Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social cognitive theory of mass communication,2001,3,3,265–299, Testing a Theoretical Model Based on Social Cognitive Theory for Media Influences on Suicidal Ideation: Results from a Panel Study,2009,12,1,26-49,Fu Connections Between Violent Television Exposure and Adolescent Risk Taking,2000,2,3,195,Krcmar Always on My Mind: Exploring How Frequent Recent and Vivid Television Portrayals Are Used in the Formation of Social Reality Judgments,2010,13,2,155,Riddle Short-Term Violent Video Game Play by Adolescents Alters Prefrontal Activity During Cognitive Inhibition,2010,13,2,136,Kronenberger Violent Comic Books and Perceptions of Ambiguous Provocation Situations,2000,2,1,47,Kirsh Effects of Photographs on the Selective Reading of News Reports,2001,3,4,301-324,Zillmann Effects of Photographs in News-Magazine Reports on issue Perception,1999,1,3,207-228,Zillmann Quantitative Media Literacy: Individual Differences in Dealing with Numbers in the News,2009,12,4,394-416,Zillmann Effects of Visual Intensity and Audiovisual Redundancy in Bad News,2004,6,3,237-256,Zhou Interactivity Concepts Examined: Response Time Hypertext Role Taking and Multimodality,2007,9,3,527-548,Yun The Privileged Role of the Late-Night Joke: Exploring Humor's Role in Disrupting Argument Scrutiny,2008,11,1,119-142,Young Processing Central and Peripheral Detail: How Content Arousal and Emotional Tone Influence Encoding,2010,13,1,77-99,Lang The Difference Between Being and Seeing: The Relative Contribution of Self-Perception and Priming to Behavioral Changes via Digital Self-Representation,2009,12,2,195-209,Yee Hackers: Militants or Merry Pranksters? A Content Analysis of Defaced Web Pages,2004,6,1,63-82,Dominick The Effect of User Control on the Cognitive and Emotional Processing of Pictures,2007,9,3,549-566,Wise A Process Model of the Formation of Spatial Presence Experiences,2007,9,3,493-525,Ravaja Soap Opera Exposure and Enjoyment: A Longitudinal Test of Disposition Theory,2008,11,4,462-487,Tamborini Does Playing Violent Video Games Induce Aggression? Empirical Evidence of a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study,2006,8,1,39-60,Mathiak Liking Violence and Action: An Examination of Gender Differences in Children's Processing of Animated Content,2011,14,1,49-70,Weaver The Effect of Feedback on Identity Shift in Computer-Mediated Communication,2011,14,1,1-26,Walther Computer-Mediated Communication Versus Vocal Communication and the Attenuation of Pre-Interaction Impressions,2010,13,4,364-386,Walther Does Entertainment Suffer From Interactivity? The Impact of Watching an Interactive TV Movie on Viewers' Experience of Entertainment,2001,3,4,343-363,Vorderer Preference for Violent Electronic Games and Aggressive Behavior among Children: The Beginning of the Downward Spiral?,2011,14,3,233-258,von Salisch Family Conflict and Violent Electronic Media Use in School-Aged Children,2005,7,1,73-86,Vandewater Moon and Media: Lunar Cycles and Television Viewing,2006,8,3,287-299,Van den Bulck Internet Communication and Its Relation to Well-Being: Identifying Some Underlying Mechanisms,2007,9,1,43-58,Peter Object-Subject Distance and the Third Person Perception,2004,6,4,335-361,Cohen Why Do People Watch News They Do Not Trust? The Need for Cognition as a Moderator in the Association Between News Media Skepticism and Exposure,2005,7,3,251-271,Tsfati Daily Talk as Self-Realization: An Empirical Study on Participation in Daily Talk Shows,2005,7,2,165-189,Trepte Motivations for Reading Beauty and Fashion Magazines and Anorexic Risk in College-Age Women,2002,4,2,113-135,Thomsen Entertainment is Emotion: The Functional Architecture of the Entertainment Experience,2008,11,1,28-51,Tan On the Substitutability of the Third-Person Perception,2007,10,2,231-249,Tal-Or The Fundamental Attribution Error in Attributing Fictional Figures' Characteristics to the Actors,2007,9,2,331-345,Tal-Or The World Wide Wait: Exploring Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Download Speed,2002,4,2,173-206,Sundar Film Analysis and Psychophysiology Effects of Moments of Impact and Protagonists,2000,2,3,269-301,Suckfull Mood Management and Video Rental Choices,2007,10,1,91-112,Strizhakova Shyness and Computer-Mediated Communication: A Self-Presentational Theory Perspective,2004,6,1,1-22,Stritzke Effects of Media Use on Complexity and Extremity of Attitudes Toward the Death Penalty and Prisoners' Rehabilitation,2001,3,1,1-24,Sotirovic Children's Comprehension of and Fear Reactions to Television News,2002,4,1,1-26,Wilson Children and the War on Iraq: Developmental Differences in Fear Responses to Television News Coverage,2006,8,3,213-237,Smith Attention and Brain Activity While Watching Television: Components of Viewer Engagement,2004,6,3,285-305,Smith Attention to Television: Alpha Power and Its Relationship to Image Motion and Emotional Content,2003,5,3,283-301,Simons The Relationship of Television Viewing with Attitude Strength and Extremity: Implications for the Cultivation Effect,1999,1,1,3-25,Shrum Media Effects Theory and the Nature/Nurture Debate: A Historical Overview and Directions for Future Research,2004,6,1,83-109,Sherry Psychological Processes in Perceiving Reality,2003,5,2,163-198,Shapiro Causal Attribution and Perceived Realism of Stories,2010,13,3,273-300,Shapiro Virtually True: Children's Acquisition of False Memories in Virtual Reality,2009,12,4,371-393,Bailenson Precursors and Underlying Processes of Adolescents' Online Self-Disclosure: Developing and Testing an "Internet-Attribute-Perception" Model,2007,10,2,292-315,Peter Television and Reality: Toddlers' Use of Visual Information from Video to Guide Behavior,2002,4,1,51-76,Anderson Hypermasculinity Aggression and Television Violence: An Experiment,2005,7,4,353-376,Scharrer Men Muscles and Machismo: The Relationship Between Television Violence Exposure and Aggression and Hostility in the Presence of Hypermasculinity,2001,3,2,159-188,Scharrer Third_Person Perception of Television Violence: The Role of Self_Perceived Knowledge,2001,3,3,211-236,Salwen Differences in Aggression Attitudes Toward Women and Distrust as Reflected in Popular Music Preferences,2001,3,1,25-42,Rubin Viewer Aggression and Attraction to Television Talk Shows,2003,5,4,331-362,Eyal The Effect of the Modality of Presentation of Streaming Multimedia on Information Acquisition,2007,9,1,179-191,Rockwell Social Identity Theory and New Portrayals of Citizens Involved in International Affairs,2000,2,4,303-329,Rivenburgh Distorted Reflections: Media Exposure and Latino Adolescents' Conceptions of Self,2007,9,2,261-290,Rivadeneyra Beyond Cultivation: Exploring the Effects of Frequency Recency and Vivid Autobiographical Memories for Violent Media,2011,14,2,168-191,Potter Why People Watch Reality TV,2004,6,4,363-378,Reiss The Effects of Screen Size and Message Content on Attention and Arousal,1999,1,1,49-67,Kim Phasic Emotional Reactions to Video Game Events: A Psychophysiological Investigation,2006,8,4,343-367,Ravaja The Role of Mood in the Processing of Media Messages From a Small Screen: Effects on Subjective and Physiological Responses,2006,8,3,239-265,Ravaja The Psychophysiology of Digital Gaming: The Effect of a Non Co-Located Opponent,2009,12,3,268-294,Ravaja Contributions of Psychophysiology to Media Research: Review and Recommendations,2004,6,2,193-235,Ravaja Punishing Media Criminals and Moral Judgment: The Impact on Enjoyment,2005,7,2,145-163,Raney Moral Judgment as a Predictor of Enjoyment of Crime Drama,2002,4,4,305-322,Raney Activating and Suppressing Hostile and Benevolent Racism: Evidence for Comparative Media Stereotyping,2007,9,3,623-646,Ramasubramanian Examining the Psychological Process Underlying the Sleeper Effect: The Elaboration Likelihood Model Explanation,1999,1,1,27-48,Priester Does Perceived Realism Really Matter in Media Effects?,2007,9,2,241-259,Pouliot Perceptions of Television: A Schema Explanation,2002,4,1,27-50,Potter The Effects of Auditory Structural Complexity on Attitudes Attention Arousal and Memory,2006,8,4,395-419,Potter Role and Influence of Communication Modality in the Process of Resistance to Persuasion,2000,2,1,1-33,Holbert Popularity in Environmental Context: Facial Feature Assessment of American Movie Actresses,1999,1,3,229-247,Pettijohn Adolescents' Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Sexual Preoccupancy: A Three-Wave Panel Study,2008,11,2,207-234,Peter Immersive Virtual Environments Versus Traditional Platforms: Effects of Violent and Nonviolent Video Game Play,2007,10,1,135-156,Blascovich Linking Empirical and Critical Media Study: Implications for Human Health,2006,8,3,301-322,Perry The Third Person Effect: A Critical Review and Synthesis,1999,1,4,353-378,Perloff A Comparison of Health Communication Models: Risk Learning Versus Stereotype Priming,2001,3,2,189-210,Pechmann Race and Crime in the News: Whites' Identification and Misidentification of Violent and Nonviolent Criminal Suspects,2002,4,2,137-156,Oliver Sex Categorization in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC): Exploring the Utopian Promise,2003,5,1,83-103,Nowak Attributional Style Self-Esteem and Celebrity Worship,2007,9,2,291-308,North The Unintended Effects of Parental Mediation of Television on Adolescents,2002,4,3,207-230,Nathanson Emotional and Cognitive Predictors of the Enjoyment of Reality-Based and Fictional Television Programming: An Elaboration of the Uses and Gratifications Perspective,2006,8,4,421-447,Nabi Reality-Based Television Programming and the Psychology of Its Appeal,2003,5,4,303-330,Nabi "Feeling" Resistance: Exploring the Role of Emotionally Evocative Visuals in Inducing Inoculation,2003,5,2,199-223,Nabi Children's Brain Activations While Viewing Televised Violence Revealed by fMRI,2006,8,1,25-37,Fox Preference for Television Programs About Sexual Risk: The Role of Program Genre and Perceived Message Intent,2010,13,2,180-199,Moyer-Gusé The Relation Between Psychological Distress Television Exposure and Television-Viewing Motives in Crime Victims,2006,8,2,65-93,Minnebo How viewers process live breaking and emotional television news,2007,10,1,23-40,Miller Effects of Novelty in News Photographs on Attention and Memory,2001,3,2,119-157,Mendelson Targeted Audiences in Anti-Drug Ads: Message Cues Perceived Exposure Perceived Effects and Support for Funding,2008,11,2,283-309,Meirick Causes and Consequences of Social Interaction on the Internet: A Conceptual Framework,1999,1,3,249-269,McKenna Threat and Television Viewing in the United States 1960-1990,2000,2,1,35-46,McIntosh Internet Search Behaviors and Mood Alterations: A Selective Exposure Approach,2002,4,2,157-172,Tamborini The Cultivation of Social Perceptions of Latinos: A Mental Models Approach,2007,9,2,347-365,Behm-Morawitz Positive Effects of Television on Children's Social Interactions: A Meta-Analysis,2005,7,3,301-322,Mares Age Differences in Adults' Emotional Motivations for Exposure to Films,2008,11,4,488-511,Cantor Be Kind to Three-Legged Dogs: Children's Literal Interpretations of TV's Moral Lessons,2008,11,3,377-399,Mares Effects of Worldview and Mortality Salience in Persuasion Processes,2009,12,2,171-194,Magee The Effect of Suspense on Enjoyment Following a Desirable Outcome: The Mediating Role of Relief,2011,14,3,259-288,Madrigal Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disordered Attitudes and Behaviors in Females: A Review of Effects and Processes,2010,13,4,387-416,Levine Being in the Game: Effects of Avatar Choice and Point of View on Psychophysiological Responses During Play,2009,12,4,348-370,Reeves Development and Validation of a Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents,2009,12,1,77-95,Peter Discrete Emotion and Motivation: Relative Activation in the Appetitive and Aversive Motivational Systems as a Function of Anger Sadness Fear and Joy During Televised Information Campaigns,2009,12,2,148-170,Lang Wired for Gender: Experientiality and Gender-Stereotyping in Computer-Mediated Communication,2007,10,2,182-210,Lee Character-Based Team Identification and Referent Informational Influence in Computer-Mediated Communication,2007,9,1,135-155,Lee Toddlers' Learning From Socially Meaningful Video Characters,2011,14,2,216-232,Lauricella Unregulated Internet Usage: Addiction Habit or Deficient Self-Regulation?,2003,5,3,225-253,Eastin Sensation Seeking Motivation and Substance Use: A Dual System Approach,2005,7,1,1-29,Lang Something for Nothing: Is Visual Encoding Automatic?,1999,1,2,145-163,Lang Cognition and Emotion in TV Message Processing: How Valence Arousing Content Structural Complexity and Information Density Affect the Availability of Cognitive Resources,2007,10,3,317-338,Wang It's an Arousing Fast-Paced Kind of World: The Effects of Age and Sensation Seeking on the Information Processing of Substance-Abuse PSAs,2005,7,4,421-454,Lang Parsing the Resource Pie: Using STRTs to Measure Attention to Mediated Messages,2006,8,4,369-394,Bradley Sexual Socialization Messages on Entertainment Television: Comparing Content Trends 1997-2002,2007,9,3,595-622,Donnerstein Aggressive Outcomes and Videogame Play: The Role of Length of Play and the Mechanisms at Work,2009,12,3,249-267,Krcmar Uses and Gratifications of Media Violence: Personality Correlates of Viewing and Liking Violent Genres,2005,7,4,399-420,Krcmar The Development of Aggressive Mental Models in Young Children,2007,10,2,250-269,Krcmar Can Social Meaningfulness and Repeat Exposure Help Infants and Toddlers Overcome the Video Deficit?,2010,13,1,31-53,Krcmar Some Like It Bad: Testing a Model for Perceiving and Experiencing Fictional Characters,2005,7,2,107-144,Konijn World Leaders As Movie Characters? Perceptions of George W. Bush Tony Blair Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein,2007,9,1,157-177,Bushman Thrilling News: Factors Generating Suspense During News Exposure,2007,9,1,193-210,Knobloch-Westerwick Mystery Appeal: Effects of Uncertainty and Resolution on the Enjoyment of Mystery,2006,8,3,193-212,Knobloch-Westerwick News Selection Patterns as a Function of Race: The Discerning Minority and the Indiscriminating Majority,2008,11,3,400-417,Alter Identification With Video Game Characters as Automatic Shift of Self-Perceptions,2010,13,4,323-338,Klimmt Violent video games induce an affect processing bias,2005,7,3,239-250,Kirsh Don't Tease Me: Effects of Ending Type on Horror Film Enjoyment,2007,9,3,473-492,King What Combination of Message Characteristics Determines Hedonic and Counter-Hedonic Preferences? An Examination of the Interplay Between Valence and Semantic Affinity,2011,14,2,121-143,Oliver Sexual Readiness Household Policies and Other Predictors of Adolescents' Exposure to Sexual Content in Mainstream Entertainment Television,2006,8,4,449-471,Elliott Measuring the Time Teens Spend with Media: Challenges and Opportunities,2007,9,1,19-41,Manganello Effects of Exposure to Sexual Content in the Media on Adolescent Sexual Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Multitasking with Media,2010,13,3,222-242,Fishbein Predictors of Multitasking with Media: Media Factors and Audience Factors,2007,10,3,364-384,Fishbein Developing a Brief Sensation Seeking Scale for Children: Establishing Concurrent Validity With Video Game Use and Rule-Breaking Behavior,2011,14,1,71-95,Weaver Influence of Hostile Media Perception on Willingness to Engage in Discursive Activities: An Examination of Mediating Role of Media Indignation,2008,11,1,76-97,Hwang Stepping Beyond Message Specificity in the Study of Emotion as Mediator and Inter-Emotion Associations Across Attitude Objects: Fahrenheit 9/11 Anger and Debate Superiority,2008,11,1,98-118,Holbert Enjoyment of Mediated Fright and Violence: A Meta-Analysis,2005,7,2,207-237,Hoffner Young Adults' Wishful Identification With Television Characters: The Role of Perceived Similarity and Character Attributes,2005,7,4,325-351,Hoffner Parents' Responses to Television Violence: The Third-Person Perception Parental Mediation and Support for Censorship,2002,4,3,231-252,Hoffner Autobiographical Memories About the Experience of Seeing Frightening Movies in Childhood,1999,1,2,117-140,Hoekstra The Cognitive and Interpersonal Costs of Video,1999,1,4,283-311,Hinds Predicting Selection and Activity in Television Genre Viewing,2001,3,3,237-263,Hawkins Just a Game? Unjustified Virtual Violence Produces Guilt in Empathetic Players,2010,13,4,339-363,Hartmann Tales from the Screen: Enduring Fright Reactions to Scary Media,1999,1,2,97-116,Cantor Young Men's and Women's Different Autobiographical Memories of the Experience of Seeing Frightening Movies on a Date,2000,2,3,245-268,Hoekstra Autobiographical Memories for Seeing Romantic Movies on a Date: Romance Is Not Just for Women,2004,6,3,257-284,Hoekstra An Extension of the Activation Model of Information Exposure: The Addition of a Cognitive Variable to a Model of Attention,2006,8,2,139-164,Harrington Viewer Characteristics Exposure to Television Violence and Aggression,2002,4,4,323-352,Haridakis Audience Personality and the Selection of Media and Media Genres,2005,7,4,377-398,Hall Children's Memory for News: A Comparison of Three Presentation Media,2000,2,2,93-118,Furnham Virtual Humans and Persuasion: The Effects of Agency and Behavioral Realism,2007,10,1,1-22,Blascovich Information Sufficiency and Risk Communication,2004,6,1,23-61,Dunwoody Transportation Across Media: Repeated Exposure to Print and Film,2008,11,4,512-539,Green Fact Versus Fiction Labeling: Persuasion Parity Despite Heightened Scrutiny of Fact,2006,8,3,267-285,Green Persistence of Belief Change in the Face of Deception: The Effect of Factual Stories Revealed to Be False,2011,14,3,312-331,Green Antecedents and Civic Consequences of Choosing Real versus Ersatz Social Activities,2008,11,4,566-592,Green Identity Shift in Computer-Mediated Environments,2008,11,2,167-185,Hancock The Attractions of Violent Entertainment,1999,1,3,271-282,Goldstein The Appeal of Tragedy: A Terror Management Perspective,1999,1,4,313-329,Pyszczynski "Viewing" Pregnancy as an Existential Threat: The Effects of Creatureliness on Reactions to Media Depictions of the Pregnant Body,2007,10,2,211-230,Arndt What Can Virtual Reality Teach Us About Prosocial Tendencies in Real and Virtual Environments?,2008,11,2,259-282,Gillath Parasocial Interaction: A Review of the Literature and a Model for Future Research,2002,4,3,279-305,Giles The Power of Pictures: Vertical Picture Angles in Power Pictures,2011,14,4,442-464,van Quaquebeke Quantitative Literacy and Affective Reactivity in Processing Statistical Information and Case Histories in the News,2011,14,1,96-120,Zillmann Exposure Increases the Believability of Unbelievable News Headlines via Elaborate Cognitive Processing,2005,7,3,273-300,Gibbons Virtual Self-Modeling: The Effects of Vicarious Reinforcement and Identification on Exercise Behaviors,2009,12,1,1-25,Fox Televised Sexual Content and Parental Mediation: Influences on Adolescent Sexuality,2009,12,2,121-147,Bersamin A Capacity Model of Children's Comprehension of Educational Content on Television,2000,2,1,63-91,Fisch Measuring State and Trait Aggression: A Short Cautionary Tale,2006,8,2,127-138,Krcmar Examining Information Processing on the World Wide Web Using Think Aloud Protocols,2000,2,3,219-244,Dunwoody The Influence of Explicitly and Implicitly Measured Prejudice on Interpretations of and Reactions to Black Film,2010,13,1,1-30,Ewoldsen Can You Feel It? Negative Emotion Risk and Narrative in Health Communication,2008,11,1,52-75,Wakefield Black Criminals and White Officers: The Effects of Racially Misrepresenting Law Breakers and Law Defenders on Television News,2007,10,2,270-291,Dixon Effects of Music on Physiological Arousal: Explorations into Tempo and Genre,2007,10,3,339-363,Potter Sad Kids Sad Media? Applying Mood Management Theory to Depressed Adolescents' Use of Media,2008,11,1,143-166,Silk Video Versus Reality: Infants' Attention and Affective Responses to Video and Live Presentations,2008,11,3,418-441,Diener The Emotional Significance of Color in Television Presentations,2000,2,4,331-355,Simons Comparing Television Use and Reading in Children With ADHD and Non-Referred Children Across Two Age Groups,2007,9,2,447-472,Milich Theoretical Integration Essay: Aesthetics and Emotion in Entertainment Media,2001,3,1,69-89,Cupchik Is it Seeing or Believing? Exposure Perceived Realism and Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Their Own and Others' Attitudes About Relationships,2011,14,4,355-386,Chock Temporal Changes in Mood Repair Through Music Consumption: Effects of Mood Mood Salience and Individual Differences,2007,9,3,695-713,Chen Country of Origin as a Heuristic Cue: The Effects of Message Ambiguity and Product Involvement,2004,6,2,169-192,Chang Online and On My Mind: Temporary and Chronic Accessibility Moderate the Influence of Media Figures,2009,12,2,210-226,Konrath Naughty Versus Nice: Suggestive Pop Music Influences on Perceptions of Potential Romantic Partners,2007,9,1,1-17,Knobloch-Westerwick Media and Violence: Intervention Strategies for Reducing Aggression,2003,5,4,363-403,Cantor Comments on the Coincidence: Comparing the Findings on Retrospective Reports of Fear,1999,1,2,141-143,Cantor Interaction and Participation for Young Hispanic and Caucasian Girls' and Boys' Learning of Media Content,2007,9,2,431-445,Calvert A Test of Competing Cognitive Explanations for the Boomerang Effect in Response to the Deliberate Disruption of Media-Induced Aggression,2009,12,3,227-248,Linz Media Exposure and Exemplar Accessibility,2003,5,3,255-282,Busselle Television Exposure Perceived Realism and Exemplar Accessibility in the Social Judgment Process,2001,3,1,43-67,Busselle Playing With Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games,2011,14,3,289-311,Stermer Developing a Typology of Humor in Audiovisual Media,2004,6,2,147-167,Valkenburg Reducing Children's Susceptibility to Commercials: Mechanisms of Factual and Evaluative Advertising Interventions,2007,9,2,411-430,Buijzen The Mediated Moderation Model of Interactivity,2007,9,3,647-672,Bucy Priming Mammies Jezebels and Other Controlling Images: An Examination of the Influence of Mediated Stereotypes on Perceptions of an African American Woman,2005,7,1,87-106,Brown Givens Parsing Reality: The Interactive Effects of Complex Syntax and Time Pressure on Cognitive Processing of Television Scenarios,2004,6,4,307-333,Bradley Neural Network Simulations Support Heuristic Processing Model of Cultivation Effects,2007,10,3,449-469,Bradley Dynamic Embodied Limited-Capacity Attention and Memory: Modeling Cognitive Processing of Mediated Stimuli,2007,9,1,211-239,Bradley Presence and Image Quality: The Case of High-Definition Television,2005,7,2,191-205,Bracken Interpersonal Sensitivity in Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Conversations,2008,11,2,235-258,Hancock It Works Both Ways: The Relationship Between Exposure to Sexual Content in the Media and Adolescent Sexual Behavior,2008,11,4,443-461,Fishbein Predictors of Children's Electronic Media Use: An Examination of Three Ethnic Groups,2003,5,2,107-137,Wright Mediated Voyeurism and the Guilty Pleasure of Consuming Reality Television,2010,13,3,201-221,Baruh Appraisal of Emotions in Media Use: Toward a Process Model of Meta-Emotion and Emotion Regulation,2008,11,1,7-27,Vorderer The Effect of Advances in Video Game Technology and Content on Aggressive Cognitions Hostility and Heart Rate,2008,11,4,540-565,Harris Social cognitive theory of mass communication,2001,3,3,265-299,Bandura Repeated Exposure to Video Game Play Results in Decreased Blood Pressure Responding,2006,8,4,323-341,Panee The Effect of Interactivity on Learning Physical Actions in Virtual Reality,2008,11,3,354-376,Bailenson Antecedents and Consequences of Online Social Interactions,2007,9,1,77-114,Bagozzi Individual and Group Bases of Social Influence in Online Environments,2006,8,2,95-126,Bagozzi The Gender-Role Content of Children's Favorite Television Programs and Its Links to Their Gender-Related Perceptions,2004,6,2,111-146,Aubrey Does Television Exposure Influence College-Aged Women's Sexual Self-Concept?,2007,10,2,157-181,Aubrey Influence of Source Liking and Personality Traits on Perceptions of Bias and Future News Source Selection,2008,11,2,310-329,Arpan Persuasive Effects of Fictional Narratives Increase Over Time,2007,10,1,113-134,Appel A Story About a Stupid Person Can Make You Act Stupid (or Smart): Behavioral Assimilation (and Contrast) as Narrative Impact,2011,14,2,144-167,Appel Cortical Activation While Watching Video Montage: An fMRI Study,2006,8,1,7-24,Hirsch Brain Imaging-An Introduction to a New Approach to Studying Media Processes and Effects,2006,8,1,1-6,Rich Ethnic Identity Gratifications Selection and Avoidance by African Americans: A Group Vitality and Social Identity Gratifications Perspective,2007,9,1,115-134,Giles News coverage of intimate partner violence: impact on prosocial responses,2014,17,4,451-471,Carlyle Video games immersion and cognitive aggression: does the controller matter?,2013,16,1,65-87,Krcmar Mass media as alcohol educator for everyone? Effects of portrayed alcohol consequences and the influence of viewers' characteristics,2019,22,2,217-243,Mayrhofer Helpful or harmful? The different relationships between private Facebook interactions and adolescents' depressive symptoms,2019,22,2,244-272,Bijttebier Mass shootings backfire: the boomerang effects of death concerns on policy attitudes,2019,22,2,298-322,Jang The role of social context during television viewing on children's moral judgments about social exclusion and stigmatization of others,2019,22,1,133-151,Sumter From terror to transcendence: death reflection promotes preferences for human drama,2018,21,4,719-749,Khoo Why misery loves company: the role of self-forgiveness in reducing regret through media consumption,2018,21,4,558-581,Nabi Contributions of game genre and masculinity ideologies to associations between video game play and men's risk-taking behavior,2018,21,3,437-456,Ward Adopting the objectifying gaze: exposure to sexually objectifying music videos and subsequent gazing behavior [Corrigendum],2018,21,2,328, Primary biological motivators in music media: motivated processing of sex and violence,2018,21,1,1-26,Wang Adopting the objectifying gaze: exposure to sexually objectifying music videos and subsequent gazing behavior,2018,21,1,27-49,Matthes Portrayals of intimate partner violence in music videos: effects on perceptions of IPV warning signs,2018,21,1,137-156,Rhodes Tales of conflict: narrative immersion and political aggression in the United States,2020,23,4,579-602,McLaughlin Metacognitive approach to narrative persuasion: the desirable and undesirable consequences of narrative disfluency,2020,,,1-27,Schwarz