,Kinsey A crisis recovery model for adolescents with severe mental health problems,2013,18,2,246-259,Kaplan Measuring outcome in child and adolescent mental health services: Consumers' views of measures,2013,18,4,519-535,Merry Why do young people with CFS/ME feel anxious? A qualitative study,2013,18,4,556-573,Fisher Mental health problems of young refugees: Duration of settlement risk factors and community-based interventions,2013,18,4,604-623,Hodes Adolescent suicide in Australia: Rates risk and resilience,2013,18,3,351-369,McNamara The trauma still goes on...: The multigenerational legacy of Northern Ireland's conflict,2013,18,4,583-603,Downes Perceptions of support-seeking in young people attending a Youth Offending Team: An interpretative phenomenological analysis,2014,19,1,7-23,King Adolescents with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa: Parents' experience of recognition and deciding to seek help,2014,19,1,43-57,Sayal Nonsuicidal self-injury in an adolescent population in Singapore,2014,19,1,58-76,Tan Taming the adolescent mind: preliminary report of a mindfulness-based psychological intervention for adolescents with clinical heterogeneous mental health diagnoses,2013,18,2,300-312,Martin Setting the bar higher: What information do we need to establish the effectiveness of mental health interventions for children with complex attachment- and trauma-related difficulties?,2013,18,1,3-6,Tarren-Sweeney The negative consequences of over-diagnosing attachment disorders in adopted children: The importance of comprehensive formulations,2013,19,3,355-366,Woolgar Towards a richer understanding of school-age children's experiences of domestic violence: The voices of children and their mothers,2014,19,2,184-201,Vetere Implementing an aim-based outcome measure in a psychoanalytic child psychotherapy service: Insights experiences and evidence,2014,19,2,169-183,Catty Children of treated substance-abusing mothers: A 10-year prospective study,2014,19,2,217-232,Hser Understanding recovery in children following traffic-related injuries: Exploring acute traumatic stress reactions child coping and coping assistance,2014,19,2,233-243,Winston Children involved in road traffic accidents: psychological sequelae and issues for mental health services,2001,6,1,23-39,Stallard Measuring mental health in Indigenous young people: A review of the literature from 1998-2008,2014,19,2,260-272,D'Este Statutory health assessments for pre-school foster children fail to screen accurately for mental health disorders,2014,19,2,313-327,Hillen Targeted group-based interventions in schools to promote emotional well-being: A systematic review,2013,19,3,412-438,Schlösser Perceived relationship quality in adolescents following early social-emotional deprivation,2013,19,3,439-459,Hawk Self-reported peer victimization and suicidal ideation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients: The mediating role of negative self-esteem,2014,19,4,606-616,Jones Emergency mental health admissions for children: A naturalistic study,2015,20,1,8-19,Ougrin Families changing families: The protective function of multi-family therapy for children in education,2013,19,4,617-632,Skagerberg Online support for children of parents suffering from mental illness: A case study,2015,20,1,53-67,Schippers Cognitive-behavioral treatment of a second-generation child of Pakistani descent: Ethnocultural and clinical considerations,2013,20,1,134-147,Mahr Stressful life experiences and mental health problems among unaccompanied asylum-seeking children,2013,20,1,106-116,Jensen The test of time: Karl Popper,2013,18,4,624-630,Graham Consequences of 9/11 and the war on terror on children's and young adult's mental health: A systematic review of the past 10 years,2013,20,2,173-193,Bhui How children with experiences of intimate partner violence towards the mother understand and relate to their father,2013,20,1,148-163,Almqvist Characteristics of suicide notes of children and young adolescents: An examination of the notes from suicide victims 15 years and younger,2013,20,2,194-206,Grøholt Family cognitive remediation therapy for anorexia nervosa,2013,20,2,207-217,Lask 'Eventually you just get used to it': An interpretative phenomenological analysis of 10-16 year-old girls' experiences of the transition into temporary accommodation after exposure to domestic violence perpetrated by men against their mothers,2013,20,2,304-323,Vetere Narrative responses as an aid to understanding the presentation of maltreated children who meet criteria for autistic spectrum disorder and reactive attachment disorder: A case series study,2013,19,3,392-411,Stedmon The views and opinions of CAMHS professionals on their role and the role of others in attending to children who self-harm,2013,20,2,289-303,Karim Henry Kempe's Vision: Preventing child abuse then and now,2014,20,2,331-336,Leventhal Psychological consultation in a paediatric setting: a qualitative analysis of staff experiences of a psychosocial forum,2014,20,3,472-485,Douglas Separating 'emotion' from 'the science': Exploring the perceived value of information for parents and families of children with autistic spectrum disorder,2014,20,3,500-514,Karim Why good placements matter: Pre-placement and placement risk factors associated with mental health disorders in pre-school children in foster care,2014,20,3,486-499,Hillen Discrepancy between parents and children in reporting of distress and impairment: association with critical symptoms,2014,20,3,515-524,Saunders Developmental trauma disorder: an attachment-based perspective,2014,19,4,548-560,Rahim How well do websites concerning children's anxiety answer parents' questions about treatment choices?,2014,20,4,555-569,Walsh Affect Consciousness in children with internalizing problems: assessment of affect integration,2014,20,4,591-610,Monsen The clinical application of attachment theory and research: Introducing a series of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry special sections,2014,19,3,333-335,Tarren-Sweeney 'I want the way I look to matter less': A case study describing psychological aspects of changing appearance,2014,20,4,626-639,Tevik "Why are you here?" Seeking children's accounts of their presentation to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS),2014,21,1,3-18,Karim A qualitative analysis of implementing shared decision making in child and adolescent mental health services in the United Kingdom: stages and facilitators,2014,21,1,19-31,Wolpert 'Am I damaging my own family?': Relational changes between foster carers and their birth children,2014,21,1,48-65,Thompson Young children's experiences of participating in group treatment for children exposed to intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2014,21,1,119-132,Almqvist Young people with features of gender dysphoria: demographics and associated difficulties,2014,21,1,108-118,Skagerberg A psychoanalytic child psychotherapy contribution to generic assessments,2015,21,1,133-144,Mees Horses for courses? A qualitative exploration of goals formulated in mental health settings by young people parents and clinicians,2015,21,2,208-223,Wolpert Understanding the concept of resilience in relation to looked after children: a Delphi survey of perceptions from education social care and foster care,2015,21,2,178-192,South A critical review of adolescent mindfulness-based programmes,2015,21,2,193-207,Tan The parental couple relationship in child and adolescent mental health,2015,20,2,169-172,Karamat Ali Examining experiences of transition instability and coping for young offenders in the community: a qualitative analysis,2015,21,2,224-239,Heath Associations between evidence-based practice and mental health outcomes in child and adolescent mental health services,2015,21,2,287-296,Ford From referral to discharge: young people and parents' experience of a systemic paediatric psychology service,2015,21,2,297-307,Christie Caregivers' voices: the experiences of caregivers of children who sustained serious accidental and non-accidental head injury in early childhood,2015,21,2,268-286,Kelly The relationship between child- and parent-reported shared decision making and child- parent- and clinician-reported treatment outcome in routinely collected child mental health services data,2015,21,2,324-338,Deighton Corrigendum: Nonsuicidal self-injury in an adolescent population in Singapore,2015,20,3,525, Validity of the School-age Assessment of Attachment for moderate-risk rural early adolescents,2015,20,3,366-380,Kidwell Understanding children: Assessing school-aged children's self-protective attachment strategies,2015,20,3,341-347,McKinsey Crittenden The attachment of prematurely born children at school age: A pilot study,2015,20,3,381-394,Nuccini A first-level evaluation of a school-based family programme for adolescent social emotional and behavioural difficulties,2015,21,4,603-617,Sharry Developing interventions in child and adolescent mental health services: do we really know what works for whom?,2015,20,4,529-531,Kennedy Adverse effects of psychological therapy: an exploratory study of practitioners' experiences from child and adolescent psychiatry,2015,21,3,432-446,Lindblad Exploring parents' understandings of their child's journey into offending behaviours: A narrative analysis,2015,21,3,447-460,Daiches 'We are dealing with it the best we can': exploring parents' attributions regarding their child's physical disability using the 'Four Ws' framework,2015,21,3,416-431,Shute Children after adoption: exploring their psychological needs,2015,21,4,536-550,Dejong Family therapy and fundamentalism: one family therapist's exploration of ethics and collaboration with religious fundamentalist families,2015,21,3,381-396,Sherbersky Becoming invisible: the effect of triangulation on children's well-being,2015,21,3,461-476,Dallos Children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse: siblings' accounts of relational coping,2015,21,4,649-668,Sixsmith Observed callousness as a predictor of treatment outcomes in parent management training,2016,22,1,59-73,Kjøbli 'You just deal with it. You have to when you've got a child': a narrative analysis of mothers' accounts of how they coped both during an abusive relationship and after leaving,2016,22,1,74-89,Vetere Soapbox: class matters in parenting interventions,2016,21,3,359-367,Zilberstein Social Communication Anxiety Treatment (S-CAT) for children and families with selective mutism: a pilot study,2016,22,1,90-108,Klein The Meaning of the Child Interview: a new procedure for assessing and understanding parent-child relationships of 'at-risk' families,2016,22,2,204-218,Grey The assessment of developmental trauma in children and adolescents: a systematic review,2016,22,2,260-287,Jackson Neuro-Physiological Psychotherapy (NPP): the development and application of an integrative wrap-around service and treatment programme for maltreated children placed in adoptive and foster care placements,2016,21,4,568-581,McCullough The transition into adoptive parenthood: adoption as a process of continued unsafe uncertainty when family scripts collide,2016,21,4,520-535,Tasker An evaluation of Neuro-Physiological Psychotherapy: an integrative therapeutic approach to working with adopted children who have experienced early life trauma,2016,21,4,582-602,Last A critical analysis of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services policy in England,2016,22,1,109-127,Fellin Beyond awareness of 'difference' and towards social action: 'solidarity practice' alongside young people,2016,21,3,402-415,Afuape Don't forget the siblings: school-aged siblings of children presenting to mental health services show at-risk patterns of attachment,2016,22,2,245-259,Kozlowska A qualitative exploration of attitudes towards the use of outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services,2016,22,2,219-228,Deighton The title "therapy" and what do you do with it as a child? Recollections of being in child expressive arts group therapy,2016,22,1,152-164,Lev-Wiesel Young voices in mental health care: exploring children's and adolescents' service experiences and preferences,2016,22,1,140-151,Hagquist Fear of faith: a reflection on 'Family therapy and fundamentalism',2016,21,3,397-401,Rivett Punch injury self-harm in young people,2016,22,2,318-325,Oxley Child attachment and sensory regulation in psychiatric clinic-referred preschoolers,2016,22,4,572-587,Paquette The developmental case for adopting children from care,2016,21,4,497-505,Tarren-Sweeney 'It's personal to me': a qualitative study of depression in young people with CFS/ME,2016,22,2,326-340,Crawley 'She was a foster mother who said she didn't give cuddles': the adverse early foster care experiences of children who later struggle with adoptive family life,2016,21,4,509-519,Selwyn System struggles and substitutes: a qualitative study of general practitioner and psychiatrist experiences of prescribing antipsychotics to children and adolescents,2016,21,4,634-648,Kutcher Psychological wellbeing and quality-of-life among siblings of paediatric CFS/ME patients: a mixed-methods study,2016,21,4,618-633,Crawley Autism and reactive attachment/disinhibited social engagement disorders: co-occurrence and differentiation,2016,22,4,620-631,Waschbusch Standing the test of time: reflecting on the relevance today of Levinson's Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy,2017,22,1,9-15,Fine 'How I feel about my school': the construction and validation of a measure of wellbeing at school for primary school children,2018,23,1,25-41,Ford Residential staff responses to adolescent self-harm: the helpful and unhelpful,2017,22,3,443-454,Johnson Parent-youth informant disagreement: implications for youth anxiety treatment,2018,23,1,42-56,Ginsburg Mother-child interactions in young children with excessive physical aggression and in typically developing young children,2017,22,3,467-482,Wendland Are mothers' protective attachment strategies related to their children's strategies?,2017,22,3,358-377,Crittenden Adapting and developing a video-feedback intervention for co-parents of infants at risk of externalising behaviour problems (VIPP-Co): a feasibility study,2017,22,3,483-499,Ramchandani Interpersonal rejection sensitivity mediates the associations between peer victimization and two high-risk outcomes,2017,22,4,649-663,Esposito-Smythers Childhood maltreatment and its link to borderline personality disorder features in children: a systematic review approach,2018,23,1,57-76,Woolgar Associations between family and clinician ratings of child mental health: a study of UK CAMHS assessments and outcomes,2017,22,4,664-674,Terrelonge Feasibility and efficacy of an attachment-based intervention in a maltreatment sample in residential care: a pilot study,2017,22,4,561-571,Casonato Sleep and psychiatric symptoms in young child psychiatric outpatients,2018,23,1,77-95,Aronen Family Coaching as a delivery modality for evidence-based prevention programs,2018,23,1,96-109,Swendeman The impact of fathers' military deployment on child adjustment. The support needs of primary school children and their families separated during active military service: a pilot study,2018,23,1,110-124,Yule Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in children and adolescents: Part II - explanations to families treatment and group outcomes,2018,23,1,160-176,Kozlowska Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in children and adolescents. Part I: diagnostic formulations,2018,23,1,140-159,Kozlowska Mental health services for our most vulnerable children,2017,22,4,521-523,Tarren-Sweeney Outcomes of inpatient psychiatric treatment for adolescents: a multiple perspectives evaluation,2018,23,3,409-424,Martin The impact of deployment and traumatic brain injury on the health and behavior of children of US military service members and veterans,2018,23,3,425-441,French Understanding the experiences of middle school girls who have received help for non-suicidal self-injury,2018,23,4,514-527,Tillman A review of adolescent autobiographical memory and the implications for assessment of unaccompanied minors' refugee determinations,2018,23,2,209-222,Hodes Ghosts tigers and landmines in the nursery: attachment narratives of loss in Tamil refugee children with dead or missing fathers,2018,23,2,294-310,Silove Collective narrative practice with unaccompanied refugee minors: "The Tree of Life" as a response to hardship,2018,23,2,279-293,Jacobs Looking into the future: the potential impact of emerging trends on child and family mental health services,2018,23,1,3-8,Long Ambiguous loss and incomplete abduction narratives in Kosovo,2018,23,2,333-345,Kajtazi-Testa Parental reactions to parent- and sibling-directed aggression within a domestic violence context,2018,23,3,457-470,Karatekin Healing stories: an expressive-narrative intervention for strengthening resilience and survival skills in school-aged child victims of war and political violence in the Gaza Strip,2018,23,2,311-332,Veronese Understanding experiences of the self-harm of others: a qualitative exploration of the views of young people with complex mental health needs,2018,23,4,528-541,Hodge Mental health of unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents previously held in British detention centres,2018,23,2,238-257,Yule Stories of trauma in family therapy with refugees: supporting safe relational spaces of narration and silence,2018,23,2,258-278,Rober Positive thinking elevates tolerance: experimental effects of happiness on adolescents' attitudes toward asylum seekers,2018,23,2,346-357,Tenenbaum Intentional music use to reduce psychological distress in adolescents accessing primary mental health care,2018,23,4,567-581,Rickwood Mindfulness-based group therapy: impact on psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents,2018,23,4,582-591,Handley Secondary trauma and compassion fatigue in foster carers,2018,23,4,629-643,Woolgar Impairments of executive function in young children referred to child psychiatric outpatient clinic,2019,24,1,95-111,Huhdanpää Change in mental health symptoms in families with nonresponding children referred to inpatient family units,2019,24,1,158-169,Rimehaug Empowering young people who experienced domestic violence and abuse: the development of a group therapy intervention,2019,24,1,170-189,Alexander Validation of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument with a looked after population,2019,24,3,593-607,Johnson Thinking about ethnicity and gender diversity in children and young people,2019,24,2,291-303,de Graaf Lighthouse Parenting Programme: description and pilot evaluation of mentalization-based treatment to address child maltreatment,2018,ePub,ePub,1359104518807741,Fonagy 'Interaction structures' between depressed adolescents and their therapists in short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy,2019,24,3,446-461,Target Review of the literature on self-injurious thoughts and behaviours in gender-diverse children and young people in the United Kingdom,2019,24,2,304-321,Wren Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relations between neuroticism and posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in Chinese adolescents after a tornado,2019,24,3,482-493,Xu Callous-unemotional traits and the attentional bias tords emotional stimuli: testing the moderating role of emotional and behavioural problems among high-risk adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104518822690,Morgan Test of time: 'Out of the mainstream - helping the children of parents with a mental illness',2019,ePub,ePub,1359104518822674,Messent Self-perception of transgender clinic referred gender diverse children and adolescents,2019,24,2,388-401,Steensma 'Taking the lid off the box': the value of extended clinical assessment for adolescents presenting with gender identity difficulties,2019,24,2,338-352,Churcher Clarke A randomised controlled trial of the Group Stepping Stones Triple P training programme for parents of children with developmental disabilities,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104519827622,Carr Review of services to inform clinical frameworks for adolescents and young adults with severe persistent and complex mental illness,2019,24,3,503-528,Whiteford Relating mindfulness and executive function in children,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104519833737,Woodruff-Borden Validation of the parent report version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS-P) for Spanish children,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104519835579,Orgiles The geography of a controversial diagnosis: a bibliographic analysis of published academic perspectives on 'paediatric bipolar disorder',2019,24,3,529-545,Allison Depressive symptoms in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): are rates higher than in controls and do depressive symptoms affect outcome?,2019,24,3,580-592,Chalder Trajectories of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent girls following inpatient hospitalization,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104519839732,Sim Addressing sleep problems and fatigue within child and adolescent mental health services: a qualitative study,2019,ePub,ePub,1359104519838573,Loades Understanding more about how young people make sense of their siblings changing gender identity: how this might affect their relationships with their gender-diverse siblings and their experiences,2019,24,2,258-276,Dallos Gender dysphoria in adolescent population: a 5-year replication 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