Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Smoke Detector Effectiveness and the Value of Saving A Life,1989,31,3,281-286,Garbacz Estimating seat belt effectiveness with seat belt usage data from the Centers for Disease Control,1990,34,1,83-88,Garbacz A Bayesian perspective on biases in risk perception,1985,17,1-2,59-62,Viscusi The fatality effects of highway speed limits by gender and age,2003,79,3,401-408,Dee Speed variance enforcement and the optimal speed limit,1993,42,2-3,237-243,Graves Investigating the effects of medical marijuana laws on educational attainment,2018,164,,43-45,Li A suicidal Kuznets curve?,2018,166,,90-93,Collins Counterthreat of attack to deter aggression,2018,167,,112-114,Kim A portable method of eliciting respect for social norms,2018,168,,147-150,Kimbrough Is utility maximization compromised by acute intoxication with THC or MDMA?,2018,171,,128-132,Bedi The role of visibility on third party punishment actions for the enforcement of social norms,2018,171,,193-197,Kamei It's too annoying: who drops out of educational text messaging programs and why,2018,173,,39-43,Loeb Easy to read easy to cite?,2018,173,,100-103,Dowling The impact of 1998 Massachusetts gun laws on suicide: a synthetic control approach,2019,174,,104-108,Kahane What sets college thrivers and divers apart? A contrast in study habits attitudes and mental health,2019,178,,50-53,Oreopoulos The impact of mandatory arrest laws on domestic violence in times of economic stress,2019,178,,77-81,Cook Not so fast! Cash transfers can increase child labor: evidence for Bolivia,2019,179,,57-61,Chong Selection after terror: evidence from 30 years of terrorism in South Tyrol,2019,179,,62-65,Belmonte Natural disasters and mental health: a quantile approach,2019,180,,62-66,Baryshnikova Parenthood and gender inequality: population-based evidence on the child penalty in Finland,2019,182,,5-9,Sieppi Natural disasters and entrepreneurship activity,2019,182,,82-85,Skidmore Introducing article numbering to Economics Letters,2019,183,,108647,Steiginga Cigarette prices and driving fatalities among youths,2019,184,,108589,Shrestha The impact of urban form on vehicle ownership,2020,186,,e108763,Holian Do spouses negotiate in the shadow of the law? Evidence from unilateral divorce suicides and homicides in Mexico,2020,187,,108891,Hoehn-Velasco Mobility zones,2020,194,,e109425,Monte Monthly suicide rates during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Japan,2021,207,,e110014,Ruiz Sánchez It takes a curfew: the effect of COVID-19 on female homicides,2021,200,,e109761,Asik Joint liability borrowing and suicide: The case of Japan,2010,109,2,69-71,Sawada Fertility and wealth in early colonial India: Evidence from widow suicides (satis) in Bengal,2013,120,2,302-304,Green Credit supply and household long-term well-being: Evidence from banking deregulation,2022,219,,,Lee Parents' earnings response to youth suicide: Evidence from New Zealand administrative records,2023,226,,,Mertz Who supports liberal policies? A tale of two referendums in Italy,2023,232,,,Madio