Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author We can teach young children fire safety,2004,59,2,14-18,Cole The inside information about safety surfacing,2003,58,2,108-111,Hudson Family child care homes need health and safety training and an emergency rescue system,1999,54,5,70-73,Shallcross A parent meeting: Young children and firearm safety,1995,50,2,81-81,Goble Toward safer exciting playground environments,1991,46,6,26-26,Mccracken Combining safety and fun with wheel toys,1991,46,6,61-61,Abright More on water safety,1989,45,1,66,Swartz Pool and water safety,1989,44,5,34,Noyes Ideas that work with young children: Tire hazards woodworking and crib safety,1986,41,5,17-18,Main Child safety seats: They work,1985,40,4,13-17,Scott Baby safety,1982,37,4,12-13,Mann Planning for fire safety,1977,32,5,28-32,Collins Anger dismay guilt anxiety: The realities and roles in reporting child abuse,1999,54,5,74-79,Nunnelley Responding to allegations of sexual abuse in child care and early childhood education programs,1997,52,3,47-51,Mikkelsen Child abuse and neglect: Prevention and reporting,1986,41,4,26-36,Meddin Child sexual abuse: The educators role in prevention detection and intervention,1984,39,6,3-15,Koblinsky Supreme Court on spanking: Upholding discipline or abuse,1977,32,6,14-15,Zigler Child abuse -- Detection and prevention,1975,30,5,332-338,Sanders Video-Game Violence,1995,50,5,53-55,Klemm Young children in traffic: how can they cope,1978,33,4,68-73,Ross Making playgrounds safe for children and children safe for playgrounds,1979,34,5,23-30,Henniger Helping children cope with violence,1993,48,4,4-11,Wallach Children surviving in a violent world: "Choosing non-violence",1993,48,6,13-15,Parry The National Television Violence Study: Key Findings and Recommendations,1996,51,3,54-60, Adopting Innovation in Early Childhood Education: The Child-Parent Center Program,2000,55,2,84-88,Reynolds Tender Topics: Exploring Sensitive Issues with Pre-K through First Grade Children through Read-Alouds,2013,68,1,84-89,Mankiw Promoting gun safety: sharing knowledge of child development to support informed decisions,2018,73,1,,Erdman