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Are the emotional perceptions of those listening to classical music inherent in the composition or acquired by the listeners?,2013,133,4,390-393,Goycoolea Effects of repeated optic flow stimulation on gait termination in humans,2013,133,3,246-252,Takeda Analysis of prognostic factors of endoscopic optic nerve decompression in traumatic blindness,2013,133,11,1196-1200,Li Cochlear pathology following exposure to mercury,1978,85,3-4,213-224,Anniko Relationship between acquisition of motor function and vestibular function in children with bilateral severe hearing loss,2014,134,7,672-678,Masuda Postural stability in subjects with whiplash injury symptoms: results of a pilot study,2014,134,9,947-951,Bellafiore First trial response to sudden support surface displacement: the effect of vestibular compensation,2015,135,10,1036-1044,Pérez-Fernández Relationship of physical distress to dizziness in patients with fibromyalgia,2015,136,1,56-61,Murakami Posturographic limits of stability can predict the increased risk of falls in elderly patients with instability?,2016,136,11,1125-1129,Rossi-Izquierdo Low efficacy using the 256-Hz tuning fork when evaluating the influence of somatosensation in balance control for relatively healthy elderly,2018,138,10,937-944,Hafstrom Tinnitus pitch does not always fall within the frequency range of hearing loss - a cross-sectional study on the mechanism of tinnitus production,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu