Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "Proud of violence" -- Psychoanalytic remarks on adolescence and right extremism,1992,46,8,745-768,Streeck-Fischer Suicide problems in Thomas Mann's work,1965,19,9,547-569,Dettmering Within the scope of the death drive,1971,25,6,433-451,Garma Suicidal act from the viewpoint of the psychoanalytic theory of narcissism,1975,29,3,191-207,Henseler Reflections on torturing,1977,31,3,228-245,Amati A special form of object relationship disturbance as the cause of delinquent behavior (joy riding),1978,32,9,848-859,Goldschmidt Aspects of family violence. An empirical examination,1981,35,10,927-962,Petri Suicide and depression in Senegal and in Africa,1984,38,8,696-709,Gueye Psychoanalysis of child abuse,1987,41,4,331-356,Windaus The psychodynamics of traumatic reaction,1988,42,6,502-532,Ehlert Remarks on false interpretations of Freud's seduction theory,1993,47,9,855-865,Eissler Organ worlds: basic principles of analytic body psychology,1993,47,3,261-282,Plassmann Panic need for panic and panic transmission. Sociopsychoanalytic remarks of contemporary disintegration processes based on Chernobyl and AIDS,1987,41,7,610-640,Buchholz Suicidal patients,1951,5,7,433-450,Plugge Freud's hypothesis concerning the death instinct; a critical study,1953,7,2,81-111,Brun A thief compelled to delinquency by a misguided reaction of her conscience,1954,8,9,546-558,Zulliger Psychoanalysis of an aggressive child,1955,9,3,172-189,Berna Psychotherapy of a young criminal skirt-cutter,1956,10,6,415-436,Schwab-neber From the psychoanalysis of a murderer,1958,12,1,18-32,Brandt The murder of how many of his children can a human being endure without symptoms and still be normal?,1963,17,,241-291,Eissler 3 typical constellations in delinquency in girls,1964,17,,649-663,Blos On the problem of disease dependency of (imagined) aggressive behavior. Picture frustration test results in male patients with bronchial asthma lung tuberculosis or heart defects of different duration of history,1967,21,4,266-282,Meyer Incest problems in the later works of Thomas Mann,1966,20,6,440-465,Dettmering The son of man. Freud's Oedipus myth,1993,47,7,647-683,Bollack Murderous sense of guilt,1994,48,3,248-270,Treurniet Analysis of a laborer with homicidal impulses,1994,48,3,191-247,Moersch Psychotherapy with mothers and infants in problem families,1994,48,12,1123-1153,Stoléru Patricide and the dialectics of enlightenment. The "fatherless society" as a model of psychoanalytic archaeology of modern times,1993,47,4,344-377,Heim Cain. The separation of shame and guilt exemplified in Genesis,1990,44,12,1100-1112,Bastian Patricide. On the background of Freud's "mass psychology and ego analysis",1984,38,12,1124-1148,van Ginneken Mental disorders in survivors of persecution. Observations in a polyclinic in Israel,1969,23,7,517-531,Györi Social implications of the Oedipus complex,1969,23,10,796-802,Kuiper Mental conflicts and high school structure,1969,23,10,772-795,Mahler The dependence theme in the rebellion of students,1969,23,10,762-771,Pohlen Clinical remarks on the psychopathology of genocide,1969,23,8,629-639,Federn "New" authoritarianism and right extremism. A time-related diagnostic conjecture,1995,49,11,1019-1042,Brede Problems of students with prolonged studies,1969,23,10,748-753,Ziolko Some comments on the practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Chile under military rule,1991,45,2,157-176,Jiménez de la Jara Aggression and prejudice: psychoanalytic observations on ritual murder accusations against Jews,1992,46,12,1122-1132,Arlow Experiences with group therapy in married couples of the upper lower class,1972,26,5,370-388,Junker Neurotic criminality and lustful murder,1990,44,1,81-101,Simmel Psychoanalytic treatment of a lustful murderess 1930,1990,44,1,71-80,Schultz Birth of a hero. Reagan's self-dramatization following the attempted 1981 assassination,1984,38,2,152-174,König Children of survivors from Nazi persecution. Psychoanalytic contributions,1974,28,3,249-265,Kestenberg The child of two survivors. Report on a treatment failure,1974,28,3,231-248,Lipkowitz Delayed reaction to concentration camp experiences,1974,28,3,221-230,Segall Depersonalization,1974,28,3,193-220,Jacobson Infanticide--a historical review,1976,30,5,418-435,Piers From the devil one is not even protected in heaven. Remarks on E. Reinke's report "Sociotherapy with prisoners" (Psyche 10/1987),1990,44,4,333-342,Fabricius Affect signal and aggressive behavior. 2 verbally formulated models of aggression,1978,32,3,229-258,Moser Sartre's Flaubert,1981,35,3,268-298,Mitzman De Sade: the body and the murder of reality,1981,35,3,237-252,Chasseguet-Smirgel The analyst as detective the detective as analyst,1985,39,1,1-11,Lorenzer Between outside and inside: the tyrannical instance. Report of two South American psychoanalysts,1979,33,7,610-619,Amigorena Some comments on Freud's repudiation of the seduction theory,1988,42,2,97-131,Knörzer Antisemitism in psychoanalyses. On the identity of Austrian psychoanalysts today,1989,43,1,1-19,Brainin Why siblings ?: The "sibling trauma" and the "law of the mother" on the "horizontal" axis,2017,71,9,812-840,Mitchell Sun Gods and sodomy: The lethal shame conflict in Racine's " Pbedre",2017,71,6,479-505,Winkler "Vertical splitting" and "hybrid psychosis." On Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina",1999,53,7,662-664,Dettmering Wahngänge. Von gezogenen und von umgestoßenen grenzen in den gedichten paul celans,2000,54,5,399-425,Bollack The death of Paul Celan,2000,54,9-10,1038-1063,Vogt Extended self-destruction: Culpable homicide with subsequent suicide. A heuristic study,2004,58,11,1035-1062,Puschel Between trauma and public. Testimony and literature with reference to Primo Levi,2003,57,9-10,960-981,Braese Evil as love and as liberation: The mind of a suicidal religious terrorist,2005,59,2,97-126,Stein "It is not you I have lost but the world". Passion and obsession in suicidal women,2005,59,9-10,918-943,Gerisch