Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An empirical study of the psychodynamics of suicide,1998,46,3,777-796,Jessee Do mothers of secure infants speak differently than mothers of avoidant infants in natural conversations? An interpersonal exploration of language differences,2007,55,1,269-275,Ritter Trauma and abuse in the case of Little Hans: a contemporary perspective,2007,55,3,779-97; discussion 851-2,Ross Terror and societal regression: does psychoanalysis offer insights for international relations? Panel report,2006,54,3,977-988,Brenner Spatial representations and psychopathology,1974,22,4,854-872,Roth Child abuse and deprivation: soul murder,1979,27,3,533-559,Shengold Paranoia and beating fantasy: an inquiry into the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia,1980,28,2,331-361,Blum On love dying together and Liebestod fantasies,1981,29,3,607-630,Gediman Reconstruction of an early seduction and its aftereffects,1987,35,1,145-163,Williams René Magritte: coping with loss--reality and illusion,1987,35,4,967-998,Viederman Fact and fantasy in the seduction theory: a historical review,1987,35,4,937-965,Schimek Transparent screens,1988,36,2,295-317,Rosenthal Clinical dimensions of masochism,1988,36,4,1005-1029,Kernberg The seduction hypothesis. Panel report,1988,36,3,759-771, Evaluation and diagnosis of sexual abuse of little girls,1990,38,2,347-369,Sherkow Sadomasochism in the perversions. Panel report,1991,39,3,741-755, Witnessing pornography and the reconstruction of suspected child sexual molestation,1992,40,2,630-634,Good Falling off the couch,1987,35,4,861-876,Waugaman The convertible as a symbol in dreams,1954,2,3,466-472,Grinstein On play and the psychopathology of golf,1964,12,,826-841,Adatto Psychoanalytic and musical ambiguity: the tritone in "Gee officer Krupke",2010,58,1,9-25,Jaffee Nagel Psychic trauma and traumatic object loss,2003,51,2,415-432,Blum Trauma: the seductive hypothesis,2003,51,2,381-414,Reisner Vicissitudes of aggression: theoretical and technical approaches to psychic trauma,2003,51,2,375-380,Hoffman An experimental approach to the study of dynamic propositions in psychoanalysis. The relationship between the aggressive drive and ego regression--initial studies,1967,15,2,376-403,Silverman Claustrophobia and depression,1966,14,4,711-729,Asch The terms "mother" and "father" as a defense against incest,1968,16,4,783-791,Weich The unconscious fantasy of infanticide manifested in resistance,1968,16,4,697-710,Calef The reconstruction of early childhood trauma: fantasy reality and verification,1994,42,1,79-101,Good A patient who was not sexually abused,1994,42,1,65-78,Raphling The role of mother-son incest in the pathogenesis of narcissistic personality disorder,1994,42,1,171-189,Twemlow Oedipus and the sphinx: triumph and catastrophe,1994,42,2,635-653,Palombo The uses of the past and the actualization of a family romance,1994,42,2,469-489,Viederman Incest erotic countertransference and analyst-analysand boundary violations,1994,42,4,985-989,Margolis Incest and psychoanalysis: are we ready to fully acknowledge bear and understand? Panel report,1994,42,4,1261-1282, Establishing trauma: the difficulty distinguishing between memories and fantasies,1994,42,4,1055-1081,Person Belief and suggestion in the recovery of memories of childhood sexual abuse,1994,42,4,1027-1053,Brenneis Psychoanalysis and the maltreatment of children,1994,42,4,1001-1025,Steele Suggestion and veridicality in the reconstruction of sexual trauma or can a bait of suggestion catch a carp of falsehood?,1996,44,4,1189-1224,Good Seduction trauma: representation deferred action and pathogenic development,1996,44,4,1147-1164,Blum The missing tombstone: Reflections on mourning and creativity,2010,58,4,631-648,Ornstein Lady Macbeth and infanticide or "How many children had Lady Macbeth" murdered?,1969,17,2,528-548,Calef Repetition compulsion acting out and identification with doer,1969,17,2,474-488,Segel The reversal of déjá raconté,1969,17,4,1114-1141,Boesky A controlled trial of psychodynamic psychotherapy for co-occurring borderline personality disorder and alcohol use disorder: six-month outcome,2009,57,1,199-205,Soderberg The reconstruction of a repressed sexual molestation fifty years later,1995,43,4,1169-1195,Viederman Karl Abraham Sigmund Freud and the fate of the seduction theory,1995,43,4,1137-1167,Good On "recovered memories",1995,43,1,295-296,Esman The uses and abuses of memory,1994,42,4,991-996,Shevrin Incest avoidance: oedipal and preoedipal natural and cultural,2010,58,6,1087-1112,Paul Recovered memories of abuse,1997,45,4,1285-1289,Brenner Safety danger and the analyst's authority,1997,45,2,377-394,Levy The threat of male-to-female erotic transference,2006,54,4,1207-1231,Celenza Affects agency and self-regulation: complexity theory in the treatment of children with anxiety and disruptive behavior disorders,2005,53,1,159-187,Tyson Aggression: its relation to desire and self-interest,1998,46,3,797-811,Raphling The question of drive vs. motive in psychoanalysis: a modest proposal,2009,57,4,807-845,Meissner Using the rorschach reality-fantasy scale (rfs) for assessing mental functioning in adults exposed to constant threat of terror,2009,57,2,461-465,Tibon Narcissism eroticism and envy in the supervisory relationship,2001,49,3,813-830,Jacobs The role of shame and guilt in male aggression toward partners,2004,52,2,480-481,Moore Strange bedfellows: relationship satisfaction and domestic violence,2004,52,2,478-480,Moore Defense mechanisms and violence toward partners and strangers: Defense Mechanism Manual and Defense Mechanisms Rating Scale,2004,52,2,477-478,Cogan Conducting analysis after September 11: implications for psychoanalytic technique,2004,52,2,449-450,Roose Psychoanalysis and schizophrenia: three responses to Martin Willick,2002,50,1,314-6; author reply 316-9,Gottdiener A psychoanalytic hypothesis concerning the therapeutic action of SSRI medications,2002,50,3,969-971,Gottlieb Consummated mother-son incest in latency: a case report of an adult analysis,2002,50,3,909-935,Rudominer Dangerous behavior in children and adolescents. Panel report,2003,51,2,651-666, Aggression and women. Panel report,2003,51,2,637-650, Mothers' ambivalence with their babies and toddlers: manifestations of conflicts with aggression,2003,51,4,1219-1240,Hoffman A fresh look at perversion,2003,51,4,1199-1218,Richards The femininization of the female oedipal complex Part II: Aggression reconsidered,2003,51,4,1127-1151,Holtzman Some psychoanalytic perspectives on women,2003,51,4,1119-1126,Tyson On the receiving end: facilitating the analysis of conflicted drive derivatives of aggression,2000,48,1,219-236,Gray The development and organization of attachment: implications for psychoanalysis,2000,48,4,1147-74; discussion 1175-87,Slade Attachment and borderline personality disorder,2000,48,4,1129-46; discussion 1175-87,Fonagy Disorganized infant child and adult attachment: collapse in behavioral and attentional strategies,2000,48,4,1097-127; discussion 1175-87,Main Sex differences during the early separation-individuation process: implications for gender identity formation,1990,38,2,325-346,Olesker Aggression and love in the relationship of the couple,1991,39,1,45-70,Kernberg Depression and internally directed aggression: genetic and environmental contributions,2008,56,2,515-550,Lichtenstein Empathy and identification in Von Donnersmarck's The Lives of Others,2008,56,3,811-832,Diamond How central is the analysis of aggression to clinical psychoanalysis?,1999,47,4,1179-1189,Singer Passions in girls and women: toward a bridge between critical relational theory of gender and modern conflict theory,1999,47,4,1145-1168,Hoffman A Genuinely Developmental Theory of Sexual Enjoyment and Its Implications for Psychoanalytic Technique,2008,56,1,11-36,Fonagy A dream of the Marquis de Sade: psychoanalytic reflections on narcissistic trauma decompensation and the reconstitution of a delusional self,1972,20,3,451-475,Bach Sexual overstimulation as a cause of unstable gender identity in men: a case report,1998,46,3,753-776,Beatrice "Incest--see under Oedipus complex": the history of an error in psychoanalysis,1992,40,4,955-988,Simon The absence of the father,1992,40,4,1117-1138,Kirshner Sadomasochism in the perversions: some thoughts on the destruction of reality,1991,39,2,399-415,Chasseguet-Smirgel The appeal cycle in early mother-child interaction: nature and implications of a finding from developmental research,1991,39,4,987-1014,Rosenthal Children of survivors,1974,22,1,200-204, The little prince: speculations on the disappearance of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,1974,22,1,142-159,Meyer The mystical experience: substance of an illusion,1974,22,2,364-380,Horton The psychoanalytic understanding of human freedom: freedom from and freedom for,1978,26,1,87-107,Smith The waning of the Oedipus complex,1979,27,4,751-775,Loewald Remarks on certain unique conditions of human aggression (the hand speech and the use of fire),1979,27,1,27-63,Stone The effects of sensory and other deficits in children on their experience of people,1981,29,4,831-867,Freedman On patients' disclosure of parents' and siblings' names during treatment,1990,38,1,167-194,Waugaman Beating fantasies and daydreams revisited: presentation of a case,1973,21,4,817-832,Hunt Diagnosing The English Patient: schizoid fantasies of being skinless and of being buried alive,2001,49,1,279-309,Doidge The appeal cycle in three cultures: an exploratory comparison of child development,2001,49,1,187-215,Klein An empirical study of seriously disturbed suicidal patients,2001,49,1,161-186,Hilsenroth The concept of erotized transference,1973,21,1,61-76,Blum Risk Factors for Medically Serious Suicide Attempts: Evidence for a Psychodynamic Formulation of Suicidal Crisis,2012,60,3,555-576,Fowler The danger in deception: oedipal betrayal and the assault on truth,2012,60,4,679-705,Elise Suicide prevention for psychoanalytic institutes and societies,2012,60,4,707-719,Kernberg Journal Watch review of reducing violence and prejudice in a Jamaican all age school using attachment and mentalization theory,2012,60,5,1059-1061,Roose Mourning beyond melancholia: Freud's psychoanalysis of loss,2004,52,1,43-67,Clewell Commentary on Kernberg's "Suicide prevention for psychoanalytic institutes and societies",2013,61,4,771-786,Zepf Restoring institutional integrity in the wake of sexual boundary violations: A case study,2013,61,5,897-924,Honig Safety for the analysand safety for the analyst safety for the dyad,2013,61,5,993-1000,Segalla The potion: reflections on Freud's "observations on transference-love",2014,62,3,455-474,Pinsky Impact of Object Relations and Impulsivity On Persistent Suicidal Behavior,2014,62,3,485-492,Clemence Psychoanalytic observations on the pathology of depressive illness: selected spheres of ambiguity or disagreement,1986,34,2,329-362,Stone On countertransference enactments,1986,34,2,289-307,Jacobs Female psychology: a review,1986,34,1,141-162,Chehrazi The emergence of assertion and aggression during infancy: a psychoanalytic systems approach,1987,35,4,821-838,Halton Drawing trauma: the therapeutic potential of witnessing the child's visual testimony of war,2014,62,5,835-854,Farley Effects on an adult of incest in childhood: a case report,1989,37,4,997-1014,Dewald Spelunking as a manifestation of a counterclaustrophobia,1989,37,3,727-735,Myers Life of Pi and the moral wound,2014,62,6,965-982,Allen Fear of psychic and physical destruction: the relation of child abuse negative life events and adult attachment to annihilation anxiety,2015,63,3,NP27-33,Schiek-Gamble Child maltreatment and vulnerable narcissism: the roles of shame and disavowed need,2015,63,3,555-561,Meehan For the love of death: somnophilic and necrophilic acts and fantasies,2015,63,5,857-886,Knafo Psychological repair: the intersubjective dialogue of remorse and forgiveness in the aftermath of gross human rights violations,2015,63,6,1085-1123,Gobodo-Madikizela The intergenerational transmission of suicide: moral injury and the mysterious object in the work of Walker Percy,2016,64,3,541-567,Tillman Changes in self-representations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy for young adults: a comparative typology,2016,64,5,917-958,Werbart When fathering fails: violence narcissism and the father function in ancient tales and clinical analysis,2018,66,1,7-40,Diamond Finding freedom: exploring the relationship between agency motility and aggression,2018,66,1,41-58,Wooldridge Illusionment and disillusionment: foundational illusions and the loss of a world,2018,66,2,289-303,Margulies Disillusionment and suicidality: when a developmental necessity becomes a clinical challenge,2018,66,2,225-242,Tillman The psychotic part of the personality: Bion's expeditions into unmapped mental life,2018,66,2,193-220,Bergstein Assembling justice: reviving nonhuman subjectivities to examine institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct,2018,66,4,647-678,Gentile John Terry Maltsberger American psychoanalyst: contributions to the development of studies of suicide and self-attack,2018,66,5,861-882,Ronningstam A child is being caged: resignation syndrome and the psychopolitics of petrification,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Butler The evolution of racism in the Western world: addressing fear of the other,2021,69,2,389-405,Hoffman The historian's self-reflection and American racism,2021,69,2,343-353,Loewenberg Observations on use of the N-word in psychoanalytic conferences,2021,69,2,315-341,Rao Murderous racism as normal psychosis: the case of Dylann Roof,2021,69,2,291-313,Bass Black rage: the psychic adaptation to the trauma of oppression,2021,69,2,259-290,Stoute The psychoanalytic study of suicide part I: an integration of contemporary theory and research,2022,70,1,103-137,Goldblatt The psychoanalytic study of suicide part II: an integration of theory research and clinical practice,2022,70,1,139-166,Goldblatt The extremes of contemporary violence: from a state of paralysis to the transformation of trauma,2022,70,6,1041-1069,Stitou The analyst's uncertainty and fear,2002,50,3,953-954,Jordan Trauma and abuse in the case of little hans: A contemporary perspective,2007,55,3,779-797,Ross Hamlet and psychoanalytic experience,2007,55,2,388-406,Schwaber The almost untreatable narcissistic patient,2007,55,2,503-539,Kernberg