Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Effects of Survey Administration on Disclosure Rates to Sensitive Items Among Men: A Comparison of an Internet Panel Sample with a RDD Telephone Sample,2010,26,6,1327-1335,Douglas An analysis of multiple factors of cyberbullying among junior high school students in Taiwan,2010,26,6,1581-1590,Huang Will the experience of playing a violent role in a video game influence people's judgments of violent crimes?,2010,26,5,1019-1023,Lee Aggression competition and computer games: computer and human opponents,2002,18,5,495-506,Williams Personality and media influences on violence and depression in a cross-national sample of young adults: Data from Mexican-Americans English and Croatians,2011,27,3,1195-1200,Ferguson Call of (civic) duty: Action games and civic behavior in a large sample of youth,2011,27,2,770-775,Ferguson What I won't do in pixels: Examining the limits of taboo violation in MMORPGs,2011,27,1,268-275,Whitty Cyberbullying in adolescents: Modalities and aggressors' profile,2010,26,5,1128-1135,Calvete Anonymity and roles associated with aggressive posts in an online forum,2012,28,3,861-867,Moore Emotional support and suicide prevention through the Internet: A field project report,2007,23,2,971-984,Barak How to ameliorate negative effects of violent video games on cooperation: Play it cooperatively in a team,2012,28,4,1465-1470,Greitemeyer Causal or spurious: Using propensity score matching to detangle the relationship between violent video games and violent behavior,2012,28,4,1348-1355,Daly Information technology use and creativity: Findings from the children and technology project,2012,28,2,370-376,Fitzgerald Sensory realism and mediated aggression in video games,2012,28,5,1840-1848,Jeong Just a game after all: Violent video game exposure and time spent playing effects on hostile feelings depression and visuospatial cognition,2012,28,2,608-616,Ferguson The effect of violent and non-violent computer games on cognitive performance,2009,25,1,96-102,Barlett An examination of psychoticism and motion capture controls as moderators of the effects of violent video games,2009,25,2,407-411,Markey Games without frontiers: On the moral and psychological implications of violating taboos within multi-player virtual spaces,2010,26,6,1228-1236,Whitty Emergence and predictors of alcohol reference displays on Facebook during the first year of college,2014,30,ePub,ePub,Moreno The Problematic and Risky Internet Use Screening Scale (PRIUSS) for Adolescents and Young Adults: Scale Development and Refinement,2014,35,ePub,ePub,Christakis Exposure to violent computer games and Chinese adolescents' physical aggression: the role of beliefs about aggression hostile expectations and empathy,2011,27,5,1675-1687,Zhang Do video games exert stronger effects on aggression than film? The role of media interactivity and identification on the association of violent content and aggressive outcomes,2013,29,3,535-543,Lin The influence of solitary and cooperative violent video game play on aggressive and prosocial behavior,2013,29,6,2573-2578,Ferguson Motion capture controls negate the violent video-game effect,2013,29,6,2519-2523,Charles Internet use and verbal aggression: the moderating role of parents and peers,2014,33,,235-241,Holtz Video game training to improve selective visual attention in older adults,2013,29,4,1318-1324,Belchior Organizational balancing of website interactivity and control: an examination of ideological groups and the duality of goals,2014,38,,43-54,Adame Social media as a vector for youth violence: a review of the literature,2014,35,,548-553,Hong Exploring depression and problematic internet use among college females: a multisite study,2015,49,,601-607,Moreno Cybervictimization and cyberbullying: the mediating role of anger don't anger me!,2015,49,,437-443,Ozdemir The impact and response to electronic bullying and traditional bullying among adolescents,2015,49,,288-295,Fireman Exploring students' affect and achievement goals in the context of an intervention to improve web searching skills,2015,49,,156-170,Simos The personality profile of a cyberbully: examining the Dark Triad,2015,49,,1-4,Goodboy The development and validation of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire among young couples,2015,48,,358-365,Calvete Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions,2015,48,,323-330,Buchanan When adults without university education search the Internet for health information: The roles of Internet-specific epistemic beliefs and a source evaluation intervention,2015,48,,297-309,Kammerer Cyberbullying self-esteem empathy and loneliness,2015,48,,255-260,Brewer Too good to care: the effect of skill on hostility and aggression following violent video game play,2015,48,,219-225,Matthews Online safety begins with you and me: convincing internet users to protect themselves,2015,48,,199-207,Cotten Psychological response to an emergency in virtual reality: effects of victim ethnicity and emergency type on helping behavior and navigation,2015,48,,104-113,Gamberini "Cyberdating Q_A": An instrument to assess the quality of adolescent dating relationships in social networks,2015,48,,78-86,Ortega-Ruiz Effects of cyber security knowledge on attack detection,2015,48,,51-61,Gonzalez The influence of workload and civility of treatment on the perpetration of email incivility,2015,46,,191-201,Francis Cyberbullying among young adults in Malaysia: the roles of gender age and Internet frequency,2015,46,,149-157,Balakrishnan Development and validation of the Multidimensional Offline and Online Peer Victimization Scale,2015,46,,114-122,Peter Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?,2015,46,,26-37,Brooks Relationship between internet use and depression: focus on physiological mood oscillations social networking and online addictive behavior,2015,43,,308-312,Dimitrijevic Cyberbullying: the hidden side of college students,2015,43,,167-182,Francisco Facebook use envy and depression among college students: is facebooking depressing?,2015,43,,139-146,Tandoc Does cyberbullying overlap with school bullying when taking modality of involvement into account?,2015,43,,49-57,Fontaine The impact of daily stress on adolescents' depressed mood: the role of social support seeking through Facebook,2015,44,,315-325,Eggermont The five w's of "bullying" on Twitter: who what why where and when,2015,44,,305-314,Bellmore Safer with a partner: exploring the emotional consequences of multiplayer video gaming,2015,44,,299-304,Mihan "Your life sucks" but I think "you deserved it": social approval and disapproval of messages on,2015,44,,220-229,DiTunnariello Remote patient monitoring acceptance trends among older adults residing in a frontier state,2015,44,,174-182,Vogt Psychopathological profiles of adolescent and young adult problematic Facebook users,2015,44,,64-69,Chabrol The dark side of social networking sites: an exploration of the relational and psychological stressors associated with Facebook use and affordances,2015,45,,168-176,Fox Unresponsive or un-noticed? Cyberbystander intervention in an experimental cyberbullying context,2015,45,,144-150,Bushman Acute exposure to difficult (but not violent) video games dysregulates cognitive control,2015,45,,85-92,Bartholow Exploring factors influencing Chinese user's perceived credibility of health and safety information on Weibo,2015,45,,21-31,Tian Successful balance training is associated with improved multisensory function in fall-prone older adults,2015,45,,192-203,Craig Internet banging: new trends in social media gang violence masculinity and hip hop,2013,29,5,A54-A59,Patton Associations between child maltreatment PTSD and internet addiction among Taiwanese students,2016,56,,209-214,Wei Sticks stones and Facebook accounts: what violence outreach workers know about social media and urban-based gang violence in Chicago,2016,65,,591-600,Elsaesser The new face of violence tendency: cyber bullying perpetrators and their victims,2016,59,,317-326,Sari Not-allowed sharing of sexts and dating violence from the perpetrator's perspective: the moderation role of sexism,2016,56,,163-169,Baiocco Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: a nationally-representative study among U.S. young adults,2017,69,,1-9,Primack Persuasion in 140 characters: testing issue framing persuasion and credibility via Twitter and online news articles in the gun control debate,2017,66,,179-190,Wasike The spreading impact of playing violent video games on aggression,2018,80,,216-219,Greitemeyer A slap or a jab: an experiment on viewing uncivil political discussions on Facebook,2018,81,,73-83,Wang Videogames and guns in adolescents: tests of a bipartite theory,2020,109,,e106355,Turel The long-term effect of media violence exposure on aggression of youngsters,2020,106,,e106257,Han Mental health toll from the coronavirus: social media usage reveals Wuhan residents' depression and secondary trauma in the COVID-19 outbreak,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu San fermines #la manada case: an exploratory analysis of social support for victims of sexual violence on twitter,2020,108,,e106299,Aurrekoetxea-Casaus An exploratory study of technology-facilitated sexual violence in online romantic interactions: can the internet's toxic disinhibition exacerbate sexual aggression?,2020,108,,e106314,Kebbell Gamers' insights into the phenomenology of normal gaming and game "addiction": a mixed methods study,2018,79,,238-246,King Knowledge as a strategy for privacy protection: how a privacy literacy training affects children's online disclosure behavior,2020,110,,e106382,Desimpelaere Family incivility and cyberbullying in adolescence: a moderated mediation model,2020,110,,e106315,Wang Adolescents' problematic internet and smartphone use is related to suicide ideation: does emotional intelligence make a difference?,2020,110,,e106375,Rey Tweeting about mental health to honor Carrie Fisher: how #InHonorOfCarrie reinforced the social influence of celebrity advocacy,2020,110,,e106353,Hoffner How students react to different cyberbullying events: past experience judgment perceived seriousness helping behavior and the effect of online disinhibition,2020,110,,e106338,Yang No two gangs are alike: the digital divide in street gangs' differential adaptations to social media,2020,110,,e106403,Whittaker Does online support matter? The relationship between online identity-related support mattering and well-being in sexual minority men,2020,111,,e106429,Brandt Profiles of adolescent traditional and cyber bullying and victimization: the role of demographic individual family school and peer factors,2020,111,,e106439,Zhang Sexist attitudes romantic myths and offline dating violence as predictors of cyber dating violence perpetration in adolescents,2020,111,,e106449,Buelga Being a cybervictim and a cyberbully - the duality of cyberbullying: a meta-analysis,2020,111,,e106444,Lozano-Blasco Empowering digital citizenship: an anti-cyberbullying intervention to increase children's intentions to intervene on behalf of the victim,2020,112,,e106459,Kleemans Longitudinal associations among neuroticism depression and cyberbullying in early adolescents,2020,112,,e106475,Huebner Sleepless due to social media? Investigating problematic sleep due to social media and social media sleep hygiene,2020,113,,e106487,Kaur The drawbacks of information and communication technologies: interplay and psychopathological risk of nomophobia and cyber-bullying results from the Bullying and Youth Mental Health Naples Study,2020,113,,e106496,Muratori An international systematic review of cyberbullying measurements,2020,113,,e106485,Lee The role of HEXACO personality traits in different kinds of sexting: a cross-cultural study in 10 countries,2020,113,,e106502,Laghi Social advantages and disadvantages associated with cyber aggression-victimization: a latent class analysis,2020,113,,e106497,Dane Preconditions for guardianship interventions in cyberbullying: incident interpretation collective and automated efficacy and relative popularity of bullies,2020,113,,106506,Hawdon The risk of sexual-erotic online behavior in adolescents - which personality factors predict sexting and grooming victimization?,2021,114,,e106569,Maganto A study of cyberstander reactions under community-related influence: when gender complicates matters,2021,115,,e106589,Stanciu Differential associations between types of social media use and university students' non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior,2021,115,,e106614,Colman Would you notice if fake news changed your behavior? An experiment on the unconscious effects of disinformation,2021,116,,e106633,Bastick The Fortnite social paradox: the effects of violent-cooperative multi-player video games on children's basic psychological needs and prosocial behavior,2021,116,,e106641,Shoshani Faces of radicalism: differentiating between violent and non-violent radicals by their social media profiles,2021,116,,e106646,Weisburd Online sexist meme and its effects on moral and emotional processes in social media,2021,116,,e106655,Paciello "It's not just sexy pics": an investigation into sexting behaviour and behavioural problems in adolescents,2021,117,,e106662,Foody Exploring the influences of profile perceptions and different pick-up lines on dating outcomes on Tinder: an online experiment,2021,117,,e106667,Dai Sexting pressured sexting and image-based sexual abuse among a weighted-sample of heterosexual and LGB-youth,2021,117,,e106630,Ponnet "I don't want to be known for that:" the role of temporality in online self-presentation of young gay and bisexual males,2021,118,,106706,Macapagal Dangerous dating in the digital age: jealousy hostility narcissism and psychopathy as predictors of cyber dating abuse,2021,119,,e106711,March Social contagion of cyberbullying via online perpetrator and victim networks,2021,119,,e106719,Yokotani Homophobia is online: sexual victimization and risks on the internet and mental health among bisexual homosexual pansexual asexual and queer adolescents,2021,119,,e106728,Gámez-Guadix Cyberbullying victimization and suicide ideation: a crumbled belief in a just world,2021,120,,e106679,Huang Extracting depressive symptoms and their associations from an online depression community,2021,120,,e106734,Yu Personality and online deviance: the role of reinforcement sensitivity theory in cybercrime,2021,120,,e106745,Shortland Bullying discourse on Twitter: an examination of bully-related tweets using supervised machine learning,2021,120,,e106735,Young The effects of group centrality and accountability on conformity to cyber aggressive norms: two messaging app experiments,2021,120,,e106754,Anschutz Cyber-aggression towards women: measurement and psychological predictors in gaming communities,2021,120,,e106753,Choma Problematic and non-problematic engagement in online sexual activities across the lifespan,2021,120,,e106774,Ballester-Arnal Impact of online racism on psychological distress and alcohol use severity: testing ethnic-racial socialization and silence about race as moderators,2021,120,,e106773,Keum Driven to drive? Investigating the effect of gamification on learner driver behavior perceived motivation and user experience,2017,71,,586-95,Johnson Sexting pressured sexting and associations with dating violence among early adolescents,2021,125,,e106969,Lu Understanding terror states of online users in the context of COVID-19: an application of Terror Management Theory,2021,125,,e106967,Barnes Understanding user responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter from a terror management theory perspective: cultural differences among the US UK and India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwon Finding meaning in a celebrity's death: The relationship between parasocial attachment grief and sharing educational health information related to Robin Williams on social network sites,2016,65,,643-650,Hoffner First do no harm: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence for the impact of individual suicidality on the use of online health forums and support groups,2016,61,,80-88,Scherr Are males more likely to be addicted to the internet than females? A meta-analysis involving 34 global jurisdictions,2019,99,,86-100,Jin Suicide baiting in the internet era,2019,92,,29-36,Mann Association between internet addiction and suicidal ideation suicide plans and suicide attempts among Chinese adolescents with and without parental migration,2021,125,,,Ding Beneath the surface: clinical and psychosocial correlates of posting nonsuicidal self-injury content online among female young adults,2022,132,,,Hur Nowhere else to go: Help seeking online and maladaptive decisional styles,2022,128,,,Kim Readers' perceptions of self-harm messages on social media,2022,131,,,Tan The use and impact of digital technologies for and on the mental health and wellbeing of Indigenous people: A systematic review of empirical studies,2022,126,,,Li Effects of attention to negative information on the bidirectional relationship between fear of missing out (FoMO) depression and smartphone addiction among secondary school students: Evidence from a two-wave moderation network analysis,2023,148,,,Wang I just want to matter: Examining the role of anti-mattering in online suicide support communities using natural language processing,2023,139,,,Brewer Uncovering the heterogeneous effects of depression on suicide risk conditioned by linguistic features: a double machine learning approach,2024,152,,e108080,Pan