Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Family environment risk factors of depression in adolescence,2006,40,4,719-730,Greszta Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in adolescents after a suicide attempt,2001,35,5,803-818,Gmitrowicz Child maltreatment as a risk factor for suicidal behavior--a literature review,2004,38,1,29-36,Brzozowska Suicide in poland as reflected by world trends,2000,34,5,773-781,Lester Suicidal attempts among young people hospitalized in the department of psychiatry of the medical academy in Lublin in 1990-1997,2000,34,3,423-433,Makara-Studzińska Influence of impulsivity suicidality and serotonin genes on treatment outcomes in alcohol dependence,2006,40,5,985-994,Matsumoto Incest as one of the forms of child sexual abuse,1995,29,2,181-191,Smoczyk-Lucka On the causes of homicide committed by women and the victim's character,1994,28,2,231-244,Majchrzyk Mental disorders in a female patient with childhood sexual abuse--schizophrenia or complex PTSD,2007,41,4,561-570,Gronkowski Detection of alcohol problems among elderly people,2007,41,5,703-713,Suwała Relationships between the emotional and cognitive components of alexythymia and PTSD in victims of domestic violence,2007,41,6,851-862,Dabkowska Assessment of the selected cognitive functions among the victims of domestic violence,2007,41,6,837-849,Dabkowska A psychopathological picture of the perpetrator of violence in a family,2007,41,6,827-836,Pilszyk Polish adaptation and validation of Beck youth inventories of emotional and social impairment,2007,41,3,387-399,Mathiak Self-harm done by young patients during their psychiatric hospitalization in relation to the presence of specific mental disorders and chosen environmental factors,2008,42,5,659-669,Gmitrowicz Culture and psychological concepts of self-harm,2008,42,5,647-657,Zechowski Suicidal attempts with psychotropic drugs observed in the Psychiatric Department of the Medical Academy in Warsaw,1970,4,3,275-279,Krzyzowski Suicides in the Tatra Mountains,1970,4,2,113-118,Ryn Attempts at suicide with psychotropic drugs,1970,4,2,181-186,Krzyzowski On the suicidal form of a resignation reaction,1970,4,5,531-535,Popkowska Unusual attempt of suicide in a patient with endogenous depression,1969,3,6,717-719,Szafranek Mental disorders and suicide,1969,3,4,419-424,Sternalski Suicide by mental patients in a psychiatric hospital,1969,3,3,319-326,Bartoszewski Epidemiology of suicides in Cracow area,1968,2,6,653-661,Kostrzewa Attempt of suicide with pernazine,1968,2,4,475-477,Wasik Character disorders in a physically mistreated child,1968,2,4,463-465,Grabowska Attempt of interrupting the pregnancy by means of self mutilation,1967,1,5,607-608,Krzyzowski Parental corporal punishment in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome,2006,40,1,43-55,Błachno Suicidal attempts by children and adolescents,1971,5,6,715-723,Thille Suicide following a conflict with the environment,1971,5,3,351-353,Wiechowski Suicide attempts in Gracow in 1962 1966 1967 and 1969,1972,6,3,299-309,Kostrzewa Epidemiology of suicides in Poznăn between 1968 and 1970,1972,6,3,291-297,Lisowska Mental trauma as a pathogenic factor in psychic disorders of old age,1972,6,3,285-289,Bartoszewski Clinical evaluation of suicides committed by seamen,1972,6,3,255-258,Dolmierski Hospitalization following suicidal attempts. A problem in psychiatric hospitals,1972,6,1,33-42,Bartoszewski Suicide attempts in adolescents,1973,7,6,607-614,Szczesna-Galewska Suicide: a social or psychiatric problem?,1973,7,4,403-407,Cetner Suicides by the mentally ill,1974,8,5,463-468,Ryn Letter: Suicides at the psychiatric Clinic of the Medical Academy in Lublin,1974,8,3,323,Gérniewicz Pre-suicidal syndrome,1975,9,5,555-561,Jucha Crime brutality and aggression on television and the viewer's reactions,1976,10,6,683-685,Bruschek Self mutilation as a defense mechanism in psychologically difficult situations,1977,11,3,339-342,Gruszczyński Attempted suicides in Poland,1978,12,5-6,563-569,Starowicz Nonpsychotic organic brain syndrome after suicide attempt with insulin,1978,12,4,529-531,Baruch Attempts at preventing aggressive and suicidal behavior in narcotic addicts,1978,12,1,37-41,Zgirski Tormentors of the mentally ill,1980,14,4,430-434,Karwat Rare variant of attempted suicide in depressive neurosis (differential diagnosis),1980,14,4,417-420,Hajnal Suicide as a cause of death in patients with endogenous affective disorders,1980,14,1,29-36,Bogdanowicz Incidence of suicide and attempted suicide among patients of an open psychiatric department,1982,16,1-2,53-58,Hese Pharmacology in automobile driving and medical practice. II. Euhypnotic effect of Elenium and psychomotor efficiency in humans,1984,18,6,555-560,Gałuszko Self mutilation of external genitalia by men,1984,18,5,507-510,Sanecka Clinical and environmental determinants of suicide in affective disorder,1986,20,4,268-275,Bogdanowicz Causes of death of persons with diagnosed affective disorders,1986,20,3,190-195,Bogdanowicz Evaluation of the degree of suicide risk by Pöldinger method,1985,19,3,207-211,Florkowski Suicide in psychiatric hospitals,1988,22,5,368-373,Kacperczyk Analysis of suicide in the Psychiatric Hospital and Psychiatric Clinic in Wroclaw 1974-1983,1988,22,1,8-13,Kiejna The role of psychosocial and clinical factors in attempted suicide (data of the Center for Acute Poisoning),1988,22,1,14-20,Wielosz Expert evaluation by forensic psychiatrists of aged delinquents,1989,23,4,307-313,Lemańczyk Unsatisfied need for love as an imaginary cause of suicide attempt in a schizophrenic patient,1989,23,2,157-161,Termińska Statistical pattern of suicide in Poland and in various other countries,1990,24,2,89-99,Hołyst Unusual self mutilation in a patient with schizophrenia,1990,24,1,73-75,Janczur-Bidzan A follow-up study of adolescents after suicide attempts,1992,26,6,469-475,Komender Exogenous psychosis following haloperidol intoxication,1971,5,3,341-344,Dragon Compensative abilities of the central nervous system - remarks regarding the case of "near drowning",1980,14,3,303-306,Jaklewicz The psychosociological assessment of suicidal behavior among soldiers,1993,27,1,29-33,Florkowski Influence of positive and negative symptoms on suicidal behaviour in schizophrenia. Review of current literature,2009,43,4,411-420,Makara-Studzińska Assessment of types and incidence of aggression among patients admitted due to aggressive behaviours,2009,43,6,739-749,Kiejna Wind phobia (ancraophobia)--as an example of simple phobia. The case report,2009,43,5,581-592,Rybakowski Unemployment and health,1994,28,6,651-666,Leder Biomarkers of alcohol abuse. Part I. Traditional biomarkers and their interpretation,2010,44,1,127-136,Waszkiewicz Seasonality of suicide in Poland. Analysis of the Main Statistical Office data for the years 1999-2003,2010,44,1,61-69,Polewka Schizophrenic syndrome following craniocerebral trauma in forensic psychiatry,1967,1,1,9-13,Spett Seizure-like homicidal (filicidal) thoughts as a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy,1967,1,4,485-487,Ziemba Prognosis in regard to personality changes in juvenile delinquents in the light of clinical psychological examinations,1967,1,5,557-563,Namowicz Arsonists in the light of the literature,1967,1,5,615-621,Fleszar-Szumigajowa Incidence of the so-called traumatic neurosis in collection of insurance evidences,1968,2,1,63-67,Sobczyk Mentally ill as perpetrators of political homicides,1968,2,1,77-80,Spett A case of necrophilia committed in a state of pathological alcoholic intoxication,1969,3,2,207-209,Gromska Analysis of mortality cases among the patients hospitalized in the Psychiatric Clinic in Wroclaw during 1946-1967,1969,3,1,35-40,Sidorowicz A case of encephalopathy with epilepsy following electric injury,1969,3,1,107-110,Lasiński A case of encephalopathy with Tourette's ticks anancastic syndrome and impulsive tendencies of self-mutilation,1969,3,1,111-114,Borak The role of anxiety as motivation in the genesis of manslaughter,1993,27,1,5-17,Gierowski Problems concerning the use of alcohol and other dependence including drugs used by children and adolescents of the region of Lodz in the years 1980-1992 in the light of epidemiological studies by the Institute of Mental Hygiene of the Military Academy of,1993,27,5,521-534,Rydzynski Assessment of changes in physiological status of alcohol-dependent patients in the course of 10-day detoxication treatment,1994,28,1,83-89,Slósarska Court statements by psychiatrists and the information about the victim,1994,28,2,245-253,Ciszewski Patricide as an expression of emotional disorders in a subject with a tumor in the parietal region of the brain,1971,5,1,105-112,Thille Psychological femininity and masculinity self-appeal attachment styles coping styles and strategies of self-presentation among women with suicide attempts,2010,44,3,329-339,Mandal Munchausen syndrome by proxy,2010,44,2,245-254,Florkowski Depression and alcoholism: a potential familial-genetic relationship,1996,30,2,281-296,Rybakowski Art therapy as an assisting psychotherapeutic method for adolescents,1996,30,2,247-254,Tyszkiewicz Low concentration level of total serum cholesterol as a risk factor for suicidal and aggressive behavior,1996,30,3,499-509,Rybakowski Suicide attempts in epileptic patients during the years 1990-92. Analysis of patients in the Regional Poison Control Center in Sosnowiec,1997,31,6,667-675,Miller Psychological determinants of quality of life in women diagnosed with depressive disorders,2010,44,4,529-541,Gruszczyński Gardner syndrome--parent alienation syndrome (PAS). Diagnosis or family reality?,2009,43,1,5-17,Namysłowska Communications pharmacology and medical practice Part I. The effect of oxazepam on human psychophysical efficiency (author's transl),1981,15,2,127-131,Gałuszko Motivation and personality in mountaineering,1969,3,4,457-462,Ryn Electroencephalographic changes in boxers,1969,3,4,451-455,Gatarski Chronic post-traumatic changes in the central nervous system of boxers,1969,3,4,443-450,Gatarski Sexual offenses in the light of forensic psychiatric expert evidence,1969,3,4,425-430,Leśniak Results of pneumoencephalographic examinations in a group of homicides,1969,3,4,437-442,Szymusik Phenacetinomania and organic brain damage,1969,3,3,265-274,Zgirski A case of severe thioridazine poisoning,1969,3,6,713-716,Sidorowicz Homicide with the background of superstition,1969,3,5,605-608,Drogowski Value of experimental administration of alcohol in the diagnosis of so-called pathological intoxication,1969,3,5,565-569,Zakowska-Dabrowska Results of the use of valium in acute alcoholic psychoses,1969,3,5,571-574,Zakowska-Dabrowska Arsonists in the case material of forensic psychiatry,1968,2,3,251-258,Fleszar-Szumigajowa The role of psychologist in clinic of acute poisonings,2009,43,3,323-328,Marczyńska-Wdówik Analysis of demographic data and family relationships in women with bulimia,2007,41,3,365-376,Pawłowska Comparison of socio-demographic data of female patients with purging and restricting types of anorexia nervosa hospitalised at the Psychiatry Department of the Medical University of Lublin in the years 1993-2003,2007,41,3,350-364,Pawłowska The prevalence od social phobia in representative group of adolescents from Lodz,2003,37,1,87-95,Gmitrowicz Histopathology of the hypothalamus and the neural lobe of hypophysis in suicide victims,2002,36,4,549-556,Srebro Surgical complications occurring during hospitalization of patients with anorexia nervosa--literature review and a discussion of three cases,2002,36,4,579-589,Zerańska Selected psychopathological and psychological questions in an inpatient after a suicide attempt,1998,32,5,629-641,Radziwiłłowicz The study of the relationship between cholesterol and lipid concentration and suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia affective illness,1996,30,5,699-712,Rybakowski Attempted suicide in the city of Cracow (comparative studies),1982,16,3,167-174,Kostrzewa Psychopathology of violent behavior in mental disorders,1997,31,2,165-175,Sidorowicz Mental disturbances in persons persecuted for political reasons in Poland in the years 1944-1955,1997,31,2,153-164,Heitzman Aggression in elderly persons with psychiatric disorders,1997,31,1,111-120,Scheffel Quantitative and topographical analysis of EEG: its application in some psychiatric disorders,1995,29,6,827-838,Rybakowski Suicidal behavior in Chilean women. The epidemiological web of societal and individual factors,1995,29,6,767-774,Suarez PTSD as result of the 1997 flood--occurrence and display of distemper,2005,39,1,103-114,Stepień Psychiatric problems in rural environment,1970,4,5,557-560,Pionkowski Analysis of cases of homicide forensic--psychiatric rulings,1970,4,5,549-555,Malik Double diagnosis and forensic psychiatric opinion,2009,43,5,601-609,Kocur Characteristics of aggressiveness hostility and self concept of law enforcement officers,2009,43,1,65-75,Rymaszewska Socio-economic status aggressive behaviours and coping with stress,2009,43,1,53-63,Florkowski The need for professional debate about PAS,2010,44,1,13-26,Czerederecka Psychological changes in the victims of the Gdańsk Shipyard hall fire in the period of 1995-1999,2004,38,4,661-671,Borys Group therapy for people damaged by child abuse neglect and pregnancy loss combination,2002,36,6,929-944,Simon Child abuse neglect and pregnancy losses--combination and its psychological sequel,2002,36,6,911-927,Simon Oedipus complex in the case of sexual abuse,2000,34,1,89-98,Hańbowski Disturbances in interpersonal functioning and levels of anxiety depression and aggression in persons persecuted for political reasons in Poland in the years 1944-1956,1999,33,3,309-319,Gierowski The circumstances legal aspect and character of an offense in the light of its forensic psychiatric evaluation,1971,5,1,23-26,Fleszar-Szumigajowa Etiopathogenesis of delusional jealousy,1971,5,1,17-22,Dominik Child murder by parents in the light of medico-forensic material,1971,5,2,125-132,Uszkiewiczowa Pseudoneurotic syndrome in subjects working under conditions of high carbon oxide concentration,1972,6,6,621-627,Waclawik Psychopathology of mass murders,1972,6,4,427-432,Fleszar-Szumigajowa Dancing manias. Between culture and medicine,2011,45,2,277-287,Prochwicz Delirious syndromes following ingestion of trihexyphenidyl as a psychodysleptic agent,1972,6,3,249-253,Jakubczyk The role of choreotherapy in the psychomotor rehabilitation of neurotic teenagers,1972,6,3,345-348,Aleszko Hallucinosis following phosphochloride R-20 poisoning,1971,5,5,607-609,Cichecki Case of a 14-year-old sadist murderer of a 4-year-old girl,1972,6,2,219-221,Grabowska Psychopathological aspects of parricide,1972,6,2,159-168,Thille Juvenile homicides and sex offenses,1972,6,2,143-149,Szymusik Differential-diagnostic difficulties in a case of double homicide,1972,6,1,93-96,Malik PTSD as a result of a natural disaster,1998,32,1,5-13,Heitzman Furloughing of patients from psychiatric hospitals as a new form of sociotherapy,1974,8,1,107-111,Górski Fractional pneumoencephalography and the mental state of criminal offenders,1982,16,1-2,31-37,Zieba Self-aggression in schizophrenia,1982,16,3,141-144,Greń 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases Injuries and Causes of Death: health problems related to alcoholism,1983,17,2,167-170,Zmudzki Changes in the pattern of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Poland,1983,17,2,171-178,Bielewicz Forensic-psychiatric aspect of infanticide,1973,7,4,433-436,Smoczyński Socio-psychiatric analysis of infanticides committed in the Warwaw region between 1962 and 1971,1973,7,4,427-432,Bartoszewski Views on infanticide in present-day psychiatry literature,1973,7,4,421-425,Bartoszewski Activity of some enzymes of the cerebrospinal fluid in alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses,1973,7,4,371-376,Sidorowicz Perception disorders in alcoholic delirious syndrome,1973,7,5,501-507,Górski Psychiatric consequences of boxing in light of the case of encephalopathy in a boxer,1984,18,1,69-72,Dabkowski Prognosis in cases of traumatic lesions of the central nervous system in children,1974,8,2,191-196,Ruszczyńska Alcohol drinking among school children in Szczecin. Contribution to epidemiology,1974,8,3,265-271,Jarema Depression in epileptic patients with and without history of suicidal attempts: preliminary report,1998,32,2,199-208,Motta Pathological alcohol intoxication,1975,09,2,161-166,Pionkowski Psychopathology of post-traumatic epilepsy,1975,9,3,225-231,Smoczyński Phenmetrazine dependence. Follow-up studies,1973,7,5,497-500,Skowrońska Ammonia glycogen and Porter-Silber chromogens in peripheral blood in cases of alcoholic delirium,1973,7,3,233-239,Dobrzański Training in preventing assaultive behaviors for psychiatric professionals,1998,32,4,433-441,Beckett Attachment patterns and aggressive behaviours in adolescents suffering from mixed disorders of conduct and emotions,2011,45,5,703-711,Iniewicz Neurobiology of suicidal behaviour,2011,45,4,573-588,Jaeschke A case of frontal lobe syndrome of post-traumatic origin,1999,33,6,925-932,Gadecki Alcoholism as viewed by Szczecin school children,1976,10,4,397-401,Jarema Alcoholic psychoses with atypical changes of mood,1976,10,5,571-574,Wysocki Some comments on the particular features of incest and transsexualism,1976,10,5,559-563,Godlewski Reasons for directing drafted servicemen to psychiatric observations during the years 1969-1971,1976,10,5,535-544,Blazejowski A case of endogenous reaction in mushroom poisoning,1990,24,2,171-173,Tomaszewicz-Libudzic Impact of treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors valproic acid and antipsychotics on aggressive behaviour in Alzheimer's type dementia,2012,46,3,361-372,Bidzan Faith vs. science: soul's possession or dissociative disorder? A case study,2012,46,2,305-312,Barabasz The evaluation of the stress coping styles and emotional intelligence in psychiatrically treated adolescent patients with deliberate self-harm in relation to chosen clinical features,2012,46,2,227-240,Gmitrowicz Attachment styles childhood and adult traumatic experiences mental states and methods of suicide attempts among psychiatrically treated women,2012,46,1,75-84,Mandal The role of oxytocin and vasopressin in central nervous system activity and mental disorders,2012,46,6,1043-1052,Wójciak Sleep disorders in the preclinical period of the Alzheimer's disease,2011,45,6,851-860,Bidzan Infanticide or murder in a forensic psychiatric assessment. A case study 5-fold infanticide--the search of psychopathology,2013,47,3,541-558,Pilszyk Sexual traumatic events and neurotic disorders picture--sexuality-related and sexuality-unrelated symptoms,2013,47,3,411-431,Sobański Suicides among patients with mental disorders - case studies,2013,47,1,135-146,Szulc Neurochemistry of impulsiveness and aggression,2013,47,1,103-115,Vetulani Psychiatric aspects of scalding in children,1977,11,3,343-348,Medyńska Intellectual efficiency and intentional homicide,1977,11,5,533-538,Rutkowski Forensic psychiatric expertise in cases of alcoholic inebriation with complications caused by the ingestion of other intoxicating agents,1978,12,2,257-261,Poseł Post-traumatic epilepsy in children in the light of psychological studies,1980,14,3,253-257,Mazurowa Activation of the EEG records after alcohol drinking,1978,12,4,507-510,Bukowski Psychological evaluation of late sequelae of post-traumatic brain lesions and its importance in forensic medical practice,1978,12,5-6,603-606,Ruszczyńska Gender identity disorders or andromimetic behaviour in a victim of incest--a case study,2014,48,1,135-144,Gorczyca Pedophilia--a review of literature casuistics doubts,2014,48,1,121-134,Łucka Children sexual abuse in Poland--study of 257 sexual offenders against minors,2014,48,1,105-120,Heitzman Impulsivity in sexual offenders--new ideas or back to basics?,2013,47,4,727-744,Wojnar The perception of the relationship between parents patterns of attachment and psychopathological symptoms in girls in late adolescence,2013,47,5,853-864,Wajda Prevalence reasons and forms of use of legal highs by internet-based survey participants,2013,47,6,1143-1155,Mazurkiewicz Effect of a single dose of ethanol on mental and psychomotor efficiency,1986,20,1,33-37,Terelak A typical pattern of disorientation symptoms in the course of subdural hematoma,1980,14,6,655-657,Krawiec Childhood sexual traumatic events and sexual life and relationship of a patient,2014,48,3,573-597,Sobański Classification of persons attempting suicide. A review of cluster analysis research,2014,48,4,823-834,Wolodzko Influence of cumulated sexual trauma on sexual life and relationship of a patient,2014,48,4,739-758,Sobański Central dopaminergic mechanisms and the effect of ethyl alcohol,1989,23,3,200-208,Kostowski Diagnostic value of the MMPI alcoholism scales in assessing the risk of alcohol dependence among students,1989,23,3,194-199,Sławińska Crisis intervention in cases of attempted suicide,1991,25,2,157-162,Doner Encephalopathy after brain injuries during birth in the light of a 25-year follow-up,1991,25,2,115-122,Gruszczyński Mood stabilisers and pregnancy outcomes - a review,2014,48,5,865-887,Fagiolini Characteristics of groups after the suicide attempt. cluster analysis of National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) 1990-1992,2014,48,6,1253-1267,Kokoszka Deinstitutionalization in Italian psychiatry - the course and consequences Part II. The consequences of deinstitutionalization,2015,49,2,403-412,Nasierowski Personality traits of drivers serving a custodial sentence for drink driving,2015,49,2,315-324,Pawłowska The concept of alcohol craving,2015,49,2,295-304,Iwanicka Professional confidentiality applicable to psychiatrists (letter),2015,49,3,641-648,Marszałkowska-Krześ Prerequisites for psychiatric examination detecting the intention to commit suicide (letter),2015,49,3,637-640,Brodziak Differentiation of indirect self-destructiveness due to sex (gender) in individuals after suicide attempts,2015,49,3,529-542,Gruszczyński Dyadic death - depression and borderline personality,2015,49,3,517-527,Pilszyk Self-mutilating behaviours in patients with mental disorders - a study on users of a social networking service,2015,49,3,503-516,Sokół-Szawłowska Risk factors for suicide among children and youths with bipolar spectrum and early bipolar disorder,2015,49,3,477-488,Rajewska-Rager The prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among high school students in relation to age and sex,2015,49,4,765-778,Kądziela-Olech Relationships between various temperament dimensions levels of selected cytokines and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in males incurred as a result of mechanical injuries of lower extremities,2015,49,4,697-708,Gorczyca Trauma Related Guilt Inventory - psychometric properties of the Polish adaptation (TRGI-PL),2015,49,5,1089-1099,Zawadzki Reduction of suicidal ideation in patients undergoing psychotherapy in the day hospital for the treatment of neurotic and behavioral disorders and their neurotic personality traits measured before the hospitalization,2015,49,6,1303-1321,Sobański Childhood adversity as a moderator of the relationship between emotional reactivity and the occurrence of anxiety and depression in a non-clinical group,2016,50,1,95-104,Dragan Repetetive self-Injury and the body self,2016,50,1,43-54,Kubiak Prevalence of self-injury performed by adolescents aged 16-19 years,2016,50,1,29-42,Pawłowska Parental attitudes and aggression in the Emo subculture,2016,50,1,19-28,Samochowiec Involuntary psychiatric holds - the structure of admissions on the example of Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw,2016,50,1,7-18,Heitzman Letter to Editors. Upon the bill on prevention of sexual delinquency threats,2016,50,3,643-647,Beisert Polish project of a Sex Offenders Registry - a mental health professionals' perspective,2016,50,3,487-496,Gierowski Prevalence of depressive disorders in professional drivers - epidemiologic subanalysis of the RACER study,2016,50,4,859-871,Szymański Negative experiences in childhood and the development and course of bipolar disorder,2016,50,5,989-1000,Rybakowski Personality traits in alcohol-dependent individuals in the context of childhood abuse,2016,50,5,973-987,Olajossy PTSD in victims of terroristic attacks - a comparison with the impact of other traumatic events on patients' lives,2016,50,5,907-921,Fagiolini Anxiety associated with parachute jumping as the cause of blood red-ox balance impairment,2016,50,6,1235-1250,Ciećwierz Review of health and risk-behaviours mental health problems and suicidal behaviours in young Europeans on the basis of the results from the EU-funded Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) study,2016,50,6,1093-1107,Wasserman The 33-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-33) - a study of the consistency between self - and external assessments in Polish bipolar patients,2016,50,6,1085-1092,Angst Risk factors of anxiety and depressive symptoms in female patients experiencing intimate partner violence,2017,51,1,63-74,Łukasik Progression of suicidal ideation to suicidal behavior from a perspective of selected suicidological models,2017,51,3,515-530,Rutkowski Significance of personality disorders in the face of drop-outs from psychiatric hospitalizations. The case of selected psychiatric units,2017,51,3,425-436,Kiejna Elevated hydroxylactam of hemopyrrole level in urine in perpetrators of extremely violent acts diagnosed with psychosis,2017,51,3,413-423,Heitzman Problem of so-called organics in forensic psychology and psychiatry. Case report,1982,16,5-6,443-446,Sternalski Aggressiveness and the intensity of psychopathic symptoms - gender differences,2017,51,4,751-762,Banasik Vulvodynia and depression - a case study,2017,51,5,937-952,Olajossy Body image and depressive symptoms in person suffering from psoriasis,2017,51,6,1145-1152,Zaba The analysis of the phenomenon of violence in psychiatric patients,2018,52,1,103-113,Karakiewicz Level of personality integration in psychopathy,2018,52,1,55-67,Cierpiałkowska Are suicide risk factors gender specific?,2018,52,1,21-32,Hauser Are we able to evaluate suicide risk?,2018,52,1,7-19,Jarema Validation of the Polish version of the Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS),2018,52,2,399-410,Ziółkowski Hospitalizations due to alcohol intoxication among children and adolescents - data from one clinical hospital in Poland,2018,52,2,387-398,Kamińska Temperament traits in 4-year-old children born prematurely - may they suggest a threat for mental functioning?,2018,52,2,371-386,Klimek Coping styles and dispositional optimism as predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms intensity in paramedics,2018,52,3,557-571,Nogalski Analysis of the opinions of adolescents on the risk factors of suicide,2018,52,4,697-705,Gotlib Offenses motivated by erotic jealousy committed by mentally healthy people,2018,52,5,915-928,Cynkier Pathological jealousy from forensic psychiatric perspective,2018,52,5,903-914,Cynkier Psychosocial aspects of participation of the Polish Armed Forces in combat missions,2018,52,5,873-886,Karakiewicz Analysis of adolescents' opinions on suicide prevention,2019,53,2,359-370,Gotlib Risk factors of suicide with reference to the theory of social integration by Émile Durkheim,2019,53,4,865-881,Majewska Józef Bednarz (1879-1939) - psychiatrist forensic expert and manager of psychiatric treatment in the interwar period,2019,53,6,1379-1395,Kujawski Polish adaptation of the Daily Heterosexist Experiences Questionnaire,2020,54,1,137-152,Mijas The Polish adaptation of the Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised by A. Osman et al,2020,54,1,101-111,Chodkiewicz Drinking alcohol as a way of coping with stress in students of medical faculties,2020,54,2,265-277,Michalak The role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress in depression,2020,54,3,499-508,Talarowska Electrodermal activity and suicide risk assessment in patients with affective disorders,2020,54,6,1137-1147,Nasierowski Shame guilt time perspective time of imprisonment and PTSD symptoms in sentenced motor vehicle accidents perpetrators - a preliminary report,2020,54,6,1163-1180,Merecz-Kot A hormetic approach to understanding antidepressant effectiveness and the development of antidepressant tolerance - a conceptual view,2020,54,6,1067-1090,Amsterdam Female perpetrators of rape with particular cruelty,2021,55,1,53-70,Więcek-Durańska Mental health of Warsaw middle school students. Mokotow Study 2004-2016,2021,55,1,127-143,Pisarska Clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse of minors - case study,2022,56,1,137-152,Więcek-Durańska A 45-year follow-up study of adolescent schizophrenia. Part IV: Clinical status and level of social adaptation 5 years after the first hospitalization in the context of illness course and long-term social functioning of patients,2022,56,2,245-260,Ślosarczyk Dynamics of suicidal frequency changes within the Poland rail system - an attempt of epidemiological analyzes,2022,56,2,373-389,Makara-Studzińska Utility of homicide-suicide constructs in forensic psychiatry,2022,56,3,591-602,Cynkier Adaptation and validation of Polish Version of Reasons for Living Inventory (RFL-48) by M.M. Linehan et al,2022,56,3,603-621,Chodkiewicz Violence in the workplace. 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