Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effect of playing violent computer games on physiological arousal anxiety and hostility,1999,36,,S28-S28,Esteves Heart rate and electrodermal responses to aggression in a violent video game [conference abstract],2003,40,,S28,Brannon Violent video game play and emotion modulation of startle,2006,43,,S37-S37,Elmore Awareness of sleepiness when driving,2004,41,1,161-165,Horne Driver fatigue: electroencephalography and psychological assessment,2002,39,3,313-321,Lal Early morning driver sleepiness: effectiveness of 200 mg caffeine,2000,37,2,251-256,Horne Counteracting driver sleepiness: effects of napping caffeine and placebo,1996,33,3,306-309,Horne Effects of exercise bedrest and napping on performance decrement during 40 hours,1976,13,4,334-339,Johnson Cumulative effects of sleep restriction on daytime sleepiness,1981,18,2,107-113,Dement The application of subliminal priming in lie detection: Scenario for identification of members of a terrorist ring,2009,46,4,889 - 903,Lui Suppression of sleepiness in drivers: combination of caffeine with a short nap,1997,34,6,721-725,Horne Differences in tracking skill and psychophysiological activation dynamics in children high or low in persistence in schoolwork,1970,7,1,95-102,Dureman The effect of uncertainty on mastery of stress: a case study,1972,9,6,615-619,Fenz Physiological arousal and perception of bodily state during parachute jumping,1992,29,1,95-103,Schedlowski Sport is not always healthy: Executive brain dysfunction in professional boxers,2010,47,3,425-434,Spinelli Involvement of memory-comparison-based change detection in visual distraction,2008,45,3,445-457,Kimura Neurocognitive components of the behavioral inhibition and activation systems: implications for theories of self-regulation,2008,45,1,11-19,Taylor The relation of aerobic fitness to neuroelectric indices of cognitive and motor task preparation,2010,47,5,814-821,Pontifex Autonomic activity in boys with disruptive behavior disorders,1993,30,6,605-614,Kruesi Waiting in readiness: gating in attention and motor preparation,1993,30,4,327-339,Brunia A mock terrorism application of the P300-based concealed information test,2011,48,2,149-154,Rosenfeld Is a stimulus conveying task-relevant information a sufficient condition to elicit a stimulus-preceding negativity?,1994,31,2,129-139,Brunia The effects of task type and task requirements on the dissociation of skin conductance responses and secondary task probe reaction time,1996,33,1,73-83,Siddle Activation in novice and expert parachutists while jumping,1996,33,1,63-72,Roth Event-related brain potentials and error-related processing: an analysis of incorrect responses to go and no-go stimuli,1996,33,1,42-53,Donchin Preparation for action: an ERP study about two tasks provoking variability in response speed,1996,33,3,262-272,Jaskowski Are temporal response features prepared in fixed order? 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Fear conditioned to guns snakes and spiders is eliminated by instructed extinction in a within-participant differential fear conditioning paradigm,2020,57,4,e13516,Lipp Acute psychological stress promotes general alertness and attentional control processes: an ERP study,2020,57,4,e13521,Qi Effects of mindfulness on psychological and psychophysiological responses during self-paced walking,2020,57,4,e13529,Bigliassi Experimental boundary conditions of reinstatement-induced return of fear in humans: is reinstatement in humans what we think it is?,2020,57,5,e13549,Lonsdorf Time course of attentional bias in social anxiety: the effects of spatial frequencies and individual threats,2020,57,9,e13617,Li The effects of dispositional restrictiveness on physiological markers of challenge and threat during a hypothetical transitional period in romantic relationships,2020,57,10,e13624,Reis Childhood abuse history and attention bias in adults,2020,57,10,e13627,Miller Cross system autonomic balance 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