Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Artists' representations of the impact of family suicide during childhood and adolescence,1999,27,4,625-656,Pfeffer The selfobject function of weapons: a self psychology examination,1992,20,4,561-576,Feldmann The effects of living with violence,1992,20,4,671-675,Berman Death trend and adaptation: a psychoanalytic theory of accident,1976,4,1,49-62,Tabachnick Yukio Mashima--a psychoanalytic interpretation,1978,6,3,403-424,Abel Risk writing: a special note about Cesare Pavese and Joseph Conrad,1979,7,4,575-592,Shneidman Psychodynamics and treatment of sexual assualt victims,1979,7,4,553-573,Schuker Some interpersonal aspects of self-mutilation in a borderline patient,1980,8,2,203-216,Kwawer Maternal abandonment threats mind-body relations and suicidal wishes,1981,9,4,561-582,Eigen Multiple murders of a schizophrenic patient: a psychodynamic interpretation,1981,9,4,501-524,Arieti Core affective disturbance in abused children,1981,9,3,435-446,Green Observations regarding patients' reactions to the Jonestown Massacre and the Moscone-Milk assassinations,1981,9,2,303-309,Hoyt The human agenda: peril and survival,1981,9,2,185-209,Gorney Ego activation in the treatment of acutely depressed outpatients,1982,10,4,493-513,Weiner The suicidal logic of Cesare Pavese,1982,10,4,547-563,Shneidman The fine edge of violence,1984,12,2,253-268,Lefer Suicide and the borderline depressed adolescent and young adult,1987,15,4,429-448,Friedman Violent and homicidal behavior in primitive mental states,1988,16,3,381-394,Meloy Analysis of two adult female patients who had been victims of incest in childhood,1989,17,2,207-221,Bernstein Confusion of tongues: the Ferenczian metaphor for childhood seduction and emotional trauma,1989,17,2,181-205,Rachman Child sexual abuse: origins dynamics and treatment,1991,19,3,385-395,Leahy Posttraumatic stress disorder after sexual assault: its psychodynamics and treatment,1991,19,2,235-253,Moscarello Correlation of brain activity with emotion: a basis for developing treatment of violent-aggressive behavior,1992,20,3,335-346,Heath Cultural factors in the darker passions,1992,20,3,325-334,Marmor Incest Freud's seduction theory and borderline personality,1992,20,2,167-181,Stone Unlocking incest memories: preoedipal transference countertransference and the body,1993,21,3,363-386,Perlman The impact of incest on identity formation in women,1993,21,2,213-228,Price The darker forces: Freud and the movies,1993,21,1,33-44,Bloom Children in violence,1996,24,1,179-186,Adams The Oedipus complex: some observations and questions regarding its validity and universal existence,1994,22,4,727-751,Schrut Freud's analysis of Horace Frink M.D.: a previously unexplained therapeutic disaster,1994,22,1,137-152,Warner Isaac versus Oedipus: an alternative view,2002,30,4,707-717,Kaplan Commonalities between the Isaac and Oedipus myths: a speculation,2002,30,4,691-706,Sugar Archaic sadism,1996,24,4,605-618,Chessick "Reality" and countertransference in the treatment of sexual abuse patients: the false memory controversy,1996,24,1,115-135,Perlman "Breaking the law" a metaphor for female empowerment through aggression: women in film,1993,21,1,133-147,Benton The myth of redemptive violence: implications for developmental theory and clinical practice,1999,27,1,7-22,Severino Changes in the treatment of abused children: a retrospective review of a practice,1994,22,3,533-543,Tsaltas Primal scene derivatives in the work of Yukio Mishima: the primal scene fantasy,2002,30,2,241-248,Turco Treating the hospitalized borderline patient: reworking trauma of toddlerhood,1992,20,1,114-129,Silver Comparing child victims and adult survivors: clues to the pathogenesis of child sexual abuse,1995,23,4,655-670,Green Traumatic object relations configurations seen in victim/victimizer relationships,1995,23,4,563-580,Twemlow The psychoanalytical foundations of a dialectical approach to the victim/victimizer relationship,1995,23,4,545-561,Twemlow The application of psychotherapeutic and self psychology principles to hostage negotiations,1995,23,2,207-221,Feldmann One analyst's journey into darkness: countertransference resistance to recognizing sexual abuse ritual abuse and multiple personality disorders,1995,23,1,137-151,Perlman The psychological impact of sexual abuse of Native American boarding-school children,1995,23,3,461-473,Roll Impact of sexual trauma on gender identity and sexual object choice,1994,22,2,283-297,Green An integrated conception of the psychology and biology of superego development,1994,22,2,195-209,Zuelzer The eroticized transference: a tool for the reconstruction of childhood sexual trauma,1994,22,3,519-531,Bernardez The negative therapeutic reaction in severe characterological depression,1994,22,3,399-414,Bemporad The dilemma of suicide in psychoanalytic practice,1994,22,2,273-281,Litman Gender patriarchy and women's mental health: psychoanalytic perspectives,1994,22,2,259-271,Olfman Incest: transference and countertransference implications,1994,22,2,211-229,Price Stress and coping in children traumatized by war,1998,26,4,585-597,Green Adolescent trauma in Japanese schools: two case studies of Ijime (bullying) and school refusal,2001,29,1,85-103,Kawabata The use of transitional objects in self-directed aggression by patients with borderline personality disorder anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa,2001,29,3,457-467,Guinjoan Soul death: a brief study of some familial murderers,2001,29,3,439-456,Simon Terrorism our world and our way of life,2002,30,4,531-543,Cassimatis Psychoanalysis and visual art: a female painter and her dilemma,2002,30,3,475-488,Lijtmaer Facing sexual violence in a rape emergency room: identification projective identification and the myth of nemesis,2002,30,3,401-413,Orlandini Childism as vestiges of infanticide,2000,28,3,541-556,Adams Listening with the big ear: a Laingian approach to psychotic families,1990,18,1,131-144,Frank Aggression rage and the "destructive instinct" reconsidered from a psychobiological point of view,1991,19,4,507-529,Stone Instinctual sadism: a recurrent myth about human nature,1999,27,1,1-6,Gorney The relationship of repression to reality testing in adult women who report childhood sexual and physical abuse,1999,27,2,205-220,Farber Legal issues in the Orne/Sexton case,1992,20,4,655-8; discussion 659-69,Onek Listening at the keyhole: the Anne Sexton tapes,1992,20,4,645-653,Viorst The Anne Sexton biography: the limits of confidentiality,1992,20,4,639-643,Chodoff Therapeutic responsibility in the case of Anne Sexton,1992,20,4,633-638,Weissberg Sexuality the Indian extended family and Hindu culture,1991,19,4,595-605,Roland Political lesbianism and sexual politics,1978,6,1,71-78,Defries The concept of phylogenetic regression,1978,6,1,5-35,Bailey How does the child know? Origins of the symbol in the theories of Piaget and Werner,1980,8,1,77-94,Barten Family scapegoating in the life and works of Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen),1990,18,4,626-643,Hajal The emotional stress of psychotherapeutic practice,1976,4,2,191-201,English An analyst's uncertain knowledge: the case of a suspected rapist,2000,28,4,641-651,Goldberg Psychotherapy of the depressive character,1976,4,3,347-372,Bemporad The psychodynamics of neurotic depression,1976,4,3,301-326,Bonime Disasters psychiatry and psychodynamics,2002,30,4,519-529,Katz Interpersonal factors in hysteria: Freud's seduction theory and the case of Dora,1977,5,3,359-376,Slipp The social distress syndrome of our time part 2,1978,6,2,217-230,Kardiner Juvenile aggressivity and sissiness in homosexual and heterosexual males,1980,8,3,427-440,Friedman Transvestism: new perspectives,1978,6,3,301-323,Person The effects of incest on female adolescent development,1987,15,1,83-92,O'Brien An experimental study of psychoanalytic theories of depression,1981,9,4,583-600,Slipp On being a twin: how the view may differ for each of the pair,1989,17,4,639-653,Dimitrovsky Repetition of the mother-infant dyad and the process of dying in the psychotherapy of an HIV-positive man,1999,27,2,191-203,Des Rosiers The crucial and difficult role of the psychotherapist in the treatment of the HIV-positive patient,1994,22,3,505-518,Schaffner Comments on the pathogenesis and psychopharmacological management of the borderline disorder,1990,18,1,145-151,Ostow Mask and steel: Mishima--when life imitates art,1999,27,2,265-273,Turco