Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The motor car and the territorial aggression thesis: some aspects of the sociology of the street,1972,20,1,5-27,Richman On the sociology of suicide,1968,16,1,83-92,Atkinson Domestic political violence: Some problems of measurement,1974,22,1,5-25,Drew Suicide and the renewal of life,1978,26,2,373-390,Taylor Quantifying automobility: speed ‘Zero Tolerance’ and democracy,2006,54,Suppl 1,93-112,Forstorp SPSS as an ‘inscription device’: from causality to description?,2008,56,4,606-622,Uprichard Some sociologies of education: a history of problems and places and segments and gazes,2008,56,4,650-669,Ball Mobile connections: an exploration of the place of mobile phones in friendship relations,2009,57,1,125-144,Green Violence – By Slavoj Žižek,2009,57,1,210-212,Taylor Portrayal and betrayal: Bourdieu photography and sociological life,2009,57,3,471-490,Back The moral economy of person production: the class relations of self‐performance on ‘reality’ television,2009,57,4,626-644,Skeggs Social activity social isolation and ethnicity,2009,57,4,670-702,Platt Accounting for ethos or programmes for conduct? The brave new world of research ethics committees,2009,57,4,727-749,Boden The ‘Scottish’ Approach? The discursive construction of a national police force,2010,58,1,65-83,Gorringe Racism class ethos and place: the value of context in narratives about asylum‐seekers,2010,58,3,361-380,Millington I spy with my little eye: the use of CCTV in schools and the impact on privacy,2010,58,3,381-405,Taylor The relevance of group dynamics to rural planning problems,1951,43,1,1-16,Mitchell An experiment in the reduction of accidents in a colliery,1951,43,1,107-112,Paterson Evening activities in the home,1951,43,1,127-134,Allen The function of the community association,1951,43,1,159-178,Mellor The concept of social movement,1992,40,1,1-25,Diani Nationalism and community in North West Wales,1992,40,1,49-72,Denney Criminalization and deviantization as properties of the social order,1992,40,1,73-108,Ben‐Yehuda Achieving the indeterminate: Accomplishing degrees of certainty in life and death situations,1996,44,1,78-98,Harvey Industrial injuries in British manufacturing industry and cyclical effects: continuities and discontinuities in industrial injury research,1991,39,1,131-139,Nichols A fallible safety system: institutionalised irrationality in the offshore oil and gas industry,1994,42,1,79-103,Wright Patterns of income allocation among poor Gecekondu households in Turkey: overt mechanisms and women's secret kitties,2009,57,1,58-80,Eroğlu Divorce: obstacles and opportunities – South Asian women in Britain,2009,57,2,285-305,Guru Violent pasts: collective memory and football hooliganism,2001,49,4,568-585,King The role of military culture in military organizations' responses to woman abuse in military families,2006,54,3,546-574,Harrison ‘How to be a Happy Homosexual?!’ Non‐monogamy and Governmentality in Relationship Manuals for Gay Men in the 1980s and 1990s,2007,55,3,571-591,Klesse ‘Ladettes’ and ‘Modern Girls’: ‘troublesome’ young femininities,2007,55,2,251-272,Jackson ‘You’ve gotta learn how to play the game’: homeless women's use of gender performance as a tool for preventing victimization,2008,56,2,177-194,Huey A sociological comparison of anti‐Semitism and anti‐Muslim sentiment in Britain1,2008,56,2,195-219,Meer Counting llamas and accounting for people: livestock land and citizens in southern Bolivia,2007,55,1,5-21,Bolton Elites: remembered in capitalism and forgotten by social sciences,2008,56,1 Suppl,1-24,Savage Embodied knowledge in glassblowing: the experience of meaning and the struggle towards proficiency,2007,55,1 Suppl,126-141,O'Connor Epistemic authority and the gender lens,2007,55,2,273-292,Lewis Expertise technology and public culture,2007,55,1,1-4,Harvey Forgetting the founders,2008,56,3,358-369,Runciman Introduction: body knowledge worlds,2008,56,2 Suppl,1-22,Latimer Love labour as a distinct and non‐commodifiable form of care labour,2007,55,3,550-570,Lynch Modes of power and the re‐conceptualization of elites,2008,56,1 Suppl,25-43,Scott Money power and spending decisions in intimate relationships1,2008,56,1,117-143,Wiggins Objecting relations: the problem of the gift,2007,55,1,124-143,Hurdley On sociology and STS,2008,56,4,623-649,Law Organizational ethics decision making undecidability,2007,55,2,393-409,Rhodes Performance testing: dissection of a consumerist experiment,2007,55,2 Suppl,152-172,Mallard Re‐defining ‘norms’: D/deaf young people's transitions to independence,2007,55,1,104-123,Valentine Reclaiming women’s bodies: Colonialist trope or critical epistemology?1,2007,55,1 Suppl,50-64,Davis Role with the punches: the construction and representation of Amir Khan as a role model for multiethnic Britain,2007,55,3,611-631,Burdsey Same sex couples and marriage: negotiating relational landscapes with families and friends,2007,55,4,671-686,Smart Scorecards as devices for consumer credit: the case of Fair Isaac and Company Incorporated,2007,55,2 Suppl,284-306,Poon Social networks and student activism: on the politicising effect of campus connections,2008,56,1,18-38,Crossley Somatic elements in social conflict,2007,55,Suppl 1,37-49,Levine Telling silences: unspeakable trauma and the unremarkable practices of everyday life,2008,56,2 Suppl,100-116,Warin The dirty history of feminism and sociology: or the war of conceptual attrition,2008,56,4,670-690,Skeggs The gift‐exchange and reciprocity of women in donor‐assisted conception,2007,55,2,293-310,Shaw The importance of survival units for Norbert Elias's figurational perspective,2008,56,3,370-387,Kaspersen The nostalgia for permanence at work? The end of work and its commentators,2007,55,1,81-103,Strangleman Vive la (Sexual) Révolution: The political roots of Bourdieu's analysis of gender,2008,56,3,388-407,Yair Vulnerable/dangerous bodies? The trials and tribulations of sleep,2007,55,1 Suppl,142-155,Williams What's sex got to do with it? A family‐based investigation of growing up heterosexual during the twentieth century,2008,56,3,454-473,Hockey Whose child is it anyway? The negotiation of paternal entitlements within marriage,2007,55,2,352-372,Gatrell Relative deprivation as a factor in conflict in Northern Ireland,1972,20,3,317-343,Birrell 'Race'‐education policy as social control?,1994,42,1,26-61,Gabe Unemployment classifications and subjective well‐being,1994,42,1,62-78,Bersani Research note: Problems in monitoring the safety performance of British manufacturing at the end of the twentieth century,1994,42,1,104-110,Nichols II. The Child Criminal,1908,1,2,178-182,Bridgwater Cost of living of the working classes,1908,1,2,201-203,Potter Social mobility in britain--a review,1909,a2,2,169-177,Halsey Impressions of family life in a london suburb,1909,a2,2,179-194,Shaw The work and status of mental nurses,1909,a2,2,195-208,Maddox Social aspects of the control of industrial location,1909,a2,2,229-238,Sykes A profile of science fiction,1909,a2,2,239-240,Finer Woman's industrial career,1909,a2,4,338-348,Hutchins The american negro and race blending,1909,a2,4,349-360,Hoggan The theory of pauperism,1909,a2,4,361-374,Tawney Natural vicissitudes and the social organism,1909,a2,4,375-395,Roberts The obstacles to eugenics,1909,a2,4,400-401,Marvin Was Greek civilization based on slave labour?,1909,a2,1,1-19, Magic and religion,1909,a2,1,20-35,Leuba Sociological application of the psychology of herd instinct,1909,a2,1,36-54,Trotter. Note on town planning,1909,a2,1,80-84,Geddes. The reports on the poor law,1909,a2,3,217-227,Gorst. The obstacles to eugenics,1909,a2,3,228-240,Saleeby. Sociological aspects of health,1909,a2,3,241-249,Mackenzie Race progress and race degeneracy,1909,a2,3,250-259,Chatterton‐Hill. Monarchs and sociologists: a reply to professor shils and mr. Young,1910,a3,1,5-23,Birnbaum Some influences on english penal reform 1895-1921,1910,a3,1,25-46,Rose Juvenile delinquency research: a criticism,1910,a3,1,47,Mack The social adjustment of chinese immigrants in liverpool,1910,a3,1,65-75,Broody The british‐born coloured,1910,a3,1,77-92,Collins Efficiency leadership and morale in small military organizations,1910,a3,1,93-107,Miller A note on the social sanctions of social research,1955,3,1,109-110,Wilson The family life of old people: an investigation in east london,1910,a3,2,175-195,Townsend The 'colour problem' in britain: a study in social definitions,1910,a3,2,197-217,Drake Deductive theories in sociology,1910,a3,2,219-234,Argyle Neighbourhoods or neighbourhood units?,1910,a3,2,235-246,Hacon The political power of private capital part i,1910,a3,2,279-294,Finer Discussion. Empire and subject races,1910,a3,3,227-232,Murray Present tendencies of class differentiation,1910,a3,4,267-276,Ďaeth The methods of eugenics,1910,a3,4,277-286,Saleeby On the diathesis of phthisis and of insanity,1910,a3,4,302-309,Mackenzie The work of william james,1910,a3,4,310-316,McDougall The political power of private capital,1911,a4,1,5-30,Finer Emile durkheim's theory of knowledge,1911,a4,1,47-62,Worsley The climate of opinion on housing estates,1911,a4,1,63-78,Mogey The distribution and segregation of roman catholics in belfast,1911,a4,2,167-189,Jones Employment of negroes in manchester,1911,a4,2,199-211,Reid Modern marriage and the roles of the sexes,1911,a4,2,213-215,Slaughter Some thoughts on democracy,1911,a4,3,232-243,Mackenzie The value and limitations of eugenics,1911,a4,4,281-302,Hobhouse The economics of negro emancipation in the united states,1911,a4,4,303-313,Dubois Inter‐racial problems,1911,a4,4,314-318,Caldecott Emotions and morals,1912,5,3,215-233,Brown The origin of exogamy,1912,a5,4,309-330,Strong Science and race prejudice,1912,a5,4,331-348,Spiller Contemporary social developments in canada,1912,5,1,1-16,Garvie. Domestic life and consumption of wealth,1912,5,1,17-28,Atkinson Zionism and its programme,1912,5,1,35-41,Sacher. The untouchable classes of an indian city,1912,5,1,42-55,Mann The untouchable classes of an indian city,1912,5,1,56-59,Mann The will of the people,1912,5,2,89-104,Mcdougall. Charles dickens and the social movement,1912,5,2,115-124,Hutchins. The community and its children,1912,5,2,125-139,St. John Is insanity on the increase?,1913,6,1,1-29,Mott Fatigue and efficiency,1913,6,1,30-42,Hutchins French and american ideals,1913,6,2,97-116,Baldwin Sati: a vindication of the hindu woman,1913,6,2,117-135,Coomaraswamy Eastern ideals of women,1913,6,2,136-138,Swanwick The position of women in burma,1913,6,2,139-146,Scott What is social psychology?,1913,6,2,147-160,Maciver The study of human character,1913,6,3,222-235,Elliot The unconscious reason in social evolution,1913,6,3,236-241,Crawley The religious interest,1913,6,4,306-329,Baldwin National secondary education: the lesson from france,1913,6,4,330-337,Brereton The basis of comparative psychology,1913,6,4,338-347,Wheeler The mentality of the australian aborigines,1913,6,4,348-353,Spiller The unit of social organization in a large town,1914,7,1,23-36,D'Aeth Abnormal psychology,1914,7,1,37-49,Brown Society and "the individual",1914,7,1,58-64,Maciver Some principles of industrial organisation,1914,7,2,99-117,Cadbury Industrial organisation,1914,7,2,117-118, The first decade of modern eugenics,1914,7,2,126-140,Saleeby Women in primitive society,1914,7,2,141-155,Whitehouse The relation of genius to insanity,1914,7,2,156-163,Armstrong‐Jones Darwinism and sociology,1914,7,3,232-253,Spiller Social change in america,1914,7,3,254-265,Ratcliffe Panama pacific exhibition,1914,7,3,270-272, The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an essay in correlation,1914,7,4,332-368,Hobhouse The social problem and the present war,1915,a8,1,1-14,Ellwood Wardom and peacedom: suggestions towards an interpretation,1915,a8,1,15-25,Geddes Finance as a social force,1915,a8,1,27-32,Ross France and the war,1915,a8,2,65-80,Baldwin An historical interpretation of the war an historical interpretation of the war,1915,a8,2,81-91,Swinny The hague court: its constitution and potentialities,1915,a8,2,92-105,Barclay Germany and american opinion,1915,a8,2,106-111,Small Periodical literature in war‐time,1915,a8,2,131-135, Economic mobilisation for war,1915,a8,3,137-156,Hobson The foundations of nationality,1915,a8,3,157-166,Maciver War and individual psychology,1915,a8,3,167-180,Jones Sex teaching in schools,1918,a10,2,90-94,Warburg War and civilization,1919,a11,1,11-20,Robertson Advances in the psychology of behaviour - recent advances in the psychology of behaviour,1919,a11,1,21-27,Parmelee The anthropologist's approach,1919,a11,1,37-46,Johnson Ii. Note on boundaries and frontiers,1919,a11,1,46-48, Public health in the industrial age,1919,a11,1,49-61, The place of sociology among the sciences,1919,a11,2,89-92,Hughesden The war mind: a project of coperative study,1919,a11,2,93-96,Fraser Davies Devolution: a regional movement,1919,a11,2,97-110,Peake Rebuilding the french battle zone,1919,a11,2,114-119,Carter Current criticism of "the state",1919,a11,2,136-140, The passing of industrialism,1920,a12,1,6-17,Dawson The origin and cure of "the bad boy",1920,a12,1,28-35,Williamson The urban complex,1920,a12,2,73-81,Groves. The war‐mind the business‐mind and a third alternative,1920,a12,2,113-136, The sociological schools of comte and leplay,1921,a13,2,68-74,Swinny Medical theory as an expression of the zeitgeist,1921,a13,2,84-96,Brock "the social evil",1921,a13,2,97-103,Stolberg Democracy and civilization,1921,a13,3,125-135,Hobhouse Mountain forest and river,1921,a13,4,193-203,Ramsey Some contributions of american psychology to modern social and political theory,1921,a13,4,204-227,Barnes Diseases of community and their treatment,1921,a13,1,40-41, The Sages of Human Life,1922,a14,3,220-224,Wellbye Science and citizenship,1922,a14,1,39-50,Mackenzie On the mechanism of cultural variations:,1923,a15,3,173-179,Soal The league of nations at work,1923,a15,3,180-188,Cummings A Note on Graphic Methods Ancient and Modern,1923,a15,3,227-235,Geddes Violence self‐discipline and modernity: Beyond the 'civilizing process',1989,37,2,193-218,Krieken The business cycle and industrial injuries in British manufacturing over a quarter of a century: Continuities in industrial injury research,1989,37,3,538-550,Nichols Some sociological aspects of mixed‐class neighbourhood planning,1995,43,1,191-197,Campleman War and criminality,1917,a9,2,79-87, Overpopulation,1923,a15,3,235-236,Geddes CIVIC SOCIETIES AND THEIR AIMS: by Mrs. Victor Branford: being a paper read at the Conference of Civic Societies held at Leplay House on 9th and 10th March 1923,1923,a15,3,247-249, Some contributions of american psychological sociology to social and political theory,1923,a15,1,35-40,Barnes CIVIC REVIVAL: an account of the progress of Civic Societies,1923,a15,1,41-47,Branford Law as a social science,1923,a15,1,61-62,Montmorency Myth magic and vision,1923,a15,2,104-119,Branford The disintegration of personality,1924,a16,1,29-40,Liveing Two decades of eugenics,1924,a16,3,251-253,Saleeby Sunlight and sociology,1924,a16,3,254-256,Wellbye Human Progress,1924,a16,4,344-347,Reeves International Town‐Planning Congress Amsterdam,1924,a16,4,351-352,Geddes Some Ways of Reducing Smoke,1925,a17,2,147-148,Scott The Sense of Society,1925,a17,2,149-150,St. John CIVILISATION AND MORALS: or THE ETHICAL BASIS OF SOCIAL PROGRESS,1925,a17,3,174-181,Dawson Representative biological theories of society,1925,a17,3,182-194,Barnes ECONOMIC ROOTS OF EVILS AND IDEALS: A Contribution to the Theory of Peace and War,1925,a17,3,204-219,Branford Representative biological theories of society:,1925,a17,4,294-300,Barnes Civilisation and the savagery myth:,1925,a17,4,301-306,Andrade Representative biological theories of society:,1926,a18,2,100-105,Barnes Charles darwin and the theory of evolution: a sociological study,1926,a18,2,110-130,Spiller The social origin of farmers in wales,1926,a18,2,131-138,Ashby The mining industry from within,1926,a18,3,189-196,Hay "the coal crisis and the future": a review,1926,a18,3,197-206,Sandeman Part II THE BACKGROUND OF SURVIVAL AND TENDENCY EXPOSED IN AN EXHIBITION OF MODERN IDEAS,1926,a18,3,207-230, Representative biological theories of society:,1926,a18,3,231-243,Barnes The case for eugenics,1926,18,4,279-290,Huxley Primitive promiscuity and group marriage,1926,18,4,291-305, Iii. Dreams of perfection and the burden of evil,1926,a18,1,66-73, Iv. The elemental malady of civilisation,1926,a18,1,74-83, An ethnic aspect of consciousness:,1927,a19,1,69-76,Burrow Professional workers and organisation,1927,a19,3,208-217,Thompson The ethics of birth control,1927,a19,3,239-250,Eliot A Theory of Murder,1927,a19,3,251-252,Geddes Bolshevist Aims and Means,1927,a19,4,352-356,Carter Thought feeling will in the individual and in social function,1928,a20,3,213-222,Hughesdon The girl voter,1928,a20,4,265-273,White A contribution towards a psychological conception of insanity and its relation to crime,1928,a20,4,274-292,Raven Regional planning,1928,a20,4,293-299,Mackaye A comparative study of unemployed and employed boys,1928,a20,4,310-321,Hughes The social importance of the early treatment of mental disorder,1928,a20,4,343-345,Raven Factors in the fall of the western empire,1929,a21,1,50-55,Hughesdon A survey of social conditions and problems in margate,1929,a21,1,56-66,Farquharson Normal and abnormal psychology in relation to social welfare,1929,a21,2,125-134,Raven Is Insanity Unsocial,1929,a21,2,156-157, Sex Problem in India,1929,a21,2,158, A new way with criminals,1929,a21,3,233-240,St. John Man and nature,1929,a21,4,281-292,Branford Suggestions for research in brain structure and development:,1929,a21,4,293-299,Sewell New ways and old to talk about men,1929,a21,4,300-314,Bentley Murder and suicide as marks of an abnormal mind:,1929,a21,4,315-333,Raven Comte After Seventy Years,1929,a21,4,347-350, Religious experience: what it is and how it works,1930,a22,2,97-107,Mukerjee A theory of murder,1930,a22,2,108-118,Raven A new analysis of unemployment,1930,a22,2,119-127,Griffith The generations of men,1930,a22,2,128-135,Hughesdon WAYS OF TRANSITION--TOWARDS CONSTRUCTIVE PEACE (concluded),1930,a22,2,136-141,Geddes Is gregarposness an instinct?,1930,a22,3,230-233,Mukerji THE SOCIOLOGY OF RURAL AREAS: A Czechoslovak Questionnaire,1930,a22,4,315-319, Some sociological aspects of modern architecture,1930,a22,4,320-328,Ramsey Form in modern architecture,1930,a22,4,329-333,Mumford Conflict theories of the origian of the state:,1931,a23,2,65-79,Becker Memoranda prepared for the select committee on capital punishment,1931,a23,2,80-84,Raven Modern geography and its relation to sociology,1931,a23,3,188-194,Brown Exact in speculative ideas and romantic in research,1931,a23,3,197-198,Wibse Sociology considered as moral philosophy,1932,a24,1,26-36,Bryson A survey of boy's organisations on southampton,1932,a24,1,87-124, Process of secularisation: an ideal‐typical analysis with special reference to personality change as affected by populations movement,1932,a24,2,138-154,Becker The family studied,1932,a24,3,303-304,Pentland The aesthetic principles of town and country plannig,1932,a24,3,308-309,Cornish The regioinal planner,1932,a24,3,382,Pepler The Æsthetic motif,1932,a24,3,383,Cornish Notes on juvenile delinquency: i. The age of young delinquents in east london:,1933,a25,1,14-24,Fortes Sociology and reform,1933,a25,1,25-40,Wellbye Vocational guidance,1933,a25,1,41-44,Edwards Notes on juvenile delinquency: ii. Step‐parenthood and delinquency:,1933,a25,2,153-158,Fortes Towards an agreed basis in sociology:,1933,a25,2,159-174,Spiller Psycho‐Analysis of the Neuroses:,1933,a25,3,295,Deutsch The Psycho‐Analysis of Children:,1933,a25,3,296-298,Klein Recent theories of exogamy,1934,a26,1,22-40,Westermarck The psychological background of dictatorship,1934,a26,2,158-174,Spearman The psychological analysis of war,1934,a26,3,249-267,Goldhamer The sociological interpretation of political ideas,1934,a26,3,268-287,Falk Divorce in england and wales,1934,a26,3,288-308,Glass Bias in social study,1935,a27,4,394-407,Field The distribution of the blood‐groups and its bearing on the concept of race,1935,a27,1,19-34,Davis Hierarchical organization,1934,a26,4,373-392,Mace Ability and educational opportunity in relation to parental occupation,1935,a27,3,281-327,Gray A survey of mental ability in a rural community,1937,29,1,20-40,Matthews The factory worker's philosophy,1936,a28,3,295-313,Dickson Variability of the sex‐ratio of criminality,1937,29,1,76-102,Radzinowicz The place of entertainment in social life,1934,a26,4,393-411,Harding Slave family life in the british colonies: 1800-1834,1935,a27,1,35-55,Cousins The incest taboo as a social regulation,1935,a27,1,75-110,Seligman The distribution of the blood‐groups and its bearing upon the concept of race,1935,a27,2,183-200,Davis The sociology of frontiers,1935,a27,2,201-219,Rose Some aspects of papuan sorcery,1935,a27,2,220-231,Williams The individual and society,1935,a27,3,245-263,Jones Democracy and capitalism in max weber's sociology,1935,a27,4,373-393,Falk Listener research in broadcasting,1935,a27,4,408-422,Matheson Puritanism pietism and science,1936,a28,1,1-30,Merton Lombroso and his place in modern criminology,1936,a28,1,31-49,Mannheim Remarks on methodology of the social sciences,1936,a28,1,64-84,Kaufmann The social background of recent political changes,1936,a28,2,117-133,Barker On spirit and method in social service,1936,a28,2,187-218,Mess The sociology of pareto,1936,a28,3,221-245,Ginsberg Literary taste and democracy,1936,a28,4,423-437,Goddard Authority and the family,1937,29,1,1-19,Marshall Nature and nurture in mental development,1937,29,1,103-108,Peller The social spiritual and cultural elements of the interhuman life,1937,29,2,136-153,Wiese The social consequences of industrial transference,1937,a29,4,331-354,Owen General conceptions in the study of the press and public opinion,1937,a29,4,370-390,Harding Japan's demographic expansion in the light of statistical analysis,1938,a30,1,1-28,Frumkin Leisure in the totalitarian state,1938,a30,1,29-48,Sternheim The independence of culture from race,1938,a30,1,49-62,Beck Some ideas on social and psychological research,1938,a30,1,63-80,Jahoda The social consequences of industrial transference: a reply,1938,a30,3,236-261,Daly Bismarck's social policy and the problem of state socialism in germany,1938,a30,3,288-302,Rothfels "kultur" as a symbol in peace and in war,1938,a30,4,317-345,Hartog Liberal democracy meets the class struggle,1938,a30,4,380-399,Feibleman The social consequences of industrial transference: a rejoinder to mr. Michael daly,1938,a30,4,414-420,Owen Science and the social relations of industry,1939,a31,1,1-24,Florence National socialism and the social sciences,1939,a31,1,89-109,Baker The causes of war,1939,a31,2,121-143,Ginsberg The correlation between fertility and intelligence within social classes,1939,a31,2,144-165,Moshinsky Psycho‐analysis and the study of politics,1939,a31,2,210-221,Maling A note on methods of establishing the connexion between economic conditions and crime,1939,a31,3,260-280,Radzinowicz On terminology,1940,a32,1‐2,50-63,Mess Recent literature on crime and punishment,1940,a32,1‐2,115-123,Mannheim A regional analysis of strikes 1921-1936,1940,a32,3‐4,216-223,Daly The influence of economic conditions on crime--i,1941,a33,1‐2,1-36,Radzinowicz The social function of secondary education,1941,a33,3‐4,105-125,Clarke War in prehistoric societies,1941,a33,3‐4,126-138,Childe The influence of economic conditions on crime--ii,1941,a33,3‐4,139-153,Radzinowicz Notes on class consciousness and class unconsciousness,1942,a34,3‐4,147-164,Harrisson American criminology and penology in war time,1942,a34,3‐4,222-234,Mannheim Anti‐Semitism,1943,a35,1‐2,1-11,Ginsberg An Experimental Investigation of National Stereotypes,1943,a35,1‐2,37-43,Kerr Wilfred Trotter's "Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War",1943,a35,1‐2,44-47,Chapman The validity of public opinion survey results,1944,a36,1‐4,43-49,Ferraby Phases in the evolution of family life in jugoslavia,1945,a37,1‐4,50-64,Ehrlich‐stein I The Challenge: The Present Crisis and the Needed Revolution,1946,a38,1‐4,4-6,Dent The criteria of civilization: philosophy,1947,a39,1,5-12,Hodoes Religion and civilization,1947,a39,1,13-22,Knox Literature and civilization,1947,a39,1,23-38,Belgion Control of atomic energy,1947,a39,1,50-53,Mott The nature of our age,1947,a39,1,82-84,Mumford On belief in economic determinism,1947,a39,1,96-102,Polanyi Some conceptions of liberty,1948,a40,1,1-12,Gooch On the nature of value,1948,a40,1,13-28,Anstey Racialism as a social factor,1948,a40,1,123-133,Hertz The theory of the social threshold: the social aspect of accident causation,1950,a42,1,53-68,Paterson Kierkegaard on capitalism,1950,a42,1,87-114,Stark The concept of myth,1950,a42,1,115-132,Monro The social effects of the film,1950,a42,1,135-144,Gray Economic insecurity and stereotypes as factors in colour prejudice,1950,a42,1,147-167,Richmond The concepts of role and status,1952,a44,1,39-52,Argyle The contribution of psychopathology to sociology,1952,a44,1,53-72,Robb Is there a national neurosis?,1952,a44,1,93-106,Mackenzie Physical principles in human co‐operation,1952,a44,1,107-134,Daniel The analysis of social problems,1953,1,1,71-86,Simey Recent developments in connection with the investigation of the authoritarian personality,1954,2,1,11-33,Sanford The impact of the social sciences on ethics,1954,2,1,57-75,Gordon A profile of science fiction,1954,2,2,239-240,Finer Juvenile delinquency research : a criticism,1955,3,1,47,Mack Efficiency leadership and morale in small military organizations,1955,3,1,93-107,Miller The 'colour problem' in britain: a study in social definitions,1955,3,2,197-217,Drake Emile durkheim's theory of knowledge,1956,4,1,47-62,Worsley The distribution and segregation of roman catholics in belfast,1956,4,2,167-189,Jones The national serviceman and military delinquency,1957,5,2,255-263,Gibbs Sociometry prefects and peaceful co‐existence in a junior school,1958,6,1,5-24,Blyth Personality: normal and abnormal,1958,6,2,167-180,Allport Time sequence and the response error,1958,6,2,229-239,Jacobi The strike of yorkshire mineworkers in may 1955,1958,6,2,241-259,Slaughter Notes on the social structure of a canadian pioneer town,1960,8,1,63-75,Derbyshire Women from broken homes,1961,9,1,27-54,Illsley Correlational analysis of social survey data,1965,13,2,157-181,McKennell Youth and work: problems and perspectives,1966,14,2,117-137,Keil The role of ideology in determining behaviour,1967,15,1,47-57,Arian Assumptions concerning prevention of maladapted behaviour,1967,15,2,193-212,Rose A critical analysis of some aspects of charisma,1968,16,3,305-308,Wolpe Some theoretical problems in the study of youth,1968,16,3,319-331,Allen The concept of cult,1968,16,3,351-362,Nelson Family status and behaviour at work,1968,16,2,149-163,Millward Crime and the urban pattern,1968,16,2,241-253,Mays An enquiry into some aspects of religion in relation to psychiatry,1969,17,1,27-46,Jones A critique of the multidimensional approach to stratification,1969,17,1,47-65,Doreian Plant size: political attitudes and behaviour,1969,17,2,235-239,Ingham Sociology and the study of psychiatric disorder,1969,17,3,377-397,Robertson Television dependency and family relationships amongst juvenile delinquents in the united kingdom,1970,18,1,103-113,Chaney Adolescence: a study of stereotyping,1970,18,2,197-211,Smith The facts don't fit: on the relationship between social class and criminal behaviour,1971,19,1,31-52,Box Decontextualised meanings: current approaches to verstehende investigations,1971,19,3,301-323,Coulter On fitting the 'facts' of social class and criminal behaviour: a rejoinder to box and ford,1971,19,4,585-607,Bytheway Misunderstanding verstehen,1972,20,1,29-38,Leat Medicine as an institution of social control,1972,20,4,487-504,Zola Official agents and the legitimation of suffering,1972,20,4,533-551,Voysey The concept of community: a re‐examination,1973,21,3,397-416,Clark What's wrong with the new criminology?,1974,22,1,119-135,Coulter Agricultural workers in the class structure: a critical note,1974,22,2,271-279,Carter Deference and the agricultural worker,1975,23,1,51-60,Newby Sociological models of the mining community,1975,23,1,61-92,Bulmer The politics of discreditability: disarming complaints against the police,1975,23,2,315-346,Box Do we need a new model army?,1975,23,3,577-605,Money Conceptions and commissions: parallels in the development of demography and criminology,1975,23,3,629-644,Graham The development of disasters-a sequence model for the analysis of the origins of disasters,1976,24,4,753-774,Turner Communication in english juvenile courts,1977,25,1,131-145,Fears Comment on 'conceptions and commissions: parallels in the development of demography and criminology',1977,25,1,147-152,Stokes A re‐examination of durkheim's theory of human nature,1977,25,2,229-251,Hawkins The function of crime myth,1977,25,2,309-322,Roshier A police authority--the denial of conflict,1977,25,2,325-349,Brogden Sociology and the thriller: the case of dashiell hammett,1979,27,1,21-40,Glover Linkages between industrial radicalism and the domestic role among working women,1980,28,1,55-74,Watt Durkheim's concept of ideology,1980,28,1,129-139,Larrain Flying saucers spoon‐bending and atlantis: a structural analysis of new mythologies,1980,28,2,353-376,Ashworth Fuzzy thoughts: the police and law‐and‐order politics,1980,28,2,377-413,Reiner On moral regulation: some preliminary remarks,1981,29,2,313-337,Corrigan Incorporation and conflict: a case study of subcontracting in the coal industry,1981,29,3,475-497,Goffee PAPA'S DISCIPLINE: An Analysis of Disciplinary Modes in The Scottish Women's Prison,1982,30,1,97-124,Carlen The Press the State and its Enemies: The Italian Case,1982,30,4,603-626,Lumley American automobiles and workers' dreams,1983,31,3,403-426,Moorhouse Social theory and the de‐escalation of international conflict,1984,32,3,471-491,Kriesberg Tranquillisers as social control?,1984,32,3,524-546,Gabe Looking back at fascism: a phenomenological analysis of BUF membership,1984,32,4,742-760,Brewer Puritan perverts: notes on accusation,1985,33,1,47-63,Bruce The good the bad and the unnatural: a study of coroners' decisions in Northern Ireland,1985,33,1,64-90,Prior Turning a blind eye: racial oppression and the unintended consequences of white'non‐racism',1985,33,4,670-690,Brown Prescribed drug use and the management of everyday life: the experiences of black and white working‐class women,1986,34,4,737-772,Gabe Routine deaths: fatal accidents in the oil industry,1986,34,2,265-289,Wright Industrial injuries in British manufacturing in the 1980s -- A commentary on Wright's article,1986,34,2,290-306,Nichols The violence of materialism in advanced industrial society: an eco‐sociological approach,1987,35,1,19-47,Jones The nature of 'schools'in the sociology of knowledge: The case of the 'Chicago School',1987,35,2,245-278,Harvey Darts drink and the pub: the culture of female drinking,1987,35,3,575-601,Hunt Masculinity and male dominance,1987,35,4,721-743,Craib Tranquillisers as a social problem,1988,36,2,320-352,Gabe Viewpoint ‐ romantic fictions: the re‐emergence of the crime as politics debate,1988,36,1,133-145,Tierney Gender differences and anti‐school boys,1989,37,1,65-88,Abraham Moral horror versus folk terror: output restriction class and the social organisation of exploitation,1976,24,3,519-544,Ditton When a scratch becomes 'a scary story': the social construction of micro panics in center-based child care,2001,49,4,512-529,Murray Feminist politics domestic violence and the state,1995,43,4,617-640,Charles Traffic gender modernism,2006,54,Suppl 1,175-189,Thacker Part one conceptualizing automobility: impossibilities of automobility,2006,54,Suppl 1,1-16,Jones Inhabiting the car,2006,54,Suppl 1,17-31,Urry Driving the social,2006,54,Suppl 1,32-53,Latimer Bicycle messengers and the road to freedom,2006,54,Suppl 1,208-222,Fincham Automobility and the liberal disposition,2006,54,Suppl 1,113-129,Rajan 'mirror signal manoeuvre': assembling and governing the motorway driver in late 1950s Britain,2006,54,Suppl 1,75-92,Merriman 'Always crashing in the same car': a head-on collision with the technosphere,2006,54,Suppl 1,223-239,Dery The sexuality-assemblage: Desire affect anti-humanism,2013,61,4,769-789,Fox Deserving Victims? Sexual Status and the Social Construction of Violence,1999,47,2,308-331,Richardson Crime citizenship and community: neoliberal communitarian images of governmentality,2014,62,1,47-67,Schinkel Shame and the city - 'looting' emotions and social structure,2014,62,1,117-136,Ray Mainstreaming domestic and gender-based violence into sociology and the criminology of violence,2014,62,Suppl 2,187-214,Francis Review of The White slave market and A new conscience and an ancient evil,1913,6,1,85-86,M. Town planning and city design,1910,3,1,56-60,Geddes Women and citizenship post-trafficking: the case of Nepal,2016,64,2,329-348,Richardson Respectability morality and disgust in the night-time economy: exploring reactions to 'lap dance' clubs in England and Wales,2015,63,4,782-800,Colosi Immaculate defecation: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in organization theory,2005,53,Suppl 1,120-133,Sørensen Documenting the quick and the dead: A study of suicide case files in a coroner's office,2008,56,2,293-308,Scourfield Boys don't cry? Critical phenomenology self-harm and suicide,2019,67,6,1350-1366,Chandler Mutuality and the study of suicide: Psychological notions on military suicides in Israeli courts,2019,67,6,1282-1299,Ben-Ari Review of Acritical dictionary of sociology,1990,38,3,564-566,Turner Suicide as slow death: Towards a haunted sociology of suicide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chandler