Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in pre-adolescents,2002,5,1,20-28,Gras The Aggression Questionnaire: a validation study in student samples,2002,5,1,45-53,García-León Justification of violence beliefs and social problem-solving as mediators between maltreatment and behavior problems in adolescents,2007,10,1,131-140,Calvete Comparing speed estimations from a moving vehicle in different traffic scenarios: absence versus presence of traffic flow,2006,9,1,32-37,Recarte Assessing workplace bullying: Spanish validation of a reduced version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire,2007,10,2,449-457,Moreno Jiménez Categorizing sources of risk and the estimated magnitude of risk,2008,11,1,85-93,Aragonés Neighborhood and community factors: effects on deviant behavior and social competence,2008,11,1,78-84,Arce Traumatic events and tonic immobility,2008,11,2,516-521,Bados Comparative analysis of the perception of school violence in teachers pupils and families,2008,11,2,443-452,Gázquez Linares Anxiety depressed mood self-esteem and traumatic stress symptoms among distant witnesses of the 9/11 terrorist attacks: transitory responses and psychological resilience,2008,11,2,503-515,Matt Post-traumatic stress reactions following the March 11 2004 terrorist attacks in a Madrid community sample: a cautionary note about the measurement of psychological trauma,2006,9,1,61-74,Vázquez Memories of the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001: a study of the consistency and phenomenal characteristics of flashbulb memories,2006,9,1,52-60,Ferré Romeu Public responses to intimate partner violence against women: the influence of perceived severity and personal responsibility,2009,12,2,648-656,Garcia Social support burnout syndrome and occupational exhaustion among Mexican traffic police agents,2009,12,2,585-592,Aranda Beltrán Intensity of habitual guilt in men and women: differences in interpersonal sensitivity and the tendency towards anxious-aggressive guilt,2009,12,2,540-554,Etxebarria Categorization and hierarchy of workplace bullying strategies: a Delphi survey,2010,13,1,297-308,Martín-Peña Factors associated with rape-supportive attitudes: sociodemographic variables aggressive personality and sexist attitudes,2010,13,1,202-209,Buela-Casal Cognitive schemas and aggressive behavior in adolescents: the mediating role of social information processing,2010,13,1,190-201,Calvete Aggressive responses to troubled situations in a sample of adolescents: a three-mode approach,2010,13,1,178-189,Vigil-Colet Behavioral problems in adolescents raised by their grandparents,2008,11,2,453-463,Fernandez Alcohol use as a strategy for obtaining nonconsensual sexual relations: incidence in Spanish university students and relation to rape myths acceptance,2010,13,2,864-874,Romero-Sánchez Assessment of the efficacy of a psychological treatment for women victims of violence by their intimate male partner,2010,13,2,849-863,Crespo What do people mean when speaking of evilness?,2010,13,2,788-797,Quiles Sociometric types and social interaction styles in a sample of Spanish adolescents,2010,13,2,730-740,Inglés Life stressors and cognitive styles in children,2001,4,1,37-47,Santostefano Psychological problems and associated factors at 6 years of age: differences between sexes,2004,7,1,53-62,Canals The long-term effects of coping strategy use in victims of bullying,2004,7,1,3-12,Hunter Sexual aggression against women by men acquaintances: attitudes and experiences among Spanish University students,2000,3,1,14-27,Sipsma Workplace mobbing and effects on workers' health,2008,11,1,219-227,Meseguer de Pedro Reputation loneliness satisfaction with life and aggressive behavior in adolescence,2008,11,1,192-200,Musitu Both Freud and Hoffman are right: Anxious-aggressive and empathic dimensions of guilt,2008,11,1,159-171,Etxebarria The relationships between functional and dysfunctional impulsivity and aggression across different samples,2008,11,2,480-487,Vigil-Colet Teacher reports of peer aggression in preschool: its relationship to DSM-IV externalizing symptoms,2008,11,2,433-442,Canals Evaluating risk propensity using an objective instrument,2011,14,1,392-410,Sueiro Abad Victim blaming and exoneration of the perpetrator in domestic violence: The role of beliefs in a just world and ambivalent sexism,2011,14,1,195-206,Valor-Segura Taxonomy of the psychosocial consequences caused by the violence of persecution of ETA's network,2011,14,1,172-182,Olff A cross-national comparison of aggressors victims and defenders in preschools in England Spain and Italy,2011,14,1,133-144,Monks Spanish validation of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales,2011,14,2,926-935,Abella Spanish validation of the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression scale (AMMSA),2011,14,2,912-925,Bohner Objective assessment of gender roles: Gender Roles Test (GRT-36),2011,14,2,899-911,Fernández High and low trait anger and the recognition of anger problems,2011,14,2,851-858,Deffenbacher I control therefore I am: effects of mortality salience on control attributions,2011,14,2,765-772,Willis Risk profiles and peer violence in the context of school and leisure time,2011,14,2,701-711,Lucas Molina Personality patterns of suicide attempters: gender differences in Ukraine,2011,14,2,693-700,Rozanov Personality and job stress: a comparison of direct effects on parenting,2011,14,2,667-674,Aluja Batterer men in prison and in court-referred treatment programmes: what is the difference?,2012,15,1,315-322,Fernandez-Montalvo Interparental violence and children's long-term psychosocial adjustment: the mediating role of parenting practices,2012,15,1,145-155,Gámez-Guadix Family functioning and socioaffective competencies of children in the beginning of schooling,2012,15,1,124-131,Bigras Risk and protective factors of dissocial behavior in a probability sample,2012,15,2,736-747,Moral de la Rubia The use of a screening device to assess psychopathy in young offenders,2012,15,2,724-735,Silva "Having it all": women's perception of impact of female promotion on threat of domestic violence,2012,15,2,670-679,Exposito Spanish young adults' perceptions of the costs and benefits of risky driving behaviors,2012,15,2,638-647,Garcia-Retamero Self-perceptions self-worth and sport participation in adolescents,2012,15,2,624-630,Duda Variables associated with the nature of sexual abuse to minors,2012,15,2,571-581,Cantón-Cortés Assessment of a sexual coercion prevention program for adolescents,2012,15,2,560-570,Fuertes Martín Spanish version of the Positive Expectancies for Drinking and Driving for Youth,2012,15,3,1495-1502,McCarthy Autonomy support basic psychological needs and well-being in Mexican athletes,2012,15,3,1283-1292,Castillo Discriminant profile of young adulthood driving behavior among Brazilian drivers,2013,16,,e8,Dotta-Panichi Multilevel models in the explanation of the relationship between safety climate and safe behavior,2013,16,,E54,Oliver Aggressive behavior in children: the role of temperament and family socialization,2013,16,,E37,Carrasco An analysis of the relationship between victimization and violent behavior at school,2013,16,,E22,Musitu Bullying in Spanish secondary schools: Gender-based differences,2013,16,,E21,Carrera Fernández Temperament and behavior problems in toddlers born preterm and very low birth weight,2013,16,,E18,Linhares Contextual variables associated with psychosocial adjustment of adolescents,2013,16,,E11,Dell'Aglio Protective factors for adolescent violence against authority,2013,16,,E76,Ibabe High trait anger Mexican youth: Characteristics parental anger and counseling needs,2013,16,,E89,Deffenbacher Perceptions of the self and most people's reactions towards innocent and noninnocent victims,2013,16,,E69,Correia Depression and neighborhood violence among children and early adolescents in Medellin Colombia,2013,16,,E64,Velez-Gomez Perceived self-efficacy during an emergency situation reduces posttraumatic stress symptoms,2013,16,,E56,Pietrantoni Early maladaptive schemas and personality disorder traits in perpetrators of intimate partner violence,2014,17,,E1,Calvete Assessment of the standard forensic procedure for the evaluation of psychological injury in intimate-partner violence,2014,17,,E32,Arce The role of psychological maturity in direct and indirect aggressiveness in Spanish adolescents,2014,17,,E16,Vigil-Colet Incremental prediction and moderating role of the perceived emotional intelligence over aggressive behavior,2014,17,,E15,Fernandez-Berrocal Suicidal ideation depression and quality of life in the elderly: study in a gerontopsychiatric consultation,2014,17,,E14,Ponte Attributions of blame to battered women when they are perceived as feminists or as "difficult to deal with",2014,17,,E21,Megías I-DAQ: a new test to assess direct and indirect aggression free of response bias,2014,17,,E41,Vigil-Colet Spanish adaptation of the llinois Sexual Harassment Myth Acceptance,2014,17,,E40,Valor-Segura Gender differences in emotions forgiveness and tolerance in relation to political violence,2014,17,,E9,Etxebarria Comparative pessimism or optimism: depressed mood risk-taking social utility and desirability,2015,18,,E10,Milhabet Dispositional differences of collegiate athletes' flow state: a cross-cultural comparison,2015,18,,E13,Liu Spanish version of the Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire: psychometric properties in a sample of women with fibromyalgia,2015,17,,E105,Miró The influence of traffic signal solutions on self-reported road-crossing behavior,2015,17,,E103,Di Stasi Dating violence among youth couples: dyadic analysis of the prevalence and agreement,2015,18,,e36,González Ortega Predictors of beliefs in intergroup forgiveness in a Chilean general population sample,2015,18,,E37,Páez Predicting alcohol-impaired driving among Spanish youth with the theory of reasoned action,2015,18,,E43,Griffin Identification and characterization of adolescent internet user's profiles,2015,18,,E50,Braña The role of values in attitudes towards violence: discrimination against Moroccans and Romanian Gypsies in Spain,2015,18,,E63,Camino Perceived discrimination internalized stigma and psychological well-being of people with mental illness,2015,18,,e75,Bos Does gender moderate the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and physical aggression?,2015,18,,e82,Nwafor Group violence and migration experience among Latin American youths in justice enforcement centers (Madrid Spain),2015,18,,E85,Martínez García High and low trait anger angry thoughts and the recognition of anger problems,2015,18,,E84,Deffenbacher Internet abuse risk factors among Spanish adolescents,2015,18,,E94,Espada Impulsive driving: definition and measurement using the I-Driving Scale (IDS),2015,18,,e93,Pérez-Moreno Sex and age differences in the endorsement of sex stereotypes associated with driving,2015,18,,E100,Martha Psychometric properties of Farsi version of the Revised Fear Survey Schedule for Children,2016,19,,E2,Abdekhodaie Male youth perceptions of violent extremism: towards a test of rational choice theory,2016,19,,e51,Dhami Psychometric properties of the Attitudinal Beliefs Questionnaire about Suicidal Behavior (CCCS-18),2016,19,,e68,Villacieros Crime and punishment: the impact of skin color and socioeconomic status of defendants and victims in jury trials in Brazil,2016,19,,E77,da Silva Ambivalent sexism inventory: adaptation to Basque population and sexism as a risk factor of dating violence,2016,19,,E78,Ibabe Anger Rumination Scale: validation in Mexico,2017,20,,E1,Ortega Andrade Impulsiveness and child-to-parent violence: the role of aggressor's sex,2017,20,,E15,Cantón-Cortés Association between violent crime and psychosis in men serving prison terms,2017,20,,e30,Saavedra Examining facets of depression and social anxiety: the relation among lack of positive affect negative cognitions and emotion dysregulation,2017,20,,E51,Joormann Post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology in people affected by home eviction in Spain,2017,20,,E57,Daponte-Codina Gender differences in the influence of parenting on youth antisocial behavior through deviant peers,2017,20,,E58,Sobral Is being punished at school an indicator of psychosocial risk?,2017,20,,E65,Corchado Aggressors and victims in bullying and cyberbullying: a study of personality profiles using the five-factor model,2017,20,,E76,Alonso Predictors of suicide behavior relapse in pediatric population,2018,21,,E6,Villar Predicting suicidal ideation in adolescent boys and girls: the role of psychological maturity personality traits depression and life satisfaction,2018,21,,E10,Morales-Vives The strengths and difficulties questionnaire -dysregulation profile non-suicidal self-injury behaviors and the mediating role of stressful life events,2018,21,,E22,Carballo The time course of response activation with dangerous objects,2018,21,,E27,Zhao "I have been bullied at workplace!": a qualitative study on Italian employees' stories,2018,21,,E25,Caputo Psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Indicators of Abuse (IOA) Screen,2018,21,,E43,Touza Prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying in the last stage of primary education in the Basque Country,2018,21,,e48,Garaigordobil Centrality of event and mental health outcomes in child and adolescent natural disaster survivors,2018,21,,E61,Mordeno Adults' responses to children's crying after a moral transgression,2019,22,,E15,Arriaga Partner-specific dependency and guilt as predictors of forgiveness in Spanish university women,2019,22,,E19,Valor-Segura Childhood victimization by adults and peers and health-risk behaviors in adulthood,2019,22,,E20,Cerezo Variables related to victimization and perpetration of dating violence in adolescents in residential care settings,2019,22,,E36,Jaureguizar Development of the Pedestrian Anger Scale. A pilot study,2019,22,,E37,Herrero-Fernández Hormonal alterations in victimized women explained by their hostile reactions in coping with couple violence,2019,22,,E40,Martinez Aggressive behavior in school-aged children: clusters based on anger empathy and testosterone and cortisol measures,2019,22,,E42,Azurmendi Towards an explanatory model of suicidal ideation: the effects of cognitive emotional regulation strategies affectivity and hopelessness,2019,22,,e43,Flores-Kanter Proactive and reactive aggressive behaviors: dimensionality of self-report scales,2019,22,,e47,Hauck-Filho Validity and reliability of the Attitudes toward Traffic Safety Scale in Argentina,2019,22,,e51,Ledesma The contribution of moral disengagement to dating violence and general aggression: the gender and age moderating effects,2019,22,,E59,Amor Relationship between assumed differential socialization and emotional disorders in women: a form of covert social violence,2020,23,,e50,Alvarado How can psychological science help counter the spread of fake news?,2021,24,,e25,van der Linden Recommended instruments for analyzing cyber dating violence: a systematic review,2022,25,,e4,Ibabe Adolescent involvement in cybergossip: influence on social adjustment bullying and cyberbullying,2022,25,,e6,Ortega-Ruiz Describing callous unemotional traits and stressful life event trajectories: differences on risk factors and mental health outcomes from the age of 3 to 10,2022,25,,e17,Ezpeleta The effect of daily fluctuation of abusive supervision over employees positive and negative emotions and recovery experience,2022,25,,e3,Escartín The healthy context paradox: when reducing bullying comes at a cost to certain victims,2022,25,,e27,Perez-Albeniz "It is typical of teenagers": when teachers morally disengage from cyberbullying,2022,25,,e30,Veiga Simão Why is it so difficult to investigate violent radicalization?,2023,26,,e7,González-Álvarez Exploring pathways and obstacles to well-being in victims of terrorism: a qualitative approach,2023,26,,e20,Hervás Obstacles and limitations in the use of protocols responding intimate partner violence against women from the health system in Spain,2023,26,,e23,Lorente Acosta An exploratory study in the Portuguese population on writing a suicide note: correlates in the suicide spectrum and qualitative analysis,2024,27,,e4,Campos An exploratory study in the Portuguese population on writing a suicide note: correlates in the suicide spectrum and qualitative analysis - CORRIGENDUM,2024,27,,e6,Campos Professional's views on the 'Nordic paradox' in a low intimate partner violence prevalence country,2024,27,,e13,Gracia Psychosocial adaptation in relatives of critically injured patients admitted to an intensive care unit,2005,8,1,36-44,Rodríguez