Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Completed suicide in Spain 1906-1991. Geographical distribution of mortality,1996,24,2,81-83,Gutiérrez García Family factors in adolescent suicide attempts,1996,24,1,12-18,Gonzalez-Seijo Predominance of urban suicides over rural suicides in Spain,1998,26,2,111-115,Gutiérrez García Differential characteristics of families of adolescents and young adults that have attempted suicide,1998,26,2,97-103,Fernández Rivas Affective equivalents in depressive and manic-depressive patients,1973,1,1,189-196,Mendlewicz Attempted suicide in the region of Gerona,1975,3,4,237-246,Rendueles Olmedo Suicidal behavior and psychiatric assistence activities,1975,3,2,139-146,Calcedo Ordóñez Suicide attempted in the general hospital,1976,4,3,197-202,Saiz Ruiz Prevention of suicide related to depression,1977,5,6,341-346,Rojas Psychology (study by using a test),1978,6,6,627-652,Carbonell Masia Intentional drug poisoning as a parasuicidal behavior,1983,11,4,313-320,Gázquez Evangelista Role of the psychiatrist in mass disasters,1984,12,5,295-298,López-Ibor Aliño Study of the incidence of psychiatric emergencies in Madrid,1984,12,2,141-152,Baca Psychoendocrine expression of suicidal behavior. Psychoendocrinologic study of 2 groups of suicidal patients,1986,14,5,369-378,Fusté i Vallverdú Social violence and mental illness: the lesson and example of the Hinckleys,1986,14,5,362-368,López-Ibor Aliño Relation between psychiatric emergencies and meteorological factors,1986,14,2,85-94,García Carretero Biological basis of suicidal behavior,1985,13,6,373-378,Montgomery Suicide attempts among children and adolescents (based on a study in a children and youth psychiatric sector,1985,13,2,77-82,Sáiz Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a special type of abused children,1987,15,6,333-343,López-Ibor Aliño Depression and attempted suicide in a patient a sporadic user of "crack",1987,15,4,233-235,García López Psychiatric emergencies in Salamanca in 1985,1987,15,1,45-47,Pérez Urdániz Risk of suicide in a population of heroin addicts,1987,15,1,20-24,Cabrera Forneiro Suicide attempts at a general hospital,1988,16,5,319-326,Martínez García Psychiatric emergencies: sociodemographic and care aspects (comparative analysis with a previous study),1988,16,4,255-264,Artal Simón Suicide in Spain. Mortality according to geographic distribution,1988,16,4,243-245,Pérez Urdániz Suicide in Spain during the years 1981 to 1985,1988,16,2,99-104,Cabrera Forneiro Attempted suicide cases seen at the emergency service of a general hospital (II),1989,17,5,353-359,Seguí Montesinos Development of a probability index for suicide risk in depression,1989,17,5,333-352,Ramos Brieva Criteria of severity in attempted suicide,1989,17,5,319-323,Ramírez Ortiz Suicide attempts seen in the emergency service of a general hospital (I),1989,17,4,274-280,Seguí Montesinos Suicide among psychiatric patients,1989,17,3,209-214,Ramos Brieva Prevalence of suicide in depression,1989,17,3,203-208,Ramos Brieva Suicide risk after attempted suicide (its incidence and predictive evaluation,1989,17,2,119-125,Ramos Brieva Relationship between psychiatric emergencies and meteorologic factors,1989,17,1,59-67,García Carretero Impulsive suicidal behavior and serotonin,1990,18,5,316-325,López-Ibor Is there a surprise factor in the evaluation of suicide risk in depression?,1990,18,4,213-217,Ramos Brieva Suicide in the elderly,1991,19,5,252-257,Hinojal Fonseca Clinical and epidemiological study of depression and aggressiveness in a rural population center,1991,19,4,210-219,Ledesma Jimeno Epidemiologic aspects of suicide in Asturias in relation to the climate the seasons and other factors,1991,19,4,185-190,García Prieto The influence of personality on suicidal behavior,1992,20,6,250-256,Suarez Suicide and depressive disorders,1964,23,,183-202,Ordonezsierra The problem of alcoholism among the laboring class,1977,5,3,161-172,Quirós Corujo Psychiatric morbidity in young people in a rural area of Madrid,1993,21,6,231-235,Irastorza Eguskiza Life events and self-destructive behavior,1993,21,5,205-210,Vizán Ferrero Suicides in Zaragoza (1988-1991). Epidemiology and outline of suicides,1993,21,3,65-71,Navarro Celma Bibliographic analysis of the concept "alcohol-related problems",1993,21,2,44-50,Díez Manrique Munchausen syndrome in Spanish pediatrics,1996,24,1,29-32,Jiménez Hernández Design of a program to prevent adolescent suicide,1994,22,3,100-108,Gonzalez-Seijo Epidemiological study of attempted suicide managed at the hospital emergency department,1997,25,3,172-181,Gutierrez Bipolar II disorder: course and suicidal behavior,1997,25,3,147-151,Otero Epilepsy and delinquent behavior,1995,23,5,235-240,Arías Horcajadas Descriptive epidemiology of suicide in Spain (1906-1990),1997,25,5,327-331,Sáenz González The psychiatric consultation-liaison program and posttraumatic stress disorder due to burns,1995,23,5,256-261,Santo-Domingo Carrasco The study of suicides and homicides in Spain. Years 1980-1990,1995,23,5,249-255,Bernal Epidemiologic differences in delinquents relative to their psychiatric records,1994,22,4,153-157,Hinojal Fonseca Psychopathologic aspects of cancer in gynecology. Cancer of the breast,1990,18,1,54-61,García Carretero Personality and aggressiveness in cancer patients,1990,18,1,34-46,García Carretero Psychologic reactions and psychiatric manifestations in HIV-positive patients,1990,18,1,66-70,Sainz Cortón The personality of wives of alcoholic patients,1990,18,6,355-363,Ledesma Jimeno Measurement of aggressiveness and its direction in patients with duodenal ulcer. A double-control study,1990,18,4,235-243,Ledesma Jimeno Suicide and euthanasia as attitudes of desire facing death,1994,22,6,277-283,Valdés Díaz Alcohol-related problems in Cantabria,1995,23,1,20-24,Díez Manrique The 3 worlds of alcoholism,1977,5,1,7-14,Pelicier Why humans drink?,1977,5,1,1-6,López Ibor Medical emergencies in a psychiatric hospital,1973,1,6,783-790,López-Ibor Aliño Incidence of delirium tremens and alcoholic hallucinations in different types of drinkers. A comparative study,1984,12,1,57-62,González-Pinto Arrillaga Cerebral infarction in an adolescent girl following an overdose of paroxetine and caffedrine combined with theodrenaline,1998,26,5,333-338,Conde López Comparative study of involuble cerebral changes in mental patients. IV. Occipital cortex,1973,1,2,329-346,Boya Clinical consideration on suicide,1976,4,4,219-226,Ortíz Ramos Psychosis and cannabis consumption: study of the psychopathologic differences and risk factors,1990,18,2,120-124,Crespo Paranoid alcoholic syndromes. Controlled study,1980,8,2,97-106,Carbonell Masia Aggressiveness and manic-depressive psychosis. A study using the Mira y López myokinetic test,1981,9,2,125-136,Moríñigo Domínguez Aggression in a sample of depressive patients,1979,7,5,285-290,Ayuso Gutiérrez Aggressiveness and the teaching function,1989,17,3,153-159,Ledesma Jimeno Co-morbidity of affective disorders and personality disorders,1991,19,2,81-87,Silva Measurement of aggressiveness in a sample of epileptic patients,1988,16,2,90-98,Ledesma Jimeno The Frankfurt psychopathologic inventory. Contribution to the study of productive psychosis,1988,16,2,115-120,Jimeno Valdés [Pathological gambling: a clinical and therapeutic-evolutive study of a group of pathologic gamblers],1992,20,4,189-197,Saiz Ruiz [Impulsive behaviors in opiate-dependent subjects treated with naltrexone],1994,22,6,254-260,Pinet Conductas autolíticas impulsivas y serotonina = Autolytic impulsive behavior and serotonin,1990,18,5,316-325,López-Ibor The suicide in the old people ;; El suicidio en la tercera edad,1991,19,5,252-257,Fernández Fernández Epidemiologic aspects of suicide in Asturias in relation to climatology seasons and other factors ;; Aspectos epidemiológicos del suicidio en Asturias en relación con la climatología lo estacional y otros factores,1991,19,4,185-190,García Prieto A clinical and epidemiologic study of the depression and the aggressiveness in a group of rural population ;; Estudio clínico y epidemiológico de las depresiones y la agresividad en un núcleo de población rural,1991,19,4,210-219,Gonçalves Estella Co-morbidity study of affective diseases and personality disorders ;; Estudio de comorbilidad de enfermedades afectivas y disturbios de personalidad,1991,19,2,81-87,Silva