Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effects of a violent video game on hostility arousal and mood in a competitive versus noncompetitive situation [conference abstract],2005,57,Suppl 1,205,Fleming Improving the residential smoke alarm signal to more effectively arouse children and the intoxicated,2004,56,Suppl S,159-159,Reid Accident Tendency Avoidance Learning and Perceptual Defence,1961,13,2,157,Keehn Reason and Violence: Sanity Madness and Family,1964,16,3,225,Nollier Accident tendency avoidance learning and perceptual defense,1961,13,2,157-169,Keehn Relationship aggression violence and self-regulation in Australian newlywed couples,2010,62,2,82-92,Halford Effects of observer's own status on reactions to a high achiever's failure: Deservingness resentment schadenfreude and sympathy,2008,60,1,31-43,Feather Parental responsibility for the illicit acts of their children: effects of age type and severity of offence,2007,59,1,43-50,Augoustinos Responses to ethical challenges in conducting research with Australian adolescents,2007,59,1,24-33,Kelly Reactions to a battered woman who kills her abusive spouse: an attributional analysis,1995,47,3,153-159,Ho Implications of MDMA use for prospective memory function and substance use patterns in an Australian sample: A web-based pilot study,2011,63,3,142-149,Ciorciari The forgiveness process in primary and secondary victims of violent and sexual offences,2011,63,2,107-118,Allan Measuring romantic jealousy: Validation of the multidimensional jealousy scale in Australian samples,2011,63,4,243-251,Feeney Not so fast: Rethinking the effects of action video games on attentional capacity,2011,63,4,224-231,Remington An emerging theory of apology,2011,63,2,83-92,Allan Developmental trajectories of internalising behaviour in the prediction of adolescent depressive symptoms,2011,63,4,214-223,Toumbourou An examination of the relationships among emotion management interpersonal hassles and depressive symptomatology,2011,63,2,100-106,Farhall Identification and genetic determination of an early life risk disposition for depressive disorder: Atypical stress-related behaviour in early childhood,2011,63,1,6-17,Zubrick Children's emotions and coping with interpersonal stress as correlates of social competence,2011,63,3,131-141,Zimmer-Gembeck Delusion-proneness or miscomprehension? A re-examination of the jumping-to-conclusions bias,2012,64,2,100-107,Delfabbro Australian psychologists' attitudes towards suicide and self-harm,2012,64,2,75-82,Hasking Changing and coping and the stimulus to change from an adolescent perspective: A replication of adult research,2006,58,1,8-16,Bowles Intergroup sensitivity effect and the war in Iraq: A case of attitudes and intentions diverging,2006,58,3,166-172,Hornsey Is life dissatisfaction the opposite of life satisfaction?,2006,58,1,1-7,Davern Two principles of perception revealed by geometrical illusions,2006,58,3,123-129,Day Differences in confirmatory factor analysis model close-fit index estimates obtained from AMOS 4.0 and AMOS 5.0 via full information maximum likelihood - no imputation: Corrections and extension to Palmer et al. (2003),2006,58,3,144-150,Stough Development of a measure to assess coping for auditory hallucinations,2006,58,2,93-100,Mann Visual attention as a predictor of on-road driving performance of older drivers,2007,59,3,159-168,Baldock Intergenerational continuities and discontinuities in parenting styles,2007,59,3,140-150,Campbell Asylum seekers: How attributions and emotion affect Australians' views on mandatory detention of "the other",2007,59,3,119-131,Hartley Concurrent validity of cannabis misuse diagnoses on CIDI-Auto 2.1 in low-level cannabis users from the general population,2007,59,3,169-175,Kedzior Attitudes to the Iraq war and mandatory detention of asylum seekers: associations with authoritarianism social dominance and mortality salience,2007,59,2,70-77,Thorsteinsson Childhood anxiety in rural and urban areas: Presentation impact and help seeking,2007,59,2,108-118,Rapee "Asylum seekers" "boat people" and "illegal immigrants": social categorisation in the media,2007,59,1,1-12,LeCouteur The reliability and validity of the Parenting Scale for Australian mothers of preschool-aged children,2008,60,1,44-52,Arney Postnatal depression and the quality of mother-infant interactions during the second year of life,2008,60,3,142-151,Cornish Young men driving dangerously: development of the Motives for Dangerous Driving Scale (MDDS),2008,60,2,91-100,Ho Environmental correlates of wellbeing among final-year high school students,2008,60,2,101-111,Creed Justice-sensitive interpretations of ambiguous situations,2009,61,1,6-12,Baumert Role of motivation self-efficacy and parent support in adolescent structured leisure activity participation,2009,61,3,175-182,Fawcett Prejudice and the function of attitudes relating to Muslim Australians and Indigenous Australians,2009,61,4,228-238,Pedersen Retributive and restorative justice: Importance of crime severity and shared identity in people's justice responses,2009,61,1,50-57,Darley Asian Australian acculturation and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help,2009,61,2,69-76,Hamid Efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents,2009,61,3,156-166,Quinn Ubiquity of Whiteness in majority group national imagination: Australian = White but New Zealander does not,2009,61,3,119-127,Sibley Procedural justice identity and deference to the law: What shapes rule-following in a period of transition?,2009,61,1,32-39,Tyler Positive attributional style life events and their effect on children's mood: Prospective study,2009,61,4,211-219,Nixon Parenting and temperament as predictors of prosocial behaviour in Australian and Turkish Australian children,2009,61,2,77-88,Sanson Balance between volunteer work and family roles: Testing a theoretical model of work-family conflict in the volunteer emergency services,2010,62,3,169-178,Evans Development of ASB 1: The development of antisocial behaviour in adolescents and young adults,2010,62,3,149-159,Czech On the common stimulus condition and explanation of the Müller-Lyer Poggendorff and Zöllner illusions: The basis for a class of geometrical illusions,2010,62,3,115-120,Day Investigating the mediating effects of emotional intelligence and coping on problem behaviours in adolescents,2010,62,1,20-29,Stough Experiential and rational processing styles emotional intelligence and wellbeing,2010,62,1,14-19,Schutte Video-arcade game computer game and Internet activities of Australian students: Participation habits and prevalence of addiction,2010,62,2,59-66,Thomas Needing to connect: The effect of self and others on young people's involvement with their mobile phones,2010,62,4,194-203,Young Role of prior negative cognitions on the development of intrusive thoughts,2010,62,3,121-129,Wilksch Developmental correlates of emotional intelligence: Temperament family environment and childhood trauma,2011,63,2,75-82,Qualter A longitudinal study of the links between temperamental shyness activity and trajectories of internalising problems from infancy to middle childhood,2011,63,1,36-43,Stoolmiller The stigma of having a parent with mental illness: Genetic attributions and associative stigma,2011,63,2,93-99,Koschade Antisocial behaviour across the life course: An examination of the effects of early onset desistence and early onset persistent antisocial behaviour in adulthood,2011,63,1,44-55,Najman The relationship between social capital and depression during the transition to adulthood,2011,63,1,26-35,Toumbourou Longitudinal research on mental health and behavioural problems of children and youth: New findings,2011,63,1,1-5,Sanson Children's socio-emotional physical and cognitive outcomes: Do they share the same drivers?,2011,63,1,56-74,Sanson Common ground for behavioural and neuroimaging research,2012,64,1,4-10,Brown Strong inference in functional neuroimaging,2012,64,1,19-28,de Zubicaray What could cognitive neuroscience tell us about recognition memory?,2012,64,1,29-36,Dunn Parental neglect and overprotection as risk factors in delinquency,1994,46,2,107-111,Mak The dark side of emotional intelligence: the role of gender and the Dark Triad in emotional manipulation at work,2020,72,4,307-317,Grieve Positive reappraisal moderates depressive symptomology among adolescent bullying victims,2020,72,4,368-379,Camargo Sexual Coercion in Dating Situations among University Students: Preliminary Australian Data,1995,47,2,66-72,Patton Early maltreatment effects on adolescent attention control to non-emotional and emotional distractors,2016,68,3,143-153,Scerif Socio-demographic health and psychological correlates of suicidality severity in Australian adolescents: suicidality severity in Australian adolescents,2016,68,4,261-269,Delfabbro Anger rumination in Australia and Spain: validation of the Anger Rumination Scale: validation of the ARS,2017,69,4,293-302,Salguero Women's experiences of parenting toddlers following postnatal depression: Experiences of parenting following PND,2017,69,3,192-199,Ward Veterinary nurses' psychological well-being: the impact of patient suffering and death,2017,69,2,77-85,Brough Negative reactivity and parental warmth in early adolescence and depressive symptoms in emerging adulthood: negative reactivity warmth and depressive symptoms,2017,69,2,121-129,Olsson Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder within fire and emergency services in Western Australia,2017,69,1,20-28,Rees Demographic and ideological correlates of negative attitudes towards asylum seekers: a meta‐analytic review,2017,70,1,18-29,Anderson Parental alienation: targeted parent perspective: parental alienation,2018,70,1,91-99,Haines Disaster risk reduction: psychological perspectives on preparedness,2019,71,4,327-341,Paton Factors promoting emotional-behavioural resilience and adjustment in children exposed to intimate partner violence: a systematic review,2019,71,4,375-389,Giallo Disordered social media use and risky drinking in young adults: differential associations with addiction-linked traits,2019,71,3,223-231,Lyvers Parental attachment and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents: the mediation effect of emotion regulation,2019,71,3,241-248,Pan Divide and conquer? Identity threat and moral justification of violence at the G20,2019,71,3,312-321,Radke Breaking the news: belief in fake news and conspiracist beliefs,2019,71,2,154-162,Moulding Nature vs. nurture is nonsense: on the necessity of an integrated genetic social developmental and personality psychology,2019,71,1,68-79,Barlow Evaluation of existing experimental evidence for treatment of depression in indigenous populations: a systematic review,2018,70,4,305-317,Smith Exploring the association between adolescent sports participation and externalising behaviours: the moderating role of prosocial and risky peers,2018,70,4,361-368,Barber Cognitive dysfunction under emotional exposure: when participants with depression symptoms show no cognitive control,2018,70,4,378-387,Williams Echoes of transgenerational trauma in the lived experiences of Jewish Australian grandchildren of Holocaust survivors,2018,70,3,199-207,Morrison Unconvincing and ineffective: young adult responses to current Australian alcohol product warnings,2018,70,2,131-138,Miller The relationship between sleep pattern and depression in Chinese shift workers: a mediating role of emotional exhaustion,2020,72,1,68-81,Maguire A qualitative exploration of motives of suicide attempts among Iranian women,2020,72,2,133-144,Keyvanara Factors differentiating adolescents who consider suicide and those who attempt: results from a National Survey of Australian Adolescents,2020,72,2,145-155,Bartlett Correlates of sport-related concussion in male junior rugby union: a concurrent analysis of biopsychosocial factors,2020,72,1,50-58,Clacy Resilience alexithymia and university stress in relation to anxiety and problematic alcohol use among female university students,2020,72,1,59-67,Lyvers Measuring psychological distress among Australians using an online survey,2020,72,3,276-282,Bastian An evaluation of a video-based intervention targeting alcohol consumption during aquatic activities,2022,74,1,e2029221,Peden Motivated inquiry: ideology shapes responses to the Christian Porter rape allegation,2022,74,1,e2061373,Haslam The relationship between subordinates' moqi and employees' safety behaviour -- a moderated mediation model,2022,74,1,e2090279,Wang A systematic review of well-being interventions and initiatives for Australian and New Zealand emergency service workers,2022,74,1,e2123282,Walker The effects of working in a bullying climate on psychological distress and job satisfaction: a multilevel analysis,2022,74,1,e2125341,Fogarty Mastery physical activity and psychological distress in mid-aged adults,2023,75,1,e2153623,Seib Polydrug use in Australian 12-14 year olds from 2006 to 2017: an examination of drug use profiles emotional control problems and family relationship characteristics,2023,75,1,e2174705,Toumbourou Does the dark triad predict intention to commit corrupt acts? The mediating role of financial anxiety among Saudi students,2023,75,1,e2177498,Hamididin Pregnancy complications and their association with postpartum depression symptoms: a retrospective study,2023,75,1,e2247088,Huynh Examination of daily abusive supervision effects on next-day employee wellbeing: a spillover perspective,2023,75,1,e2264938,Zhu University student depression inventory: Measurement model and psychometric properties,2014,66,3,149-157,Habibi The sibling experience: growing up with a trans sibling,2021,73,2,188-199,Parker The mental health of fly-in fly-out workers before and during COVID-19: a comparison study,2023,75,1,,Gilbert