Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Factors associated with reporting multiple causes of death,2005,5,1,4,Wall A comparison of two methods for estimating prevalence ratios,2008,8,1,9,Petersen Demonstrating the robustness of population surveillance data: implications of error rates on demographic and mortality estimates,2008,8,,13,Byass Selective attrition and bias in a longitudinal health survey among survivors of a disaster,2007,7,,8,Grievink Primary prevention from the epidemiology perspective: Three examples from the practice,2010,10,1,10,Ahrens Understanding human functioning using graphical models,2010,10,1,14,Kalisch Quality of cause-of-death reporting using ICD-10 drowning codes: a descriptive study of 69 countries,2010,10,1,30,Lu Using Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) codes to classify Computed Tomography (CT) features in the Marshall System,2010,10,1,72,Lecky Standard values and relationship-specific validity of the Bielefeld Relationship Expectations Questionnaire (BFPE),2010,10,1,92,Paul Bikeability and methodological issues using the active commuting route environment scale (ACRES) in a metropolitan setting,2011,11,1,6,Wahlgren Methodological issues associated with collecting sensitive information over the telephone - experience from an Australian non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) prevalence study,2011,11,1,20,Harrison The Comprehensive Cohort Model in a Pilot Trial in Orthopaedic Trauma,2011,11,1,39,Kearney The Global Evidence Mapping Initiative: Scoping research in broad topic areas,2011,11,1,92,Collie Effects of the search technique on the measurement of the change in quality of randomized controlled trials over time in the field of brain injury,2005,5,1,7,Borsody Measuring sidewalk distances using Google earth,2012,12,1,39,Janssen Assessment of reporting quality of conference abstracts in sports injury prevention according to CONSORT and STROBE criteria and their subsequent publication rate as full papers,2012,12,1,47,Knobloch Definitions and methods of measuring and reporting on injurious falls in randomised controlled fall prevention trials: a systematic review,2012,12,1,50,Hauer Development and psychometric properties of the Health-Risk Behavior Inventory for Chinese adolescents,2012,12,1,94,Yao A cautionary note regarding count models of alcohol consumption in randomized controlled trials,2007,7,,9,Saitz Linked versus unlinked hospital discharge data on hip fractures for estimating incidence and comorbidity profiles,2012,12,1,113,Day Validity of verbal autopsy method to determine causes of death among adults in the urban setting of Ethiopia,2012,12,1,130,Misganaw Assessing subgroup effects with binary data: can the use of different effect measures lead to different conclusions?,2005,5,,15,White Challenges to be overcome using population-based sampling methods to recruit veterans for a study of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury,2014,14,1,48,Helmer Procedures for assessing psychological predictors of injuries in circus artists: a pilot prospective study,2014,14,1,77,Mittleman Shame for disrespecting evidence: the personal consequences of insufficient respect for structural equation model testing,2014,14,,124,Hayduk Meta-analysis of incidence rate data in the presence of zero events,2015,15,1,42,Pirkis Can obtaining informed consent alter self-reported drinking behaviour? A methodological experiment,2015,15,1,41,McCambridge Sample selection recruitment and participation rates in health examination surveys in Europe - experience from seven national surveys,2015,15,1,e78,Morgan Discrimination-based sample size calculations for multivariable prognostic models for time-to-event data,2015,15,1,e82,Jinks Development and validation of a self-administered questionnaire to estimate the distance and mode of children's travel to school in urban India,2015,15,1,92,Roberts Methods for conducting systematic reviews of risk factors in low- and middle-income countries,2016,16,1,e32,Mikton Predictive modeling in pediatric traumatic brain injury using machine learning,2015,15,1,e22,Chong Potential use of telephone surveys for non-communicable disease surveillance in developing countries: evidence from a national household survey in Lebanon,2016,16,1,e64,Mokdad Comparing two sampling methods to engage hard-to-reach communities in research priority setting,2016,16,1,e146,Turner Assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic reviews: development content and use of a new tool (iCAT_SR),2017,17,1,e76,Oxman The effectiveness of a monetary incentive offer on survey response rates and response completeness in a longitudinal study,2017,17,1,e77,Brackbill Changes in affect after completing a mailed survey about trauma: two pre- and post-test studies in former disability applicants for posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,17,1,e81,Murdoch Defeat and entrapment: more than meets the eye? Applying network analysis to estimate dimensions of highly correlated constructs,2018,18,1,e16,Glaesmer Modelling memory decay after injuries using household survey data from Khartoum State Sudan,2018,18,1,e58,Abdalla Evaluation of the quality and value of data sources for postmarket surveillance of the safety of cough and cold medications in children,2018,18,1,e175,Bond The key therapeutic factors needed to deliver behavioural change interventions to decrease risky substance use (drug and alcohol) for looked after children and care leavers: a qualitative exploration with young people carers and front line workers,2019,19,1,e38,Kaner The influence of interviewers on survey responses among female sex workers in Zambia,2019,19,1,e60,Harling Sense and sensibility: on the diagnostic value of control chart rules for detection of shifts in time series data,2018,18,1,e05640,Wentzel-Larsen Methodology and reporting characteristics of studies using interrupted time series design in healthcare,2019,19,1,e0777x,Ramsay Explainable statistical learning in public health for policy development: the case of real-world suicide data,2019,19,1,e152,Ling Indigenous traumatic brain injury research: responding to recruitment challenges in the hospital environment,2019,19,1,e172,Fleming Strategies for recruitment in general practice settings: the iSOLVE fall prevention pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial,2019,19,1,e236,Simpson Contamination in complex healthcare trials: the falls in care homes (FinCH) study experience,2020,20,1,e46,Fox Non-participation and attrition in a longitudinal study of civilians exposed to the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris France,2020,20,1,e63,Pirard Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics health and criminal careers: results from an Australian jurisdiction,2020,20,1,e97,Butler Using alcohol consumption diary data from an internet intervention for outcome and predictive modeling: a validation and machine learning study,2020,20,1,e111,Berman Recruitment of adolescents with suicidal ideation in the emergency department: lessons from a randomized controlled pilot trial of a youth suicide prevention intervention,2020,20,1,e231,Cleverley The unintended consequences of COVID-19 mitigation measures matter: practical guidance for investigating them,2021,21,1,e28,Turcotte-Tremblay Measures of fragmentation of rest activity patterns: mathematical properties and interpretability based on accelerometer real life data,2024,24,1,e132,Sabia Overcoming the problems caused by collinearity in mixed-effects logistic model: determining the contribution of various types of violence on depression in pregnant women,2021,21,1,e154,Moeini Incentive delivery timing and follow-up survey completion in a prospective cohort study of injured children: a randomized experiment comparing prepaid and postpaid incentives,2021,21,1,e233,Holubkov A proportional odds model of risk behaviors associated with recurrent road traffic crashes among young adults in Kuwait,2022,22,1,e19,Akhtar Are there non-linear relationships between alcohol consumption and long-term health? A systematic review of observational studies employing approaches to improve causal inference,2022,22,1,e16,Slade Sex-specific analysis of traumatic brain injury events: applying computational and data visualization techniques to inform prevention and management,2022,22,1,e30,Colantonio The injury severity score: an operations perspective,2022,22,1,e48,Dehouche Locating and testing the healthy context paradox: examples from the INCLUSIVE trial,2022,22,1,e57,Bonell Using a consistency check during data collection to identify invalid responding in an online cannabis screening survey,2022,22,1,e67,Cunningham A framework to model global regional and national estimates of intimate partner violence,2022,22,1,e159,Garcia-Moreno Impact of different cover letter information and incentives on Veterans' emotional responses to an unsolicited mailed survey about military traumas: a randomized 3x2x2 factorial trial,2022,22,1,e308,Murdoch Empirical evaluation of internal validation methods for prediction in large-scale clinical data with rare-event outcomes: a case study in suicide risk prediction,2023,23,1,e33,Shortreed Comparing primary caregivers' reported injury data with routinely recorded injury data to assess predictors of childhood injury,2023,23,1,e91,Kool Hospital mortality prediction in traumatic injuries patients: comparing different SMOTE-based machine learning algorithms,2023,23,1,e101,Farhadian Quasi-rerandomization for observational studies,2023,23,1,e155,Zhang Application of the multiple dependent state sampling strategy to late adolescent suicide rates,2023,23,1,e192,Kolli Comparison of different statistical models for the analysis of fracture events: findings from the Prevention of Falls Injury Trial (PreFIT),2023,23,1,e216,Lall A hybrid of regularization method and generalized path analysis: modeling single-vehicle run-off-road crashes in a cross-sectional study,2023,23,1,e221,Sadeghi-Bazargani Covariate balance-related propensity score weighting in estimating overall hazard ratio with distributed survival data,2023,23,1,e233,Yu Adjusting expected deaths for mortality displacement during the COVID-19 pandemic: a model based counterfactual approach at the level of individuals,2023,23,1,e241,Goldblatt Bayesian Mendelian randomization with an interval causal null hypothesis: ternary decision rules and loss function calibration,2024,24,1,e25,Guo Extraction frequent patterns in trauma dataset based on automatic generation of minimum support and feature weighting,2024,24,1,e40,Mahdian Assessment of the E-value in the presence of bias amplification: a simulation study,2024,24,1,e79,Barrette Feature group partitioning: an approach for depression severity prediction with class balancing using machine learning algorithms,2024,24,1,e123,Ashraf Multiple imputation validation study: addressing unmeasured survey data in a longitudinal design,2021,21,1,e5,Powell Recruiting and retaining GPs and patients in intervention studies: the DEPS-GP project as a case study,2007,7,,e42,Kerse Comparison between asymptotic and re-randomisation tests under non-proportional hazards in a randomised controlled trial using the minimisation method,2024,24,1,e166,Sato