Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide deaths in England and Wales 1982-92: the contribution of occupation and geography,1995,,80,16-25,Charlton Geographic variations in suicide mortality 1982-96,1998,,93,7-18,Kelly Current patterns and trends in male mortality by social class (based on occupation),1996,,86,15-20,Drever Which areas are healthiest?,1996,,83,17-24,Charlton Differences in mortality by housing tenure and by car access from the OPCS Longitudinal Study,1995,,81,27-30,Filakti Trends in suicide in England and Wales 1982-96,1998,,92,29-41,Bunting Drug-related mortality: methods and trends,1998,,93,29-37,Kelly Inequalities in health--development and change,2000,,100,14-19,Whitehead