Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Natural selection and the regulation of defenses: A signal detection analysis of the smoke detector principle,2005,26,1,88-105,Nesse Relative status regulates risky decision-making about resources in men: Evidence for the co-evolution of motivation and cognition,2008,29,2,106-118,Ermer Does women's greater fear of snakes and spiders originate in infancy?,2009,30,6,439-444,Rakison Control tactics and partner violence in heterosexual relationships,2009,30,6,445-452,Graham-Kevan Blood solidarity status and honor: The sexual balance of power and spousal abuse in Sonora Mexico,2001,22,5,295-328,Figueredo Perceptions of paternal resemblance predict family violence,2000,21,6,429-435,Burch Early separation and sibling incest. A test of the revised Westermarck theory,2000,21,3,151-161,Bevc A thin slice of violence: distinguishing violent from nonviolent sex offenders at a glance,2010,31,4,298-303,Baumeister Male traits associated with attractiveness in Conambo Ecuador,2010,31,3,193-200,Escasa Detection of Propensity for Aggression based on Facial Structure Irrespective of Face Race,2012,33,2,121-129,Carré Beauty and the beast: mechanisms of sexual selection in humans,2010,31,3,157-175,Puts Infidelity jealousy and wife abuse among Tsimane forager-farmers: Testing evolutionary hypotheses of marital conflict,2012,33,5,438-448,Gurven Number of children desired and preferred spousal age difference: context-specific mate preference patterns across 37 cultures,2000,21,5,323-331,Buss Someone to live for: effects of partner and dependent children on preventable death in a population wide sample from Northern Ireland,2015,36,1,1-7,Mace Family counts: deciding when to murder among the Icelandic Vikings,2017,38,2,175-180,Dunbar Voice pitch predicts electability but does not signal leadership ability,2018,39,3,349-354,Klofstad Inequality grievances and the variability in homicide rates,2023,44,3,296-304,Daly Testing the bargaining vs. inclusive fitness models of suicidal behavior against the ethnographic record,2016,37,3,179-192,Hagen Are depression and suicidality evolved signals? Evidently no,2023,44,2,147-154,Soper Response to: "Are depression and suicidality evolved signals? Evidently no",2023,44,2,155-160,Hagen