Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "Nothing could have stopped me neither God nor the world!"--case report of a 14-year-old suicide patient,2001,29,2,127-135,Becker Open self-injury behavior with special reference to child and adolescent psychiatry. a review of the literature and first study findings,1997,25,2,95-105,Warnke Hyperkinetic syndrome and behavioral disorders in street traffic: a case control pilot study,1996,24,2,82-91,Beck The problem of differentiating between sudden infant death syndrome fatal munchausen's syndrome by proxy and infanticide,2007,35,4,237-244,Hässler Self-injurious-behavior in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities,2007,35,6,411-422,Rojahn The impact of emotional stimuli on working memory in female delinquent juveniles,2008,36,6,401-410,Krischer Psychotherapy for traumatized children and adolescents--cognitive-behavioral treatments,2008,36,5,345-352,Simons Behaviour therapy and child welfare - results of an approach to improve mental health care of aggressive children,2009,37,5,461-468,Petermann Withdrawal syndrome after abuse of GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate) and its physiological precursors - its relevance for child and adolescent psychiatrists,2009,37,5,413-420,Wagner Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and road traffic - special considerations for the treatment of adolescents with ADHD,2009,37,5,405-411,Kölch Computer games in childhood and adolescence: Relations to addictive behavior ADHD and aggression,2009,37,5,393-404,Döpfner Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for adolescents (DBT-A)--a pilot study on the therapy of suicidal parasuicidal and self-injurious behaviour in female patients with a borderline disorder,2006,34,1,15-25,Schulz Early prevention program for delinquent children - home-based interventions for children with ADHD and CD and their families,2009,37,6,541-550,Holtmann Reducing self-injurious behaviour through functional communication training - a single case study,2009,37,6,559-568,Bienstein Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescence,2010,38,2,77-89,Resch Antisocial behavior in adolescence: risk factors and developmental types,2001,29,4,297-311,Laucht Social information processing in physically and relationally aggressive preschool children,2010,38,3,211-218,Petermann Sex abuse and eating disorders--possible correlation and consequences,1996,24,1,44-51,Brink The effect of social status within the peer age group on child development,1997,25,4,234-246,Klicpera Mental disturbances in children and adolescents in Germany. Results of a representative study:agegender and rater effects,1997,25,4,218-233,Poustka Minimal standards of imprisonment,2007,35,5,359-362,Heinz Adolescent violence and gun rampage,2010,38,2,75-76,Warnke Child welfare risk abuse,2009,37,4,308-309,Fegert Child welfare endangerment and neglect in the tension field between politics reporting and specialty quality development,2007,35,4,233-236,Fegert Developmental aspects in expert testimony for juvenile court,2007,35,1,9-17,Schepker The meaning of anxiety in the phenotyping of children and adolescents with conduct disorder - a path toward more consistent neurobiological findings?,2011,39,1,47-57,Herpertz-Dahlmann VIA - an intensive therapeutic treatment program for conduct disorders,2011,39,1,23-31,Stadler Personality disorders and self-injury behavior,2009,37,4,325-326,Resch Effects of pharmaco- and psychotherapeutic interventions in depression among children and adolescents,2006,34,4,243-253,Hautzinger Intervention with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) in depressed children and adolescents,2004,32,2,74-75,Fegert Thrombocytic serotonin concentration in depressed children and adolescents,2002,30,3,163-172,Blanz Comparison of 2 clinics with reference to axis 5 of the MAS: different patient populations or regional characteristics?,1998,26,2,113-123,Döpfner Family diagnosis in psychological disorders of children and adolescents,1996,24,3,203-212,Remschmidt Aggressiveness and social status in the class social structure,1997,25,3,139-150,Klicpera Experimental study of response latency of visual search processes and premotor decision latency in dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. Model of linear regression: derived parametric estimates,1997,25,2,82-94,Bitschnau Reduced serotonin levels in platelet-free plasma of adolescents with externalizing behaviour problems,2006,34,1,29-35,Maras Aggressive behaviour and substance abuse among schizophrenic adolescents compared to antisocial adolescents--a follow-up study,2005,33,2,105-112,Dreher Dyssocial behavior and aggression: knowledge management and knowledge gaps,1998,26,1,53-62,Schmidt Biological correlates of aggressive behavior,1998,26,1,43-52,Blanz Infant and early childhood psychiatry,2009,37,4,328-335,Hebebrand Social behavior disorders,2009,37,4,350-354,Hebebrand Victimization by peers as a developmental risk factor,2001,29,2,99-111,Klicpera Mother-child interaction and externalizing disorders in elementary schoolchildren,2001,29,4,263-273,Schmidt Translation and validation initiatives of the German version of the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills,2004,32,1,37-43,Pössel How effective are interventions in children and adolescents with antisocial behavior? A utilization study,2004,32,1,5-16,Schmidt Role of androgens in externalizing behavior problems in adolescents,2003,31,1,7-15,Schmidt Catastrophies,2003,31,1,3-4,Martinius "Body and soul and friendships destroyed". Behavior therapy of a 14-year-old adolescent with alcohol dependence syndrome,2003,31,2,145-153,Schmidt Therapy motivation of young prisoners,2000,28,4,255-262,Hinrichs Trauma and traumatic disorders in children and adolescents,2008,36,3,151-161,Simons Plea for retaining section 105--knowledge of brain development,2008,36,3,149-150, Standards for expert assessment of credibility,1999,27,2,121-124,Martinius Social competence in children with social adjustment disorders,1999,27,2,93-102,Klicpera Overt and Covert Aggression in College Women with Bulimia Nervosa,2011,39,6,409-415,Shaw Conduct disorder - is there an evidence base for classification and treatment?,2012,40,1,7-19,Stadler Non-suicidal self-injury as autonomous diagnosis - implications for research and clinic of the DSM-5 proposal to establish the diagnosis of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in adolescents,2012,40,2,113-120,Kapusta Psychopathy temperament and character dimensions in incarcerated girls --- Psychopathy- Temperaments- und Charakterdimensionen bei inhaftierten Mädchen,2010,38,2,91-101,Krischer Suicide in children and adolescents - a 13-year study with 78 cases,2012,40,4,263-269,Toennes Suicide reporting in German print and online media for adolescents in Austria and possible effects on suicide prevalence,2012,40,4,251-261,Eisenwort Internalizing symptoms in depressive adolescents - manifestations and methods of identification in schools,2013,41,1,11-22,Buchheim Adolescent motherhood: Development risks for the mother-child dyad,2013,41,6,407-418,Herpertz-Dahlmann Gender differences in methods of suicide attempts and prevalence of previous suicide attempts,2013,41,6,401-405,Reisch Severe affective and behavioral dysregulation in youths is associated with a proinflammatory state,2013,41,6,393-399,Holtmann Girls with disorders of social behavior,2014,42,2,95-108,Herpertz-Dahlmann The relationship between bullying experiences coping style and pathological Internet use among adolescents,2014,42,2,85-94,Resch Nicht-suizidales selbstverletzendes Verhalten (NSSV) und Suizidale Verhaltensstörung (SVS) im DSM-5,2014,42,6,405-413,Kapusta Suicidal behavior in German adolescents,2015,43,1,39-45,Keller Psychosocial stress in incarcerated boys and girls,2016,44,1,65-74,Thun-Hohenstein Power to the children? Machiavellianism in childhood and adolescence,2016,44,1,21-30,Plener Suicide and suicidal behavior among adolescent inmates,2016,44,1,9-20,Freitag Usual care for maltreatment- related pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder in Germany,2018,46,2,135-141,Goldbeck Psychopathology and borderline personality pathology associated with lifetime self-injurious behavior in adolescent psychiatric inpatients and detainees,2017,45,6,441-451,Resch Normative data of the self-report version of the German Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in an epidemiological setting,2018,46,6,523-533,Ravens-Sieberer Disruptive behaviors across different disorders: evaluation of a clinical sample using the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory,2019,47,1,35-47,Briegel Secure attachment style appears to compensate for the effect of prenatal maternal distress regarding difficult infant temperament development,2019,47,3,239-251,Niederberger Mental disorders and criminal recidivism in male juvenile prisoners,2019,47,1,73-88,Plattner Prevalence and characteristics of peer victimisation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2019,47,4,323-333,Sevecke Non-fatal intoxication with a high dose of citalopram in a suicidal 14-year-old girl,2019,47,2,168-170,Romanos Experiences with an intercultural training for professionals from child-welfare services working with children and adolescents following child abuse and neglect,2019,47,3,204-210,Goldbeck Adverse childhood experiences and avatar preferences in online games,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Brahler Nonsuicidal self-injury in connection with the axes Structure and Relationship of the OPD-KJ-2 (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics in Childhood and Adolescence),2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Pokieser Are suicidal young people reached by online-counselling? Evaluation of the target group outreach of [U25] online suicide prevention,2020,48,3,204-214,Braun-Scharm Bullying experiences in outpatients of a child and adolescent psychotherapy centre - a particularly vulnerable group?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schneider Suicides among adolescents in a major German city,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radeloff Course of school absenteeism 1.5-3 years after initial evaluation: symptoms psychosocial functioning and help-seeking behavior,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hebebrand Experiences of violence during inpatient child and adolescent psychiatric treatment: an explorative study with implications for child protection,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romanos Sexualized violence toward children and adolescents: the visibility and implementation of safeguarding concepts in sports music and church,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jud Body dysmorphic disorder,2015,43,1,29-37,Fegert Pille Depression und Suizid - ein Statement aus kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischer und gynäkologischer Sicht,2020,48,4,259-264,Herpertz-Dahlmann [Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse (CECA) - validation of the German version of the questionnaire and interview and results of an investigation of correlations between adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviour],2011,39,4,243-252,Resch [Assessment and therapy of suicidality in adolescence: the most important recommendations of the current guideline],2017,45,6,485-497,Adam [Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescence: a clinical guideline for diagnostics and therapy],2017,45,6,463-474,Kapusta [Suicide and suicide tendencies in adolescent detainees],2017,45,3,173-174,Holtmann [Suicidality and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in childhood and adolescence],2017,45,6,437-440,Kaess [Suicide postvention: what mental health professionals need to know],2017,45,6,475-482,Brockmann